Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Mathematics in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Mathematics in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Unesco - Eolss Sample Chapters: Mathematics in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Annette Imhausen
Historisches Seminar: Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Goethe University Frankfurt,
60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2.1. Egypt
2.2 Mesopotamia
3. Beyond the school: mathematics in daily life, literature and art
3.1. Egypt
3.2. Mesopotamia
4. Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics in the Graeco-Roman periods
5. Summary: Egypt vs. Mesopotamia
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Biographical Sketch
Egypt and Mesopotamia were the first civilizations to develop mathematical cultures for
which we still have written evidence today. For both civilizations, mathematics
constituted an essential tool to administer available resources; many of their
developments seem to have happened at the same time. However, while Mesopotamia
and Egypt even used mathematics to handle similar administrative and organization
tasks, their mathematical cultures show significant differences, clearly indicating that
mathematics is a cultural product, dependent on the humans who create, use and change
it. To be fully understood, the development of mathematics in Egypt and Mesopotamia
has to be seen in light of their respective historical and cultural backgrounds (for
introductory overviews of Egyptian history cf. Shaw 2000, for the history of
Mesopotamia cf. Roux 1993 and van de Mieroop 2006.).
1.1. Egypt
Around the end of the 3rd millennium BCE, a social stratification of Egypt’s population
can be traced, based on evidence from cemeteries. As in later periods, evidence from
Egypt usually originates from cemeteries (or temples), because these happened to be in
desert areas, where excellent conditions existed for the preservation of artifacts. In
contrast, only little evidence from cities has survived. Then as in modern times,
Egyptian towns and cities were located mostly in direct proximity to the Nile, i.e. in
proximity to water and humidity. As a consequence, modern settlements have been built
on top of the ancient settlements, and have rendered the latter unavailable for
archaeological excavations. But even if this were possible, it is uncertain how much
would have survived the moist conditions.
Cemeteries from the 3rd millennium show tombs of different sizes. There exist a large
number of smallish-sized one-room tombs, fewer larger tombs with several rooms, and
then some outstanding large tombs with even more rooms. A good example of this
variety of tomb sizes can be found at cemetery U at Abydos. And it is in this cemetery
that the earliest evidence for writing in Egypt has been discovered (Dreyer 1998). It
seems that from the outset, writing was a tool which the elite managed to restrict to
themselves. Early evidence suggests that writing was used to represent power as well as
to administer goods when their amounts became too large to be overseen without a
written record. Consequently, it is not surprising that numbers appeared with the first
evidence of writing. From the beginning, two systems seem to have been in use, a
hieroglyphic script, where signs were incised into stone objects, but also a script written
with ink and a brush on pottery and other suitable surfaces. Throughout later Egyptian
history, hieroglyphs were used for monumental inscriptions in stone, whereas hieratic
was used for the kind of writing needed in daily life, mostly on papyrus or ostraka
(stone or pottery sherds).
The number system used in Ancient Egypt can be described in modern terminology as a
decimal system without positional (place-value) notation. It used different signs for 1,
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10, 100, 1000, 10.000, 100.000 and 1.000.000. Why the individual signs were attached
to their specific numerical values is to some degree arbitrary, however, some may have
represented by a rope: from later periods, 100 cubits = 1 xt was used as a measure to
determine the size of fields, a process which was executed with a rope. 1000 is
represented by the hieroglyph of the lotus flower, 10,000 by the hieroglyph of a finger –
again, one could think of 10,000 as 10 times 1000 and thereby create the association of
our ten fingers. 100,000 was represented by the hieroglyph of a tadpole – probably from
the observation that these appear in rather large numbers. The largest Egyptian sign for
a number was that for 1,000,000, which was represented by the seated god ¡H. Each of
these signs was written as often as required to represent the specific number, e.g. 205
would be written by writing the sign for 100 twice and the sign for 1 five times. Like in
hieroglyphic script, the individual signs would be grouped appropriately. There was no
sign for the zero – since the Egyptian number system did not use the place-value
characteristic, it sufficed to leave out the symbol for ten to indicate the absence of tens
in a number like 205.
