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Gurjar CV 2015 IITR

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Bhola R. Gurjar, Ph.D.
Professor in Civil (Environmental) Engineering, and
Head, Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS)
Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) - Roorkee
Roorkee # 247 667, Uttarakhand, INDIA
E-mail: bholafce@iitr.ac.in, brgurjar@gmail.com; Skype: brgurjar
Statement of research and teaching motivation
I enjoy in exploring, constructing and disseminating scientific knowledge with a view of its real-world
application for accomplishing sustainable solutions to pressing environmental problems. My
interdisciplinary educational training and cross-disciplinary work experience give me a leading edge to
contribute effectively in multidisciplinary teams working on the environment, emissions, air quality,
health risk, urban transport, energy, economy, and climate change related problems.
Methodological approach: I uphold an interdisciplinary and hybrid research/teaching approach to
analyze external physical phenomena observed in nature with an understanding that human concepts of
the environmental engineering and management, natural resources and man-made infrastructure,
energy sources and economic structures, etc., are socio-technologically constructed entities that vary in
time and space. I prefer to use a mixture of quantitative and qualitative approaches in an integrated
manner, and like to work with multi-disciplinary teams encompassing cross-functional areas of
environmental engineering research along with their socioeconomic and geopolitical implications.
Current research interests: Air / water pollution; Emissions and air quality in megacities; Urban
transport and the environment; GHG emissions and climate change; Health risk assessment; EIA and
risk analysis; Waste management; Energy and environmental policy evaluation; and Integrated crossdisciplinary studies of the environment, economy, technology, and infrastructure developments
particularly with the global change, sustainable development and risk governance perspectives.

Postdoc (2002-2005):

Ph.D. (2000):

Study of megacity emissions and their local-to-regional-toglobal impacts

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
Environmental Risk Analysis for Industrial Siting, Planning
and Management
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

M.E. (1992):
Honors (First Rank)

Civil (Environmental) Engineering

Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India.

B.E. (1987):
First Div. (In top slab)

Civil Engineering
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India.

Advanced Short-Term Training

1. GRIHA: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment training program (2-4 Sept.
2009). Organized by GRIHA Secretariat in Association with the Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE), Govt. of India, and The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI),
New Delhi, India.
2. Administration / Management Training Program (25-29 May 2009): A Primer in
Administration and Management for Scientists and Technologists. Conducted by Centre
for Disaster Management, L.B.S. National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie, India.
3. Sidas International Training Course (2007): Advanced International Training Programme
on Air Pollution Management (Sept. 3 - Oct. 5, 2007); sponsored by Sida and organized
by Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Norrkping, Sweden.
4. USEPA Training Course (2007): Hands-on training on National Mobile Inventory Model
(May 14, 2007). Organized by Emission Inventory and Analysis Group, United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA.

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AsiaFlux Training Course (2006): AsiaFlux Training Course on Micrometeorology -Theory

and Practice of CO2 Flux Measurement (August 21-30, 2006). Organized by AsiaFlux
Secretariat, Centre for Global Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan.

Fellowships and Scholarships

1. UKIERI Fellowship, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK (2012)
2. Advanced Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Max Planck Society, Germany (2002-05)
3. Senior Research Fellowship, Council of Sci. & Ind. Res. (CSIR), Govt. of India (1994-96)
4. Junior Research Fellowship, Council of Sci. & Ind. Res. (CSIR), Govt. of India (1992-94)
5. National Merit Scholarship, Government of India (1982-87)
6. Village Talent Scholarship, Government of Rajasthan, India (1979-82)
Work Experience
Approx. 24 years progressive professional experience in industry, teaching, training, research,
and consultancy.
1. 04 Apr. 2014 continue: i) Professor, Environmental Engineering Group, Department
of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee; ii) Head, Centre for
Excellence in Transportation Systems (CTRANS), IIT Roorkee, India (2015-present),
iii) Adjunct Faculty, Centre for Transportation Systems, IIT Roorkee (2006-present),
and iv) Adjunct Faculty, Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and
Management, IIT Roorkee (2008-present),. Teaching, researching and consulting in the
interdisciplinary area of air / water pollution, risk assessment and urban climate change.
2. 07 Dec. 2009 03 Apr. 2014: i) Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering
Group, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Taught
UG/PG courses, conducted research on air pollution, health risk in megacities and urban
heat island studies, consultancy on EIA and environmental management.
3. 21 Mar. 2005 06 Dec. 2009: Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering
Group, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Taught
UG/PG courses, conducted research on air and water pollution, and provided consultancy
related to environmental impact assessment.
4. 21 Jan. 2002 10 Mar. 2005: Research Scientist, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, Max
Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany. Conducted research on megacity
emissions and their local-to-regional-to-global impacts on air quality and climate.
5. 08 Apr. 1996 18 Jan. 2002: Lecturer, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training
and Research, Chandigarh, India. Coordinated and conducted postgraduate level shortterm courses for technical teachers and industry personnel. Taught postgraduate courses,
conducted training and research, and provided consultancy services related to
entrepreneurship development and environmental management.
6. 12 Feb. 1996 05 Apr. 1996: Lecturer, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science &
Technology, Nirjuli, India. Taught undergraduate students of civil engineering department.
7. 01 Aug. 1992 09 Feb.1996: Junior/Senior Research Fellow, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, India. Conducted research on environmental risk analysis for industrial
siting, planning and management with an emphasis on dispersion of airborne accidentally
released toxic chemicals from industrial facilities and health risk assessment.
8. 27 Jan. 1991 13 Apr. 1991: Lecturer (Contractual), Civil Engineering Dept., Jai Narain
Vyas University (Formerly University of Jodhpur), Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Taught
undergraduate students of civil engineering department.
9. 16 Mar. 1988 31 Aug.1990: Site/Civil Engineer, in Indian consultancy and construction
companies. Supervised construction activities, provided consultation on estimation and
costing and geo-environmental testing.
Academic / Research Visits to Foreign Countries
1. May 19 June 30, 2014: Visiting Professor, The Federal University of Technology
Paran, Brazil.
2. June 15 July 07, 2013: Visiting Scientist, National Institute for Environmental Studies,
Tsukuba, Japan.

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3. Dec. 21, 2012 Jan. 09, 2013, UKIERI Fellow, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
4. December 15-27, 2010: Visiting Scientist, National Institute for Environmental Studies,
Tsukuba, Japan.
5. June 06 July 05, 2010: Visiting Professor, The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, Cyprus.
6. February 27 to March 07, 2010: Visiting Scientist, National Institute for Environmental
Studies, Tsukuba, Japan.
International Collaborations
1. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
2. United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies, Yokohama, Japan
3. National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan
4. University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
5. MIT, Cambridge, and Molina Center for Energy and the Environment, California, USA
6. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research,
Atmospheric Environmental Research Div. (IMK-IFU), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
7. Meisei University, Tokyo, Japan
8. The Federal University of Technology Paran, Brazil
9. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
10. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
11. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Honors, Awards and Distinctions
1. 2014 ASCE State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award for Climate Change Modeling,
Mitigation, and Adaptation, published by EWRI in 2013. Honors & Awards Program Office,
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, USA.
2. UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Fellow grant award 2012 from the
British Council Division of British High Commission, New Delhi, to visit Univ. of Surrey, UK
(Dec. 2012-Jan. 2013).
3. National Design Award in Environmental Engineering 2011. National Design and
Research Forum (NDRF), The Institution of Engineers (India).
4. Highly Cited Author (2010-11); Elseviers journal Atmos. Environment (Imp. Factor = 3.465).
5. Highly Cited Author (2007-10); Elseviers journal Atmos. Environment (Imp. Factor = 3.139).
6. 2004 START Young Scientist Award, an International award from the Scientific Steering
Committee of the global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START),
Washington, D.C., U.S.A. <http://www.start.org/> in recognition of the outstanding
contributions made to global change science.
7. Advanced Research Support, Max Planck Society, Germany (2002-05)
8. Ford Foundation International Fellow-Elect (2001-2002).
9. The Nawab Zain Yar Jung Bahadur Memorial Medal (1995-96). A National level award
from The Institution of Engineers (India) for the best paper published in the Environmental
Engineering Division.
10. First Rank in J.N.V. University Jodhpur, M.E. Civil (Environmental) 1992 (77.53 %
11. Qualified CSIR-UGC Test for JRF & Eligibility for Lectureship in Engineering Sciences;
12. Two times represented J.N.V. University in National level debate contests (1986-87).
13. First Prize in Inter-college poetry contests at National (1986) and State (1993) levels.
14. Best Scholar, Chopasni Higher Secondary School, Jodhpur (1981-82).
15. First Rank in School and 26th Rank in Rajasthan State (India), Higher Secondary
Examination 1982 (84.3 % Marks) with distinctions in Physics (88%), Chemistry (95%),
and Mathematics (95%).
16. First Rank in School and 22nd Rank in Rajasthan State (India), Secondary School
Examination 1981 (86.4 % Marks) with distinctions in Physics (89%), Chemistry (88%),
and Mathematics (98%).

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17. Outstanding Performance Medal, awarded by the Board of Secondary Education,
Rajasthan (India) for making extra ordinary performance in extra-curricular activities
(poetry), 1980-81.
18. First Rank in District Sawai Madhopur, Rajasthan State (India), Village Talent Search
Exam. 1979.
Major R & D Projects and Consulting Assignments
Major R & D Projects Undertaken (as Principal Investigator)
1. Study of the urban transport system of megacity Delhi with co-benefits approach.
Sponsored by the United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan (2011-Continued). (Rs. 1.86
2. Implementation and Validation of Numerical Models for Heat Island Studies in
Megacity Delhi. Sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology (MEXT) (2008-2013). (Rs. 1.6 Million).
3. Megacities and global change: An integrated study of South Asian megacity emissions
and their local-to-regional-to-global impacts on air quality and climate. Indo-German
collaborative research project sponsored by the Max Planck Society, Germany, as a
Max Planck Partner Group of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz (Germany) at
IIT Roorkee (2006-2011). [Euro 100K (~ Rs. 6.0 Million)].
4. Study of Riverbank Filtration (RBF) performance under extreme environmental
conditions. Research project sponsored by IIT Roorkee under faculty initiation grant
scheme (2006-2007). (Rs. 0.1 Million).
Major R & D Projects Undertaken (as Co-Principal Investigator)
1. Evaluation of Riverbank Filtration (RBF) performance under extreme environmental
conditions. An international collaborative research project co-sponsored by NWRI, USA,
and IIT Roorkee, India (2006-2009). (US$ 50,000/-, ~ Rs. 2.0 Million).
Major R & D Project Collaborations
1. MEGAPOLI: Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric
POLlution and climate effects, and integrated tools for assessment and mitigation;
THEME FP7-ENV-2007. Megacities and regional hot-spots air quality and climate.
Collaborative Project (medium-scale focused research project), Grant agreement no.:
212520 (Total cost: Euro 5.1 Million, EU contribution: ~Euro 3.4 Million). [participated
as MEGAPOLI (non-funded by EC) non-European international scientific Collaborator/CoP.I.] URL: http://megapoli.dmi.dk/maininfo/colbrs.html
2. Multiscale Investigations of the Two-way Interactions between Climate and Aerosol with
Radiative Feedbacks (MSITICA). Collaborative project of total budget Rs. 1037.10 lakhs;
submitted to the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India, New Delhi, by a
consortium of eight institutes including IIT Kanpur, TERI, New Delhi, NEERI, Nagpur, IIT
Roorkee, IIT Khargpur, IIT Guwahati, ARAI, Pune and CDAC Pune.
Consulting Assignments Undertaken (as Principal Investigator)
1. Validation of design for Air & Water Pollution Control equipment for 8 TPH Bio waste
Boiler. M/s ITC Ltd., Sardar Patel Marg, Saharanpur, India (2014). (Rs. 0.247 Million).
2. Vetting of feasibility report of air pollution control system. M/s Gold Plus Glass
Industry Ltd., Thithola, Landhora, Roorkee, India (2014). (Rs. 0.196 Million).
3. Study of Environmental Issues of Irrigation and Drainage network of a Dam Canal
System in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. Tahal Consulting Engineers
Ltd., New Delhi, India (2012). (Rs. 0.154 Million).
4. Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for a
Common Solid Waste treatment, storage & disposal facility (CSWMF) in Sector-5,
SIDCUL-Haridwar, Uttarakhand. Funded by Bharat Oil and Waste Management Limited
(BOWML), New Delhi, India (2010-11). (Rs. 0.491 Million).
5. Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed Common Hazardous Waste
Management Facility (CHWMF) at Mauza Mukimpur, Roorkee, Uttarakhand. Funded by

