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Lecture 3 Introduction To Traffic Control Devices I

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Lecture No.

Introduction to Traffic Control Devices-I

Chro Haider Ahmed

Ph.D. In Rail Transit System Planning and

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

1. Overview

Traffic control devices are the media
through which traffic engineers
communicate with drivers. Virtually
every traffic law, regulation, or operating
instruction must be communicated
through the use of devices that fall into

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

three broad categories:
• Traffic signs
• Traffic markings
• Traffic signals
The principal standard governing the
application, design, and placement of
traffic control devices in Kurdistan
Region is the current edition of the State
Organization of Roads & Bridges (SORB) 2
OR the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD).
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2. Requirements of Traffic Control Devices

traffic control devices must:
1. Fulfil a need.
2. Command attention from the road users
3. Convey a clear, simple meaning
4. Command respect of road users

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

5. Provide adequate time for proper
response from the road users:

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3. Contents of the MUTCD/SORB:

They address three critical aspects of traffic control devices.
1. Detailed standard for the physical design of the device,
specifying shape, size, colors, legend types and sizes, and specific
2. Detailed standards and guidelines on where devices should be

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

located with respect to the travelled way.
3. Warrants, or conditions, that justify the use of a particular

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4. Communication with the Driver:

The driver is accustomed to receiving a certain message in a clear and
standard fashion, often with redundancy. A number of mechanisms
are used to convey messages. These mechanisms make use of
recognized human limitations, particularly with respect to eyesight.
Messages are conveyed through the use of these elements:

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2. Shape
3. Pattern
4. Legend

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4.1 Colour is the most easily visible characteristic of colour is

recognizable long before a general shape may be perceived and
considerably before a specific legend can be read and understood. The
principal colours used in traffic control devices are red, yellow, green,
orange, black, blue. and brown. These are used to code certain types of
devices and to reinforce specific messages whenever possible.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

4.2 Shape after colour, the shape of the device is the next element to be
discerned by the driver. Particularly in signing, shape is an important
element of the message, either identifying a particular type of
information that the sign is conveying or conveying a unique message
of its own.

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4.3 Pattern is used in the application of traffic markings. In general,

double solid, solid, dashed and broken lines are used. Each conveys a
type of meaning with which drivers become familiar.

4.4 Legend the last element of a device that the driver

comprehends is its specific legend. Signals and markings, for convey
their entire message through use of shape, and pattern. Signs,

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

however, often use a specific legend to transmit the details of the
message being transmitted.

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Redundancy of message can be achieved in a number of ways. The

STOP sign, for example, has a unique shape (octagon), a unique
colour (red). and a unique one-word legend (STOP). Any of the
three elements alone is sufficient to convey the message. Each
provides redundancy for the others.

Redundancy can also be provided through use of different devices,

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

each reinforcing the same message. A left-turn lane may be
identified by markings on the pavement a "This Lane Must Turn
Left" sign, and a protected left-turn signal phase indicated by a
green arrow. Used together, the message is unmistakable.

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5. Types of Traffic Signs

There are several hundreds of traffic signs available covering wide
variety of traffic situations. They can be classified into three main
1. Regulatory Signs : these signs are also called mandatory signs
because it is mandatory that the drivers must obey these signs. If
the driver fails to obey them, the control agency has the right to

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

take legal action against the driver. These signs are primarily
meant for the safety of other road users. Regulation signs may
relate to right-of-way, speed limits, lane usage, parking, or a
variety of other functions .

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

2. Warning Signs : these signs are also called cautionary signs give

information to the driver about the impending road condition.
They advice the driver to obey the rules. These signs are meant
for the own safety of drivers. They call for extra vigilance from
the part of drivers.

Informative signs: theses signs are also called guide signs, are

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

provided to assist the drivers to reach their desired destinations.
These are predominantly meant for the drivers who are
unfamiliar to the place. The guide signs are redundant for the
users who are accustomed to the location.

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6. Sign Shapes (SORB):

• The octagon – reserved exclusively for the STOP sign.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

• The triangular shape with the point facing downwards –reserved
for the GIVE WAY (YIELD) sign.

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• The round shape – used for REGULATORY signs.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
• The triangular shape with the point facing
upwards – used for WARNING signs.

