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The Thracian Amulet From Tartaria (Romania) : Open in Browser PRO Version

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The Thracian Amulet from Tartaria (Romania)

date d from the Ene olithic (C halcolithic) Era (circa 5000 - 4500 BC E)

The pictographic signs on the Am ule t from Tartaria, which are quite cle arly visible upon the table ts photograph (e x hibit A) can be pre se nte d in
a com pute r e nhance d ve rsion and in a sche m atic drawing, as pre se nte d re spe ctive ly in e x hibits B and C .
Ple ase , note that the Am ule t consists of four quadrants containing pictogram s, de fine d by the crossing of a horizontal and a ve rtical line going
through its ce nte r, which have be e n de libe rate ly drawn by the ancie nt scribe who produce d it. For the purpose s of our analysis the se four
quadrants have be e n num be re d he re with figure s ranging from 1 to 4, starting from the le ft uppe r quadrant. (N.B. In addition, it is im portant
to state that the re m ay (or m ay not) have be e n othe r additional signs on this artifact in the past, that have not be e n pre se rve d and/or are not
pre se ntly visible or disce rnable . If so, the se have not be e n tak e n into conside ration for the purpose s of our pre se nt re ading of the te x t).
The ide ntifie d pictographic signs upon the Am ule t (e x hibits B and C ) look e x actly lik e the Hie roglyphic Inscription pre se nte d as e x hibit D (and
D1), whe n the y are transcribe d using the stylize d late r ve rsion of the pictographic script, k nown to us from the pyram id te x ts of Ancie nt Egypt,
re nde re d he re in its com pute rize d calligraphic print.
Upon com parison, it be com e s e vide nt that the te x t displaye d on e x hibit B, e x hibit C and Ex hibit D (and D1), is absolute ly one and the sam e
ide ntical te x t, and that the two calligraphic style s (re spe ctive ly -the e arly Thracian, and the late Egyptian), re pre se nt one and the sam e
ide ntical pictographic script, which has com e to us down the age s in its condition and appe arance as se e n on Ex hibit A.
The e vide nt conclusions are as follows:

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1. The Script used in the engravings upon the A mulet of Tartaria found in present-day Romania and the Scripts used upon the Tablets of
Gradeshnitsa and Karanovo, found in the land of A ncient Thrace (present-day Bulgaria) are identical to each other and also
IDENTICA L TO the Scripts used in similar tablets and in the pyramid texts, found in A ncient Egypt!!! In other words they all
represent one and the same IDENTICA L Hieroglyphic writing!
2. The Tablets from Gradeshnitsa, Tartaria and Karanovo, found in the land of A ncient Thrace, predate similar artifacts found in Egypt by
about two thousand years. A pparently, this particular type of Hieroglyphic Script had originated and was first used in A ncient Thrace,
and it was later transferred and introduced in A ncient Egypt.
As alre ady m e ntione d, the pictographic sym bol that im m e diate ly caught our atte ntion from the be ginning, and e ve n from our ve ry first glance
on the Am ule t of Tartaria, was the Pictogram m e aning Thrace and Thracian, which we alre ady k now quite we ll from the first book of the
se rie s The Thracian Script De code d. R e m e m be r, it was first ide ntifie d on the Dje r (Tse r) Table t (found in Egypt, circa 3000 BC E, and k e pt at
the British Muse um ) and the n upon the Votive Table t from Grade shnitsa (found in Thrace , circa 5000 BC E and k e pt at the Vratsa R e gional
Muse um , Bulgaria)! To re capitulate what we said the n, this Thracian Signature hie roglyph, was also found in a num be r of othe r place s am ong
which was the R oyal Te m ple C om ple x at Sve shtare (Bulgaria), upon quite a fe w pie ce s of gold and silve r ve sse ls from the Thracian tre asure s
found at dive rs place s in Bulgaria, and in som e m ore hie roglyphic inscriptions from Ancie nt Egypt. (For m ore de tail, ple ase , che ck out pp. 3941, and 104-107 of the first e dition of The Thracian Script De code d-I, 2006, ITS.)
Now once again, we display be low som e of the varie ty of ways this Pictogram , m e aning Thrace and/or Thracian was drawn,








e ach adding an additional spe cific attribute to the m ain ide ogram ic, or phone tic value of the Pictogram , which attribute s in the above give n
case s have the following re spe ctive m e anings:
1. the four pillars of the world
2., 3. and 4. the back -bone of the world, or the spinal colum n
5. Divine W ords (Sce pte rs)
6. Land of Divine W ords
7. Land of Me galiths (Me galithic Te m ple s)