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Bharat Oil and Waste Management Limited (BOWML), New Delhi, India (2007-08). (Rs.
0.375 Million).
Environmental Impact Assessment of Doon Cyber Towers at IT Park in Dehradun.
Funded by SIDCUL IDEB Project Co. Pvt. Ltd., Dehradun. (2007). (Rs. 0.32 Million).
Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis (EEPA). Funded by the Liberty Institute,
New Delhi (2005-2007). (Rs. 60K).

Consulting Assignments Undertaken (as Co-Principal Investigator)

1. Cumulative scientific study to assess the impact of existing and proposed HP
stations on Saryu river basin in the Distt. of Bageshwar. Funded by GM (Civil- UJVNL,
Dehradun (2012-15) (Rs. 4.85 Million).
2. Vetting of Design of 15 MLD and 20+7.5 MLD Water Treatment Plants (WTPs),
Dehradun. Funded by O.P. Gupta and Contractors, Agra, (U.P.) (2014). (Rs. 0.842
3. Effect of Fine Bubble Aeration in Jamuna Jheel: Water Quality Studies. Lucknow
Development Authority, Lucknow (U.P.) (2011-12). (Rs. 1.0 Million).
4. Upgradation of Existing UASB based Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in NOIDA.
Funded by Chief-Maintenance Engr. (Jal), NOIDA Development Authority, Noida (U.P.)
(2010-11). (Rs. 1.5 Million).
5. Scrutiny of PMGSY Road DPRs for Phase VII of Uttar Pradesh. Funded by National
Rural Road Development Agency, Govt. of India, New Delhi (2009-10). (Rs. 0.71 Million)
6. Muck Disposal and Management Plan for 330 MW Shrinagar Hydro Electric Power
Project in Uttaranchal (India). Funded by Alaknanda Hydro-Power Co. Ltd., Shrinagar,
Uttaranchal (2008). (Rs. 0.5 Million).
7. Environmental Impact Assessment of Sara Industrial Estate Ltd. Dehradun. Funded by
Sara Industrial Estate Ltd. Dehradun (Uttarakhand) (2007). (Rs. 0.224 Million).
8. Environmental Impact Assessment of Dev Bhoomi Industrial Estate. Funded by the
Datt Infrastructure & Services Ltd., Dehradun (2005-2006). (Rs. 0.165 Million).
9. Tracer Study for polytechnic pass-outs (a part of the World Bank assisted project on
Strengthening Technician Education in India), NITTTR Chandigarh (2000). (Rs. 0.35
10. Energy Conservation through Energy Audit in Medium and Small Scale Industries
a consultancy project sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology (DST),
UT Administration, Chandigarh (1999-2000). (Rs. 60K).
Research Guidance
PhD Thesis
1. Walvekar, P. Stack Emission and Health Risk Integrated Modeling of a Coal Power Plant.
Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2014, p.169.
2. Sharma, R.K., Risk Assessment of a Petroleum Oil Storage Terminal: Ph.D. thesis
Roorkee: Centre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management, I.I.T. Roorkee,
India, 2014, p. 179 (jointly with Dr. R. Agrawal, IIT Roorkee, and Dr. S.R. Wate, NEERI,
3. Gosu, Vijayalakshmi. Removal of Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds by Nanoscale
Zerovalent Iron. Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee,
India, 2014, p.193.
4. Kumar, P. Structural Studies on 11S Globulin and 2S Albumin from Wrightia Tinctoria.
Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Department of Biotechnology, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2014 (jointly
with Dr. P. Kumar, IIT Roorkee, India).
5. Nagpure, Ajay S., Modeling of Urban Traffic Emissions: Ph.D. thesis Roorkee:
Department of Paper Technology, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2011, p. 375 (jointly with Dr. V.
Kumar, IIT Roorkee, India).
6. Thakur, A.K. Study of Water Quality in River Bank Filtration: Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Civil
Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2007, p. 227 (jointly with Prof. C.S.P. Ojha,
IIT Roorkee, India, and Prof. Thomas Grishek, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Dresden,

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Chandrrasekar. Air Pollution Modeling. Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Civil Engineering
Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India (in-progress, jointly with Prof. C.S.P. Ojha, IIT Roorkee,
8. Katiyar, Richa. Enhancing the Production of Biodiesel from Microalgae for
Environment Friendly Transportation. Ph.D. thesis Roorkee: Centre for Transportation
Systems, I.I.T. Roorkee, India (in-progress, IIT Roorkee, India).
9. Mudhoo, A. Accounting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Different Treatments of
Organic Wastes. Dept. of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Univ. of Mauritius. (in-progress, jointly with Romeela Mohee, Univ. of Mauritius).
10. Jayaswal, K. UASB Post-Treatment by Downflow Hanging Sponge Process. Ph.D. thesis
Roorkee: Centre for Transportation Systems, I.I.T. Roorkee, India (in-progress, jointly
with Prof. H. Harada, Tohoku Univ., Japan).

M.Tech. Dissertation
1. Jha, Shilpi. Low carbon mobility plan for Viajayawada. M.Tech. thesis: Centre for
Transportation Systems, IIT Roorkee, India, 2014-15. (jointly with Prof. M. Parida)
2. Rathod Harshadkumar Karashanbhai. Isolation of algal species from water bodies using
various stress conditions. M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee,
India, 2014-15. (jointly with Dr Raja Choudhury)
3. Gupta, Mohit. Wastewater treatment using membrane bioreactor. M.Tech. thesis:
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2014-15. (jointly with Dr Pramod
4. Gunjuruli, Anvesh. Assessment of Greenhouse gas emissions from storage based
hydropower scheme. M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India,
2014. (jointly with Dr M L Kansal)
5. Kumar, A. Mathematical Modeling of Composting Process. M.Tech. thesis: Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2013. (jointly with Dr Pramod Kumar)
6. Varshney, R. Mathematical Modeling of Secondary Settling Tank (SST) for Activated
Sludge Process (ASP). M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee,
India, 2013. (jointly with Dr Pramod Kumar)
7. Yadav, S.K. Greenhouse gas emissions from different waste management techniques.
M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2012. (jointly with Dr
M.K. Chandel)
8. Prayakarrao, S. Effect of fine bubble aeration on water quality of Jamuna Jheel, Lucknow.
M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2012. (jointly with Dr
A.A. Kazmi)
9. Patel, D. Post treatment of UASB effluent by extended aeration. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2012. (jointly with Dr AA Kazmi)
10. Bhargava, N. Assessment of GHG mitigation and CDM potential in urban transport sector
of Chandigarh. M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2011.
(jointly with Dr Suman Mor)
11. Kumari, S. Study of tailpipe emissions of gasoline powered vehicles. M.Tech. thesis:
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2010.
12. Kumar, R. Source apportionment of Urban PAHs using molecular cluster signature.
M.Tech. thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2010 (with Dr. R.J.
13. Ganga, S. System dynamics modeling of CO2 emissions in megacities of India. M.Tech.
thesis: Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2009.
14. Desireddy, P. Development of a model for the determination of BOD kinetic parameters:
M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2008 (with Prof. U.B.
15. Zanwar, S.G. Study of emissions and air quality in Delhi in context of various policy
measures: M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2008.
16. Singh, M. Physico-Chemical Characterization of PM10 in Ambient Air of Roorkee.
M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2007 (with Prof. A.
Kumar, IIT Roorkee, India).

(p. 7 of 25)
17. Sharma, K. Technology transfer and the clean development mechanism (CDM) the
case of Indian pulp and paper industry. M.Tech. thesis: Department of Paper Technology
(IITR Saharanpur Campus), I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2007 (with Dr. Vivek Kumar, IIT
Roorkee, India, and Prof. Volker Hoffmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland).
18. Singh, M. Public health risk due to urban air pollution: M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering
Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2006 (with Dr. Pramod Kumar, IIT Roorkee and Dr.
S.R. Wate, NEERI, Nagpur, India).
19. Mohan, K.Y. Air quality and health risk assessment of stack emissions from thermal
power plant: M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2006
(with Dr. Pramod Kumar, IIT Roorkee, India).
20. Rayudu, P.P. Seasonal variation in air quality with respect to Metals, SPM, SO2, and NOx:
M.Tech. thesis: Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2006.
21. Anand, A. Environmental risk assessment of vehicular pollution in Chandigarh: M.E.
thesis. Chandigarh: Post Graduate Environmental Engineering Dept., Punjab
Engineering College, Chandigarh, India, 2002 (with Er. S. Meena).
M.Tech. Seminar
1. Rathod Harshadkumar Karashanbhai. Algae based wastewater treatment. Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2014. (jointly with Dr Raja Choudhury)
2. Gupta, Mohit. Modeling of enhanced biological phosphorous removal. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2014. (jointly with Dr Pramod Kumar)
3. Gunjuluri Anvesh. Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Reservoir: Carbon
Foot Print of a Reservoir. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2013.
(jointly with M. L. Kansal)
4. Kumar, A. Review of Composting Process. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee,
India, 2012. (with Dr. Pramod Kumar)
5. Varshney, R. Growth of Flocs in Activated Sludge. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T.
Roorkee, India, 2012. (with Dr. Pramod Kumar)
6. Divyesh Patel (2011). Post Treatment of UASB Effluent by Activated Sludge Process.
Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2012. (with Dr. A.A. Kazmi)
7. Sandeep C. Environmental Risk Assessment: An Integrated Approach. Civil Engineering
Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2010.
8. Bhargava, N. Co-Benefits of Air Quality Management and GHG Reductions in Megacities.
Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2010.
9. Kumar, R. Black Carbon: Source, Dispersion and Impact. Civil Engineering Department,
I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2009.
10. Mustafa, M. Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T.
Roorkee, India, 2009.
11. Khan, A. Mercury in Air. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2009. (with
Dr. Pramod Kumar).
12. Ganga, S. Carbon Footprints of Megacities in India. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T.
Roorkee, India, 2008.
13. Zanwar, S.G. Review of Phytoremediation Techniques and Benefits. Civil Engineering
Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2007.
14. Singh, M. Air Pollution and Climate Change: A public health perspective. Civil Engineering
Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India, 2006. (with Prof. A. Kumar).
15. Rayudu, P.P. Trends in oil and gas consumption and atmospheric emissions. Department
of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2005.
16. Singh, M. Science, impacts and policy of global climate change. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2005.
M.Tech. Project
1. Kumar, A. Calculation of Composting Efficiency. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
Roorkee, India, 2012. (with Dr Pramod Kumar).
2. Varshney, R. Characterization of Flocs in Activated Sludge Process (ASP). Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2012. (with Dr Pramod Kumar).

