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Warhammer Class System

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The (nearly) careerless (and highly blasphemous) WFRP Class System

Why? Why do you do this to my favourite RPG???

Honestly: As a GM, were you always happy with the WFRP Career System? It’s easy to
explain an adventuring PC who chooses to be an Outlaw, but how about a PC who wants
to become an Artisan? Shouldn’t he spend a few years training? Or a Sergeant? He
should stay in an army and not running around, adventuring. Of course, all of us pulled a
few explanations out of the hat (between the sessions, the PC spends time training,
visiting his old mentor, blah blah, blah). But in fact, nobody is interested in roleplaying
training… the players want action, excitement, adventures; that’s what’s roleplaying is
about (no one has created ‘The Great Bore Roleplaying Game’ yet, where you can play an
accountant or a civil servant or a similar class of highly exciting professions). So the
solution proposed here is simple, although highly blasphemous; many of the old WFRP
Grognards (and I will include my humble self here) will rant instantaneously that the Career
System is one of the distinguishing marks, the foundation and the holy grail of the WFRP
system (apart from being grim and perilous). Fine. You’re right. But this is my game, I
bought it and I bend it. D&D taught us how such a system works way back in the 70s. But
D&D is not grim and perilous, no way! All the following rules are suggestions and the GM
may always overrule these. Please note that if you play a non-human (Dwarf, Elf, Halfling,
Half-Orc, Snotling or whatever) you eventually have to adapt the Skill/Talent allowances a
little. I also included a lot of optional and unofficial Talents in the list – if you do not know a
specific Talent, simply ignore it. NPCs are created and used as usual.

The WFRP Class System

(or how to squeeze, bend and jam WFRP so that it fits all the other RPGs)
Roll for your Character and Basic Career as normal and pay for all the advances in that
career with your first earned xp using the normal xp rates given in the core WFRPv2 core
rules (i.e., 100 xp per 5% increment). This represents what you have done before you
became an Adventurer, as usual. After that, pay 100 xp and choose your class from the
 Academic
 Cleric
 Ranger
 Rogue
 Warrior
 Wizard
Change your ‘career’ now to the selected class and add ‘Level 1’. In a Level, you have to
buy 8 profile advances (Main Profile in 5% increments, Secondary Profile in 1 point
increments), 6 Skills (including Skill Mastery) and 3 Talents which must be available for
your class (see below). Of course, you cannot buy Strength and Toughness Bonuses as
they increase with the modifications in the Main Profile. After that, you pay 100 xp and
change to Level 2, where you do exactly the same. And so on.

XP Costs
 An increase of 5% in the Main Profile costs (New Value * 10) xp (e.g., an Agility
increase from 27 to 32 would cost 320 xp).

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The (nearly) careerless (and highly blasphemous) WFRP Class System
 An increase of 1 in the Secondary Profile costs 100 xp.
 A Skill or a non-Lore-Talent costs 100 xp (also Skill Mastery).
 A Lore Talent may be acquired once per Level, with Petty Magic (select one) for
100 xp being the first. At each further level the Wizard or Cleric may buy Arcane or
Divine Lore (any one) respectively, which contains up to 5 spells from a specific
Lore, including any Lesser Magic spells, with a combined Casting Number not
higher than 501 at a cost of (Level of the PC * 100). So, for example, a Cleric Level
1 may acquire the Petty Magic (Divine) Spell Set for 100 xp; in his Level 2 career,
he may acquire Divine Lore (Sigmar) containing the four spells Armour of
Righteousness (CN 6), Beacon of Courage (CN 14), Chaos Overcome (CN 22) and
Deny the Heretic (CN 8) for a total CN-sum of 50 and an xp cost of 200. The same
spell set in Level 3 would have cost him 300 xp.
 A Wizard or Cleric may also buy Rituals at each Level for the normal cost.

Class XP Discounts
The following Main Profile advances are available at quarter xp price, depending on Class.
Given the example above, an Agility increase from 27 to 32 would cost only 80 xp for a PC
in the Ranger Class.
 Academic: Int
 Cleric: Fel
 Ranger: BS
 Rogue: Ag
 Warrior: WS
 Wizard: WP
The following Main Profile advances are available at half xp price, depending on Class.
For example, a Toughness increase from 27 to 32 would cost only 160 xp for a PC in a
Ranger, Warrior or Wizard Class.
 Academic: WP & Fel
 Cleric: S & WP
 Ranger: T & Ag
 Rogue: BS & Fel
 Warrior: S & T
 Wizard: T & Int

 You may only choose Wounds 1 time per Level except for the Warrior Class, who
may increase the Wounds Characteristic 2 times per Level
 You may only choose Attacks 1 time per Level up to a maximum of 3 if you are in
the Warrior Class and up to a maximum of 2 if you are in the Cleric, Ranger or
Rogue Class; all other Classes cannot increase their Attack Characteristic
 You may only choose Movement 1 time per lifespan of your character

