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Chapter 5.3r

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The document discusses the process of calculating design wind loads for a steel portal-framed warehouse located in Auckland, New Zealand. It provides the site-specific and structural information needed and walks through determining the regional wind speed, direction multipliers, terrain factors, and shielding to calculate the design wind speed for each orientation. It then lists the external and internal pressure coefficients used for walls, roof, etc. and demonstrates calculating the net pressure across different elements.

The design wind speed is calculated for each orientation by taking the regional wind speed from AS/NZS1170.2, multiplying by the direction multiplier from the standard, terrain height factor, and any shielding multiplier as appropriate. This gives the site wind speed, from which the highest value for each orthogonal direction is taken as the design wind speed.

External pressure coefficients provided are +0.7 for windward walls, -0.5 to -0.9 for roof and leeward walls depending on location. Internal pressure coefficient is +0.63. These values are taken from Tables 5.2 and 5.3 of AS/NZS1170.2 based on height and geometry.


3 Example 3 - A steel-framed warehouse on the edge of an urban area

Design wind loads are required for a steel portal-framed warehouse in Manukau at the southern
edge of the Auckland metropolitan area. The relevant information is as follows:

Location : southern edge of Auckland (Region A6)

Terrain : Suburban terrain for westerly through northerly to south-easterly
directions. Open water to south and south-west.
Topography : ground slope less than 1 in 20 for greater than 5 kilometres in all
Dimensions : eaves height : 5.85 m
Horizontal dimensions, (Figure 5.3) : 25 metres 15 metres.
Gable roof with 5 degrees pitch.
average roof height = 5.85 + 0.5(7.5 tan 5o) = 6.2 metres
Building orientation : major axis is North-west South-east
Steel portal frame construction. Frames are spaced at 5 m.
The building has a large (4m wide by 3 m high) roller door on the south-west wall.
There are windows (1 m2) near the south-east end, and a small (2.5 m2) door near
the north-west end, of the north-east wall.


5 ba
ys @

5.85 m

5 m

25 m

Figure 5.3


= 15


Framing of industrial warehouse

Regional wind speed

According to AS/NZS1170.0 Table 3.1, [8], the structure should be treated as Importance
Level 2. Hence take average recurrence interval, R, equal to 500 years (Table 3.2 in [4]).
From Table 3.1 in AS/NZS1170.2, VR = 45 m/s (Region A)
Wind direction multipliers for Auckland (Region A6) are given in (Table 3.2). Values range
from 0.85 (N, S) to 1.0 (E, W).

z=h=6.2 m, for Terrain Category 3, Mz,cat = M6.2,cat3 = 0.83 (Table 4.1(A))
for Terrain Category 2, Mz,cat = M6.2,cat2 = 0.93 (Table 4.1(A), by interpolation))

The building has other industrial development to the north and west, assume a Shielding
Multiplier, Ms, of 0.85 for N, W, NW directions. Take Ms =1.0 for other directions.
Topographic Multiplier, Mt = Mh = 1.0
Site wind speed
Site wind speed for North direction, Vsit,N = 45(0.85)(0.83)(0.85)(1.0) = 27.0 m/s (Equation 2.2)
For all wind directions, site wind speeds are calculated in the following table.







Vsit, (m/s)






Design wind speeds

In this case, the building is orientated NE-SW and NW-SE, and the design wind speeds, Vdes,
can be obtained by inspection from Vsit, in the above table, for the four wind directions
orthogonal to the building walls:
Vdes,NE = 37.4 m/s (largest from N to E sector)
Vdes,SE = 37.4 m/s (largest from E to S sector)
Vdes,SW = 39.8 m/s (largest from S to W sector)
Vdes,NW = 31.7 m/s (largest from W to N sector)
Aerodynamic shape factor
External pressure coefficients, Cp,e
Windward walls : +0.7 taking z = h =6 m (Table 5.2(A))
Leeward walls (normal to long axis): -0.5 (Table 5.2(B))
Leeward walls (normal to short walls): -0.37 (Table 5.2(B) by interpolation for d/b =1.67)
Side walls (0 to 6.2 m from windward edge): -0.65 (Table 5.2(C))
Side walls (6.2 m to 12.4 m): -0.5
Side walls (12.4 m to 18.6 m): -0.3
Side walls (beyond 18.6 m): -0.2
Roof (0 to 6.2 m from windward edge): -0.9, -0.4 (Table 5.3(A))
Roof (6.2 m to 12.4 m): -0.5
Roof (12.4 m to 18.6 m): -0.3, +0.1
Roof (beyond 18.6 m): -0.2, +0.2
Area reduction factors (Table 5.4)
For wall loads on end frame columns (as side wall): tributary areas 5.85 2.5 = 14.6 m2
Ka = 0.97 (Table5.4 by interpolation)
For wall loads on central frame columns (as side wall): tributary areas 5.85 5 = 29.25 m2
Ka = 0.89
For roof loads on end frame rafters: tributary areas 15 2.5 = 37.5 m2 .
Ka = 0.88
For roof loads on central frame rafters: tributary areas 15 5 = 75 m2 .
Ka = 0.83
Local pressure factors (Table 5.6)
a = minimum of 0.2 15 m, 6.2 m = Min{3.0 m, 6.2 m} = 3.0 m
limiting tributary areas for local pressure factors : 0.25a2 = 2.25 m2
a2 = 9 m2