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Yadav, S.K. Integrated waste management. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee,
India, 2011. (with Dr MK Chandel).
4. Patel, D. Scenario of Pollution Load in Himachal Pradesh State. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2011. (with Dr A.A. Kazmi).
5. Manjul, M. Emission inventory for industrial sector. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
Roorkee, India, 2010.
6. Bhargava, N. Study of start-up vehicular exhaust emissions using AVL Di Gas 444
Apparatus. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2010.
7. Khan, A. CDM application in bagasse cogeneration at sugar mills. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2009.
8. Kumar, R. Determination of molecular signature of urban PAHs. Department of Civil
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2009.
9. Ganga, S. Study of emissions in KCP cement plant. Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
Roorkee, India, 2008.
10. Singh, M. Measurement and analysis of RSPM in IIT Roorkee Campus. Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2006. (with Prof. A. Kumar).
11. Rayudu, P.P. Diurnal variation in air quality with respect to SPM and NO x. Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2005.
12. Singh, M. Assessment of noise pollution exposure to the passengers on Delhi-Hardwar
Highway (NH-58). Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India, 2005.
B.Tech. Project
1. Shashank V. Jain, Lakshay Choudhary, Hulsurkar Anirudha (2014). Challenges and
Opportunities for Cleaning Ganga: Engineering Approach. Civil Engineering Department,
I.I.T. Roorkee, India.
2. Ankit Jain, Rashesh Gupta, Sachin, Sahil Singhal, Shantanu Agarwal (2014). Transboundary Infrastructure Footprint (TBIF) based GHG Accounting for Indian Cities. Civil
Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India.
3. Neeraj Waiker, Vaibhav Jatav (2011). Study of hazardous waste management plant,
Laksar. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India.
4. Shashank Shekhar, Prashant & Shubham (2011). Study of Urban Transport Emission
With Co-Benefit Approach in Delhi. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India.
5. Singh, S. and Biswarup (2010). Rapid EIA of a Solid Waste Disposal Site at Haridwar.
Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India.
6. Gupta, S. and Group (2009-10). EIA of Expressways. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T.
Roorkee, India. (with Dr. M. Parida).
7. Sharma, A. and group (2008-09). EIA of Public Transport System in Delhi. Civil
Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India. (with Dr. M. Parida).
8. Singh, H. and group (2008-09). GIS based Modeling to Estimate Urban Carbon Footprints
in Delhi. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India. (with Dr. R.D. Garg).
9. Purohit, A. and group (2007-08). Development of Emission Inventory for the City of
Mumbai. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India. (with Dr. M. Parida).
10. Kumar, A.U. and group (2006-07). Impact of Urban Transport Development on Air Quality
in Dehradun. Civil Engineering Department, I.I.T. Roorkee, India. (with Dr. M. Parida).
Summer Project & Training
1. Basu, D., 2008. Urban heat island effect in urban areas.
2. Sahni, N., 2007. Estimation of Traffic Emissions and Analysis of their Trends for Megacity
3. Sharma, Ketki, 2006. Construction of Emission Inventory for Transport Sector of Megacity
4. Reddy, K. Rajendra Prasad, 2006. Estimates of Traffic Emissions (2001-2005) for
Megacity Mumbai.

(p. 9 of 25)
List of publications
[Total 141=137(Published)+4(Under Review): Books (8); Book-chapters (21); Papers in peerreviewed journals (54+4); Peer-reviewed research reports (0+1); Feature articles (5); Papers
in peer-reviewed conference proceedings (24); Edited conference/workshop/seminar
proceedings (3); Book-reviews (3); Thesis/dissertation, academic reports (6); Technical
reports, monographs/manuals (13)]:
Books (co)authored/(co)edited
1. Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang, R. D. Tyagi, Ravi Naidu, B. R. Gurjar, Song Yan, C. S.
P. Ojha, Satinder K. Brar, Anushuya Ramakrishnan, C. M. Kao (Eds.), 2015.
Carbon Capture and Storage: Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods.
American Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.
2. Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang, C.S.P. Ojha, B. R. Gurjar, R.D. Tyagi, and C.M. Kao
(Eds.), 2013. Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation, and Adaptation. American
Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA. ISBN:
3. Gurjar, B. R., Luisa T. Molina, C. S. P. Ojha (eds.), 2010. Air Pollution: Health and
Environmental Impacts (Foreword by Nobel Laureate Mario J. Molina). CRC
Press (Taylor & Francis), Florida, USA. p. 556, ISBN-10: 1439809623, ISBN-13:
4. Rathore, B. S., J. S. Saini, B. R. Gurjar (eds.), 2002. Entrepreneurial Opportunities in
Modernising Economy. Abhishek Publications, Chandigarh (India), 307 p. ISBN 8185733-46-5.
5. Gurjar, B. R., 2001. Sludge Treatment and Disposal (Foreword by Dr. R.L. Droste,
Professor and Chair, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada).
Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers (incorporating A.A. Balkema Publishers), The
Netherlands; a division of Taylor & Francis Group, UK. ISBN: 90 5809 208 9. Indian
edition available at Oxford & IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 266 p.
ISBN 81-204-1433-0. NB: A review of this book was published (by Dr. George M.
Savage) in Waste Management, Volume 23, Issue 8, 2003, Pages 793794.
6. Saini, J. S., B. R. Gurjar, B.S. Rathore, 2001. Enterprise Support System in India.
Wheeler Publishing (A Division of A.H. Wheeler & Co. Ltd.), New Delhi (India).
ISBN 81-7544-223-9.
7. Saini, J. S., B. R. Gurjar (eds.), 2001. Entrepreneurship and Education: Challenges and
Strategies. Rawat Publications, Jaipur (India), 352 p. ISBN 81-7033-648-1.
8. Sharma, D. D., S. K. Dhameja, B. R. Gurjar (eds.), 1999. Entrepreneurship, Strategic
Management and Globalization. Rawat Publications, Jaipur (India), 285 p. ISBN 817033-500-6.
Book chapters
1. Surampalli, R., Gurjar, B., Zhang, T., and Ojha, C., 2015. Introduction. In: Rao Y.
Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang, R. D. Tyagi, Ravi Naidu, B. R. Gurjar, Song Yan, C. S.
P. Ojha, Satinder K. Brar, Anushuya Ramakrishnan, C. M. Kao (Eds.). Carbon
Capture and Storage: Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods, 1-5. American
Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.
2. Gurjar, B., Ojha, C., Surampalli, R., Zhang, T., and Walvekar, P., 2015. Carbon Capture
and Storage: An Overview. In: Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang, R. D. Tyagi, Ravi
Naidu, B. R. Gurjar, Song Yan, C. S. P. Ojha, Satinder K. Brar, Anushuya
Ramakrishnan, C. M. Kao (Eds.). Carbon Capture and Storage: Physical, Chemical
and Biological Methods, 7-35. American Society of Civil Engineers Publication,
Reston, Virginia, USA.
3. Chandel, M., Gurjar, B., Ojha, C., and Surampalli, R, 2015. Modeling and Uncertainty
Analysis of Transport and Geological Sequestration of CO2. In: Rao Y. Surampalli,
Tian C. Zhang, R. D. Tyagi, Ravi Naidu, B. R. Gurjar, Song Yan, C. S. P. Ojha,
Satinder K. Brar, Anushuya Ramakrishnan, C. M. Kao (Eds.). Carbon Capture and
Storage: Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods, 475-497. American Society of
Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.

(p. 10 of 25)














Nagpure, A. S., Gurjar, B. R., 2014. Urban Traffic Emissions and Associated
Environmental Impacts in India. In: Avinash K. Agarwal, Ashok Pandey, Ashwani K.
Gupta, Suresh K. Aggarwal, Abhijit Kushari (Eds.), Novel Combustion Concepts for
Sustainable Energy Development, 405-414, Springer India.
Ciumasu, I.M., M. Costica, C.V. Secu, B.R. Gurjar, C.S.P. Ojha, 2013. Adapting to
Climate Change: Technologiues, Perceptions, Education, and Perspectives. In:
Surampalli et al. (eds.), Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation and Adaptation, 496518. American Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.
Gurjar, B.R., C.S.P. Ojha, R.Y. Surampalli, V. Tyagi, 2013. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
from Different Sources. In: Surampalli et al. (eds.), Climate Change Modeling,
Mitigation and Adaptation, 62-91. American Society of Civil Engineers Publication,
Reston, Virginia, USA.
Gurjar, B.R., C.S.P. Ojha, R.Y. Surampalli, P.P. Walvekar, V. Tyagi, 2013. Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and Climate Change: An Overview. In: Surampalli et al. (eds.),
Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation and Adaptation, 10-25. American Society of
Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.
Surampalli, R.Y., B.R. Gurjar, T. C. Zhang, C.S.P. Ojha, 2013. Chapter 1: Introduction. In:
Surampalli et al. (eds.), Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation and Adaptation, 1-7.
American Society of Civil Engineers Publication, Reston, Virginia, USA.
Gurjar, B.R., L.T. Molina, C.S.P. Ojha, 2010. Air Pollution: Health and Environmental
Concerns. In: Air Pollution Health and Environmental Impacts (Edited by Bhola R.
Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina and Chandra S. P. Ojha), CRC Press 2010, Pages 115,
DOI: 10.1201/EBK1439809624-c1.
Lakhani, A., R. Balasubramanian, B.R. Gurjar, 2010. Air Pollution Monitoring and Source
Characterization. In: In: Air Pollution Health and Environmental Impacts (Edited by
Bhola R. Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina and Chandra S. P. Ojha), CRC Press 2010, Pages
1944, DOI: 10.1201/EBK1439809624-c2.
Ojha, C.S.P., M. Mena, S. Guttikunda, B.R. Gurjar, and Wenfang Lei, 2010. Air Pollution
Modeling: Theory and Application. In: Air Pollution Health and Environmental
Impacts (Edited by Bhola R. Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina and Chandra S. P. Ojha), CRC
Press 2010, Pages 45106, DOI: 10.1201/EBK1439809624-c3.
Mohan, M., B.R. Gurjar, 2010. Health Risk Assessment and Management for Air Toxics in
Indian Environment. In: Air Pollution Health and Environmental Impacts (Edited by
Bhola R. Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina and Chandra S. P. Ojha), CRC Press 2010, Pages
311323, DOI: 10.1201/EBK1439809624-c12.
Molina, L.T., B.R. Gurjar, 2010. Regional and Global Environmental Issues of Air
Pollution. In: Air Pollution Health and Environmental Impacts (Edited by Bhola R.
Gurjar, Luisa T. Molina and Chandra S. P. Ojha), CRC Press 2010, Pages 493
518, DOI: 10.1201/EBK1439809624-c17.
Gurjar, B.R., R. Wats, 2002. Waste Minimization: A Vital Must for GreenEntrepreneurship. In: DD Sharma and SK Dhameja (eds.), Women and Rural
Entrepreneurship in India, 162-171. Abhishek Publications, Chandigarh, ISBN 8185733-34-1.
Rathore, B. S., S.K. Dhameja, B.R. Gurjar, D.D. Sharma, 2001. Resource generation in
TET: launching of a post-graduate certificate course in video film production
techniques. In Re-engineering TET: non-traditional approaches that worked /
Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), 195-226. Manila (Philippines): Colombo Plan
Staff College for Technician Education, ISBN 9718557687.
Rathore, B.S., J.S. Saini, D.D. Sharma, S.K. Dhameja, B.R. Gurjar, 2001. Tracer Study of
Employability of Polytechnic Diploma Holders. In: Re-engineering TET: nontraditional approaches that worked / Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), 297-335.
Manila (Philippines): Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, ISBN
Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, D.D. Sharma, 1999. Environmental Issues in Product
Development and Entrepreneurship. In: D.D. Sharma, S.K. Dhameja and B.R.