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• GUIDE signs should be rectangular in shape.
Any other sign plates with messages which
are needed to supplement warning and regulatory signs should
be rectangular in shape.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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7. Sign Colours (SORB):

The colours to be used on standard signs should be as follows:
1. Regulatory signs which are prohibitive in nature should have a white
background with a red border and black symbols. Regulatory signs
which are mandatory in nature should have a blue background with
white symbols.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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2. Warning signs should have a white background

with a red border and black symbols.

3. Stop signs should have a red background with a

white border and white symbols.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

4. Priority signs should have a yellow background
with a white border and black symbols.

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5. Guide signs which give information regarding services should
have a blue background with a white message or symbols.
The direction signs should have a green background with a white
message or symbols for streets and highways other than
expressways. For expressways the direction signs should have a
blue background with a white message or symbols.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

8. Sign Border (SORB):

• The signs which are rectangular in shape (mostly guide sign) should
have a narrow border of the same color as the message. This
improves the appearance.
• For 60 cm signs the border should be in the range of 1.0 to 1.5 cm,
set 1.0 cm from the edge, and for other sign sizes approximately in
proportion but not to exceed the stroke width of the major lettering

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

of the sign.
• On signs exceeding 2m by 3m in size, the border should be
approximately 5cm wide or, on unusually large signs, 7.5cm.

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• The corners of the border should be rounded. Where practicable, the

corners of the sign panels should also be rounded to fit the border.
• Regulatory, warning and guide signs should be reflectorized or
illuminated to show the same shape and colour both at day and

9. Standard Location of Signs (SORB):

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

The general rule is to locate signs on the right hand side of the
roadway. On wide expressways or where some degree of lane use
control is desirable or where space is not available at the roadside,
overhead signs are often necessary.

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• In some circumstances signs may be placed on channelizing islands
(as on sharp right hand curves) on the left hand shoulder of the
road, directly in front of the approaching vehicles.

• A supplementary sign located on the left of the roadway is often

helpful on a multi-lane road where traffic in the right hand lane may

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

obstruct the view to the right.

• Normally signs should be individually erected on separate posts or

mountings except where one sign supplements another. Signs should
be located so that they do not obscure each other nor are hidden
from view by other roadside objects.

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Traffic Signs Located at
Channelized Island

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

Overhead Traffic Signs

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• Overhead sign installations: the factors justifying the erection of

overhead sign displays are not definable in specific numerical terms,
but the following conditions deserve consideration:
1. Traffic volume at or near capacity
2. Complex interchange design
3. Three or more lanes in each direction

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

4. Restricted sight distance
5. Closely spaced interchanges
6. Multi lane exits
7. Insufficient space for ground signs
8. Large percentage of trucks
9. High speed of traffic

Minimum spacing for traffic signs
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Traffic Eng.

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10. Height of Signs (SORB):

• Signs erected at the side of the road in rural areas should be mounted
at a height of at least 1.5 m measured from the bottom of the sign to
the nearside edge of pavement.

• In business, commercial and residential areas where parking and/or

pedestrian movement is likely to occur, the clearance to the bottom of

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

sign should be at least 2 m.

• Overhead signs should provide a vertical clearance of not less than 5.2
m over the entire width of pavement and shoulders except where a
lesser vertical clearance is used for the design of other structures.

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Minimum Mounting Height for Signs

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
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Minimum Mounting Height for Signs

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

11. Lateral Clearance (SORB):
• Signs should have the maximum practical lateral clearance from
the edge of the roadway for the safety of the motorist. Signs
should be placed so that the distance from the near edge of the
nearest traffic lane to the near sign edge is not less than 2 m nor
more than 4 m.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

• In Urban areas a sign should be placed adjacent to the roadway
with its nearest edge not less than 30 cm nor more than 2 m from
the curb line.

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Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
Lateral Location of Signs

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12. Position of Signs (SORB):

A warning sign is placed in advance of the condition to which it
calls attention. A regulatory sign is normally placed where its
mandate or prohibition applies or begins. Guide signs are placed
(usually in advance) to keep drivers well informed as to the route to
their destination.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

13. Posts and Mountings
• Signposts and signs mountings should be so constructed as to hold
signs in their proper and permanent positions and to resist swaying
in the wind. Especially in rural areas, if roadside sign supports
cannot be sufficiently distant from the pavement edge, sign
supports should be of a suitable collapsible design.
• In some cases signs can be placed on existing supports used for
other purposes, such as street lights and public utility poles, (in
urban areas), thereby minimizing footpath obstruction. 28
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Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
Sign Mountings 29
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Sign Mountings