Internal pressures (Section 5.3)

The roller door will be treated as a potential dominant opening (12 m2) for SW wind only. The
background permeability of the other walls is estimated as 0.3% of the wall area, giving a total
area of 5.85 (25 + (2)(15)) 0.003= 0.965 m2.
Then ratio of dominant opening area to total open area due to permeability = 12/0.965=12.4
In this case, for SW winds,
Cp,i = +0.7 (Table 5.1(B))
For other wind directions, the roller door will be assumed closed with the building considered to
have all walls equally permeable.
Cp,i = -0.3 or 0.0 (Table 5.1(A))
Action combination factors
Case (a) in Table 5.5 is applicable to portal-frame loads for NE wind (3 effective surfaces):
Kc = 0.8
Case (b) in Table 5.5 is applicable to portal-frame loads for SW wind (4 effective surfaces):
Kc = 0.8
Case (c) or (d) is applicable, to portal-frame loads, for NW or SE winds, with roof pressures
combining roof with negative side-wall pressures, with or without internal pressures,
(3 or 4 effective surfaces):
Kc = 0.8
Case (h) may be applicable to doors, windows and cladding, if the magnitude of the internal pressure
coefficient is greater than or equal to 0.2:
Kc = 0.9
Otherwise, Kc = 1.0
Dynamic response factor
Cdyn = 1.0 (natural frequencies greater than 1.0 Hertz) (Section 6.1)


North-east wind direction (roller door closed Cp,i = 0.0)

All Frames
windward wall (north east wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = +0.7 (1.0) (0.8) = 0.56
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (+0.56)(1.0) = 470 Pa = +0.47 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0

pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa

Net pressure across wall surface = +0.47-(0.0) = +0.47 kPa
leeward wall (south west wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e= -0.5 (1.0) (0.8) = -0.40
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.40)(1.0) = -336 Pa = -0.34 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.34-(0.0) = -0.34 kPa

End frames
Roof (0 to 6.2 m from north east wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.9 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.72
(note that Kc cannot be less than 0.8/Ka - Section 5.4.3)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.72)(1.0) = -604 Pa =-0.60 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.60-(0.0) = -0.60 kPa
Roof (6.2 m to 12.4 m from north east wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.5 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.40
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.40)(1.0) = -336 Pa =-0.34 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.34-(0.0) = -0.34 kPa
Roof (12.4 m to 15 m from north east wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.3 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.24
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -201 Pa =-0.20 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.20-(0.0) = -0.20 kPa
Central frames
Same as end frames (combined Ka.Kc,e for roof pressures is equal to 0.8)

-0.20 kPa

-0.34 kPa

-0.60 kPa

-0.34 kPa

+0.47 kPa

Figure 5.4 Load case 1 NE wind

South-west wind direction (dominant windward opening on SW wall,

All Frames
windward wall (south west wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = +0.7 (1.0) (0.8) = 0.56
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.56)(1.0) = 532 Pa = +0.53 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.8) = 0.56
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.56)(1.0) = 532 Pa = +0.53 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = +0.53-(+0.53) = 0.0 kPa
leeward wall (north east wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.5 (1.0) (0.8) = -0.40
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.40)(1.0) = -380 Pa = -0.38 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.8) = 0.56
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = +0.53 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.38-(0.53) = -0.91 kPa

