Physical Education: Grades K - 2: The Student Will
Physical Education: Grades K - 2: The Student Will
Physical Education: Grades K - 2: The Student Will
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person demonstrates competency in motor skills and
movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance Indicator
Levels 1-3.
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
1.2.1 demonstrate skills of chasing, fleeing and dodging to avoid or catch others
1.2.2 perform correctly all locomotor skills using a variety of movement concepts (directions, levels,
pathways, speed, force)
1.2.3 jump and land using a combination of one and two-foot takeoffs and landings
1.2.6 demonstrate the role of body movement in the expression of feelings and ideas
1.2.9 participate in a wide variety of rhythmic activities that involve locomotion, non-locomotion, and
the manipulation of various objects
1.2.10 demonstrate the relationship between body movement and rhythmic accompaniment
1.2.11 use the inside or instep of the foot to kick a slowly rolling ball into the air or along the ground
1.2.12 throw a ball demonstrating an overhand technique, a side orientation, and opposition
1.2.15 consistently strike a ball with a bat from a tee or cone using a proper grip and side orientation
1.2.16 continuously dribble a ball using the hands or feet without losing control of the ball or body
1.2.17 perform a movement sequence using a variety of body parts which combine the skills of
balancing and weight transfer
1.2.18 roll smoothly in a forward direction without stopping or hesitating, with the head tucked, rolling
up to the feet
1.2.19 balance, demonstrating momentary stillness in symmetrical and non- symmetrical shapes, on a
variety of body parts
1.2.20 move feet into medium/high level by placing weight on the hands and landing with control
1.2.21 state and demonstrate guidelines and behaviors for basic safety principles in physical education
(implements, small and large equipment, environment)
1.3.1 create a sequence in gymnastics and in dance using a variety of movements and objects
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person demonstrates understanding of movement concepts,
principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance
Indicator Levels 1-3.
2.1.2 identify selected critical elements of locomotor and non-locomotor movement patterns
2.1.3 identify selected critical elements of manipulative skills in their correct form
2.1.4 identify static and dynamic balance in the context of educational gymnastics
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
2.2.1 identify and demonstrate selected critical elements of locomotor movement patterns
2.3.1 design and perform a simple movement pattern in a gymnastics sequence, in a games context, and
in a rhythmic activity
2.3.2 use concepts and knowledge of critical elements to provide corrective feedback to others
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person participates regularly in physical activity.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance
Indicator Levels 1-3.
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
3.2.1 record participation in physical activities at recess and outside the physical education setting
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.
Standard: Fitness
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person achieves and maintains a health–enhancing level of
physical fitness.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance Indicator
Levels 1-3.
4.1.1 sustain moderate to vigorous physical activity for short periods of time
4.1.4 identify activities associated with health-related fitness and the benefits associated with these
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
4.2.2 identify changes in the body during sustained vigorous physical activity
4.2.3 support body weight for climbing, hanging, and momentarily taking weight on hands
4.2.5 engage in sustained daily physical activity which causes an increased heart rate and heavy
4.3.1 correctly identify and engage in those activities associated with health-related fitness
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that
respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance Indicator
Levels 1-3.
Level 1 - Skills are introduced at this level.
5.2.1 choose a partner/team member to complete a task that requires sharing and cooperation
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
5.2.3 resolve conflicts in socially acceptable ways during physical education and recess
5.3.2 demonstrate awareness of personal behavior and the role that it played in past activities with regard
to cooperation and sharing
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.
Grade Level Expectation: A physically educated person values physical activity for health, enjoyment,
challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Checks for Understanding: To achieve the following learning expectations refer to the Performance Indicator
Levels 1-3.
Level 1 - Skills are introduced at this level.
Level 2 - Skills are developing; mastery and assessment occur at this level.
6.2.3 enjoy the challenge of experiencing new movements and the challenge of learning new skills
Modification and extensions need to be made to meet the individual abilities of all students.