The Egyptian number system was fully developed at the time of king Narmer, as is
documented by his ritual mace head, which was found at temple of the god Horus at
Hierakonpolis, the most important predynastic site in the south of Egypt. The object
originated from a ceremonial context and the scenes represent King Narmer receiving a
tribute consisting of bulls, goats, and captive prisoners. The numbers of each are
indicated below them: 400,000 bulls, 1,422,000 goats, 120,000 captives. The symbols
and method used to express these rather high numbers are the same as those employed
later in hieroglyphic inscriptions. Thus, this mace head gives evidence for a fully
developed number system before the First Dynasty. It also demonstrates that the number
system was not only used for obvious administrative purposes, but it was also important
in representational spheres of Egyptian culture.
The period of the Old Kingdom is usually considered to be the first cultural peak in the
history of ancient Egypt, which is documented by its output in art, architecture and
literature. It is hard to imagine that this could have taken place without the further
development of mathematical techniques. The Great Pyramid of Giza, for example,
which required several million limestone blocks in its construction, must have been a
major logistic enterprise, and it is hard to grasp without the use of mathematics for
architectural calculations (e.g. determining the relation of base, height and inclination or
the amount of stones required). Furthermore, the logistics of a project of this scale
(number of workers, rations of the workers and others) also obviously required the use
of mathematics. Unfortunately, practically no information about mathematical
techniques used at that time has survived. Despite this lack of direct evidence, however,
there are a number of signs that mathematics indeed did play a significant role during
the Old Kingdom. Depictions in tombs regularly show scribes as administrators taking
inventory of various goods. From these depictions it is obvious that literacy and
numeracy were essential prerequisites for a bureaucratic career, as is also expressed in
the scribal statues, a statue type found in the tombs of high ranking officials. This
evidence documents the importance of scribes in the achievements of the Egyptian state,
and at the same time their own awareness of their role. So called- market scenes, found
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in a number of graves, inscriptions about land-ownership found in another tomb, and the
papyrus archives from two temples of the Old Kingdom prove the existence of several
metrological systems, to measure lengths (e.g. of a piece of cloth), areas (of land),
volumes (e.g. of grain, grain products or beer) and weights.
Another part of mathematics can be traced back at least as far as the Old Kingdom:
fractions. The Egyptian concept of fractions, i.e. parts of a whole, was fundamentally
different from our modern understanding. This difference is so elementary that it has
often led to a distorted analysis of Egyptian fraction reckoning viewed solely through
the eyes of modern mathematicians, who marveled at the Egyptian inability to
understand fractions in the same way we do. However, the Egyptian system of fractional
notations and their handling in calculations becomes understandable if the evolution of
the Egyptian concept of fractions is traced from its beginnings. The first Egyptian
fractions consisted of a small group of specific fractions designated by individual
special signs. These fractions are first attested within the context of metrological
systems, i.e. 3/4 in 3/4 of a finger (an Egyptian length measure), 1/4 in 1/4 of a sTAt
(an Egyptian area measure), but they retain their notation in later times as abstract
fractions (for a detailed account of these early fractional notations in Egypt and
Mesopotamia cf. Ritter 1992). From this set of earliest fractions, a general concept of
fractions seems to have developed. The list of earliest fractions comprises 1/2, 1/3 and
1/4, and it may be inferred that from these first fractions, fractions came to be
understood as the inverses of integers. As a consequence, the Egyptian notation of
fractions did not consist of numerator and denominator, but rather of the respective
integer of which it was the inverse and a symbol to designate it as an inverse, i.e. a
fraction. The hieroglyphic sign that came to be used for this purpose was the sign for
part, which was already used in the writing of 2/3 and 3/4. In order to designate a
“general fraction” (always an inverse), it was placed above the integer of which the
fraction was the respective inverse. In hieratic, this fraction-marker was abbreviated to a
mere dot. One of the first researchers of Egyptian fraction reckoning, Otto Neugebauer,
devised a notational system, which imitates this Egyptian notation (Neugebauer 1926).
Fractions (i.e. inverses of integers) are rendered by the value of the integer and an over-
bar to mark them as fractions. This notational system is close to the Egyptian concept
and remains the best way of rendering Egyptian fractions. Following the concept of
fractions as inverses of integers, the next step would have been to express parts that
consist of more than one of these inverses. This was done by (additive) juxtaposition of
different inverses, e.g. what we write as 5/6 was written in the Egyptian system as 1/2
1/3. The writing of any fractional number thus consisted of one or more different
inverses written according to their size in descending order. Note that this notation
enables one to be as accurate as necessary by considering only elements up to a certain
size. It also allows for an easy comparison of the size of several fractions, e.g. while the
immediate comparison of 5/8 and 4/7 only yields that they are both a little more than
1/2, their representation as Egyptian-style fractions 1/2 1/8 and 1/2 1/14 allows for
immediate comparison.
