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Section III.

Reduced Echelon Form


Proof Given the set c1,1 x1 + + c1,n xn through cm,1 x1 + + cm,n xn of

linear combinations of the xs, consider a combination of those

d1 (c1,1 x1 + + c1,n xn ) + + dm (cm,1 x1 + + cm,n xn )
where the ds are scalars along with the cs. Distributing those ds and regrouping
= (d1 c1,1 + + dm cm,1 )x1 + + (d1 c1,n + + dm cm,n )xn
which is also a linear combination of the xs.


2.4 Corollary Where one matrix reduces to another, each row of the second is a
linear combination of the rows of the first.
Proof For any two interreducible matrices A and B there is some minimum

number of row operations that will take one to the other. We proceed by
induction on that number.
In the base step, that we can go from the first to the second using zero
reduction operations, the two matrices are equal. Then each row of B is trivially
~i = 0
a combination of As rows
~1 + + 1
~i + + 0
~ m.
For the inductive step assume the inductive hypothesis: with k > 0, any
matrix that can be derived from A in k or fewer operations has rows that are
linear combinations of As rows. Consider a matrix B such that reducing A to B
requires k + 1 operations. In that reduction there is a next-to-last matrix G, so
that A G B. The inductive hypothesis applies to this G because
it is only k steps away from A. That is, each row of G is a linear combination of
the rows of A.
We will verify that the rows of B are linear combinations of the rows of G.
Then the Linear Combination Lemma, Lemma 2.3, applies to show that the
rows of B are linear combinations of the rows of A.
If the row operation taking G to B is a swap then the rows of B are just the
rows of G reordered and each row of B is a linear combination of the rows of G.
If the operation taking G to B is multiplication of a row by a scalar ci then
~ i = c~i and the other rows are unchanged. Finally, if the row operation is

adding a multiple of one row to another ri + j then only row j of B differs from
~ j = ri + j , which is indeed a linear combinations
the matching row of G, and
of the rows of G.
Because we have proved both a base step and an inductive step, the proposition follows by the principle of mathematical induction.
We now have the insight that Gausss Method builds linear combinations
of the rows. But of course its goal is to end in echelon form, since that is a


Chapter One. Linear Systems

particularly basic version of a linear system, as it

instance, in this matrix

2 3 7 8 0
0 0 1 5 1

0 0 0 3 3
0 0 0 0 2

has isolated the variables. For



x1 has been removed from x5 s equation. That is, Gausss Method has made
x5 s row in some way independent of x1 s row.
The following result makes this intuition precise. What Gausss Method
eliminates is linear relationships among the rows.
2.5 Lemma In an echelon form matrix, no nonzero row is a linear combination
of the other nonzero rows.
Proof Let R be an echelon form matrix and consider its non-~0 rows. First

observe that if we have a row written as a combination of the others ~i =

c1~1 + + ci1~i1 + ci+1~i+1 + + cm~m then we can rewrite that equation
~0 = c1~1 + + ci1~i1 + ci~i + ci+1~i+1 + + cm~m
where not all the coefficients are zero; specifically, ci = 1. The converse holds
also: given equation () where some ci 6= 0 we could express ~i as a combination
of the other rows by moving ci~i to the left and dividing by ci . Therefore we
will have proved the theorem if we show that in () all of the coefficients are 0.
For that we use induction on the row number i.
The base case is the first row i = 1 (if there is no such nonzero row, so that
R is the zero matrix, then the lemma holds vacuously). Let `i be the column
number of the leading entry in row i. Consider the entry of each row that is in
column `1 . Equation () gives this.
0 = c1 r1,`1 + c2 r2,`1 + + cm rm,`1


The matrix is in echelon form so every row after the first has a zero entry in that
column r2,`1 = = rm,`1 = 0. Thus equation () shows that c1 = 0, because
r1,`1 6= 0 as it leads the row.
The inductive step is much the same as the base step. Again consider
equation (). We will prove that if the coefficient ci is 0 for each row index
i { 1, . . . , k} then ck+1 is also 0. We focus on the entries from column `k+1 .
0 = c1 r1,`k+1 + + ck+1 rk+1,`k+1 + + cm rm,`k+1