(p. 11 of 25)





Gurjar (eds.), Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management and Globalization, 2531.Rawat Publications, Jaipur, ISBN 81-7033-500-6.
Gurjar, B.R., B.S. Rathore, S.K. Dhameja, 1999. Energy Conservation in Medium and
Small Scale Industries: A Case Study. In: BS Rathore and SK Dhameja (eds.),
Entrepreneurship in 21st Century (Ed.), 146-153. Rawat Publications, Jaipur, ISBN
Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 1998. Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Info-Tech Industry: An
Indo-Global Perspective. In: JS Saini and SK Dhameja (eds.), Entrepreneurship
and Small Business, 49-59. Rawat Publications, Jaipur, ISBN 81-7033-487-5.
Gurjar, B.R., S. Guttikunda, 2013. Chapters on air quality and climatic issues in Delhi,
Mumbai and Kolkata. In: Impacts of Mega-cities on Air Quality and Climate (WMO
and IGAC Report)
Gurjar, B.R., 2013. Air Pollution in Megacities: the case of Delhi. In: L.T. Molina et al.
(eds.), AGU Monograph on Megacity. American Geophysical Union, USA (In

Peer-reviewed research papers / articles in journals

1. Gurjar, BR, AS Nagpure, P Kumar, 2015. Gaseous emissions from agricultural activities
and wetlands in national capital territory of Delhi. Ecological Engineering 75, 123127.
2. Gosu, V., BR Gurjar, TC Zhang, RY Surampalli, 2015. Oxidative Degradation of Quinoline
Using Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Supported by Granular Activated Carbon.
Journal of Environmental Engineering, 04015047, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EE.19437870.0000981
3. Sekar, C., Ojha, C., Gurjar, B., and Goyal, M., 2015. Modeling and Prediction of Hourly
Ambient Ozone (O3) and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Concentrations Using Artificial
Neural Network and Decision Tree Algorithms for an Urban Intersection in India. J.
Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste , 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000270 ,
4. Gurjar, B., Sharma, R., Ghuge, S., Wate, S., and Agrawal, R., 2015. Individual and
Societal Risk Assessment for a Petroleum Oil Storage Terminal. J. Hazard. Toxic
Radioact. Waste , 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000277, 04015003.
5. Sekar, C., Gurjar, B., Ojha, C., and Goyal, M., 2015. Potential Assessment of Neural
Network and Decision Tree Algorithms for Forecasting Ambient PM2.5 and CO
Concentrations: Case Study. J. Hazard. Toxic Radioact. Waste ,
10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000276, A5015001.
6. Gosu, V., B. R. Gurjar, Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian C. Zhang., 2015. Treatment of pyridinebearing wastewater by Nano Zero-valent iron supported on activated carbon
derived from agricultural waste. Desalination and Water Treatment, 1-11. DOI:
7. Sharma, R. K., B. R. Gurjar, A. Singhal, S. R. Wate, S. P. Ghuge, R. Agrawal, 2015.
Automation of Emergency Response for 1 Petroleum Oil Storage Terminals. Safety
Science 72, pp 262-273.
8. Gosu, V., B.R. Gurjar, Rao Y. Surampalli, T.C. Zhang, 2014. nFe0/GAC-Mediated
Advanced Catalytic Per-Oxidation For Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2 (4), 19962004, doi:
9. Mahapatra, P.S., S. Panda, P. P. Walvekar, R. Kumar, T Das, B.R. Gurjar, 2014.
Seasonal trends, meteorological impacts and associated health risks with
atmospheric concentrations of gaseous pollutants at an Indian coastal city.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
(19):11418-32. DOI
10. Nagpure, A.S., B.R. Gurjar, J C Martel, 2014. Human Health Risks in National Capital
Territory of Delhi due to Air Pollution. Atmospheric Pollution Research 5 (3): 371380, doi: 10.5094/APR.2014.043

(p. 12 of 25)
11. Walvekar, P.P., B.R. Gurjar, 2013. Formulation, Application and Evaluation of a Stack
Emission Model for Coal based Power Stations. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10:
12351244. DOI: 10.1007/s13762-012-0131-x (IF=1.844, Citations=1).
12. Mohan, M., Yukihiro Kikegawa, B. R. Gurjar, Shweta Bhati, Narendra Reddy Kolli, 2013.
Assessment of urban heat island effect for different land useland cover from
micrometeorological measurements and remote sensing data for megacity Delhi.
Theor Appl Climatol 112: 647658. DOI 10.1007/s00704-012-0758-z (IF=1.759,
13. Mudhoo, A., B. Sewhoo, R. Mohee and B.R. Gurjar, 2013. Greenhouse gas emissions
reductions from in-situ aeration in a landfill: A multi-parameter sensitivity analysis
approach. Journal of Environmental Informatics 22(2): 78-91. doi:
14. Nagpure, A.S., K. Sharma, B.R. Gurjar, 2013. Traffic Induced Emission Estimates and
Trends (2000-2005) in Megacity Delhi. Urban Climate 4, 6173. DOI:
15. Kumar, P., S. Jain, B.R. Gurjar, P. Sharma, M. Khare, L. Morawska, R. Britter, 2013. Can
a Blue Sky Return to Indian Megacities? Atmospheric Environment, 71. 198 - 201
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.01.055
16. Sharma, R. K., B.R. Gurjar, S.R. Wate, S.P. Ghuge, R. Agrawal, 2013. Assessment of an
accidental vapour cloud explosion: Lessons from the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
accident at Jaipur, India. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26
(1), 8290. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlp.2012.09.009
17. Gosu, V., B.R. Gurjar, 2013. Removal of Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds (NHCs)
by Nano Zero Valent Iron. International Journal of Chem Tech Research 5 (2),
18. Seetha N., Renu Bhargava, B.R. Gurjar, 2013. Gaseous and bioaerosol emissions from
municipal wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Science and
Engineering 55 (4), 517-536.
19. Thakur, A. K., Ojha, C. S. P., Singh, V. P., Gurjar, B. R. and Sandhu, C., 2013. Removal
of Pathogens by River Bank Filtration at Haridwar, India. Hydrol. Process. 27,
15351542. Published online 1 May 2012 in Wiley Online Library doi:
20. Mohan, M., Y. Kikegawa, B. R. Gurjar, S. Bhati, A. Kandya, K. Ogawa, 2012. Urban Heat
Island Assessment for a Tropical Urban Airshed in India. Atmospheric and Climate
Sciences 2, 127-138
21. Nagpure, A.S., B.R. Gurjar, 2012. Development and Evaluation of Vehicular Air Pollution
Inventory Model. Atmospheric Environment 59, 160-169.
22. Guttikunda, S.K., B.R. Gurjar, 2012. Role of Meteorology in Seasonality of Air Pollution in
Megacity Delhi, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184 (5), 31993211.
23. Tyagi, V, Gurjar, BR, Joshi, N and Kumar, 2012. PM10 and Heavy Metals in Suburban
and Rural Atmospheric Environments of Northern India. ASCE Journal of
Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 16 (2). 175 - 182.
24. Kumar, P., B.R., Gurjar, A.S. Nagpure, R.M. Harrison, 2011. Preliminary estimates of
particle number emissions from road vehicles in megacity Delhi and associated
health impacts. Environmental Science and Technology 45, 5514-5521
25. Nagpure, A.S., B.R. Gurjar, P. Kumar, 2011. Impact of Altitude on Emission Rates of
Ozone Precursors from Gasoline-driven Light-duty Commercial Vehicles,
Atmospheric Environment 45, 1413-1417.
26. Kumari, R., Attri, A.K., Gurjar, B.R., 2011. Impact of CNG on emissions of PAHs and
PCDDs/Fs from the road transport in Delhi. Atmospheric Pollution Research 02,
27. Kumari, R., A.K. Attri, Luc Int Panis, B. R. Gurjar, 2013. Emission Estimates of Particulate
Matter and Heavy Metals from Mobile Sources in Delhi. J Environ. Science & Engg.
Vol. 55, No. 2, p. 127-142.