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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Sign Mountings

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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Sign Mountings

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

14. Warning signs

14.1 Application: warning signs as their name implies should be used
for the purpose of warning traffic of hazardous conditions either on or
adjacent to the road. Warning signs require caution on the part of the
motorist and generally call for reduction of speed in the interest of his
safety and that of other motorists and pedestrians. Improved highway
design generally reduces the need for the warning signs.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

Typical locations and hazards that may warrant the use of warning

signs are:
• Curves
• Intersections
• Advance warning of traffic signals
• Hills and bumps

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

• Narrow carriageways and structures
• Approaches to and exits from dual carriageways
• Railway crossings
• Other dangerous spots

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

14.2 Design of warning signs: the length of the side of a warning sign

to be used for primary roads shall be 90 cm and for other lower
category roads 60 cm. Warning signs convey their message by legend
or symbol,

14.3 Colour and shape: they should be triangular shaped with the
point facing upwards. They should have a white background with a

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

red border and black legend or symbols.

14.4 Location of warning signs: although there are standard distances to

locate warning signs in advance of hazards, there will be many
instances where physical conditions require different distances. Trial
runs should be made by day and at night to determine the most
effective location and erection characteristics for each installation.

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

In rural areas, the warning signs should normally be placed between

90 and 250 m from the hazard, and in urban areas between 40 and 90
m. The actual advance warning distance will be determined by two
• prevailing speed and;
• prevailing conditions.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

These have a bearing respectively on the time available to the driver
to comprehend and react to the message and the time needed by him
to perform any necessary manoeuvres.

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Table 1: Minimum and recommended distances for the location of traffic

signs requiring vehicles to stop

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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Table 2: Minimum and recommended distances for the location of

traffic signs requiring vehicles to reduce speed 40 (km/h)

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

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Table 3: Minimum and recommended distances for the location of

traffic signs requiring vehicles to reduce speed 60 (km/h)

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

14.5 Curve signs: on rural highways the curve sign is intended for use

where engineering investigations of geometric and operating
conditions on a roadway show that the recommended speed on the
curve is less than 100 km/h and/or equal to or less than the speed limit
established by law or regulation for that section of highway.
Additional warnings may be provided by the use of the advisory
speed limit, distance plate and by the installation of road delineation

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

markers. Where two curves in opposite directions are separated by a
tangent less than 250 m long, a reverse curve sign shall be used.

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Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

Curve Signs
Criteria for Curve Sign and Reverse Curve Sign
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a is variable
x = length of
depending on speed
Traffic Eng.

see table 1 to 3

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Application of Delineator on Sharp Bend

a is variable
depending on speed
see table 1 to 3
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Civil Eng. Dept
Traffic Eng.

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UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

14.6 Steep gradient signs: should be used where

uphill and downhill gradient of the road ahead
exceed 10%.

14.7 Bump signs: should be used to give

warning of a sharp change in the profile of the Steep gradient sign
road that is sufficiently abrupt to create a

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

hazardous condition, to cause considerable
discomfort to passenger, to cause a shifting of
freight, or to deflect a vehicle from its true
course when the bump is crossed at speed 25
percent greater than normal driving speed of
that section of road.

Speed bump g sign 44

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15. Regulatory signs

15.1 Application: regulatory signs should be used to inform highways
users of certain laws and regulations enacted to promote safety and
convenience on the streets and highways.
Regulatory signs should be erected at those locations where the
regulations apply and should be mounted so as to be easily visible to
the motorist.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

Regulatory signs are classified in the following groups:
• Signs regulating priority at intersection
• Prohibitory or restrictive signs
• Mandatory signs
• Standing and parking signs
• Miscellaneous signs

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15.2 Design of regulatory signs: The side length or diameter to be
used for high speed roads should be 90 cm and for urban areas and
other low speed roads 60 cm.

• Most of the regulatory signs are circular in shape with a white

background, red border and black symbols.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

• Mandatory signs should have a blue background with white


Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

• Standing and parking signs have mostly blue backgrounds with red
borders and are round in shape.

UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

15.3 Signs regulating priority at intersections:

1. STOP signs: are intended for use on roadways
where traffic is required to stop. The STOP sign
should be an octagon with a white message and
border on a red background. The size should be 60 cm
by 60 cm. Where greater emphasis or visibility is
required, the larger size of 90 cm by 90 cm can be

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

A STOP sign may be necessary at an intersection where one or more of the
following conditions exist:
1. At the entrance to a street intersecting a through highway or through
2. Unsignalized intersection in a signalized area.
3. At a minor intersection where, due to restricted view, the safe vehicle
approach speed is less than 10 km/h.
4. At locations where accident experience indicates the need for STOP sign
STOP signs shall not be erected at intersections where traffic control signals are
present and continuously in operation.
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

2. GIVE WAY (YIELD) signs: the GIVE WAY sign
indicates right of way to traffic on certain approaches
to an intersection. Vehicles controlled by a GIVE WAY
sign need to stop only when necessary to avoid collision
with other traffic that has right of way.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

The GIVE WAY sign may be necessary:
1. On a minor road at the entrance to an intersection
where it is necessary to assign right of way to the
major road but where stopping is not necessary at
all times and where the safe approach speed on the
minor road exceeds 15 km/h.
2. On the entrance ramp to an expressways.

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3. Within an intersection with a divided highway where a STOP
sign is present at the entrance of the first road and further
control is necessary at the entrance to the second roadway and
where the median width between the two roadways exceeds 10 m.

3. Where there is a separate or channelized right turn lane. For a

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

YIELD sign to be effective, full visibility will be needed to the
right and left between a point 1m above road level over an area
defined by distances x and y as shown in figure below.

Typical Location for STOP Signs and GIVE WAY
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Visibility Display

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

15.4 No entry signs: to prohibit traffic from entering

a restricted road section, the NO ENTRY sign should
be placed in the most appropriate position at the end
of a one way roadway or ramp. The sign should
normally be mounted on the right hand side of the
roadway facing traffic that would enter the roadway
or ramp in the wrong direction. However, a second

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

sign at the left hand side may be justified where a
vehicle is approaching for a turn.

15.5 Speed limit signs: the Speed limit signs should

display the limit established by law or by regulation
after an engineering and traffic investigation has been
made in accordance with established traffic
engineering practices. The speed limit shown should be
in multiples of 5 km per hour. 53
UOS-College of Engineering Civil Eng. Dept Traffic Eng.

In order to determine the proper numerical value for a speed zone on

the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, the following
factors should be considered:
1. Road surface characteristics, shoulder condition, gradient,
alignment and sight distance.
2. The 85 percentile speed.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

3. Roadside development.
4. Safe speed for curves or hazardous locations within the zone.
5. Parking practices and pedestrian activities.
6. Reported accident experience for a 12 month period.

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16. Guide Signs:

Guide signs can be classified in two categories:

• Direction signs
• Information signs

Direction signs are used to:

• Inform the motorist about the name (identification or Route

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

number) of important crossing streets and highways.
• Inform the motorist about cities and towns along the route and
also about important towns immediately adjacent to the route.
• Identify nearby rivers, streams, lakes, parks, institutions and
historical sites.

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16.1 Direction signs: Signs for streets and

highways should have a green background
with a white message or symbol.
Direction signs for expressways should have a
blue background with a white symbol or
letters. The shape of the sign will be
rectangular but the size varies (depending on

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

height of letters, no. of words and no. of
If there is more than one destination to be
shown on a direction sign, the following order
should be maintained
Straight ahead destination
Left turn destination
Right turn destination
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16.2 Information signs: Information signs may

be used for the purpose of directing traffic to
the following facilities:
1. Off-road services such as fuel, restaurants,
parking areas, lodgings, tent and trailer
camp sites or motels.

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

2. Points of interest such as historical,
geological or geographic sites.

3. Emergency services such as hospitals and


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Warrants for information signs

• The distance from the highway to the facility should not exceed
5 km.
• Adequate standard of service should be provided at the facility.
For example, the service station should be open 24 hours every
• A point of interest should be one that has been recognized by an

Dr. Chro H. Ahmed

appropriate body such as the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of
Tourism, etc.

Information signs should have a blue background with a white inset

and a black message or symbol. The standard size should be 75 cm
(width) by 100 cm (height). It should be placed 2 km to 3 km in
advance of the exit junction to the facility with another one about
500 m before the exit junction to the facility. The second sign should
be supplemented by a distance plate and arrow directed to the
location of the facility. 58
Thank you


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