1.2. Mesopotamia
As will be the case throughout this comparison of the first mathematical cultures,
evidence for the invention of numbers and writing is much more plentiful from
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Mesopotamia than from Egypt. While we can trace little or no development of script
before the first evidence from tomb Uj, precursors of writing in Mesopotamia appear as
early as 8000 BC. Little clay objects of a variety of specific shapes like disks, cylinders,
cones, spheres were found throughout the Near East. Denise Schmandt-Besserat
identified these objects as counters, and has developed a theory for how writing evolved
from their use (e.g. Schmandt-Besserat 1996). Individual shapes represented individual
measuring units of specific goods. During the Late Uruk Period (3600-3150 BC), tokens
appear to have been placed into envelopes, hollow clay spheres, which were sealed with
the seal of the owner of the goods recorded by those tokens. This indicates the transition
from a time when exchange of goods was based on trust and personal guarantees to a
The earliest metrological texts originate from late fourth millennium Uruk (Robson
2008, p. 75). They show a variety of metrological systems according to the type of
object to be measured (for examples see Nissen/Damerow/Englund 1993, p. 28-29), e.g.
discrete objects, grain products, rations, areas, weights and others. Prompted by an
administrative organization that was large and complex, the sexagesimal place value
system, one of the key foundations of Mesopotamian mathematics, was probably
developed at the beginning of the Ur III period (Robson 2008, p. 77). Only two basic
signs were used to write numbers, a vertical wedge and a corner wedge. Ten vertical
wedges equaled one corner wedge. Multiples of these two signs were used to write
numbers up to 59, e.g. three vertical wedges to write the number 3, or two corner
wedges and five vertical wedges to write the number 25. The number 60 was again
written by a vertical wedge, with its position indicating its value. Thus the number 75
would be written by a vertical wedge (= 60), followed by a corner wedge and five
vertical wedges (=15). The actual value of a vertical wedge (600, 601, 602, and so on) or
a corner wedge (10×600, 10×601, 10×602, and so on) was determined by its place.
Sexagesimal fractions were written using the same signs, a vertical wedge (60-1, 60-2,
60-3, and so on) and a corner wedge (10×60-1, 10×60-2, 10×60-3, and so on), their actual
value again determined by their position in the representation of a number. Unlike our
modern decimal place value system, however, the Mesopotamian sexagesimal system
did not have a symbol for zero, nor a decimal point, and therefore the absolute value of
a number-representation without any context could be ambiguous.
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While the bulk of mathematical texts from Mesopotamia originates from the Old
Babylonian period, finds of tablets with mathematical contents begin as early as the
are discussed in Friberg 1997/1998. They include field-area and field-side texts. Field-
area texts indicate numbers representing areas, field-side texts record the lengths of the
sides of a quadrilateral field (Friberg 1997/1998, p. 8). Each of the numeric values is
indicates two horizontal dimensions, each marked by a horizontal line – with numeric
values 1 15 (rods) and 1 00 (rods) and two vertical dimensions of 2 00 (rods) by 1 40
(rods). Friberg 1997/1998, p. 11 proposes that the field-side texts provided the
necessary data to compute the area ( A ) of the respective field (with sides a, b, c, d )
according to the approximation rule A = ½ (a + c) × ½ (b + d ) , with a and c , b and
d designating opposite sides of the quadrilateral field.