In the case of the Am ule t of Tartaria, the hie roglyphic pre se ntation of the sign
its de scription as Thrace the back bone of the world


fits the m e aning of the word Thrace with

(1) God-The -Fathe r

(3) (will) fight in (the ir)

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(2) (while ) the Thracian

(4) (shall bring) altars
of m ate rial and spiritual
offe rings (to Him ).
Ex hibit A

Ex hibit B

Ex hibit C

Ex hibit D

Ex hibit D1

Ex hibit E

A. Photograph of the Thracian Am ule t

B. C om pute r Enhance d Photograph of the Am ule t
C . Sche m atic Drawing of Thracian Am ule t Early-Thracian ve rsion of the Hie roglyphic Script
D. Stylize d Late -Egyptian Hie roglyphic Transcript of the Am ule t - (Q uadrants #1 and #2 ne e d to be rotate d to a 90 to facilitate
re ading)
D1. Stylize d Hie roglyphic Transcript of the Am ule t Late -Egyptian ve rsion of the Hie roglyphic Script (Q uadrants #1 and #2 have be e n
rotate d as ne e de d!!!)
E. Translation of the Te x t of all four Q uadrants of the Tracian Am ule t
In the proce ss of analyzing the re lationships be twe e n the inscriptions in the diffe re nt quadrants, we ine vitably stum ble again and again upon
the fact that the spatial orie ntation of the pictogram s in Q uadrants #1 and #2, has be e n arrange d by the ancie nt scribe in such a way, that
the y have to be rotate d around the puncture d ope ning on the Am ule t (re pre se nting the Sun?) 90 clock wise for Q uadrant #2, and the sam e
de gre e counte rclock wise for Q uadrant #1, in orde r to have the corre ct position of the hie roglyphs inscribe d in the m to be re adable ! W hy is that
so? W hat point did the ancie nt Author inte nd so hard to pre ss, that he had to use such m e ans to ge t our atte ntion?
To answe r the above que stion, we ne e d to be e nable d with a little bit of m ore spe cific k nowle dge about the ancie nt Egyptian hie roglyphic
script, which as we alre ady e stablishe d be fore , was ide ntical in characte r, and sim ilar in calligraphic style to its e arly Thracian ve rsion, as found
on all the Thracian table ts which are now obje cts of our analysis. Le ts tak e a close r look at Q uadrants # 1 and # 2 of the Thracian Am ule t
once again:
In orde r to appre ciate the re asoning of the ancie nt scribe be hind the pe culiar spatial arrange m e nts of the displaye d pictogram s above , we
ne e d to k now a tiny little de tail that will m ak e for us all the diffe re nce as to how we be gin to pe rce ive the whole m e ssage from Tartaria!
The hie roglyph
Lord (Maste r) and the hie roglyph
e ach othe r pictographic signs.

bre ad (and phone tic t) are two ide ntical, but spatially diam e trically opposing

The word Fathe r

pronounce d in Egyptian e f-Yot* (Yote f, Ate f), consists of two pictogram s, the first of which stands for k nife
(phone tic i) and the se cond for bre ad (phone tic t). This fact is quite curious, since the Bulgarian language has pre se rve d to this ve ry day
the idiom atic saying: You are m y fathe r, you are m y m othe r. The k nife and the bre ad the y both are in your hand, m e aning I totally
de pe nd on you and I de spe rate ly ne e d your he lp. Be lik e a fathe r figure to m e ! In addition, the Bulgarian word O te c (Yot-e c) = Fathe r
probably originate d from the Yot-e f form of the word, liste d above ! It is ve ry lik e ly that the word pitta for bre ad in Bulgarian, was de rive d
from pi-taj(the -bre ad)* pronunciation of the

ide ogram ! Q uite prope rly in both e arly Thracian and ancie nt Egyptian, the word Fathe r-

God (God-the -Fathe r), contains the sam e pictogram for bre ad

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, but also the additional hie roglyph

