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Darshanik Background of Ayurveda A CONCEPTUAL WORK

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Review Article

International Ayurvedic Medical Journal

ISSN:2320 5091


Waghmare Sachin S.
Mhaiskar Bhushan D
Dept. of Ayurved Samhita, Yashwant Ayurvedic College P.G.T. & R.C at Kodoli,
Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India
Darshan is that due to which we get as it is knowledge of tatva. Darshan shastra mainly tries
to find origin of nature and human the same search was right from the Rugvedkal
which has
also discussed in Upanishad.. Actually it comes into existence in darshan shastra
stra. Different darshankars placed these tatvas mentioned in upnishadas inn sutra from. As a result they explained
Atma tatva according to their own opinion. As ayurveda is related with human body it has to
clarify how human body originates and this has been explained in systemic way in darshan shastra. But along with that ayurveda
veda has made use of these darshanic tatvas most of the time rere
garding disease, Certain things are play important role in Ayurveda and got darshinik impact on
Keywords: Darshana, Siddhant, Nyaya, Sankhya, Mahabhut, Pramana.

Effects of Sankhya darshan on Ayurveda:
Ayurveda has accepted the shrushti uttpatti
siddhant of Sankhya Darshan as it is. Only
mentioned avyakta tatva instead of prakruti
and purush tatva of Sankhya. So there are 25
tatvas in the shrushti utpatti of Sankhya dardar
shan while there are 24 tatvas in the shrushti
utpatti of ayurveda.
Sankhya darshan says mahabhut originates
from particular tanmatra like from shabda
tanmatra akash mahabhut develops
While ayurveda says that origin of mahabhut takes place by Vyapadeshastu
shastu Bhuysa
nyaya i.e. part of particular tanmatra and
1/8 part of each of other 4 tanmatras . By
this combination that particular mahabhut is
Taking the referance of three types
of dukhas Sushrutacharya5 explained three
types of dukha in sutrasthan of sushrut
samhita5. Ayurveda uses satkarayavad
siddhant of Sankhya darshana while explaining
the origin of fetus, development
ment of fetus.

While explaining the development

of fetus
Ayurveda describes that beej part arises from
shukra shonit samyog contains each & every
part of sharir .From this beej part every oror
gan of sharir develops. If any part of this
beej is defected
fected then developing organ of
embryo may also be defected. This descripdescrip
tion shows the satkaryavad of Sankhya darshan.
On the samee base of Satkaryavad,
Ayurveda explained the development of disdis
ease from particular doshas and also chikitsa
of same disease e.g. due to intake of excess
sheet gun ahar kapha prakop takes place
and kaphaj vyadhi develops. Ayurveda also
accepted Parinamavad of Sankhya darshan ,
while explaining the digestion of food Ayurveda explained that due to Aharparinamkar
bhav1 especially Agni i.e. pachakagni digest
the food & divided into Sar part and Kitta
part.. This digestion process takes place by
Parinamvad of Sankhya darshan.
While explaining Dhatuparinamvad1 i.e.
formation of Saptdhatu Ayurveda takes Parinamvad siddhant and applies it for Dhatu

Waghmare Sachin S.&Mhaiskar Bhushan D; Darshanik Background of Ayurveda

formation e.g. Ras dhatvagni 1digest the

ahar ras and converts it into Sar bhag of
ahar ras i.e. Ras dhatu. Thus up to shukra
dhatu1 all Sapt dhatus takes place by Parinamvad siddhant. Charak acharya explains
in Vimaansthan1 different modification that
occurs in different strotasa1 due to the same
Effects of Yog Darshan on Ayurveda:
Ayurveda has accepted Ashtang yog from
Yog Darshan as per requirement
Swsthscy swsth rkshnm turcy
vikr prshmnm1
The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain
the swasthya on account of which Ayurveda
used Yam and Niyam from Ashatang Yog1.
Ayurveda explains all 5 types of Yam 1 elaborating in Ashtang Yog.
Through this shloka Charak explained the
importance of Ahimsa . Also in Indriyasthan
Charak explained i.e. .speaking truth maintains physical as well as mental health. One
should avoid having a strong desire of other
woman and wealth. One should be faithful
regarding expectations. In the 30th adhyaya
of sutrasthan Charak describes Brahmcharya 1as Following other tatva is as best
as Virya in Balvardhan .For that maintaining
Brhamacharya is must. The Brhamacharya
pathway is regarded as one of the most superior pathway amongst all pathways.
Ayurveda has explained Brahmacharya1 as
one of Upstambha out of three Upstambha
i.e.Ahar and Nidra. Regarding Aparigraha
Charak explained that Parigrah 1 is one of
the cause Janapad dhwansa Vyadhi 1 for that
charak says that. Through this Janpad dhawansa Vyadhi 1develops. Thus Ayurveda has
not only accepted the Yam but also all
Niyam. Ayurveda Accepted Shauch i.e. a
type of niyam and used it into Dincharya as
Snan vidhi and Dantdhavan vidhi 1 Snanvidhi not only helps in keeping the body
clean but also acts as appetizer. While explaining Chatuspad 1, the chikitsak and
Paricharak both must have the Shauch guna
then after your chikitsa will successful. Thus
by obeying Yam & Niyam we can maintain



