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Alesini 2003 0524

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D.Alesini, S.Bertolucci, M.E.Biagini, C.Biscari, R.Boni, M.Boscolo, M.Castellano, A.Clozza, G.Di Pirro, A.Drago,
A.Esposito, M.Ferrario, V.Fusco, A.Gallo, A.Ghigo, S.Guiducci, M.Incurvati, C.Ligi, F.Marcellini, M.Migliorati,
C.Milardi, L.Palumbo, L.Pellegrino, M.Preger, P.Raimondi, R.Ricci, C.Sanelli, M.Serio, F.Sgamma, B.Spataro,
A.Stecchi, A.Stella, F.Tazzioli, C.Vaccarezza, M.Vescovi, C.Vicario, M.Zobov, INFN-Frascati

F.Alessandria, A.Bacci, I.Boscolo, F.Broggi, S.Cialdi, C.DeMartinis, D.Giove, C.Maroli, V.Petrillo, M.Romè,
L.Serafini, INFN-Milano

D.Levi, M.Mattioli, G.Medici, INFN-Roma1

L.Catani, E.Chiadroni, S.Tazzari, INFN-Roma2

R.Bartolini, F.Ciocci, G.Dattoli, A.Doria, F.Flora, G.P.Gallerano, L.Giannessi, E.Giovenale, G.Messina, L.Mezi,
P.L.Ottaviani, L.Picardi, M.Quattromini, A.Renieri, C.Ronsivalle, ENEA-Frascati

A.Cianchi, A.D’Angelo, R.Di Salvo, A.Fantini, D.Moricciani, C.Schaerf, Università Roma Tor Vergata

J.B. Rosenzweig, UCLA - Dept. of Physics and Astronomy

Abstract 1) 150 MeV Advanced Photo-Injector: the

The Project SPARC (Sorgente Pulsata e Amplificata di performances of X-ray SASE-FEL's are
Radiazione Coerente), proposed by a collaboration among critically dependent on the peak brightness of the
ENEA-INFN-CNR-Universita` di Roma Tor Vergata- electron beam delivered at the undulator
INFM-ST, was recently funded by the Italian entrance. Two main issues to investigate:
Government. The aim of the project is to promote an generation of the electron beam and compression
R&D activity oriented to the development of a coherent via magnetic and/or velocity bunching.
ultra-brilliant X-ray source in Italy (SPARX proposal 2) SASE-FEL Visible-VUV Experiment: this is
[1]). The SPARC collaboration identified a program aimed to investigate the problems related to the
based on two main issues: the generation of ultra-high beam matching into an undulator and the
peak brightness electron beams and experimental study of alignment with the radiation beam, as well as the
SASE-FEL process with generation of resonant higher generation of non-linear coherent higher
harmonics. The SPARC project is being designed in order harmonics. The SASE FEL experiment will be
to encompass the construction of an advanced photo- performed with the 150 MeV beam, using a
injector producing a 150-200 MeV beam to drive a segmented undulator with additional strong
SASE-FEL in the optical range. The machine will be built focusing to observe FEL radiation at 500 nm and
at LNF, inside an underground bunker: it is comprised of below.
an rf gun driven by a Ti:Sa laser, injecting into three 3) X-ray Optics/Monochromators: the X-ray FEL
SLAC accelerating sections. We foresee conducting radiation will provide unique radiation beams in
investigations on the emittance correction[2] and on the rf terms of peak brightness and pulse time duration
compression techniques[3], which are expected to (100 fs). This project will pursue a vigorous
increase the peak current achievable at the injector exit up R&D activity on the analysis of radiation-matter
to kA level, with proper preservation of the transverse interactions in the spectral range of SASE X-ray
emittance. Although the system is expected to drive a FEL's (from 0.1 to 10 nm), and on the design of
FEL experiment, it can be used also to investigate beam new optics and monochromators.
physics issues like surface-roughness-induced wake 4) Soft X-ray table-top Source: to test these optics
fields, bunch-length measurements in the sub-ps range, and start the R&D on applications the project
emittance degradation in magnetic compressors due to will undertake the upgrade of the presently
CSR, and Compton backscattering production of sub-ps operated table-top source of X-rays at INFM -
X-ray pulses. Politecnico Milano, delivering 107 soft X-ray
photons in 10-20 fs pulses by means of high
PROJECT OVERVIEW harmonic generation in a gas.
The overall SPARC Project consists of 4 main lines of
Figure 1 : Lay-out of SPARC Advanced Photo-Injector and SASE-FEL Experiment

In the following we present an overview of the design manipulation. The goal of these tests is to obtain a pulse
for the system under construction at the Frascati National rise time shorter than 1 ps with intensity ripples along the
Laboratories of INFN, by a collaboration between two 10 ps pulse smaller than 30% (peak to peak): under such a
national research institutions, INFN and ENEA namely, condition the beam emittance achievable at the end of the
aiming at reaching the scientific and technological goals photo-injector is foreseen to be smaller than 1 µm.
indicated in the first two topics listed above, i.e. the
production of a high brightness electron beam and the
operation at saturation of a SASE-FEL experiment driven
by such an electron beam.