End frames
Roof (first 6.2 m from south west wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.9 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.72
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.72)(1.0) = -684 Pa =-0.68 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.8) = 0.56
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = +0.53 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.68-(0.53) = -1.21 kPa
Roof (6.2 m to 12.4 m from south west wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.5 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.40
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.40)(1.0) = -380 Pa =-0.38 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.8) = 0.56
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = +0.53 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.38-(0.53) = -0.91 kPa
Roof (12.4 m to 15 m from south west wall):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.3 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.24
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -228 Pa =-0.23 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.8) = 0.56
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = +0.53 kPa
Net pressure across roof surface = -0.23-(0.53) = -0.76 kPa
Central frames
Same as end frames (combined Ka.Kc,e for roof pressures is equal to 0.8)

-0.91 kPa

-1.21 kPa

0.0 kPa

-0.76 kPa


-0.91 kPa

Figure 5.5 Load case 2 SW wind

North-west wind direction (roller door closed, Cp,i = 0.0)

End frame at NW end
side walls (south west and north east walls):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.65 (0.97) (0.8/0.97) = -0.52 (Note that Ka.Kc,e = 0.8)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.52)(1.0) = -314 Pa = -0.31 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.31-(0.0) = -0.31 kPa
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e= -0.9 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.72
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.72)(1.0) = -434 Pa = -0.43 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.43-(0.0) = -0.43 kPa

-0.43 kPa

-0.31 kPa

-0.43 kPa

-0.31 kPa

Figure 5.6 Load case 3 NW wind end frame

First inboard frame from SE end

(downward roof load case, roller door closed, Cp,i = -0.3)
The tributary areas for this frame are between 17.5 m and 22.5m from the windward end. i.e.
between 2.8h and 3.6h from the windward end.
Fraction of area in 2h to 3h zone (1.1/5) = 0.22
Fraction of area in >3h zone (3.9/5) = 0.78
side walls (south west and north east walls):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = (-0.222)(0.89)(0.8/0.89) = -0.18
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.18)(1.0) = -109 Pa = -0.11 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.8) = -0.24
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -145 Pa = -0.14 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.11-(-0.14) = +0.03 kPa

Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = (+0.178)(0.83)(0.8/0.83) = +0.14
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (+0.14)(1.0) = +84 Pa = +0.08 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.8) = -0.24
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -145 Pa = -0.14 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = +0.08-(-0.14) = +0.22 kPa
+0.22 kPa

+0.22 kPa

+0.03 kPa

+0.03 kPa

Figure 5.7 Load case 4 NW wind inboard frame

South-east wind direction (roller door closed, Cp,i = 0.0)

End frame at SE end
side walls (south west and north east walls):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.65 (0.97) (0.8/0.97) = -0.52 (Note that Ka.Kc,e = 0.8)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.52)(1.0) = -436 Pa = -0.44 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.44-(0.0) = -0.44 kPa
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = -0.9 (0.88) (0.8/0.88) = -0.72
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.72)(1.0) = -604 Pa = -0.60 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.60-(0.0) = -0.60 kPa
-0.60 kPa

-0.44 kPa

-0.60 kPa

-0.44 kPa

Figure 5.8 Load case 5 SE wind end frame

First inboard frame from NW end

(downward roof load case, roller door closed, Cp,i = -0.3)
The tributary areas for this frame are between 17.5 m and 22.5m from the windward end. i.e.
between 2.8h and 3.6h from the windward (SE) end.
Fraction of area in 2h to 3h zone (1.1/5) = 0.22
Fraction of area in >3h zone (3.9/5) = 0.78
side walls (south west and north east walls):
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = (-0.222)(0.89)(0.8/0.89) = -0.18
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.18)(1.0) = -151 Pa = -0.15 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.8) = -0.24
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -201 Pa = -0.20 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = -0.15-(-0.20) = +0.05 kPa
Cfig (external) = Cp,e Ka Kc,e = (+0.178)(0.83)(0.8/0.83) = +0.14
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (+0.14)(1.0) = +117 Pa = +0.12 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.8) = -0.24
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.24)(1.0) = -201 Pa = -0.20 kPa
Net pressure across wall surface = +0.12-(-0.20) = +0.32 kPa
+0.32 kPa

+0.32 kPa

+0.05 kPa

+0.05 kPa

Figure 5.9 Load case 6 SE wind inboard frame


Frictional drag according to Section 5.5 applies only for the roof and side walls beyond a distance
of 4h (= 4 6.2 =24.8 m) from the windward edges. This distance clearly exceeds the along
wind dimension of 15 m for the NE and SW wind directions, and the frictional drag is therefore
zero. For the SE and NW directions the length of the building (25 m) is approximately equal to
4h; hence in these cases the frictional drag can be neglected also.