Our main sources for our knowledge of Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics are
the so-called mathematical texts from each culture. Not all texts that involve numbers
are what we call “mathematical texts”. Using a definition from Eleanor Robson,
mathematical texts are texts that “have been written for the purpose of communicating
or recording a mathematical technique or aiding a mathematical procedure to be carried
out” (Robson 1999, p.7). Egypt and Mesopotamia produced a major corpus of
mathematical texts at roughly the same time, about 1800 BCE. In Egypt this coincides
with the Middle Kingdom; in Mesopotamia, with the Old Babylonian period. The
choice of writing material in each culture, papyrus in Egypt and clay tablets in
Mesopotamia, has led to the situation that, apart from a few chance finds, the Egyptian
mathematical papyri have been lost, whereas thousands of mathematical clay tablets
from Mesopotamia survive. This should not be seen as an indicator that the output of
Mesopotamia was of a much higher quantity; rather, the modern reader needs to be
aware that the few mathematical texts extant from ancient Egypt are unlikely to give us
as detailed a picture of mathematics in Egypt as the one we obtain from the much richer
evidence from Mesopotamia (for editions of mathematical texts from Egypt see Peet
1923, Struve 1930 and Imhausen/Ritter 2004; Clagett 2000 presents a collection of
sources in one volume; for editions of Mesopotamian mathematical texts see
Neugebauer 1935-1937, Neugebauer/Sachs 1945, Robson 1999, Robson 2004, Friberg
2007 (tablets from a private collection) and Proust 2007 and Proust 2008). Note that the
earlier editions originate from a time when it was common practice to “translate”
ancient mathematics into modern mathematical notation and terminology, a practice that
has since been recognized as misleading. For modern approaches cf. Ritter 1995, Ritter
2004 and Høyrup 2002; for an overview of the historiography of Mesopotamian
mathematics see also Høyrup 1996)
The context of the mathematical texts in each culture was that of education, more
precisely education of scribes who would need mathematical abilities in their daily work
when administering all kinds of goods. The mathematical texts are the most important
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sources for our knowledge of Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics. They inform us
not only about the types of problems, but indicate also how they were solved, and (in
the case of Egypt) how some arithmetic operations were solved in written form. The aim
of any Egyptian or Mesopotamian mathematical problem was the numeric solution of a
Abdulaziz, Abdulrahman A. (2008). “On the Egyptian method of decomposing 2/n into unit fractions”.
Historia Mathematica 35: 1–18 [The most recent analysis of the 2÷n table by a mathematician.]
Alster, Bendt. (2008). “Scribes and wisdom in ancient Mesopotamia”. In: Leo G. Perdue: Scribes, Sages
and Seers. The sage in the Eastern Mediterranean World (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des
Alten und Neuen Testaments Vol. 219), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: 47-63 [Overview of
scribes in ancient Mesopotamia, development of scribal profession, curriculum of scribal education etc.]
Belli, Giula and Barbara Costa. (1981). “Una tabellina aritmetica per uso elementare scritta in demotico”.
Egitto e Vicino Oriente 4: 195-200 [Edition of a demotic arithmetical table.]
Benoît, Paul, Karine Chemla and Jim Ritter (1992). Histoire de fractions, fractions d’histoire. Basel:
Birkhäuser [Volume about fractions in various cultures.]
Black, Jeremy, Cunningham, Graham, Robson, Eleanor and Zólyomi, Gábor. (2004). The Literature of
ancient Sumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press [Most recent edition of Sumerian literature.]
Brack-Bernsen, Lis. (1997). Zur Entstehung der Babylonischen Mondtheorie: Beobachtung und
theoretische Berechnung von Mondphasen. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag [Important contribution to the
study of Babylonian mathematical astronomy focusing on the lunar ephemerides, i.e. arithmetical
functions to compute phenomena of the moon.]
Bresciani, Edda, Sergio Pernigotti and Maria C. Betr. (1983). Ostraca demotici da Narmuti. I (nn. 1-33).
Pisa: Giardini [Edition of demotic ostraka, including mathematical ostraka.]
Bruckheimer, M and Y. Salomon. (1977). ”Some comments on R. J. Gillings’ analysis of the 2/n table in
the Rhind Papyrus”. Historia Mathematica 4: 445–452 [Critical assessment of Richard Gillings analysis
of the 2÷n table.]
Bruins, Evert M. (1952). “Ancient Egyptian arithmetic: 2/N”, Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A.
Indagationes Math. 14: 81-91 [One of several contributions of the author about the 2÷n table.]
Devauchelle, Didier. (1984). “Remarques sur les méthodes d’enseignement du démotique”. In: Heinz-
Joseph Thissen and Karl-Theodor Zauzich (eds.), Grammata Demotika. Würzburg: G. Zauzich Verlag
[Article about learning Demotic in Graeco-Roman Egypt.]
Dreyer, Günter. (1998). Umm el-Qaab I: Das prädynastische Königsgrab Uj und seine frühen
Schriftzeugnisse (Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 86). Mainz: Philipp von Zabern [Publication of the
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famous tomb Uj, that yielded the first evidence of writing from ancient Egypt.]
Eisenlohr, August. (1877). Ein mathematisches Handbuch der alten Ägypter. Leipzig: Hinrichs
(ReprintWalluf beiWiesbaden: Dr Martin Sändig oHG 1972) [First edition (in German) of the Rhind
mathematical papyrus.]