(p. 13 of 25)
28. Kikegawa,Y., Y. Ishizaka, K. Hokari, M. Mohan, B. R. Gurjar, 2011. Study on the structure
of surface air temperature distribution and potential of heat island countermeasures
in Delhi under dry climate. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G
(Environmental Research) Vol. 67 (6), pp.II_315-II_326.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2208/jscejer.67.II_315
29. Thakur A K, Ojha C S P, Gurjar B R, 2011. Investigations into clogging in river bank
filtration sites: a case study from Haridwar. J Instn Engrs-Pt EN 2011, 91(Mar), 1622.
30. Ganga, S., B.R. Gurjar, R. Kumari, 2011. Urban and country level greenhouse gas
emissions and carbon footprints: a comparative study of a megacity, Delhi and
India. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 53(2), 137-142.
31. Gurjar B. R., A. Jain, A. Sharma, A. Agarwal, P. Gupta, A. S. Nagpure, J. Lelieveld, 2010.
Human health risks in megacities due to air pollution. Atmospheric Environment 44,
4606-4613. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.08.011
32. Mohan, M., B.R. Gurjar, 2010. Sensitivity Analysis of Probits with respect to Quantitative
Risk Assessment of Airborne Toxic Chemicals using IITD-QRA Model. International
Journal of Environment and Waste Management 6 (3-4), 345-355.
33. Gurjar, B.R., A. S. Nagpure, Prashant Kumar, Nalin Sahni, 2010. Pollutant emissions from
road vehicles in megacity Kolkata, India: past and present trends. Indian Journal of
Air Pollution Control X (2), 18-30.
34. Schneider M., Hoffmann V.H., Gurjar B.R. 2009. Corporate Responses to the Clean
Development Mechanism - the Indian Pulp and Paper Industry. Climate Policy 9,
35. Gurjar, B.R., T.M. Butler, M.G. Lawrence, J. Lelieveld, 2008. Evaluation of Emissions and
Air Quality in Megacities. Atmospheric Environment 42 (7), 1593-1606. DOI:
36. Butler, T.M., M.G. Lawrence, B.R. Gurjar, J. van Aardenne, M. Schultz and J. Lelieveld,
2008. The representation of emissions from megacities in global emission
37. Lawrence, M.G., T. M. Butler, J. Steinkamp, B. R. Gurjar, J. Lelieveld, 2007. Regional
pollution potentials of megacities and other major population centers. Atmos.
Chem. Phys., 7, 39693987. URL: www.atmos-chem-phys.net/7/3969/2007/
38. Mohan, M., L. Dagar, B.R. Gurjar, 2007. Preparation and Validation of Gridded Emission
Inventory of Criteria Air Pollutants and Identification of Emission Hotspots for
Megacity Delhi. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 130 (1-3), 323-339. doi:
39. Gurjar, B.R., J. Lelieveld, 2005. New Directions: Megacities and global change.
Atmospheric Environment 39 (2), 391-393. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.11.002
40. Gurjar, B.R., J.A. van Aardenne, J. Lelieveld, M. Mohan, 2004. Emission estimates and
trends (1990-2000) for megacity Delhi and implications. Atmospheric Environment
38 (33), 5663-5681, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2004.05.057
41. Molina, L.T., M.J. Molina, R. Slott, C.E. Kolb, P.K. Gbor, F. Meng, R. Singh, O. Galvez,
J.J. Sloan, W. Anderson, X.Y. Tang, M. Shao, T. Zhu, Y.H. Zhang, M. Hu, B.R.
Gurjar, P. Artaxo, P. Oyola, E. Gramsch, P. Hidalgo, A. Gertler, 2004. Air Quality in
Selected Megacities: Online Version of the 2004 Critical Review on Megacities and
Atmospheric Pollution, ISSN 1047-3289. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 55:000
000, URL: http://secure.awma.org/journal/critical/Default.asp
42. Mohan, M., B.R. Gurjar, 2004. A risk-based model to establish threshold planning
quantities of hazardous substances. J. Air & Waste Management Association 54
(4), 495-503.
43. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 2003. Integrated risk analysis for acute and chronic exposure to
toxic chemicals. Journal of Hazardous Materials A103 (1-2), 25-40.

(p. 14 of 25)
44. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 2003. Potential health risks due to toxic contamination in the
ambient environment of certain Indian states. Environmental Monitoring &
Assessment 82 (2), 203-223. doi:10.1023/A:1021886116208
45. Gurjar, B.R., 2003. Interlinking of rivers: A climatic viewpoint. Current Science 84 (11),
46. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 2002. Environmental risk analysis: Problems and perspectives in
different countries. Risk: Health, Safety & Environment 13 (1/2), 1-30.
47. Mohan, M., T.S. Panwar, B.R. Gurjar, 1998. Impact assessment and mitigation strategy for air
quality change due to thermal power plants: a case study. Indian J. of Environ.
Protection 18(11), 801-815.
48. Gurjar, B.R., Manju Mohan, Kirpal S. Sidhu, 1996. Potential health risks related to
carcinogens in the atmospheric environment in India. Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology 24 (2), 141-148. doi:10.1006/rtph.1996.0119
49. Gurjar, B.R., 1996. Increasing global temperature: its possible consequences. Journal of
Indian Association for Environmental Management 23, 36-37
50. Mohan, M., B.R. Gurjar, 1995. Estimation of threshold planning quantities of extremely
hazardous chemicals based on simple technical models. Journal of Institution of
Engineers (India) Environmental Engineering Division 76, 17-21
51. Gurjar, B.R., 1995. Water conservation through waste reduction techniques. Bhagirath 42 (2
& 3), 6-7
52. Benipal, G.S., B. Mitra, B.R. Gurjar, 1995. Affordable quantum of risk in toxic environment.
Indian J. of Environmental Protection 15 (11), 817-825
53. Gurjar, B.R., 1992. A simple new method to determine first-stage BOD constants (K and L).
Journal of Indian Association for Environmental Management 19, 84-86 [reprinted in
1994 as Formulation of a Simple New Method to Determine First Stage BOD
Constants, (K & L). Indian J. Environmental Protection, Vol. 14, No. 6, p. 440-442]
54. Gurjar, B.R., Ajay S. Nagpure, 2015. Indian Mega-Cities as Localities of Environmental
Vulnerability from Air Quality Perspective. Journal of Smart Cities (Accepted).
55. Nagpure et al., Emissions of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 from on-road vehicles in Indian
megacities. (IJETM_72681; Under review)
56. Gurjar et al., Non-Exhaust Emissions from On-Road Vehicles in Megacity Delhi (19912010). Atmos. Env. (Under review)
57. Mudhoo, A., Chamroo, V.C., Gurjar, B. R. Scenario and sensitivity analyses for comparing
potential greenhouse gas emissions from combinations of waste treatment
processes for municipal solid wastes. The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and
Management (Under review)
Research reports
1. Gurjar, B.R., T. Ohara, M. Khare, P. Kulshrestha, V. Tyagi, 2012. Air Pollution in South
Asia. UNU-IAS, Yokohama, Japan (Under Final Review)
Feature articles
1. Gurjar, B.R., 2010. Flood disaster in Pakistan: Need of a paradigm shift. Economic Times
30 September 2010. URL: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/opinion/Paradigmshift-to-combat-disaster/articleshow/6655833.cms
2. Gurjar, B.R., 2009. Urbanization Related Studies in India: An Overview. NewsLetters of
the FP7 EC MEGAPOLI Project. Issue 5, December 2009.
3. Chadha, A., B.R. Gurjar, 2009. India`s global portals of engineering and management
education, Industrie Management 25 (6), pp. 49 - 52 (in German).
4. Gurjar, B.R. (Lead Author); A.S. Nagpure and T.P. Singh (Contributing Authors); Howard
Hanson (Topic Editor), 2008. "Air quality in megacities." In: Encyclopedia of Earth.
Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition,
5. Gurjar, B.R., 2005. Mega cities: city-states of the future. The Financial Express, Vol.
XXXXIV, No. 197, Mumbai, Wednesday, November 2, 2005, p. 6

(p. 15 of 25)
Peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings
International Conferences
1. Anvesh, G., M. L. Kansal, B.R. Gurjar and Aman Sharma, 2014. Greenhouse Gas
Diffusive Flux Assessment from Few Indian Reservoirs. International Civil
Engineering Symposium (ICES), March 14-16, 2014, VIT University, Vellore,
Tamilnadu, India.
2. Katiyar, R. and B. R. Gurjar, 2013. Microalage : A reservoir of energy. Accepted for oral
presentation in 6th International Congress of Environmental Research (December
19-21, 2013), Aurangabad, India, and for publication in Journal of Environmental
Research and Development (JERAD).
3. Gurjar, B.R., 2013. Urban Air Quality and Health Risk in the Developing World: Trends
and Strategies. Proceedings of 4th Colombian Meeting and International
Conference on Air Quality and Public Health (August 13-16, 2013), Bogota,
Colombia, pp. 200-201.
4. Mohan, M., Yukihiro Kikegawa, B.R. Gurjar, Shweta Bhati, Anurag Kandya and Koichi
Ogawa. Assessment of Urban Heat Islands Intensities over Delhi. The Seventh
International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC-7), Yokohama, Japan, June 29
to July 3, 2009 Page nos. not available as only softcopy of extended abstract
published in a CD.
5. Ojha, C.S.P., A.K. Thakur, T. Grischek and B.R. Gurjar, 2008. Clogging of river bank
filtration sites: A case study from Haridwar. Proceedings of Indo-German Workshop
on Design and Operation of River Bank Filtration Schemes, 19-20 Sept., 2008,
Gujarat Jal Sewa Training Institute, Gandhinagar, India.
6. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 2007. Industrial Risk Assessment Tools and Techniques:
Development of Simple Approaches Appropriate to Developing Countries.
Proceedings of Hazardous Chemicals Management Regional Training Workshop,
December 10-14, 2007, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.176183.
7. Gurjar, B.R., A.S. Nagpure, 2007. Vehicular Particulate Emissions (2000-2005) in Indian
Megacities. International Symposium on Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate Interactions,
20-22 November, 2007. Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad (India), pp.
8. Gurjar, B.R., M. Singh, T.P. Singh, 2007. Physico-Chemical Characterization of PM10 in
Ambient Air of Roorkee (India). International Symposium on Aerosol-ChemistryClimate Interactions, 20-22 November, 2007. Physical Research Laboratory,
Ahmedabad (India), pp. 40-41.
9. Butler, T. M.; Lawrence, M. G.; Gurjar, B. R.; van Aardenne, J.; Schultz, M.; Lelieveld, J.,
2007. Modelling the Effects of Megacities on Global Atmospheric Chemistry.
Thursday, 19 April 2007. EGU General Assembly 2007. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 9, 07196, 2007. SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-07196.
10. Lawrence, M. G.; Butler, T. M.; Steinkamp, J.; Gurjar, B. R.; Lelieveld, J., 2007. Regional
pollution potentials of megacities and other major population centers. Wednesday,
18 April 2007. EGU General Assembly 2007. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.
9, 05051, 2007. SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-05051.
11. Gurjar, B.R., I.M. Ciumasu, N. Costica, A. Kumar, C.S.P. Ojha, 2006. Overexploitation of
ecosystem resources vs. the costs of storms and flooding risk management.
Proceedings of International workshop on Climate Change and Disaster Losses:
Understanding and Attributing Trends and Projections, 25-26 May 2006 Hohenkammer, Germany, pp. 91-107.
12. Gurjar, B.R., J. Lelieveld, J. van Aardenne, 2003. Air quality and emission trends in a
megacity: the case of Delhi. In R.S. Sokhi and J. Brechler (Eds.), Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and
Management, 25-27 March 2003, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic), pp.
13. Vijay, S., B.R. Gurjar, 1999. Nuclear Power and Risk Communication: An alternate model
based on Indian value system. Proceedings of International Seminar on Nuclear