(note: for permissible stress design divide loads by 1.5)

For roller door (12 m2) on the south west wall:

positive case SW wind 39.8 m/sec door on windward wall
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = +0.7 (0.9) (1.0) = +0.63
(note: K= 1.0, since A> 0.25a2)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.9) = -0.27
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.27)(1.0) = -257 Pa = -0.26 kPa
Net pressure across door = +0.60-(-0.26) = +0.86 kPa

negative case SE wind 37.4 m/sec door on side wall

Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.5 (0.987) (1.0) (1.0) = -0.49
(notes: K= 1.0, since A> a2; Ka= 0.987 for A = 12 m2 from Table 5.4)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.49)(1.0) = -411 Pa = -0.41 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across door = -0.41-(0.0) = -0.41 kPa

For small door (2.5 m2 in area) on north-east wall:

Positive case NE wind 37.4 m/sec door on windward wall
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = +0.7 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = +0.63
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +529 Pa = +0.53 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.9) = -0.27
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.27)(1.0) = -227 Pa = -0.23 kPa
Net pressure across door = +0.53-(-0.23) = +0.76 kPa

Negative case NW wind 31.7 m/sec door on side wall

Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -0.975
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.975)(1.0) = -588 Pa = -0.59 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across door = -0.59-(0.0) = -0.59 kPa

Negative case SW wind 39.8 m/sec (with roller door open) door on leeward wall
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.50 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.45
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.45)(1.0) = -428 Pa = -0.43 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across door = -0.43-(0.60) = -1.03 kPa

(In this case, the SW wind case with positive internal pressure is clearly dominant; however, all
wind directions should be checked)

For windows (1 m2 in area) on north-east wall:

Positive case NE wind 37.4 m/sec window on windward wall
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = +0.7 (1.0) (0.9) (1.5) = +0.945
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (+0.945)(1.0) = +793 Pa = +0.79 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = -0.3 (0.9) = -0.27
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.27)(1.0) = -227 Pa = -0.23 kPa
Net pressure across window = +0.79-(-0.23) = +1.02 kPa

Negative case SE wind 37.4 m/sec window on side wall

Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.3 (negative case SE wind)
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-1.3)(1.0) = -1091 Pa = -1.09 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.0 (1.0) = 0.0
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = 0.0 kPa
Net pressure across window = -1.09-(0.0) = -1.09 kPa

Negative case SW wind 39.8 m/sec (with roller door open) window on leeward wall
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.50 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.45
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.45)(1.0) = -428 Pa = -0.43 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = 0.7 (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across window = -0.43-(0.60) = -1.03 kPa
(The SE wind case is the dominant one)

(note: for permissible stress design divide loads by 1.5)

Wall cladding
For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from the
north east corners: (NE Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.3
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-1.3)(1.0) = -1091 Pa = -1.09 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.09-(0.0) = -1.09 kPa

For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from the
north east corners: (SW Wind with roller door open)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.30 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.27
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.27)(1.0) = -257 Pa = -0.26 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.26-(+0.60) = -0.86 kPa
(NE wind case is dominant)
For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from the
south west corners: (SW Wind with roller door open)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (0.9) (2.0) = -1.17
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-1.17)(1.0) = -1112Pa = -1.11 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.11-(+0.60) = -1.71 kPa
For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from the north
east corners: (NE Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -0.975
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.975)(1.0) = -818 Pa = -0.82 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.82-(0.0) = -0.82 kPa
For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from the north
east corners: (SW Wind with roller door open)
(same as cladding with Area <2.25 m2 calculated previously)
Net pressure across element = -0.26-(+0.60) = -0.86 kPa
(in this case, SW wind is dominant)
For cladding on north west or south east walls Area< 9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from the south
west corners: (SW Wind with roller door open)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (0.9) (1.5) = -0.878
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.878)(1.0) = -834 Pa = -0.83 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.83-(+0.60) = -1.43 kPa
For cladding on south west wall Area< 2.25 m2 , between 0 and 1.5 m from the south east
corners: (SE Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.3
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-1.3)(1.0) = -1091 Pa = -1.09 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.09-(0.0) = -1.09 kPa

For cladding on south west wall Area <9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from the south east corners:
(SE Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -0.975
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-0.975)(1.0) = -818 Pa = -0.82 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.82-(0.0) = -0.82 kPa
For cladding on north east wall any area:
(SW Wind with roller door open)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.50 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.45
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.45)(1.0) = -428 Pa = -0.43 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.43-(0.60) = -1.03 kPa
For cladding on south west wall Area< 2.25 m2 between 0 and 1.5 m from the north west
corners: (NW Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.3
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-1.3)(1.0) = -784 Pa = -0.78 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.78-(0.0) = -0.78 kPa
For cladding on south west wall Area< 9 m2 between 0 and 3.0 m from the north west corners:
(NW Wind)
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.65 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -0.975
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-0.975)(1.0) = -588 Pa = -0.59 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.59-(0.0) = -0.59 kPa

