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Arcing Fault: Electric Arc

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Arcing fault[edit]

Where the system voltage is high enough, an electric arc may form between power system
conductors and ground. Such an arc can have a relatively high impedance (compared to the normal
operating levels of the system) and can be difficult to detect by simple overcurrent protection. For
example, an arc of several hundred amperes on a circuit normally carrying a thousand amperes may
not trip overcurrent circuit breakers but can do enormous damage to bus bars or cables before it
becomes a complete short circuit. Utility, industrial, and commercial power systems have additional
One extreme is where the fault has zero impedance, giving the maximum
three-phase systems, a fault may involve one or more phases and ground, or may occur only
between phases. In a "ground fault" or "earth fault", current flows into the earth. The prospective
short circuit current of a predictable fault can be calculated for most situations. In power systems,
protective devices can detect fault conditions and operate circuit breakers and other devices to limit
the loss of service due to a failure.

power may be consumed in the fault, compared with the zero-impedance case where the
power is zero. Also, arcs are highly non-linear, so a simple resistance is not a good model.
All possible cases need to be considered for a good analysis. [3]

protection devices to detect relatively small but undesired currents escaping to ground. In
residential wiring, electrical regulations may now require Arc-fault circuit interrupters on
building wiring circuits, to detect small arcs before they cause damage or a fire.

Fault Current means the electrical currentthat flows through a circuit during an
electricalfault condition. A fault condition occurs when one or more electrical conductors
contact ground and/or each other.

a positive-sequence component, in which the phases are in the same order as the original
system, i.e., a-b-c

a negative-sequence component, in which the phases are in the opposite order as the
original system, i.e., a-c-b

transmission lines, generators, and transformers involved. Three separate circuits are then
constructed using these impedances. The individual circuits are then connected together in a

particular arrangement that depends upon the type of fault being studied (this can be found in most
power systems textbooks). Once the sequence usual to consider the prospective short-circuit
current. Notionally, all the conductors are considered connected to ground as if by a metallic
conductor; this is called a "bolted fault". It would be unusual in a well-designed power system to
have a metallic short circuit to ground but such faults can occur by mischance. In one type of
transmission line protection, a "bolted fault" is deliberately introduced to speed up operation of
protective devices.

Realistic faults[edit]

Realistically, the resistance in a fault can be from close circuit is interrupted by some failure.
In subtransient is first, and is associated with the largest currents

transient comes between subtransient and steady-state

steady-state occurs after all the transients have had time to settle

An asymmetric fault breaks the underlying assumptions used in three-phase power, namely that
the load is balanced on all three phases. Consequently, it is impossible to directlyuse tools such as
the one-line diagram, where only one phase is considered. However, due to the linearity of power
systems, it is
of the
to zero to fairly high. A large amount of

In an electric power system, a fault or fault current is any abnormal electric current. For
example, a short circuit is a fault in which current bypasses the normal load. An open-circuit fault
occurs if a

resulting voltages andcurrents as a superposition of symmetrical components, to which three-phase

analysis can be applied.
In the

a) mm in width, there shall be a passage way from either end

switchboard clear to a height of 1.8 m



olted fault[edit]

a zero-sequence component, which is not truly a three-phase system, but instead all three
phases are in phase with each other.

To determine the currents resulting from an asymmetrical fault, one must first know the perunit zero-, positive-, and negative-sequence impedances Next, the location of the fault is considered
to be supplied with a negative voltage source, equal to the voltage at that location in the base case,
while all other sources are set to zero. This method makes use of the principle of superposition.
To obtain a more accurate result, these calculations should be performed separately for three
separate time ranges:
In a polyphase system, a fault may affect all phases equally which is a "symmetrical fault". If only
some phases are affected, the resulting "asymmetrical fault" becomes more complicated to analyse.
The analysis of these types of faults is often simplified by using methods such as symmetrical
The design of systems to detect and interrupt power system faults is the main objective of powersystem protection

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