(p. 16 of 25)
Power in 21st century: Challenges and Opportunities (sponsored by the Council of
Power Utilities, and Central Board of Irrigation and Power, Govt. of India), 21-22
April 1999, Mumbai (India), pp. 146-151.
14. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, T.S. Panwar, 1995. Evaluation of Chatwin-Sullivan model for
concentration fluctuations using large-scale field trials. Pre-proceedings of Indo-US
Workshop on Environmental Risk Analysis: Safety, Planning and Management, IIT
Delhi, 2-6 January 1995, New Delhi (India).
National Conferences
1. Walvekar, P. P., Gurjar, B. R., 2012. Indian Coal Fired Power Plants: Sustainable
Technologies. In: Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development, Proceedings
of Twenty-Eighth National Convention of Civil Engineers, October 12-14, 2012, The
Institution of Engineers (India) - Roorkee Local Center, Roorkee, India. pp. 785789.
2. Chandrrasekar, Gurjar, B. R. and C.S.P. Ojha. (2012). Prediction of hourly surface ozone
concentrations at major traffic intersection using artificial neural network approach.
In: Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of TwentyEighth National Convention of Civil Engineers, October 12-14, 2012, The Institution
of Engineers (India) - Roorkee Local Center, Roorkee, India. pp. 767-771.
3. Gosu V., Gurjar BR. Advance treatment technologies for pharmaceutical effluents.
Proceedings of Twenty-eighth National Convention of Civil Engineers, October 1214, 2012. The Institution of Engineers (India), Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee,
India. 778-784.
4. Sharma, R.K. and B. R. Gurjar, 2012. The Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL), Jaipur
Explosion and Fire Lessons Learned. In: Role of Infrastructure for Sustainable
Development, Proceedings of Twenty-Eighth National Convention of Civil
Engineers, October 12-14, 2012, The Institution of Engineers (India) - Roorkee
Local Center, Roorkee, India. Pp. 393-400
5. Sharma, R., B.R. Gurjar, 2009. Chemical and Industrial Accident Hazards in India: An
Evaluation of their Causes and Consequences and Mitigation Strategies. 2nd India
Disaster Management Congress, 4-6 Nov.2009, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India,
pp. 155-156.
6. Nagpure, A., B.R. Gurjar, 2008. Impact of Altitudes on Vehicular Emissions of Ozone
Precursors. Proceedings of 3rd Uttarakhand State Science and Technology
Congress 2008, November 10-11, 2008, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
India, p. 193.
7. Gurjar, B.R., 2006. Particulate pollution and aerosol emissions in and around Roorkee:
Past, present and future. Brain Storming Workshop on Aerosols and Its Impact on
Climate with Special Reference to Indo-Gangetic Plains, November 10-11, 2006,
IIT Kanpur, India, pp. 18-23.
8. Rayudu, P.P., B.R. Gurjar, 2006. Emissions and accumulation of metals in the
atmosphere due to crackers and sparkles during Diwali festival. In B.R. Gurjar
(Ed.), Proceedings of All India Seminar on Air Pollution and Health Impacts, 23-24
February 2006, IE(I) RLC, Roorkee, pp. 89-94.
9. Singh, M., B.R. Gurjar, A. Kumar, 2006. Assessment of noise pollution exposure to the
passengers on Delhi-Hardwar Highway (NH-58). In B.R. Gurjar (Ed.), Proceedings
of All India Seminar on Air Pollution and Health Impacts, 23-24 February 2006, IE(I)
RLC, Roorkee, pp. 144-147.
10. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 1999. IIT-QRA Model: An indigenous IT-Tool for industrial siting
and planning. Proceedings of 13th Indian Engineering Congress on Information
Technology for Sustainable Competitiveness, the IE (India) State Centre, 25-26
April 1999, Chandigarh (India), pp. 13-20.
Conference/seminar/workshop proceedings edited
1. Gurjar, B.R. (ed.), 2011. Workshop on Air Pollution and Climate Change (30 April 2011).
The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee Campus,
Roorkee. 70 p.

(p. 17 of 25)


Gurjar, B.R. (ed.), 2007. Brainstorming Workshop on Urban Air Pollution in India (25 Nov.
2007). The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee
Campus, Roorkee. 41 p.
Gurjar, B.R. (ed.), 2006. Air Pollution and Health Impacts. Proceedings of the All India
Seminar on Air Pollution and Health Impacts (23-24 Feb. 2006). The Institution of
Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee Campus, Roorkee. 234 p.

Book reviews
1. Gurjar, B.R., 1996. Green Production Systems. Cleaner Production in industry: integrating
business goals and environment. Manufacturing Engineer 75 (2), 60. ISSN: 09569944
2. Gurjar, B.R., 1996. Product Development and the Environment. Engineering Management
Journal 6 (5), 232. ISSN: 0960-7919
3. Gurjar, B.R., 1995. Compendium of Ergonomics. A guide to the ergonomics of
manufacturing. Manufacturing Engineer 74 (5), 211. ISSN: 0956-9944
Thesis, dissertation, academic reports
1. Gurjar, B.R. Environmental risk analysis for industrial siting, planning and management:
Ph.D. thesis. New Delhi: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, I.I.T. Delhi, India,
1999. 216 p.
2. Gurjar, B.R. Formulation and application of a simple numerical method to determine the
first-stage BOD constants from a series of BOD Measurements: M.E. dissertation.
Jodhpur: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, J.N.V.
University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, 1992.
3. Gurjar, B.R. Principles and methods of sewage sludge treatment: Seminar report.
Jodhpur: Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, J.N.V.
University, Jodhpur, India, 1991.
4. Gurjar, B.R. Design of an earthen dam: Project report. Jodhpur: Department of Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, J.N.V. University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India,
5. Gurjar, B.R. Construction of bridge over river Chambal at Palighat, Sawai Madhopur:
Training project report. Jodhpur: Dept. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of
Engineering, J.N.V. University, India, 1986.
6. Gurjar, B.R. Construction of forest hostel building: Training project report. Jodhpur:
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, J.N.V. University,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, 1985.
Technical reports, monographs, manuals
1. Report on EIA/EMP study conducted for a Common Solid Waste treatment, storage &
disposal facility (CSWMF) in Sector-5, SIDCUL-Haridwar, Uttarakhand. IIT Roorkee
(2011), 141p.
2. Environmental Impact Assessment of a proposed Common Hazardous Waste
Management Facility (CHWMF), Mauza Mukimpur, Roorkee. IIT Roorkee (2008), 113p.
3. Energy and Environmental Policy Analysis in Indian Context. IIT Roorkee (2007), 33p.
4. Temperature trends over India in the past century: An analysis in the regional & global
climate change context. IIT Roorkee (2007), 46 p
5. Energy & carbon efficiency in India and some other countries. IIT Roorkee (2007), 37 p.
6. Impact of taxation and subsidies on prices and consumption of petroleum products in
India and some other countries. IIT Roorkee (2007), 42 p.
7. Environmental Impact Assessment of Doon Cyber Towers at SIDCUL IT Park, Dehradun.
IIT Roorkee (2007), 79 p.
8. Environmental Impact Assessment of SARA Industrial Estate in Dehradun. IIT Roorkee
(2007), 69 p.
9. Environmental Impact Assessment of Dev Bhoomi Industrial Estate at Bandakheri,
Roorkee. IIT Roorkee (2006), 66 p.
10. Energy Conservation through Energy Audit in Selected Medium and Small Scale
Industries, NITTTR Chandigarh (1999), 90 p.

(p. 18 of 25)
11. Environmental Impact Assessment (Air Quality) of proposed 500 MW Thermal Power
Plant to be sited in Mangrol area of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, IIT Delhi (1994), 90 p.
12. Tracer Study of Employment Status of Polytechnic Pass-Outs, NITTTR Chandigarh
(1999), 127 p
13. Facilities and Incentives to Entrepreneurs, NITTTR Chandigarh (1998), 196 p
International conference posters, presentations
1. Gurjar, B.R., 2014. Modeling of Exhaust and Non-exhaust Emissions from Urban Road
Transport Vehicles in India. International Workshop on Novel Combustion
Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development, 2-4 January 2014, IIT Kanpur,
2. Gurjar, B.R., 2013. Urban Air Quality and Health Risk in the Developing World: Trends
and Strategies. Keynote address during 4th Colombian Meeting and International
Conference on Air Quality and Public Health (August 13-16, 2013), Bogota,
3. Sharma, R.K., B.R. Gurjar, R. Agrawal, 2013. A violent, episodic vapour cloud explosion
in fuel storage area. International conference on Challenges in Disaster Mitigation
and Management Strategies at Centre for Excellence in Disaster mitigation &
Management, IIT Rooorkee, (India),15-17 February 2013.
4. Gosu V., Gurjar BR. Removal of nitrogeneous heterocyclic compounds from
pharmaceutical industries, International Conference on Advances in Chemical
Engineering February 22-24, 2013, IIT Roorkee, India.
5. Gosu V., Gurjar BR. Synthesis and characterization of GAC supported nano zero valent
iron for the removal of nitrogenerous heterocyclic compounds in pharmaceutical
industries, 7th Uttarakhand State Science & Technology Congress, November 2123, 2012, Dehradun, India.
6. Sharma, R.K., B.R. Gurjar, S.R. Wate, S.P. Ghuge, R. Agrawal, 2012. The Indian oil
corporation Ltd. Jaipur explosion and fire incident: causes, consequences and
lesson learned. RDEIA- IACM International Conference at National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, (India), 29-31 March 2012.
7. Gurjar, B.R., V. Tyagi, 2009. GHG emissions from cooking fuels used in Indian
megacities: Estimates and implications. GEIA- ACCENT Open Conference on
Emissions of gases and aerosols: Progress Modelling Needs Emission Issues.
October 26 -28, 2009. Oslo Innovation Center, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
8. Gurjar, B.R., K. Sharma, M. Mohan, 2007. Estimation of traffic emissions for megacity
Delhi. Paper poster presented during 16th Annual International Emissions Inventory
Conference - "Emission Inventories: Integration, Analysis, and Communications",
held at Raleigh, NC (USA) from 14-17 May, 2007. Sponsored by Emission
Inventory and Analysis Group, United States Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA.
9. Gurjar, B.R., 2005. Megacities and sustainability. An air quality perspective. Delivered the
invited expert lecture at International Seminar on Regional Issues and Priorities for
Sustainable Development: An Asian Perspective, 10-16 April 2005, DIT, Dehradun
10. Lawrence, M. G., T.M. Butler, B.R. Gurjar, J. Lelieveld, 2005. Near-future global
atmospheric chemistry changes in light of the role of megacities. Presented at the
Workshop on Global Air Pollution Trends Up To 2030, 27-28 Jan. 2005, Int. Inst.
For Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg (Austria).
11. Butler, T.M., J. van Aardenne, B.R. Gurjar, M.G. Lawrence, J. Lelieveld, 2004. The
influence of mega-cities on reactive nitrogen deposition. Presented at the 8th
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Conference, 4-9 September
2004, Christchurch (New Zealand).
12. Gurjar, B.R., J. van Aardenne, T.M. Butler, M.G. Lawrence, J. Lelieveld, 2004. Air
pollution emissions in megacities. Presented at the 8th IGAC Conf., 4-9 September
2004, Christchurch (New Zealand).