If you want more powerful wizards, simply increase that number to 60 or even 70

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The (nearly) careerless (and highly blasphemous) WFRP Class System
 Only Wizards and Clerics may choose Magic and only 1 time per level up to a
maximum of 5 in case of Wizards and 4 in case of Clerics; no other Class can
increase their Magic Characteristic2
Skill Availability
An entry in the column means that this Skill is available for your Class, the number means
the maximum of times this skill can be taken in your whole life. Each Skill (including Skill
Mastery) can only be chosen once per Level.
Skill Academic Cleric Rogue Ranger Warrior Wizard
Academic Knowledge (var.) 12 6 3 - 3 6
Animal Care 1 2 2 3 3 2
Animal Training 1 1 2 3 3 1
Blather 3 3 3 2 3 3
Channelling - 3 - - - 3
Charm 2 3 3 1 1 2
Charm Animal 2 3 2 3 2 2
Command 1 2 1 1 3 2
Common Knowledge (var.) 12 6 4 3 3 6
Concealment 1 2 3 3 2 1
Consume Alcohol 3 3 3 3 3 3
Disguise 2 1 3 1 1 2
Dodge Blow - 1 2 1 3 -
Drive 1 2 3 3 2 1
Evaluate 3 2 3 1 1 2
Follow Trail 1 1 3 3 2 1
Gamble 2 - 3 1 2 -
Gossip 3 3 3 2 1 1
Haggle 3 1 3 2 2 1
Heal 2 3 2 3 2 2
Hypnotism 3 1 1 - - -
Intimidate - 1 3 1 3 1
Lip Reading 3 - - - - -
Magical Sense - 3 - - - 3
Navigation 3 1 1 1 1 1
Operate (various) 3 3 3 1 3 3
Outdoor Survival 1 2 2 3 3 1
Perception 3 3 3 3 3 3
Performer (various) 2 2 3 1 2 2
Pick Locks 1 1 3 1 2 1
Prepare Poison 3 1 3 3 - 2
Read/Write 3 3 1 1 1 3
Ride 3 3 3 3 3 3
Row 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sail 3 3 3 3 3 3

If you think that 4/5 are too many Casting Dice, you may reduce these figures to 3 for a cleric and 4 for a wizard

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The (nearly) careerless (and highly blasphemous) WFRP Class System
Scale Sheer Surface 1 1 3 3 3 1
Search 3 3 3 3 3 3
Secret Language (various) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Secret Signs (various) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Set Trap - 1 3 3 1 -
Shadowing - 1 3 3 1 -
Silent Move - 1 3 3 2 -
Sleight of Hand - - 3 1 1 1
Speak Arcane Lang. (var.) 12 6 - - - 12
Speak Language (various) 16 6 3 2 2 6
Swim 3 3 3 3 3 3
Torture - 1 2 1 3 1
Trade (various) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Ventriloquism 3 3 3 3 3 3

Talent Availability
An entry in the column means that this Talent is available for your Class. A number would
mean you can purchase this number of variations from this Talent group (i.e., Specialist
Weapon Group (Two-handed) and Specialist Weapon Group (Parrying)). The GM may
always deny a specific Talent, for example, the Grail Virtue Talent can only be taken if
your character represents a Bretonnian Knight.
Skill Academic Cleric Rogue Ranger Warrior Wizard
Acute Hearing X X X X X X
Athyric Attunement X X
Alley Cat X X
Ambidextrous X X X X X X
Animal Whisperer X X X X X X
Arcane Lore X
Armoured Casting X X
Art of Silent Death X
Artistic X X X X X X
Black Hunger X
Chosen of Chaos X X X X X X
Contortionist X X X X X X
Controlled Corruption X X X X X X
Dark Lore X
Dark Magic X
Dealmaker X X
Detect Ley Line X X
Disarm X X
Divine Lore X
Etiquette X X X X X
Excellent Vision X X X X X X
Expert Climber X X X X X X
Fast Hands X X
Fearless X X
Flee! X X X X X
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Focussed Strike X
Frenzy X
Grail Virtue 1
Grudge-Born Fury
Hedge Magic X
Incantation X X
Inured to Chaos X X X X X X
Lightning Parry X
Linguistics X
Luck X X X X X X
Master Gunner X
Master Orator X X X X X X
Meditation X X
Menacing X X
Mighty Missile X X
Mighty Shot X
Mimic X X X X X X
Orientation X X X X X X
Petty Magic X X
Politics X
Provincial Expertise X X X X X X
Public Speaking X X X X X X
Quick Draw X
Rapid Reload X
Resistance to Disease X X X X X X
Resistance to Poison X X X X X X
Rover X X X
Schemer X
Seasoned Traveller X X X X X X
Sharpshooter X
Sixth Sense X X X X X X
Specialist Weapon (various) 1 1 2 1 5 1
Stout-Hearted X
Street Fighting X X X
Streetwise X X X
Strike Mighty Blow X
Strike to Injure X
Strike to Stun X X
Strong-Minded X X X X X X
Sturdy X
Super Numerate X
Sure Shot X
Surgery X
Swashbuckler X X
Trapfinder X X
Trick Riding X X
Tunnel Rat X
Unsettling X X

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The (nearly) careerless (and highly blasphemous) WFRP Class System
Virtue (various) 1
Wall Runner X X
Witch Lore X
Witchcraft X
Wrestling X X X
The following Talents change the Profile and are presented here separately.
Profile Changing Skill Academic Cleric Rogue Ranger Warrior Wizard
Coolheaded (+5 WP) X X X
Fleet Footed (+1 M) X X X X
Hardy (+1 W) X X X
Lightning Reflexes (+5 Ag) X X X
Marksman (+5 BS) X X
Savvy (+5 Int) X X X
Suave (+5 Fel) X X X X
Very Resilient (+5 T) X X X
Very Strong (+5 S) X X X
Warrior Born (+5 WS) X X

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