Fowler, David. (1999). The Mathematics of Plato’s Academy. A New Reconstruction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press [Controversial book describing early Greek mathematics.]
Friberg, Jöran. (1987-1990). “Mathematik”. In: D.O. Edzard (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie. vol. 7:
Friberg, Jöran. (2007). A Remarkable Collection of Babylonian Mathematical Texts Manuscripts in the
Schøyen Collection: Cuneiform Texts I (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical
Sciences). New York: Springer [Publication of a controversial private collection of Mesopotamian
mathematical tablets.]
Gillings, Richard J. (1967). “The Area of the Curved Surface of a Hemisphere in Ancient Egypt”. The
Australian Journal of Science 30: 113 [Interpretation of the controversial problem 10 of the Moscow
mathematical papyrus.]
Gillings, Richard. (1972). Mathematics in the Time of the Pharaohs. Cambridge, Mass and London: MIT
Press (Reprint New York: Dover, 1982) [Popular book about Egyptian mathematics; many aspects are
Gillings, Richard. (1978). ”Response to ”Some Comments on R.J. Gillings’ Analysis of the 2/n Table in
the Rhind Papyrus”. Historia Mathematica 5: 221–227 [Response to the criticism of the author’s analysis
of the 2÷n table.]
Hoffmann, Friedhelm. (1996). ”Die Aufgabe 10 des Moskauer mathematischen Papyrus”. Zeitschrift für
Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 123: 19–26 [Most recent Egyptological contribution about the
controversial problem 10 of the Moscow mathematical papyrus.]
Hoskin, Michael. (2003). The History of Astronomy. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press [Introductory history of astronomy.]
Høyrup, Jens. (1996). “Changing trends in the historiography of Mesopotamian mathematics: an insider’s
view”. History of Science 34: 1-32 [Overview of the various phases of historiography of Mesopotamian
mathematics from one of the most important recent authors on that subject.]
Høyrup, Jens. (1999). “Pythagorean ‘rule’ and ‘theorem’ – mirror of the relation between Babylonian and
Greek mathematics”. In: Johannes Renger (ed.), Babylon: Focus mesopotamischer Geschichte, Wiege
früher Gelehrsamkeit, Mythos in der Moderne. Saarbrücken: Saarbrücker Druckerei und Verlag: 393-407
[Article about the Mesopotamian use of the Pythagorean theorem.]
Høyrup, Jens. (2002). Lengths, widths, surfaces. A portrait of Old Babylonian algebra and its kin. New
York: Springer [Fundamental study of Old Babylonian mathematical problem texts.]
Høyrup, Jens. (2006). “Mathematics. I. Ancient Orient: A. Mesopotamia”, in: Hubertus Cancik and
Helmuth Schneider, Brill’s New Pauly, Vol. 8: 461-465, Leiden: Brill [Introductory overview of
Mesopotamian mathematics.]
Hunger, Hermann. (1988-2006). Astronomical Diaries and Related Texts from Babylonia, Vols. 1-6.
Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften [Edition of Babylonian astronomical diaries (day to
day observations of various aspects of the night sky)]
Imhausen, Annette and Jim Ritter. (2004). ”Mathematical Fragments: UC32114, UC32118, UC32134,
UC32159–UC32162”. In: Mark Collier and Stephen Quirke, The UCL Lahun Papyri: Religious, Literary,
Legal, Mathematical and Medical (British Archaeological Reports International Series 1209): 71–96.
Oxford: Archaeopress [Most recent edition of the Egyptian mathematical papyri found at Lahun.]
Imhausen, Annette. (2001). “Die aHa-Aufgaben der ägyptischen mathematischen Texte und ihre
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Lösungen”, in: C.-B. Arnst et al. (eds.), Begegnungen. Antike Kulturen im Niltal, Leipzig 2001: 213-220
Imhausen, Annette. (2002). “The Algorithmic Structure of the Egyptian Mathematical Problem Texts”, in:
John Steele and Annette Imhausen (eds.), Under One Sky: Astronomy and Mathematics in the Ancient
Near East, Proceedings of the Conference held in the British Museum, London, June 25-27, 2001, (Alter
Orient und Altes Testament 297), Münster 2002: 147-166 [Interpretation of Egyptian mathematical
problems using their algorithmic features.]