(p. 19 of 25)
13. Lawrence, M. G., T.M. Butler, B.R. Gurjar, J. van Aardenne, J. Lelieveld, 2004. Megacity
regional pollution potentials. Presented at the 8th IGAC Conf., 4-9 Sept. 2004,
Christchurch (New Zealand).
14. Lelieveld, J., T.M. Butler, B.R. Gurjar, M.G. Lawrence, J. van Aardenne, 2004. Regional
and global ozone from megacity pollution emissions. Presented at the 8th IGAC
Conference, 4-9 September 2004, Christchurch (New Zealand)
15. Gurjar, B.R., J.A. van Aardenne, J. Lelieveld, M. Mohan, 2004. Megacity Delhi emission
trends (1990-2000) and implications. Presented by Prof. Dr. Jos Lelieveld during
Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Science Team meeting, 2-4 February 2004, New
Delhi (India).
16. Gurjar, B.R., M. Mohan, 2003. Potential air quality and climatic impacts of the Thar
Desert: A review analysis of regional aerosol chemistry and physics. Presented in
the Desert Technology-7 International conference, 9-14 November 2003, Jodhpur
Story Published on Research Findings and Publications
1. Story based on article Kumar, P., Gurjar, B.R., Nagpure, A., Harrison, R.M., 2011.
Preliminary estimates of particle number emissions from road vehicles in megacity
Delhi and associated health impacts. Environmental Science and Technology.2011,
45, 55145521 published in Nature India with title Deadly vehicular nanoparticles
pollute cities doi:10.1038/nindia.2011.125; Published online 29 August 2011.
2. Story based on article Nagpure, A. S., Gurjar, B. R., Kumar, P., 2011. Impact of
altitude on emission rates of ozone precursors from gasoline-driven light-duty
commercial vehicles, Atmospheric Environment 45 , 1413-1417 published in Vertical
News with title Data on Ozone Discussed by Researchers at Indian Institute of
Technology http://www.verticalnews.com/premium_newsletters/Journal-of-India/201104-05/67690JI.html; Published online 5 April 2011.
Outreach & Knowledge Dissemination
1. Breathless in the Megacity. Special feature coverage on IITRs Max Planck Partner
Groups research findings on megacities emissions and air quality in Max Planck
Societys International Magazine. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Max Planck Research);
September 22, 2011. URL: http://www.mpg.de/4433733/India_Megacity
Conferences Organized, Production of Educational TV Programs, Short Term Courses
Conducted, Courses Developed
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars Organized
1. Convener, Brainstorming workshop on Urban Air Pollution in India, 25 November, 2007.
The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee Campus, Roorkee,
2. Organizing Committee Member, International workshop on Climate Change and
Disaster Losses: Understanding and Attributing Trends and Projections, 25-26 May 2006
- Hohenkammer, Germany.
3. Coordinator, All India Seminar on Air Pollution & Health Impacts, February 23-24, 2006.,
The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee Campus, Roorkee,
Educational TV Programs
Significantly contributed in the development of educational TV programs related to following
1. School level experiments in Physics Laboratory (Telecasted several times on Gyan
Darshan Channel)
2. Entrepreneurial opportunities for Civil Engineers

(p. 20 of 25)

Air Pollution and Health Impacts (assisted the EMMRC, IIT Roorkee, in making one ETV
film and two e-contents).

Short-Term Courses (STCs)/Continuing Education Programs (CEPs)

1. Coordinator, Short-Term Course on Technical Paper Writing, 14-15 May 2010. The
Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, IIT Roorkee Campus, Roorkee,
2. Training in Environmental Laboratory a consulting program sponsored by the MMM
Engineering College, Gorakhpur (UP) (2005).
3. Industry Institute Community Interaction program in Jammu and Kashmir State of
India, significantly contributed in development of project proposal for this program that
was accepted for the grant of approximately Rs. 1 million under World Bank assisted
project Tech-Ed-III, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research
(NITTTR), Chandigarh (2001).
4. Coordinated more than a dozen State and National level sponsored short-term training
programs for technical teachers and industry personnel in the area of Industry-Institute
Interaction, Environmental Management, and Entrepreneurship Development (1996
2001). Major themes of such programs were as listed below:
i) Professional Development Program (PDP) for Industry-Institute-Interaction (III) Cell
Officials and Training & Placement Officers (TPOs).
ii) Quality System Standards : ISO 9000
iii) Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) with Special Emphasis on Project
Report Preparation.
iv) EDP for Women (sponsored by Small Industries Development Bank of India).
v) Industrial Reforms and Marketing with Special Emphasis on Export Promotion.
vi) EDP for beneficiaries of Prime Ministers Rozgar Yojana.
Curriculum and Courses Development
1. Organized two-day workshop on Curriculum Development (18-19 March99), TTTI,
2. Participated and contributed as an expert in the workshop on revision of curriculum for
diploma program in Civil Engineering of Uttaranchal polytechnics held from 9-10 March,
2006 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chandigarh.
3. Developed three UG courses; i) Environmental Studies, ii) Air and Water Pollution, and iii)
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, for IIT Roorkee B.Tech.
(Civil) students.
4. Developed three PG courses; i) EIA of Transport Infrastructure System, ii) Air Pollution
and Control, and iii) Environmental Economics and Legislation for IIT Roorkee M.Tech.
(Civil) students.
Invited Lectures, Talks, Presentations, Session Chairs, Panel Discussions
1. Chief Guest, Valedictory Session, National Conference on Make In India: A Vision
Strategy & Goal, 29th March 2015. S.D. College of Engineering & Technology and S.D.
College of Management studies, Muzaffarnagar, U.P.
2. Environment Impacts of the transport sector and how to mitigate them. Invited Lecture
delivered on 13th March, 2015 at CAG of Indias International Center for Environment
Audit and Sustainable Development, Jaipur.
3. Emissions from Megacities and their Health Impacts. Invited talk delivered during
international scientific seminar on Knowledge transfer on Indian mega-cities: developing
effective environmental mitigation strategies held from 18-20 February 2015 at the
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (ECCI), Edinburgh, U.K.
4. Fundamentals of water and wastewater treatment. Invited talk delivered at S.D. College of
Engg. & Tech., Muzaffarnagar, U.P., India. 27 September 2014.
5. Assessment and control of urban air pollution in large cities of India. Keynote lecture
during All India Seminar on Methodologies for Air pollution control (30-31 August 2013);
MNIT, Jaipur.

(p. 21 of 25)















Urban AIR Quality Conditions in Large cities of India. Talk delivered on 12 August 2013 at
College of Engineering EAN University, Bogota, Colombia.
Urban pollutants and inventory in Asia/India. Talk delivered during International Workshop
on Inventory, Modeling and Climate Impacts of Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHGs) and
Aerosols in the Asian Region (June 26-28, 2013), Tsukuba, Japan.
Urban Transport Emissions Modeling. Talk delivered during Workshop on Regional
Atmospheric Chemistry: Emerging Trends (6-7 May 2013), Physical Research
Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.
Urban Transport Emission Modeling. Distinguished Speaker during National Workshop on
Sustainable Transportation for Indian Cities (STIC 2013) (22 March 2013), CSIR-CRRI,
New Delhi, India.
Emission Inventories in India. Talk delivered during Workshop on Indo-US Project on
Climate Change and Air Quality 14-15th May 2012; TERI University Campus, Vasant
Kunj, New Delhi. Organised by The Energy & Resources Institute and IIT-Kanpur
(Partners NEERI, C-DAC, IITM, IIT-Roorkee, NCSU (US).
Air Pollution Emissions and Health Impacts in Megacity Delhi. Technical talk delivered
during one day seminar on Urban Challenges in the Context of Climate Change held on
20th April 2012 at Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Delhi (in partnership with Liberty Institute, New
Delhi, with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for freedom Germany).
Emissions and air quality in South Asian Megacities. Presentation made during Workshop
on "Atmospheric Chemistry in South Asia: Progress and Emerging Issues" (5-6 March
2012). Organized by IISER, Mohali, Punjab, India.
Environmental Issues of Transport Sector with a Special Emphasis on Vehicular
Emissions and Ambient Air Quality. Technical talk delivered during National Workshop on
Transportation Challenges 2022 and R & D Needs, 1-2 March 2012, CRRI, New Delhi.
Chaired the Thematic Session on "Urban Heat Island and Indoor Air Quality" during the
Summit on Sustainable Habitat 2011 held on 9th December 2011 at New Delhi.
Chaired a session Long-term variation and future projections in Asian emission during
Third International Workshop on Emission Inventory in Asia, February 24-25, 2012;
Yokohama, Japan.
Emissions and Air Quality in South Asian Megacities. Presented during Third International
Workshop on Emission Inventory in Asia, February 24-25, 2012; Yokohama, Japan.
Urban Heat Island and Indoor Air Quality: Their Role in Sustainable Urban Built
Environment. Presented during the Summit on Sustainable Habitat 2011 held on 9th
December 2011 at New Delhi.
Application of Sustainable Green Technologies, Green Buildings and Environmental
Management. Presented during National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Civil
Engineering" from 16-17 November, 2011. NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Study of the urban transport system of megacity Delhi with co-benefits approach.
Presented during Workshop on Urban Development with Co-benefits Approach on 24-27
July 2011, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS),
Yokohama, Japan.
Gaseous and particulate emissions in Indian megacities. Lecture during Second
International Workshop on Emission Inventory in Asia. Tsukuba International Conference
Center (EPOCHAL Tsukuba), Tsukuba (Japand). March 11-12, 2011.
Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Health. Lecture during 4th National Conference
Health Impacts of Polluted Environment: Assessment & Solutions. India International
Centre Annexe, New Delhi. February 25-26, 2011.
Mortality and Mobidity due to Air Pollution in Megacities. Lecture at Regional Atmospheric
Modeling Section, Asian Environmental Research Program, National Institute for
Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan. December 24, 2010.
NOx and NOy Emissions and Impacts. Presentation as a panelist (Panel-1 Human Health:
Nitrate and Human Health; session conducted by Dr. S.K. Gupta) during 5th International
Nitrogen Conference on Reactive Nitrogen Management for Sustainable Development
Science, Technology and Policy, The Ashok, New Delhi. December 4, 2010.

