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Mihai Vacariu: Mobil: (+4) 0728619559 Email

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Mihai Vacariu

mobil: (+4) 0728619559

email: mvacariu@yahoo.com

Curriculum Vitae

PhD, National School of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest


Doctoral stage, (POSDRU Mobility), University of Sorbonne 3, Paris

2004- 2006

Masters of Communications Management, University of South Australia


Soros Scholarship, University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology


Master Degree, University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy


Graduate Diploma, University of Bucharest, Department of Philosophy

"Is cognitive neuroscience a pseudo-science?", G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, Datagrup,
Timioara, 2015
"In love with Tarkovsky A small treatise of living art", M. Vacariu, Adenium, Iasi, 2013
Mind, Life and Matter in the Hyperverse, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, University of Bucharest
Press, 2010
The mind-body problem in cognitive neuroscience, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu
Philosophia Scientiae, 17/2, June 2013, 2013
Representations, M. Vacariu, G. Vacariu, E. T. Rolls (Eds.), Synthese, vol. 219, no. 2,
November, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001
Dostoevskys religious ideas in Romania, Proceedings of The 3rd International
Conference Organized by Transilvania University of Braovs Faculty of Letters
and the Romanian Association of General and Comparative Literature (ALGCR)

Receptarea lui Dostoievski n spaiul cultural romnesc din perioada comunist, in

Cultura popular. Concepte, teme, puncte de vedere, ed. Marin Blan, Ioan
Pnzaru, Loredana Nicule, University of Bucharest Press, forthcoming 2015
Cenzura comunist i receptarea operei lui Dostoievski n contiina literar
romneasc, Revista de tiine Politice POLIS, forthcoming 2015
Troubles with cognitive neuroscience, Gabriel Vacariu and Mihai Vacariu,
Philosophia Scientiae, 17/2, June 2013
Introduction, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, Philosophia Scientiae, 17/2, June, 2013
Neurotiina cogniiei: tiin sau inginerie?, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, Problema
minte-creier n neurotiina cogniiei, G. Vacariu, G. tefanov (Ed.), Editura
Universitii Bucureti, 2013
Emulators, representations and Descartes ghost, M. Vacariu, G. Vacariu, The Annals
of University of Bucharest, 2010
Physics and Epistemologically Different Worlds, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, Revue
Roumanie de Philosophie, vol. 53, nr. 1-2, 2009
Neurotiina cogniiei i problema minte creier, G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu, Leon Zgrean, in Creier,
Fucionalitate, Dizabilitate, Eugen Avram (Ed.), Editura Universitar, Bucuresti, 2008
The I as an Epistemological Different World, The Annals of University of Bucharest, 2008
Explaining organizations from a dynamical perspective, M. Vacariu, The Annals of University
of Bucharest, 2007
The new paradigm: leadership as meaning making, M. Vacariu, The Annals of University of
Bucharest, 2006
The significant form in Tarkovskys art M. Vacariu, D. Offord, Revue Roumaine de
Philosophie, vol. 63, The Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2004
Tarkovsky and the function of art, M. Vacariu, The Annals of University of Bucharest, vol. 51,
Emergent representations and the dynamic structuralism M. Vacariu, in Philosophy of
Consciousness and Cognitive Science, Angela Botez and Bogdan Popescu (Eds.), Bucharest,
Cartea Romaneasca, 2002
In search for the Absolute, a series of essays about aesthetics of Andrei Tarkovskys in Timpul
(Time), starting with no.7, July, Iassy, 2002
Towards a very idea of representation G. Vacariu, M. Vacariu in Synthese, vol. 219, no.2,
November, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001

Mihai Vacariu_Resume

Mobile: 0728619559

Email: mvacariu@yahoo.com

Page 2

Ontology and explanation in the connectionist paradigm, M. Vacariu, Revista de Filosofie, vol.
52, Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
Various philosophical articles and book reviews between 1993-1996, in Romanian Cultural
Magazines: Axis, Monitorul, Timpul.

2015-present Associate Lecturer, SNSPA, Bucharest
2009 2013 Associate Lecturer, Technical University of Bucharest
2008 2013

General manager, Fi Communications, Bucharest

2005 2007 Communications strategist for the Lord Mayor of Adelaide

Michael Harbison (South Australia)
2001 2004 Private consultant, Artycom, Adelaide

Lecturer, ,,Spiru Haret University, Department of Philosophy, Bucharest


The Public Relations Institute of Australia


Mihai Vacariu_Resume

Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Publisher and MS Project

InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Quark Express and Macromedia
Dreamweaver (intermediate)

Mobile: 0728619559

Email: mvacariu@yahoo.com

Page 3


October 2014

October 2014
September 2014
July 2003
June 2003
November 2002

July 2001

June 2001

June 2001

March 2001

March 2000

June 2000

Mihai Vacariu_Resume

Debate on the Karamazov Brothers theme: If God doesnt exist, everything

is permitted organized by Faculty of Literature, Univ. Transilvania,
Dostoevsky Foundation. Participanti prof. dr. Serghei Akimovici Kibalnik
(State Univ. Sankt Petersburg), prof. dr. Adrian Lctu (Univ.
Transilvania), Mihai Vacariu (SNSPA)
International symposium Civilizaie european Unitate, Unicitate
Presentation of a paper: Principiul feminin n opera lui Dostoievski
Faculty of Philosophy Summer School Filosofie, tiin, teologie si cultura
Debate: Dostoievski n contiina literar romneasc
Philosophy Jamm, Adelaide, Australia
PowerPoint presentation: Tarkovsky and the function of Art
Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics, University of Sydney,
PowerPoint presentation: The Aesthetics of Andrei Tarkovsky
The Conference of the Film and History Association of Australia and New
Zeeland, Flinders University, Australia
Presentation of a paper: Spirituality in art: the films of Andrei Tarkovsky
University of Tasmania, Australian Association of Philosophy Conference,
Tasmania, Australia
Presentation of a paper: Relativity of Ontology and Reductionism in
Cognitive Science
University of Melbourne, Australian Association for History, Philosophy,
and Social Studies of Science Conference, Melbourne, Australia
Presentation of a paper: Emergent representations Towards a Dynamical
I received the Ian Langham Award for this paper.
University of Adelaide, Adelaide Flinders Research Seminar, Adelaide,
Presentation of a paper: Information Processing in the Brain: Structure vs.
University of Bucharest, Spring School on Cognitive Science, Bucharest,
Participants: Universities from Universities from Austria, Romania,
Hungary, Bulgaria, and Slovenia within the international program CEEPUS.
University of Bucharest, Complexity and the Brain Sciences Symposium,
Bucharest, Romania
Participants: Universities from Austria, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and
Slovenia within the international program CEEPUS.
New Bulgarian University, Summer School on Cognitive Science, Sofia,

Mobile: 0728619559

Email: mvacariu@yahoo.com

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