Imhausen, Annette. (2007). “Egyptian Mathematics”. In: Victor J. Katz (ed.), The mathematics of Egypt,
Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam. A sourcebook. Princeton: Princeton University Press: 7-56
[Examples of sources to study Egyptian mathematics.]
Imhausen, Annette. (2009). “Traditions and myths in the historiography of Egyptian mathematics”. In:
Eleanor Robson and Jacqueline Stedall (eds.), The Oxford handbook of the history of mathematics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press: 781-800 [Overview of the historiography of ancient Egyptian
Lichtheim, Miriam. (2006a). Ancient Egyptian Literature. Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms.
Berkeley: University of California Press [Anthology of literature from Egypt’s Old and Middle
Lichtheim, Miriam. (2006b). Ancient Egyptian Literature. Volume II: The New Kingdom. Berkeley:
University of California Press [Anthology of literature from Egypt’s New Kingdom]
Melville, Duncan. (2004). “Poles and walls in Mesopotamia and Egypt”. Historia Mathematica 31: 148-
162 [Discussion of a group of mathematical problems found in Mesopotamian and Demotic Egyptian
Nemet-Nejat, Karen Rhea. (1993). Cuneiform mathematical texts as a reflection of everyday life in
Mesopotamia. New Haven, Ct: American Oriental Society [Discussion of Mesopotamian mathematical
problems with a practical setting.]
Neugebauer, Otto and Abraham Sachs. (1945). Mathematical Cuneiform Texts (American Oriental Series
29), New Haven, Ct: American Oriental Society [Edition of Mesopotamian mathematical tablets.]
Neugebauer, Otto and Richard A. Parker. (1960-1972). Egyptian Astronomical Texts. Providence, R.I.:
Brown University Press [Edition of astronomical sources from ancient Egypt.]
Neugebauer, Otto. (1926). Die Grundlagen der ägyptischen Bruchrechnung. Berlin: Julius Springer [First
study of Egyptian fraction reckoning.]
Neugebauer, Otto. (1935-1937). Mathematische Keilschrift-Texte. 3 vols. Berlin: Julius Springer [First
edition of Mesopotamian mathematical tablets.]
Nissen, Hans J. (1999). Geschichte Alt-Vorderasiens. München: R. Oldenbourg [Early history of
Nissen, Hans J., Damerow, Peter and Robert K. Englund. (1993). Archaic Bookkeeping. Writing and
techniques of economic administration in the ancient Near East. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
[Fundamental publication concerning the early development of number system and mathematics in
Mesopotamia, originally a catalogue of an exhibition.]
Parker, Richard A. (1959). “A Demotic mathematical papyrus fragment”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies
18: 275-279 [Edition of a fragment of a Demotic mathematical text.]
Parker, Richard A. (1972). Demotic Mathematical Papyri. Providence, R.I.: Brown University Press
[Edition of the major Demotic mathematical papyri.]
Parker, Richard A. (1975). “A mathematical exercise – P. dem. Heidelberg 663”. Journal of Egyptian
Archaeology 61: 189-196 [Edition of a fragment of a Demotic mathematical text.]
Parkinson, Richard B. (2009). The Tale of Sinuhe and other ancient Egyptian poems 1940-1640 BC.
Oxford: Oxford University Press [Anthology of Egyptian Literature.]
Peet, Thomas Eric. (1923). The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. [Editio princeps of the most important
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Pommerening, Tanja. (2005). Die altägyptischen Hohlmaße. Hamburg: Buske [Most recent study of
Ritter, Jim. (1992). “Metrology and the prehistory of fractions”. In: Paul Benoît, Karine Chemla and Jim
Ritter (eds.), Histoire de fractions, fractions d’histoire. Basel: Birkhäuser: 19-35 [Article about the
earliest evidence for fractions.]
Ritter, Jim. (1995). ”Measure for Measure: Mathematics in Egypt and Mesopotamia”. In: Michel Serres
(ed.), A History of Scientific Thought. Elements of a History of Science: 44–72. Oxford and Cambridge,
Mass.: Blackwell [Article comparing Egyptian and Mesopotamian mathematics.]
Ritter, Jim. (2000). “Egyptian Mathematics”. In: Helaine Selin (ed.), Mathematics across cultures. The
history of Non-Western mathematics. Dordrecht: Kluwer: 115-136 [Short but excellent introduction to
Egyptian mathematics.]