The main goals of this activity are the acquisition of
expertise in the construction, commissioning and
characterization of an advanced photo-injector system and
the experimental investigation of two new ideas that have
been recently conceived and presented by the study
group: the optimum working point for high brightness RF
photo-injectors and RF bunch compression technique.
The 150 MeV injector will be built inside an available
bunker of the Frascati INFN National Laboratories: the
general layout of the system is shown in Fig. 1. The
system consists of a 1.6 cell RF gun operated at S-band Figure 2: Parmela simulation of emittance and envelope
(2.856 GHz, of the BNL/UCLA/SLAC type) and high evolution along the SPARC photo-injector (only two
peak field on the cathode (120 MeV/m) with incorporated accelerating sections taken into account)
metallic photo-cathode (Cu or Mg), generating a 6 MeV
beam[4]. The beam is then focused and matched into 3
The first experiment is planned to verify the beam
accelerating sections of the SLAC type (S-band TW)
emittance compensation process. The key point is the
which accelerates the bunch up to 150-200 MeV. For the
measurement, at different bunch charges, of the emittance
Laser system it is planned to use the third harmonic of the
oscillation in the drift after the gun where a double
radiation from a Ti:Sa laser with the oscillator pulse train
minima behavior is expected. The optimum beam
locked to the RF . To obtain the time pulse shape we are
matching to the booster is predicted on the relative
going to test the manipulation of frequency lines in the
maximum, see Fig. 2. A dedicated movable emittance
large bandwidth of Ti:Sa, in order to produce the 10 ps
measurement station has been designed, as shown in Fig.
flat top shape. We can use a liquid crystal mask in the
3. Our simulations using PARMELA indicate that we can
Fourier plane for nondispersive optic arrangement or a
generate in this way a beam as required by the FEL
collinear acusto-optic modulator for line frequency
experiment at 150 MeV. The rms correlated energy
spread is 0.2% with a rms norm. emittance lower than 2 SPARX proposal[1], the general layout of which foresees
µm (at 1 nC bunch charge, 85 peak current). The slice a mixed compression scheme: RF compression in the
energy spread and the slice norm. emittance, calculated photo-injector and one single stage magnetic compression
over a 300 µm slice length, are below 0.05% and 1 µm at 1 GeV up to the final peak current of 2.5 kA.
respectively, all over the bunch. A complete investigation Applying velocity bunching in the SPARC photo-
over the parameter range of the system is in progress, in injector with low charge bunches (about 15 pC) will allow
particular tolerances and sensitivities are being considered the production of ultra-short electron bunches, in the
in the beam dynamics simulations [5]. range of a few µm rms bunch length, fully synchronized
to the Ti:Sa laser pulses. A further upgrade of the laser
system to produce multi-TW pulses, by means of a third
stage of amplification and an under vacuum pulse
compressor, will allow to conduct laser wake-field plasma
acceleration experiments with external injection of high
quality ultra-short bunches into the plasma wave, for
ultra-high gradient acceleration of electron beams.
This naturally projects SPARC as a more general test
facility to conduct advanced beam physics and new
acceleration technique experiments at LNF in the near

Figure 3: movable emittance measurement station. A

pepperpot and a screen are connected with three bellows
in order to scan the emittance along 1m long drift


The FEL SASE experiment will be conducted using a
permanent magnet undulator made of 6 sections, each
2.13 m long, separated by 0.36 m gaps hosting single
quadrupoles which focus in the horizontal plane. The
undulator period is set at 3.0 cm, with an undulator
parameter kw = 1.4. A simulation performed with
GENESIS is reported in Fig. 4, showing the exponential
growth of the radiation power along the undulator.
Almost 108 Watts can be reached after 14 m of total Figure 4: FEL radiation power growth along the undulator
undulator length. Preliminary evaluations of the radiation
power generated into the non-linear coherent odd higher
harmonics show that 107 and 7x105 W can be reached on
the third and fifth harmonics, respectively. REFERENCES
[1] D. Alesini et al., Conceptual design of a High
FURTHER EXPERIMENTS Brightness Linac for Soft X-Ray SASE-FEL Source ,
Two main upgrades will be implemented in a second Proceedings of the FEL-2002 Int. Conference
phase of the project. A dedicated accelerating section will [2] M. Ferrario et al., Recent Advances and Novel Ideas
be inserted downstream the RF gun in order to exploit the for High Brightness Electron Beam Production based
full potentialities of the velocity bunching technique. on Photo-Injectors, INFN Rep. LNF-03/06 (P), May
Furthermore, in the parallel beam line a magnetic chicane 2003
will be installed to allow the experimental investigation of [3] L. Serafini and M. Ferrario, Velocity Bunching in
CSR induced effects on emittance degradation and Photo-Injectors, AIP CP 581 (2001) 87
surface roughness wake-field effects. Its design and [4] D.T. Palmer, PhD. Thesis, Stanford University
construction will proceed in parallel to the commissioning [5] M. Biagini et al., Beam Dynamics Studies for the
of the SPARC injector system (RF gun + 3 standard SPARC Project, this conference
SLAC-type 3 m sections). These tests are of great
relevance in our R&D program in view of the
development of a coherent X-ray source according to the

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