Swasthya avastha and it also help in purification of body & soul. As a result satvik
guna increases where as Rajsik and Tamsik
dosha disappears. Due to this, mental ability
remains stable & Pradnyparadh 1 is prevented which helps in maintaining Swasthya. Also Sadvrutta and Achar rasayan explained in Ayurveda is the part of Yam &
Pranayam: Ayurveda has accepted pranayam yog of Ashtang Yog. Patient suffering
from asthma lung disease heart disease diabetic patients etc can maintain the swasthya
by practicing Pranayam. By doing so, Vat
dosh can be controlled at the same time
Asan Yog also contributes in controlling vat
dosh. In swasthavrutta of Ayurveda various
asana are described which are further used
in destroying physical & mental diseases.
Pratyahar: Pratyahar means taking benefits
Indriya by not making use of them [stmy
indriyrth snyog]. As it is an important
Hetu; Ayurveda allows to take benefit up to
samyog. Thus swasthya is properly maintained. Still if asatmya yog occurs pratyahar
is the only chikitsa. Ayurveda explains
pradnyapradh1 in root cause of all diseases.
This can be treated by increasing satva
Effects of Vaisheshik Darshan on Ayurveda: Ayurveda explained Shat Padarths
mentioned in vaisheshik darshan. In sutrasthan adhyaya no 1 charak explains all of the
six padarthas1, 6 i.e. Dravya, Guna, Karma,
Samanya, Vishesh & Samvaya. Nine karan
dravyas of vaisheshik darshan 6 has been
accepted by Ayurveda & named it as dravyasangraha.
Charak acharya explains in sharir
sthan that our body is made up of millions
of molecules i.e. parmanues1. This statement
of Charakacharya indicates he has accepted
Parmanuvad of vaisheshik darshan.
By using pakajotpatti sidhant of Vaisheshik darshan Charak explains concept
like pachankriya1, saptdhatu 1 formation

IAMJ:Volume 2; Issue 3; May - June 2014

Waghmare Sachin S.&Mhaiskar Bhushan D; Darshanik Background of Ayurveda

trividh mal formation. Overall in this

process due to fusion of Jatharagni and
Dhatvagni transformation of Pakaj takes
places Vaisheshik darshan has mentioned 4
types of Tej mahabhut i.e. Divya tej, Akaraj
tej, Bhaum tej & audaryaj tej.
Divya tej: While preparing Ayaskriti kalp it
has to be kept in sunlight. This is nothing
but Divya tej. with the help of divya tej
ayurveda describes treatment of Fukkrog
kustha rog. It advices this patient to stay in
Akaraj tej : As soon as the birth of baby
takes place ayurveda asks to give her Suvarna and madhu to reduce excess kapha
To reduce effects of poisons ayurveda explains tamrabhasma with suvarnabhasma. In
swasthvrutta ayurveda explains to wear jewellary of suvarna dhatu it increases sharir
swasthya. These all descriptions show the
use of Akaraj tej.
Bhaum tej: For the purpose of swedan
karma, agnikarma and also in making the
aushadhi kwath aveleha etc Bhaum tej is
Audaryaj tej: Pitta dosha described by
ayurveda is nothing but audaryaj tej. There
are 13 types of agni which works with the
help of audaryaj tej.
Effects of Nyaya Darshan on ayurveda :
Nyaya darshan and vaisheshik darshan are
inter related with each other. In different
places ayurveda especially describes 16 padarthas and all the pramanas, which are
actually from nyaya darshan.while explaining vadmarg Charakacharya describes Jalp,
Vitanda, Chal 1 etc regarding tadvidha
sambhasha 1, which is originally from nyaya
darshan. Charak has explained nityanityatva
of atma 1 and punajanma 1 concept by panchavayavi vakya, which is the main concept
of nyaya darshan. Ayurveda accepted Ishavarvad of nyaya darshan and explain that
the jatharagni that digest our diet is nothing
but Ishvar i.e.God. Ayurveda accepts trividha karan vad of nyaya darshan and uses
it while explaining diagnosis of diseases and
also its treatment. While explaining atma