Ritter, Jim. (2004). ”Reading Strasbourg 368: A Thrice-Told Tale”. In: Karine Chemla (ed.), History of
Science, History of Text (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 238): 177ff. Dordrecht: Springer
[Excellent article comparing the formal structure of Mesopotamian mathematical texts to that of Egyptian
mathematical texts, as well as Mesopotamian medical and judicial texts.]
Robson, Eleanor. (1999). Mesopotamian Mathematics 2100-1600 BC. Technical constants in
bureaucracy and education. Oxford: Clarendon Press [Fundamental publication of Mesopotamian
coefficient (constant) lists.]
Robson, Eleanor. (2001). “Neither Sherlock Holmes nor Babylon: A reassessment of Plimpton 322”,
Historia Mathematica 28: 167-206 [Article about one of the most famous Mesopotamian mathematical
Rossi, Corinna. (2004). Architecture and Mathematics in Ancient Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press [Study of Egyptian mathematics used in architecture, focusing among other aspects on
Egyptian pyramids, critical discussion of previous interpretations.]
Roux, Georges. (1993). Ancient Iraq (3rd edition). New York: Penguin [History of Mesopotamia]
Salonen, Armas. (1972). Die Ziegeleien im alten Mesopotamien (Annales Academiae Scientiarum
Fennicae. Series B Vol. 171), Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia [Book on brick making in
Schmandt-Besserath, Denise. (1996). How writing came about. Austin: University of Texas Press [Well
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known publication about the invention of writing in Mesopotamia, considered too optimistic in some
Shaw, Ian. (2000). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, Oxford: Oxford University Press [History of
ancient Egypt written by a group of specialists for the individual periods.]
Simpson, William Kelly. (2003). The Literature of Ancient Egypt. An Anthology of Stories, Instructions,
Stelae, Autobiographies, and Poetry. New Haven: Yale University Press [Anthology of Egyptian
Swerdlow, Noel. (1998). The Babylonian theory of the planets. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press [Study on Babylonian mathematical astronomy.]
Swerdlow, Noel. (1999). Ancient astronomy and celestial divination. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
[Collection of articles, mostly on Mesopotamian astronomy]
Symons, Sarah. (2007). “The annual cycle in the ancient Egyptian sky”. In: John M. Steele (ed.),
Calendars and years: Astronomy and time in the ancient Near East, Oxford: Oxbow books: 1-33 [Study
of Egyptian decanal stars.]
Unguru, Sabetai. (1975). ”On the Need to Rewrite the History of Greek Mathematics”. Archive for
History of Exact Sciences 15: 67–114 [Classic criticism of the early historiography of Greek mathematics]
Unguru, Sabetai. (2004). ”On the Need to Rewrite the History of Greek Mathematics”. In: Jean
Christianidis (ed.), Classics in the history of Greek mathematics (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science 240): 385–431, Dordrecht: Kluwer 67–114 [Reprint of the classic criticism of the early
historiography of Greek mathematics]
van de Mieroop, Marc. (2006). A history of the ancient Near East: ca. 3000-323 BC. Oxford: Blackwell
[Overview of the history of Mesopotamia.]
Vogel, Kurt. (1929). Die Grundlagen der ägyptischen Arithmetik in ihrem Zusammenhang mit der 2/n
Tabelle des Papyrus Rhind. Dissertation München (Nachdruck: Vaduz (Liechtenstein): Saendig Reprint
Verlag 1970) [One of the earliest studies of the 2÷n table]
Wångstedt, Sten V. (1958). “Aus der Ostrakasammlung zu Uppsala III. Orientalia Suecana 7: 70-77
[Edition of some demotic ostraka, including mathematical ostraka]
Biographical Sketch
Annette Imhausen was born in 1970 in Rüsselsheim, Germany. She studied mathematics, chemistry and
Egyptology at Mainz University (Germany), where she graduated in 1996. Then she studied Egyptology
and Assyriology at the Free university Berlin (Germany). Doctoral degree in the history of mathematics in
2000. She has held fellowships at the Dibner Institute fort he history of science and technology (MIT,
Cambridge, Mass.) and at the University of Cambridge (England), at Trinity Hall college.
In 2006 she became professor for history of mathematics at Mainz University. Since 2009 she is professor
for history of science of the premodern world at Frankfurt University (Germany). Her research interests
focus on Egyptian science, its cultural and social context, as well as influences from other cultures.
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