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Nestlé Philippines

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Nestl Philippines, Inc.

Company Profile
Over a hundred years after it first started operations in the country, Nestl Philippines, Inc. (NPI) today is
a robust and stable organization, proud of its role in bringing the best food and beverage throughout the
stages of the Filipino consumers lives.
Creating Shared Value
- is the way we do business, which states that in order to create long-term value for shareholders, we must
also create value for society. It goes beyond compliance and sustainability.

Nestle S.A. the present Switzerland based international foodgroup, originally

consisted of two companies and two products: Henri Nestle and his baby food
in Vevey, and the Anglo-SwissCondensed Milk company and its condensed
Milk Company andits condensed milk in Cham, both in Switzerland. In 1866
thePage Brothers form the United States set up a new industry
inC h a m , m a k i n g c o n d e n s e d m i l k f r o m a r a w m a t e r i a l t h a t w a s
available in abundance in the region. In 1867 Henri Nestle a
c h e m i s t i n Ve v e y , c r e a t e d a m i l k a n d c e r e a l b a s e d f o o d f o r b
abies. The companies competed vigorously until 1905, whenthey merged and
became the starting point of the present food group.DYNAMIC EXPANSION The
history of Nestle include the development of many diff erentproducts as
well as acquisitions, mergers and the purchasing of shares in companies,
mainly abroad, over the course of the tears,this enabled it to broaden its range
of products and diversify itsoperations, while at the same time
strengthening the
economicf o u n d a t i o n s o f t h e c o m p a n y . A m o n g s t t h e m o s t i
m p o r t a n t acquisitions were Carnation in Los Angeles (milk products
and petfoods) and more recently Rowntree Mackintosh in York (chocolateand
confectionery), Buitoni in Perugia (pasa) as well as Perrier inFrance (mineral
water).Nestle which does 98% of its business outside Switzerland,
alsohas interests in non-food sectors, in cosmetics (a large shareholding in LOreal)
and ophthalmic products (acquisition of
Alconl a b o r a t o r i e s I n c . ) w h i l e c o n t i n u i n g t o g i v e p r i o r i t y
t o f o o d products.
Nestle is now the worlds largest food company. It is present onfi ve
continents, has an annual turnover 70 billion Swiss francs, runs 522 factories
in 81 countries, 200operating companies, 1basic research center and 20
technological development groupand more than 231,000 employees the world

The company owes its current status to the pioneering spiri

t inherited from its founders which continues to inspire it, to
itsconstant search for new ways of satisfying mans mutationalneeds.W h e r e v e r
p o s s i b l e , i t s e t s u p f a c t o r i e s l o c a l l y , e m p l o y e e s personnel
from the country concerned and relies on
indigenousraw materials. Its agricultural services provide assistance toimprove
the quality and yield of the raw materials it uses.
Mucha t t e n t i o n i s d e v o t e d t o p r o f e s s i o n a l t r a i n i n
g a n d t o t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f t h e c o m p a n y i n i t s e
c o n o m i c s a n d s o c i a l environment.
Nestle Milkpak Ltd.
As a consequence of joint venture arrangement between
NestleS . A . o f S w i t z e r l a n d a n d M i l k p a k L t d . I n 1 9 8 8 , t h e e
x i s t i n g production facility of Milkpak in Sheikhupura became a part of Nestle
Milkpak. The Milkpak Sheikhupura factory had commenced operations
in1981 as a producer of UHT milk. By 1988, it had expanded itsoperation and was
also producing butter, cream, Desi ghee all under the brand name of
MILKPAK and juice drinks under thebrand name FROST.Conscious of the large
food market that Pakistan off ered, NestleMilkpak drew up ambitious
expansion plans. While re-organizing and re-enforcing the production of existing
brands, it lost no timein giving shape to new production lines. The fi rst to
come was amilk powder plant, which not only began producing NIDO in
1990b u t w a s a l s o c r i t i c a l t o t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f s e v e r a l m i l k b a s e d products in the future. With the installation of the roller dryer
in1 9 9 0 , t h e fi r s t s u c h p r o d u c t t o c o m e w a s C E R
E L A C a n internationally recognized brand on infant cereal, followed byLACT
OGEN 1 & 2 in 1991. The year 1992 saw the introduction of tea whitener
EVERYDAYa n d m i l k p o w d e r i n
b u l k p a c k i n g n a m e d G L O R I A . M I L O a n d NESLAC came under
production in 1994 and MILO RTD, In 1995. Local packing of coffee mixes under
the name of NESCAFE 3 in 1commenced the same year. In 1996, Nestle Milkpak
Ltd. firstconfectionery plant of POLO Mint was installed and the line
of N E S T L E P U R E O R A N G E J U I C E w a s a l s o a d d e d . P a c k a g i n g o f

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