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Kindergarten News: February 11, 2010

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February 11, 2010

For God so loved the world, that He

Upcoming gave His one and only Son, that
events whoever believes in Him, shall not
The ECE children will be perish, but have eternal life!
sharing their ‘love’ songs with
the members of St. Paul John 3:16
Church at the 10:40 service.
Your child can meet
downstairs at 10:20.

Valentine’s Day! Religion – We had a wonderful week learning about 2 more of Jesus’
The Kindergarteners will have special miracles! Jesus calming the storm and Jesus and Peter walking on
a day filled with special
water! What amazing stories! In Chapel Mrs. Mitchell reminded us how
centers and activities! We will
much Jesus loves us! Next week we will hear about Jesus feeding 5,000 and
enjoy some special treats and
pass out valentines to our healing a blind man and paralyzed man!

Book orders will be submitted

18 Language – We studied the letter G this week and did some wonderful
on Friday!
reading! We practiced reading sight words, listening and recognizing
President’s Day – No School rhyming words and even read our own Gingerbread Man book! Please
take some time to have your child share this with you! We also practiced
writing our name neatly on all of our work! J Next week we will be doing
some special Valentine reading and study the vowel E!

St. Paul Lutheran School

Math – We have been working hard on reading the clock – hours and ½ Ask your child about
hours! We practiced addition up to 10, skip counted by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
the special time they
and sorted, counted and graphed M&M’s with our PK4 friends! Ask your
child to share some math problems with you at home! Next week we will spent with their
continue to practice time and have an introduction to money! chapel buddy on
Friday! J
Science & Social Studies – We learned about the importance of taking
care of our teeth in our weekly reader! We also reviewed some
concepts about Rocks with Bill Nye the Science Guy! Next week we will
enjoy Valentine’s Day by making many hearts and learning about what “We really enjoyed
our heart does! decorating our
Valentine bags this

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