(p. 22 of 25)
24. Advances in Air Pollution Control. Lecture during a short term course titled Green
technologies for energy security public health and clean environment. The Institution of
Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Chapter, Roorkee, India. August 27, 2010.
25. Mega-cities and global change. Talk delivered during German Indian Partnership for ITSystems (GRIP-IT) Workshop, July 23, 2010, Bangalore. Organized by acatech
German Academy of Science and Engineering.
26. Human Health Risk in Megacities due to Air Pollution: A Comparative Study. Lecture at
the United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) Seminar Series,
Yokohama, Japan. March 05, 2010.
27. Gaseous Emissions in Asia with special reference to megacities in China, India and
Japan. Presentation in the First International Workshop on Emission Inventory in Asia at
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan. March 1, 2010.
28. Trace Gas Emissions in India/Asia with special reference to Megacities. Talk during 2nd
Review Meeting of Atmospheric Trace gases Chemistry, Transport and Modeling (ATCTM), Project of ISRO-GBP. Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
(ARIES), Nainital, India. January 29, 2010.
29. Health Risks in Megacities Due To Ambient Air Pollution. Lecture during Environmental
Health and Safety Management; a Short-Term Course sponsored by AICTE and
organized by QIP Centre and Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee, India.
January 25, 2010.
30. Carbon Capture and Sequestration. Keynote presentation during session on Role of
Cleaner Production in Mitigation of Global Warming. National Seminar on Cleaner
Production Technologies. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and
Research, Chandigarh, India. November 17-18, 2009.
31. GHG emissions from cooking fuels used in Indian Megacities: Estimates and Implications.
Presented during GEIA International Conference on Emissions of Gases and Aerosols>
Progress and Modeling Needs, 26-28 October, 2009, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
32. Chaired Session on Eco-Friendly Processes and Materials, Safe Drinking Water, 5th
Annual Session of Students Chemical Engineering Congress. Department of Chemical
Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India. September 20, 2009.
33. Megacities Emissions and Global Climate Change. Lecture during Indo-UK Workshop on
Water Resources Management under Climate and Environment Change. Department of
Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India. September 12-13, 2009.
34. Urban Heat Island Potential in Megacities with special reference to Delhi. Presentation
during 4th Workshop on the Asian Urban Heat Island Issues. Meisei University, Tokyo,
Japan. December 25, 2008.
35. Role of Megacities in Global Change. Public Lecture at UNAM (UNIVERSUM),
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, December 10, 2008.
36. Emission and Air Quality in South Asian Megacities. Seminar presentation at Centro de
Ciencias de la Atmosfera, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City,
Mexico, December 08, 2008.
37. Study of Technological & Policy Measures to Reduce Vehicular Emissions in Megacity
Delhi. Presentation during Air Pollution Management Training Course Regional
Workshop; organized by Sida (Sweden) and Pollution Control Department (Thailand).
Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, April 21-25, 2008.
38. National Implementation Plan on Stockholm Convention: Status in India. Presentation
during Regional Workshop on Hazardous Chemicals Management; organized by the
Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research of Norway, AIT, and Pollution Control
Department, Thailand. AIT, Bangkok, December 10-14, 2007.
39. Urban Environment Modeling. Presentation during QIP STP on Urban Transportation
Planning; IIT Roorkee, India. June 27, 2007.
40. Megacities and Global Change. Lecture at the Group of Sustainability and Technology at
the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics of ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
May 22, 2006.
41. Emissions and air quality trends in Indian megacities. National Level Brainstorming
Workshop: Indian Urban Air Quality 2005, Oct 24-25, 2005. NEERI, Nagpur (India).

(p. 23 of 25)

Expert Workshop Participation

1. Networking Conference on New Frontiers: Shifting Trends in the Global Research
Landscape and their Impact on Researchers Career Patterns and Workshop on
Alumniportal Deutschland held on March 29-31, 2012 at Gurgaon, India. Organized by
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.
2. CSE-IIT Second National Research Conference on Climate Change. November 5-6, 2011
@ IIT Delhi. Organized by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), Indian Institute
of Technology (IIT) Delhi and IIT Madras.
3. The World Bank Workshop on the Bank and Global Best Practices in Environmental
Management and Role of Training & Knowledge Network. June 13-14, 2011, New Delhi.
4. Workshop on Cleaner liquid fuels and improved vehicular technologies, 31st May 2011,
India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Jointly organized by the International Council on Clean
Transportation (ICCN), and TERI, New Delhi, India.
5. 3rd Bi-annual Meeting of Heads of Max Planck Partner Groups, 20-21 February 2011,
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
6. One day International seminar on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control: Sharing
experience with special focus on air pollution. India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India.
Held by European Union and MoEF, Govt. of India. 17 February 2011.
7. Workshop on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) for Industrial
Clusters. Organized by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in collaboration with the
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. The Ashok, New Delhi, India. December 24, 2009.
8. Workshop on Development of Environmental Pollution Index (EPI) for Industrial Clusters/
Areas. Organized by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in collaboration with the
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India. October 24, 2009.
9. Workshop on Web of Science As a Research Tool. IIT Roorkee, India. October 6, 2009.
10. MPG-India Partner Group Head Meeting. S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences,
Kolkata, India. February 25-27, 2009.
11. Workshop on Hazardous Air Pollutants: Monitoring & Control; organized by Indian
Association for Air Pollution Control (Delhi Chapter) and Central Pollution Control Board,
Delhi. WWF- INDIA, Lodi Estate, New Delhi, August 23, 2008.
12. Indo-Swedish Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development; organized by Centre for
Indian Swedish Cooperation on Technical Research and Education (INSTEC). Casurina
Hall, IHC Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi, April 4, 2008.
13. International Conference on Energy Efficiency & Climate Change; jointly organized by IIT
Delhi Alumni Association and IIT Delhi, New Delhi. April 4, 2008.
14. Stakeholder Workshop on Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies
(GAINS-Asia); organized by TERI (India) and IIASA (Austria). Amaltas, IHC Complex,
New Delhi. 25 October 2007.
15. Workshop on Integrated Development of Public Transport System; Jointly organized by
Centre for Transport Systems (CTRANS), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, and
Queensland University of Technology, Birsbane, Australia. IIT Roorkee, Oct. 13, 2006.
16. Experts' Workshop on "Climate Change Adaptation and Rural Livelihoods - Practical
Approaches to Risk Management; organized by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ),
New Delhi. The Grand Hotel, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. September
12, 2006.
Administrative, Managerial and Leadership Roles
1. Head, Centre for Excellence in Transportation Systems (CTRANS), IIT Roorkee (2015Continue)
2. Chairman, Centres Research Committee, CTRANS, IIT Roorkee (2014-2015)
3. Convener, Development, Planning and Overseas Issues Committee, Dept. of Civil Engg.,
IIT Roorkee (2014-2016).
4. Member, Institute Academic Research Committee (IARC), IIT Roorkee (2014-Continue)
5. Member, Institute Academic Program Committee (IAPC), IIT Roorkee (2013-Continue)

(p. 24 of 25)

Chairman, The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, Roorkee (20122014)
Coordinator, Environmental Engineering Group, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT
Roorkee (2012-2014)
Chairman, Grade Moderation Committee, CTRANS, IIT Roorkee (2013-Continue)
Head, Max Planck Partner Group of the MPI for Chemistry Mainz (Germany) at IIT
Roorkee (2006-2011)
Honorary Secretary, The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local Centre, Roorkee
Officer-In-Charge, M.Tech. (Environmental) Programme, Civil Engineering Department,
IIT Roorkee (2010-2012)
Member, Departmental Academic Committee (DAC), Civil Engineering Department, IIT
Roorkee (2010-2012)
Member, Time Table Committee, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Roorkee. (2010-2012)
Faculty Advisor, Literary Section (Magazines), Cultural Council, IIT Roorkee. (20092014)
Member, Cultural Council, IIT Roorkee. (2009-2014)
Member, CED Interaction Committee (IITR VISION 2030), IIT Roorkee (2009).
Executive Committee Member, The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local
Centre, Roorkee (2008-10)
Executive Committee Member, The Institution of Engineers (India) Roorkee Local
Centre, Roorkee (2006-08)
Member, Convocation Seating Arrangement Committee (2007-Continue)
Member, Departmental Research Committee (DRC), Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Roorkee.
Member, Office, Establishment and Central Facilities Committee (OE&CFC), Civil Engg.
Dept., IIT Roorkee. (2009-2010)
Member, Time Table Committee, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Roorkee. (2008-10)
Additional Officer-In-Charge, Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Civil Engg. Dept.,
IIT Roorkee (2005-Continue)
Member & Secretary, Departmental Under Graduate Committee (DUGC), Civil
Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee (2006-2008)
Officer-In-Charge, UG Practical Training, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Roorkee (2006-2008)
Member, Website committee, Civil Engg. Dept., IIT Roorkee. (2007-2008)
Member, NITTTR Chandigarh Deptt. Screening Committee (group A, B, C & D
employees) (2001)
Member, NITTTR Chandigarh Team for In-house Faculty Dev. & Cultural Programs
House Secretary, Vindhyachal House, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
Cultural Secretary, Vindhyachal House, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
Editor, Board for Student Publications, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi
Cultural Secretary, M.B.M. Engineering College, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur

Professional Services, Affiliations and Memberships

1. Mentor, Prakriti, Techfest-2014, IIT Bombay
2. External examiner, University of Pretoria, South Africa; Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University (JNTU), Hyderabad; TERI University, New Delhi; Thapar University, Patiala;
MANIT, Bhopal; NIT, Patna.
3. Expert Reviewer, Climate Risk chapter of the International Panel on Climate Change in
Cities (IPC3's) First Assessment Report [A complementary activity to the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the IPC3 is an initiative of the Urban Climate Change
Research Network (UCCRN) and supported by the World Bank's Global Facility for Disaster

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Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the City University
of New York Institute for Sustainable Cities (CISC), Columbia University's Center for
Energy, Marine Transportation and Public Policy (CEMTPP), the Columbia Center for
Climate Systems Research (CCSR), and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies].
External reviewer, The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).
Peer-Reviewer, Journal of Environment and Development, Atmospheric Environment,
Environmental Science & Technology, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental
Monitoring and Assessment, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management,
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Environmental Engg. Div.
International Representative Committee Member, International Association for Urban
Climate (IAUC), Columbus, USA.
Fellow / Member, Population Environment Research Network (PERN), USA; Indo-German
Forum on International Environmental Governance, Potsdam, Germany; Indian Association
for Environmental Management, Nagpur, India; The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata,
India; Institution of Water and Environment (India); International Association of Hydrological
Sciences, Oxfordshire, UK; Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India; Indian
Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, India.

Editorial Positions
1. Editorial Board Member, International Scholarly Research Notices, Hindawi Publishing
Corporation (2014-Continue).
2. Associate Editor, GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology (JET) (2014-Continue).
3. Associate Editor, Journal of Energy and Environmental Sustainability (JEES); an official
publication of the International Society for Energy, Environment and Sustainability
(ISEES), IIT Kanpur, India (2014-Continue).
4. Editor, Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control; An official journal of Indian Association for
Air Pollution Control, New Delhi, India (2014-Continue).
5. Editor, American Journal of Environmental Protection (2012-Continue)
6. Associate Editor, American Society for Civil Engineers Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and
Radioactive Waste (ASCE-JHTRW), USA (2012-Continue).
7. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Columbia
International Publishing, USA.
8. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Wastewater Treatment and Green
Chemistry (IJWTGC), Serials Publications, India.
9. Editorial Board Member, ISRN Atmospheric Sciences, Hindawi Publishing Corporation
(http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/atmospheric.sciences/editors/) (2012-2014).
Extracurricular: Poetry, Music, Philosophy, and Literature.

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