Properties of An Ultra-Short Gain Length, Saturated, Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission FEL
Properties of An Ultra-Short Gain Length, Saturated, Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission FEL
Properties of An Ultra-Short Gain Length, Saturated, Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission FEL
The VISA experiment, conducted at the BNL Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), has studied the
properties of SASE FEL process in a saturating system. The experiment utilized a high brightness electron
beam and a strong focusing undulator. Saturated gain greater than 108, with a power gain length below 18
cm, was obtained at 840 nm. Measurements of FEL gain, spectral and angular properties of SASE
radiation are reported, and the results are compared to theory and to start-to-end simulations of the system.
FEL performance was found critically dependent on the compression of the electron beam.
proportional to the electron beam RMS bunch length s t [22], with the
Before being focused into the detector window, a collimated CTR beam
is reflected off a vertical wire-grid polarizer to eliminate both optical
noise and horizontally polarized coherent undulator radiation. Strong
compression was observed, as the measured CTR intensity (Fig. 2)
displayed a sharp peak within a narrow (<2°) window of the linac RF
phase. In addition, an insertable low-pass filter with a known
frequency roll-off was employed to allow quantitative assessment of
the high frequency CTR component. Measurements with and without
the filter gave a minimum signal ratio of 0.68, indicating a short
bunch-length (FWHM<0.4 ps) and providing a quantitative benchmark
for the numerical modeling of the system. The results indicate that
electron beam can be compressed by as much as a factor of 5, yielding
the peak current of 250 A, consistent with the SASE spectra
measurements. The high efficiency of the compression is due to a
very large (negative) second order coefficient T566 in the dispersive
section of the Beamline III, which enhances the linear compression as
the linac RF phase is detuned by changing the effective R56 [23].
from the measured gain length. The theoretical estimate of the FEL
saturation length, Lsat ª lu r˜ = 3.9 m , is also in agreement with the
È ˘
-1 1 Ê Dw ˆ I p ekr Í K[ JJ ] 2 L˜g ˙
G ª Qg
Î (
Pf Ë w ¯ f e0 Í 2 + K 2 l u) ˙
FIG. 1. Comparison of the FEL radiation spectra measured at low and high gain. SASE
gain improvement was accompanied by transformation of characteristic multi-spike
pattern into a red-shifted single spectral spike.
FIG. 2. Measured Golay cell CTR signal as a function of linac phase, compared to the
calculated value derived from PARMELA/ELEGANT model, including Golay cell
FIG. 4. RMS SASE energy along the undulator length, for a charge window centered at
140 pC, compared to the GENESIS simulations (RMS fluctuations boundaries of
simulated values due to a shot-noise are shown with gray lines). The exponential part of
the experimental curve yields a power gain lengths of 17.9 cm. The two final points
indicate system saturation near the undulator exit.
FIG. 5. Statistical properties of the SASE radiation at diagnostic port #7 (3.25 m into the
undulator) and at the exit. Measurements within the undulator are fitted with a negative
exponential, as expected from a random single lasing spike (short bunch limit). The
intensity distribution changes at the undulator exit, at saturation.
FIG. 6. Far field angular distribution of SASE signal at high gain, but not in saturation (a)
measured with the CCD camera and (b) simulated by GENESIS.
Electron Beam Energy ~ 71 MeV
Beam Charge at Linac Exit, Q 200 – 300 pC
Normalized Emittance at Linac Exit, e n 1.5 – 2.3 µm-
Peak Current at the Linac 55 ±rad
5 Amp
Peak Current at the Undulator, I p > 250 Amp
RMS Beam Energy Chirp at High 0.17 ± .03 %
Gain, D g / g
Table 1
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
[1] R. Bonifacio, C. Pellegrini, and L. Narducci, Opt. Commun. 50, 373 (1984).
[2] Linear Collider Conceptual Design Report, DESY 97-48 (1997); LCLS Design Study Report,
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[11] X. Wang et al., Proceeds. PAC 99, p. 3495; V. Yakimenko et al, presented at the FEL 2001.
[17] A. Tremaine, A. Murokh, and X.J. Wang, BNL Report No. 68170, 2001 (unpublished).
[24] E.R. Colby, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997.
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