Simulations, D: Iagnostics and Recent Results of The Visa Ii Experiment
Simulations, D: Iagnostics and Recent Results of The Visa Ii Experiment
Simulations, D: Iagnostics and Recent Results of The Visa Ii Experiment
An electron bunch, of approximately 330 pC, with 1.7% spectrometer is calibrated with the spectral lines of a com-
energy spread, was propogated through the undulator. Due mercial Argon lamp. The resultant is a direct study of the
to nonlinear compression, the peak current of the pulse d2 I
intensity of the beam presented in the familiar form, dωdθ y
reached 300 A. The compression, as well as the SASE FEL the double differential spectrum.
output, was extremely stable and insensitive to RF and laser Some recent data of this diagnostic is shown in Fig. 3.
timing jitter. Sextupoles were not energized during these This data was retrieved from a preliminary prototype of
runs, thus there was no control of electron beam chirp prior the double differential spectrometer that did not contain fo-
to undulator injection. The average measured SASE radi- cusing lenses; the raw image on the CCD camera had ad-
ated energy was approximately 2 μJ and displayed an ex- equate brightness. The overall parabolic structure of the
traordinary wavelength distribution. The spectrum is no- beam, from red shifting, in (θ, ω) space is evident, with
table for a characteristic double peak structure, accompa- even richer multi-mode patterns also present.
nied by a mean bandwidth value of 12% full width (in ex-
cess of 100 nm), as seen in Fig. 1.
Start-to-end simulations were able to reproduce the
unique features of the radiation and held the key for the
physical understanding behind this previously unobserved
FEL amplification. After transport, the electron beam dis-
played a highly nonlinear longitudinal phase space. More-
over, GENESIS simulations reproduced the large band- Figure 3: The overall parabolic structure (left) is clear in
width and the associated double spiked structure. The sec- the images from the double differential spectrometer; here,
ondary spike was due to the amplification of an off-axis the angle is represented along the horizontal axis and the
mode. The mode was excited by the non-ideal centroid frequency along the vertical. More exotic and richer struc-
and envelope motion of the electron beam through the un- tures have also been observed (right).
dulator’s quadrupole focusing lattice. Mismatches of the
beam’s lasing core to the focusing lattice caused excursions Start-to-end simulations have been carried out to exam-
in beam size near 30 μm in both transverse planes. Addi- ine these results further. The GENESIS post-processing
tional transverse motion causes a red-shift in the radiated unit has been upgraded to compute the double differential
wavelength and an ensuant inclination to ampify the off- spectrum for the experimental parameters at VISA. Prelim-
axis modes [10]. inary runs display the aforementioned parabolic structure
and even some higher order modes are apparent, confirm-
40 ing the dual lasing modes observed in the previous runs
(Fig. 4).
Power Spectrum (a.u.)
860 900 940 980
Wavelength (nm)
hollow modes. The helicity of this patterns will be studied Modified Frequency Resolved Optical Gating
via a mode converter, described later in this note.
Once electron beam chirp is preserved for injection into
the undulator, and subsequent SASE FEL lasing at high
gain is achieved, the resulting radiation will be frequency
chirped. Measuring the properties of this radiation requires
state-of-the-art diagnostics. A standard method of measur-
ing the structure of short pulse, frequency chirped light
is frequency resolved optical gating (FROG) [12]. This
Figure 5: Far-field angular distribution profiles from VISA method has been used successfully, previously at the Low-
demonstrating the atypical spirality and helicity (A,B) and Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) at the Advanced
superimposed with the red diode alignment laser for refer- Photon Source, to measure both the amplitude and phase
ence (C). of FEL radiation [13]. For the expected parameters of the
VISA II SASE FEL, a modified version of FROG is the
most viable candidate.
[1] M. Cornacchia et al., Linac Coherent Light Source Design
Study Report no. SLAC-521 (1998)
[2] TESLA-FEL, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron 2001-05
[3] R. Neutze et al., Nature 406, 752 (2000)