Section III. Reduced Echelon Form


By the inductive hypothesis c1 , . . . ck are all 0 so this reduces to the equation

0 = ck+1 rk+1,`k+1 + + cm rm,`k+1 . The matrix is in echelon form so the
entries rk+2,`k+1 , . . . , rm,`k+1 are all 0. Thus ck+1 = 0, because rk+1,`k+1 6= 0
as it is the leading entry.
2.6 Theorem Each matrix is row equivalent to a unique reduced echelon form
Proof [Yuster] Fix a number of rows m. We will proceed by induction on the

number of columns n.
The base case is that the matrix has n = 1 column. If this is the zero matrix
then its echelon form is the zero matrix. If instead it has any nonzero entries
then when the matrix is brought to reduced echelon form it must have at least
one nonzero entry, which must be a 1 in the first row. Either way, its reduced
echelon form is unique.
For the inductive step we assume that n > 1 and that all m row matrices
having fewer than n columns have a unique reduced echelon form. Consider
an mn matrix A and suppose that B and C are two reduced echelon form
matrices derived from A. We will show that these two must be equal.
be the matrix consisting of the first n 1 columns of A. Observe
Let A
that any sequence of row operations that bring A to reduced echelon form will
to reduced echelon form. By the inductive hypothesis this reduced
also bring A
is unique, so if B and C differ then the difference must occur
echelon form of A
in column n.
We finish the inductive step, and the argument, by showing that the two
cannot differ only in that column. Consider a homogeneous system of equations
for which A is the matrix of coefficients.
a1,1 x1 + a1,2 x2 + + a1,n xn = 0
a2,1 x1 + a2,2 x2 + + a2,n xn = 0
am,1 x1 + am,2 x2 + + am,n xn = 0


By Theorem One.I.1.5 the set of solutions to that system is the same as the set
of solutions to Bs system
b1,1 x1 + b1,2 x2 + + b1,n xn = 0
b2,1 x1 + b2,2 x2 + + b2,n xn = 0
bm,1 x1 + bm,2 x2 + + bm,n xn = 0



Chapter One. Linear Systems

and to Cs.
c1,1 x1 + c1,2 x2 + + c1,n xn = 0
c2,1 x1 + c2,2 x2 + + c2,n xn = 0
cm,1 x1 + cm,2 x2 + + cm,n xn = 0


With B and C different only in column n, suppose that they differ in row i.
Subtract row i of () from row i of () to get the equation (bi,n ci,n )xn = 0.
Weve assumed that bi,n 6= ci,n so xn = 0. Thus in () and () the n-th
column contains a leading entry, or else the variable xn would be free. Thats a
contradiction because with B and C equal on the first n 1 columns, the leading
entries in the n-th column would have to be in the same row, and with both
matrices in reduced echelon form, both leading entries would have to be 1, and
would have to be the only nonzero entries in that column. So B = C.
That result answers the two questions from this sections introduction: do
any two echelon form versions of a linear system have the same number of free
variables, and if so are they exactly the same variables? We get from any echelon
form version to the reduced echelon form by eliminating up, so any echelon form
version of a system has the same free variables as the reduced echelon form, and
therefore uniqueness of reduced echelon form gives that the same variables are
free in all echelon form version of a system. Thus both questions are answered
yes. There is no linear system and no combination of row operations such that,
say, we could solve the system one way and get y and z free but solve it another
way and get y and w free.
We close with a recap. In Gausss Method we start with a matrix and then
derive a sequence of other matrices. We defined two matrices to be related if we
can derive one from the other. That relation is an equivalence relation, called
row equivalence, and so partitions the set of all matrices into row equivalence




(There are infinitely many matrices in the pictured class, but weve only got
room to show two.) We have proved there is one and only one reduced echelon
form matrix in each row equivalence class. So the reduced echelon form is a
canonical form for row equivalence: the reduced echelon form matrices are

More information on canonical representatives is in the appendix.

Section III. Reduced Echelon Form


representatives of the classes.