Roof cladding
For roof cladding elements area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 3 m from corners on north east edge
of roof (NE or SE Wind) Case RC1:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (1.0) (3.0) = -2.7
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-2.7)(1.0) = -2266 Pa = -2.27 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -2.27-(0.0) = -2.27 kPa
For roof cladding elements area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from north east, or south east,
edges of roof (NE or SE Wind) Case RA2:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.8
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-1.8)(1.0) = -1511 Pa = -1.51 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.51-(0.0) = -1.51 kPa

For roof cladding elements area< 9 m2 in area, between 0 and 3.0 m from north east, or south
east, edges of roof (NE or SE Wind) Case RA1:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -1.35
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (37.4)2 (-1.35)(1.0) = -1133 Pa = -1.13 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.13-(0.0) = -1.13 kPa
For roof cladding elements area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from south west and north west
corners of roof (SW Wind with roller door open) Case RC1:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (0.9) (3.0) = -2.43
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-2.43)(1.0) = -2310 Pa = -2.31 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -2.31-(0.60) = -2.91kPa
For roof cladding elements area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from south west edge of roof
(SW Wind with roller door open) Case RA2:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (0.9) (2.0) = -1.62
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-1.62)(1.0) = -1540 Pa = -1.54 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.54-(0.60) = -2.14 kPa
For roof cladding elements area< 9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from south west edge of roof (SW
Wind with roller door open) Case RA1:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (0.9) (1.5) = -1.215
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-1.215)(1.0) = -1155 Pa = -1.15 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.15-(0.60) = -1.75 kPa
For roof cladding elements all areas, between 3.0 and 6.2 m from south west edge of roof (SW
Wind with roller door open) :
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.81
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.81)(1.0) = -770 Pa = -0.77 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.77-(0.60) = -1.37 kPa
For roof cladding elements all areas, between 6.2 and 12.4 m from south west edge of roof (SW
Wind with roller door open) :
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.5 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.45
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.45)(1.0) = -428 Pa = -0.43 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63

pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa

Net pressure across element = -0.43-(0.60) = -1.03 kPa
For roof cladding elements all areas, between 12.4 and 15 m from south west edge of roof (SW
Wind with roller door open) :
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.3 (1.0) (0.9) (1.0) = -0.27
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (-0.27)(1.0) = -257 Pa = -0.26 kPa
Cfig (internal) = Cp,i Kc,i = (0.7) (0.9) = +0.63
pint = (0.5)(1.2) (39.8)2 (+0.63)(1.0) = +599 Pa = +0.60 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.26-(0.60) = -0.86 kPa (cases above govern for this zone)
For roof cladding elements area< 2.25 m2, between 0 and 1.5 m from north west edge of roof
(NW Wind) :
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (1.0) (2.0) = -1.8
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-1.8)(1.0) = -1085 Pa = -1.09 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -1.09-(0.0) = -1.09 kPa (cases above govern for this zone)
For roof cladding elements between 2.25 and 9 m2, between 0 and 3.0 m from north west edge
of roof:
Cfig (external) = Cp,e (Ka) (Kc,e) (K) = -0.9 (1.0) (1.0) (1.5) = -1.35
pext = (0.5 air) Vdes,2 Cfig Cdyn = (0.5)(1.2) (31.7)2 (-1.35)(1.0) = -814 Pa = -0.81 kPa
pint = 0 kPa
Net pressure across element = -0.81-(0.0) = -0.81 kPa (cases above govern for this zone)
Governing design pressures for roof cladding elements, less than 2.25m2 in area, are shown in
Figure 5.10.
1.5 m


13.5 m








South west wall

6.2 m


1.5 m

Figure 5.10 Design pressures for roof cladding (kPa)

Loading on roof purlins should be applied as moving patch loads with the appropriate local
pressure factor for that area. For example, in this case, if the purlin spacing is 0.6 m, the tributary
area for a patch 2.5 m long (equal to one half the frame spacing) would be 2.5 0.6 = 1.5 m2.
Since this area is less than 0.25a2, the local pressure factor could be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 or 3.0,
depending on the distance of the centre of the patch from the roof edge or corner. Over the
remainder of the purlin, K should be taken as 1.0 for that load case; i.e. the loading should be the
same as that used for major structural members.

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