, m e aning Be ginning of all


be ginnings or O ne without Be ginning. Thus as a re sult we have the unique com posite pictogram
e x te nde d intrinsic m e aning of The O ne Fathe r of all Be ginnings.
Now we can be gin se e ing a totally ne w pe rspe ctive in the m e aning of the te x t on the Am ule t from Tartaria:

for The Fathe r-God, with the

When we look at the A mulet oriented in the pos ition as s hown above, it bec omes evident that the anc ient author oriented
the pic tograms deliberately in this partic ular way to s trongly remind the T hrac ian L ords that they s hould not s ee
thems elves primarily as rulers and mas ters , but firs t and for mos t as Fathers of the T hrac ian people. T o pres s this

point of view, the s c ribe us ed the juxta- pos ition of the words : Fathers "

and the inverted pic togram for L ords of

T hrac e
(ins tead of
), to bring home (by the obvious likenes s between the pic tograms ) the c onc ept of
the Rulers of T hrac e being rais ed and appointed by G od to be in effec t Fathers of T hrac e. N ow, this in turn lifts the
written c laus es of this formal c ontrac t between the kings of T hrac e and the D eity to a new and higher level of
Sac rednes s and Sanc tity, as it obligates the L ords of T hrac e to bring their due material and s piritual offerings , not
s imply bec aus e of legitimate res pec t and fear of the L ord G od A lmighty, but firs t and for mos t bec aus e they are the
Fathers of T hrac e and their s ourc e and root (expres s ed by the Father- G od pic togram under theirs ) is the G reates t
Father of all fathers i.e. T he L ord G od A lmighty H ims elf! T he idea behind this Sac red C ovenant reading is , that if the
kings and nobles of the land of T hrac e des ired and expec ted the Father- G od to take c are for them and fight for their
interes ts as their own natural father would, then they thems elves were als o expec ted by H im to ac t as fathers of their
own people and nation in return, and to make it their own job and interes t to c are for their own people and their nations
pros perity, by bringing worthy s piritual and material offerings and works !

W he n we rotate once again the Am ule t to the angle of vie w de picte d in the e x hibit be low, we are bound to se e the othe r side of the bargain,
which m ak e s it quite cle ar what would follow if the Lords of Thrace forge t to fulfill the ir obligations:

H ere we s ee that the orientation of the pic tograms by the anc ient author gives a very different reading of the text by
deliberately pres enting the hieroglyph of G od- the- Father

, in its inverted form

(c ontaining

ins tead

) to underline its meaning as L ord of A ll Beginnings (or L ord without Beginning), ins tead of Father of A ll
Beginnings (or Father without Beginning). A nd s inc e this pic togram is pos itioned now above the hieroglyphs for the
L ords of T hrac e, it bec omes an ins tant warning to the human s ide of the C ovenant, that if they who are the kings and
nobles of T hrac e, begin to pride too muc h in their exalted pos itions and indulge in their Rulers hip, rather than their
Fatherhood over the people and land of T hrac e, thus failing to c are properly for their peoples wellbeing and pros perity,
then they s hould know that they too have a M as ter and L ord over all of them, and H e is T he L ord G od of A ll.
T herefore, if they turn out to be merc iles s mas ters who bec ome unworthy bec aus e of their c ruel treatment of their own
people and land, and thus fail to bring the due s piritual and material offerings expec ted from them by G od- the- Father,
then in that c as e - H e als o would c eas e to ac t as their father, but would bec ome to them a punis hing and merc iles s
L ord- M as ter above A ll, ac c ording to their own works ! C urious ly enough, the word lord

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, pronounc ed neb (nev,


or nav)* als o gave a derivative word to the Bulgarian language. J us t as nav means mas ter and lord, s o es - nav
means to lord it over, and it was pres erved as the modern word es naf, whic h has s omewhat negative meaning akin to
a noble s nob in modern Bulgarian, yet only a c entury ago, it meant a dis tinguis hed mas ter (of a guild organization)!

If we are to put the above te x t into the e ve ryday lingo of our m ode rn tim e , it would sound som e thing lik e this:
"The A lmighty God-The-Father, (King of kings and) Lord of lords
will fight in support of the Thracian (kings and) lords,
while they shall be (true) Fathers to their people
and shall bring to Him (worthy) offerings in substance and in spirit."
Thus, using just a fe w pictogram s and a spe cial spatial arrange m e nt be twe e n the m , the ancie nt Author who e ngrave d the te x t upon the
Thracian Am ule t from Tartaria, m anage d to say in a pe rfe ctly chose n concise form , quite a fe w im portant things, which constitute d a Sacre d
C ove nant (contract) be twe e n God and the R ule rs of Thrace . And this happe ne d around 5000 BC E, during an e poch which the classical
te x tbook s of history and anthropology have pre se nte d to us as ve ry prim itive and de void of any writte n thought e x pre ssion, le t alone
sophistication of le ve ls com parable to those docum e nte d above , which our fore fathe rs the Thracians e x pre sse d in writing 7000 ye ars ago!
Se e also the de coding of othe r artifacts containing the Thracian Script

* in the Boharic (North Egyptian C optic) Diale ct

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