The idea here is that one way to understand a mathematical situation is

by being able to classify the cases that can happen. This is a theme in this
book and we have seen this several times already. We classified solution sets of
linear systems into the no-elements, one-element, and infinitely-many elements
cases. We also classified linear systems with the same number of equations as
unknowns into the nonsingular and singular cases.
Here, where we are investigating row equivalence, we know that the set of all
matrices breaks into the row equivalence classes and we now have a way to put
our finger on each of those classes we can think of the matrices in a class as
derived by row operations from the unique reduced echelon form matrix in that
Put in more operational terms, uniqueness of reduced echelon form lets us
answer questions about the classes by translating them into questions about
the representatives. For instance, as promised in this sections opening, we now
can decide whether one matrix can be derived from another by row reduction.
We apply the Gauss-Jordan procedure to both and see if they yield the same
reduced echelon form.
2.7 Example These matrices are not row equivalent
1 3
1 3
2 6
2 5
because their reduced echelon forms are not equal.
1 3
1 0
0 0
0 1
2.8 Example Any nonsingular 33 matrix

1 0

0 1
0 0

Gauss-Jordan reduces to this.



Chapter One. Linear Systems

2.9 Example We can describe all the classes by listing all possible reduced echelon
form matrices. Any 22 matrix lies in one of these: the class of matrices row
equivalent to this,
0 0
0 0
the infinitely many classes of matrices row equivalent to one of this type
1 a
0 0
where a R (including a = 0), the class of matrices row equivalent to this,
0 1
0 0
and the class of matrices row equivalent to this
1 0
0 1
(this is the class of nonsingular 22 matrices).
X 2.10 Decide if the matrices are row equivalent.


1 0 2
1 0 2
1 2
0 1
(b) 3 1 1 , 0 2 10
4 8
1 2
5 1 5
2 0 4


2 1 1
1 0 2
1 1 1
0 3 1

(c) 1 1 0 ,
0 2 10
1 2 2
2 2 5
4 3 1


1 1 1
0 1 2
0 0 3
1 1 1
2.11 Describe the matrices in each of the classes represented in Example 2.9.
2.12 Describe
the row equivalence
class of these.

all matrices

1 0
1 2
1 1
0 0
2 4
1 3
2.13 How many row equivalence classes are there?
2.14 Can row equivalence classes contain different-sized matrices?
2.15 How big are the row equivalence classes?
(a) Show that for any matrix of all zeros, the class is finite.
(b) Do any other classes contain only finitely many members?
X 2.16 Give two reduced echelon form matrices that have their leading entries in the
same columns, but that are not row equivalent.
X 2.17 Show that any two nn nonsingular matrices are row equivalent. Are any two
singular matrices row equivalent?
X 2.18 Describe all of the row equivalence classes containing these.

Section III. Reduced Echelon Form

(a) 2 2 matrices
(d) 33 matrices


(b) 2 3 matrices

(c) 3 2 matrices

~ 0 is a linear combination of members of the set

2.19 (a) Show that a vector
~ 1, . . . ,
~ n } if and only if there is a linear relationship ~0 = c0
~ 0 + + cn
~ 0 = ~0 case.)
where c0 is not zero. (Hint. Watch out for the
(b) Use that to simplify the proof of Lemma 2.5.
X 2.20 [Trono] Three truck drivers went into a roadside cafe. One truck driver purchased four sandwiches, a cup of coffee, and ten doughnuts for $8.45. Another
driver purchased three sandwiches, a cup of coffee, and seven doughnuts for $6.30.
What did the third truck driver pay for a sandwich, a cup of coffee, and a doughnut?
X 2.21 The Linear Combination Lemma says which equations can be gotten from
Gaussian reduction of a given linear system.
(1) Produce an equation not implied by this system.
3x + 4y = 8
2x + y = 3
(2) Can any equation be derived from an inconsistent system?
2.22 [Hoffman & Kunze] Extend the definition of row equivalence to linear systems.
Under your definition, do equivalent systems have the same solution set?
X 2.23 In this matrix




the first and second columns add to the third.

(a) Show that remains true under any row operation.
(b) Make a conjecture.
(c) Prove that it holds.

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