and mana ayurveda takes concept of Nyaya

Effects of Purva Mimansa Darshan on
Ayurveda: Ayurveda accepted Karmavipakvad of puvamimansa darshan 6 and applies
it to explain Sadvrutta and the cause of disease, some time some diseases develop due
to purvakarma. The disease develops from
purvakarma can not be cured by any treatment. Ayurved accepted nine dravyas1 out
of eleven dravyas described by puvamimansa darshan very clearly, while remaining two are also accepted but in other manner i.e. Shabd accepted as Srotrendriyagrahya 6 subject and andhakar accepted as
Chaya. Ayurveda accepted Karmkandkvad
of puvamimansa6 darshan and applies it to
explain shishopaniya sanskar gurupujan and
all other balak sanskar vidhies. Ayurveda
explains mantra, tantra, hom, upvas, dankarma etc for the treatment of balrog chikitsa. Description of Putreshthi Yadnya, Pusamvahanvidhi, jatakkarm, namkaran vidhi,
annaprashan vidhi of balak are nothing but
karmkandvad of purva mimansa darshan.
Effects of UttarMimansa Darshan on
Ayurveda: When one can get moksha he becomes Brahmaswarup. And brahmaswrup
atma cant seen by any of praman. Only
brahmadnyani people pass this. Above two
sutra of charak sharir sthan indicates, Concept of uttarmimansa darshan. Ayurveda
also accepts Panchikaran concept of bhutas
and modified it as a Vyapadeshastu
bhuyansa nyaya 6 while explaining shrushti
utpatti. Charakacharya explains Arishta
lakshnas in Indriyasthan with help of uttarmimansa darshans vivartvad sidhant 6.
Effects of Charvak Darshan on Ayurveda:
By observing pratyaksha praman vad of
charvak darshan ayurveda explains trividh
rugna pariksha i.e. darshan, sparshan &
prashnen. Following are some examples
showing applications of charvak darshans
Swabhava vad on a ayurveda
1. Ayurveda shastra has universally occurred.

IAMJ:Volume 2; Issue 3; May - June 2014

Waghmare Sachin S.&Mhaiskar Bhushan D; Darshanik Background of Ayurveda

2. Naturally there is no occurrence of hairs

on palm.
3. Pippali dravya is naturally of ushna guna
& wila always remain so.
4. Doshas get polluted & also pollute the
dhatus, this is the tendency of doshas.
5. Swabhav is one of the reason of shrushti
utapatti out of six reasons says Sushrut.
Effects of Jain Darshan on Ayurveda: By
accepting Anekantvad of Jain darshan ayurveda explains Shatkaranvad6 regarding
shrushtiutpatti1. Also in explaining karmukata of dravya ayurveda1 takes help of anekantvad. e.g. Some of the dravyas perform
sentimentally some potentially, some by
showing maturity and other by showing
glory. As a result instead of considering any
single opinion there should consideration of
multiple opinions.
Effects of Buddha Darshan on Ayurveda:
While defining sharirayurveda5 says this is
nothing but kshanbhangavad of Buddha
darshan. Buddha darshan advise to take
bhojan before Madhyan, ayurveda also prohibit meals at improper time i.e. Akal bhajana. Buddha darshan and ayurveda both
believes in Punarjanma. Description of shadrutu palan in ayurveda is based on Panchashil and Darshashil Niyamas of buddha
darshan. Thus by understanding effects of
all dashnas on ayurveda we can conclude
that all darshanas plays an important role in
elaborating ayurveda .so each & every students of ayurveda must know this Darshik
background of Ayurveda
Since the beginning of the age of
knowledge till today all the faculties rotate
and revolves around the principles of Indian
Darshanas and their theory of Pramaan1
and Prameya1 Though the different types of

Pramaan have been described by various

ancient philosophies and modern sciences
but basically they are only the manifestation
of three PRAMAANS1 as stated in NYAYA
DHARSHAN 6 i.e. Pratyaksh, Anuman and
Many centuries before the beginning
of Christian era, Indian Philosophers discovered the complete and perfect means of attaining absolute knowledge of any particular
and non particular matters and their state.
The oldest treaty Sankhya6 says,
i.e. three ways of examination 1 are capable and sufficient to describe the absolute
knowledge of each state of matter of the
universe, which may be unicellular or multicellular, molecular or non molecular. On the
basis of Pramana 1we all conclude and
stated Pramanas and all classical contexts
like mulbhut siddhants are depends on darshanas.
1.Shastri K.N; Chaturvedi G.N; Charak
samhita 8 ed. Chaukhambha bharti academy Varanasi 1981.
2.Sharma shivprasad Ashtang sangrah with
Sanskrit commentary of Indu chukhambha
Sanskrit series Varanasi 2012
3.Singh R.H; Ayurveda nidana chikitsa ke
siddhant 1ed. Chaukhambha Amar bharti
prakashan Varanasi 1983
4.Shastri S; madhav nidana with madhukosh
vyakhya 25ed. Chukhambha Sanskrit series
office Varanasi 1995.
5.Shastri A.D; sushruta samhita 8ed.
Chaukhambha Sanskrit series office varanasi 1993.
6.Shriram Sharma acharya vedmata gayatri
trust publications Maharshi Gautam Pranit
nyaya dashanam, Maharshi Kapil Pranit
sankhya darshnam.

Dr. Sachin S. Waghmare
Reader, Dept. of Ayurved Samhita
Yashwant Ayurvedic College P.G.T. & R.C
at Kodoli, Kolhapur, Maharsahtra, India



IAMJ:Volume 2; Issue 3; May - June 2014

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