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Andonian 2005 628

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Observation of Anomalously Large Spectral Bandwidth in a High Gain Self-amplified

Spontaneous Emission Free-Electron Laser

G. Andonian∗ , A. Murokh∗ , J. B. Rosenzweig∗, R. Agustsson∗ , M. Babzien† , I. Ben-Zvi† , P. Frigola∗ ,

J. Y. Huang† , L. Palumboℵ , C. Pellegrini∗ , S. Reiche∗ , G. Travish∗ , C. Vicarioℵ , and V. Yakimenko†

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA

Accelerator Test Facility, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA and

Universita degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Via Antonia Scarpa 14, Rome, 00161, Italy
(Dated: March 14, 2005)
Observation of ultra-wide bandwidth, up to a full width of 15%, high-gain operation of a self-
amplified spontaneous emission free-election laser (SASE FEL) is reported. This type of lasing is
obtained with a strongly chirped beam (δE/E ∼ 1.7%) emitted from the accelerator. Because of non-
linear pulse compression during beam transport, a short, high current pulse with strong mismatch
errors is injected into the undulator, bringing about high FEL gain. Start-end simulations reproduce
key features of the measured results, and provide insight into mechanisms, such as angular spread in
both emitted photon and electron trajectory distributions, which yield novel features in the radiation

PACS numbers: 41.60.Cr, 41.75.-i, 41.85.Gy, 42.60.Jf

High-brightness, ultra-short duration X-ray radiation for creating beam conditions which produced high-gain
from the self-amplified spontaneous emission free-election lasing. The large second order longitudinal time disper-
laser (SASE FEL) promises to be an invaluable tool for sion, T566 [7], yielded longitudinal compression, giving an
broad sections of the scientific community. Coherent light increase in peak current from 55 A to 240 A. The nonlin-
sources which extend into the X-ray regime will allow ear properties along the dispersive segment of the ATF
investigations at the time and length scales of atomic transport line were studied using a start-end simulation
processes. For example, such a source will enable biolog- suite of codes that models the electron beam and its inter-
ical sampling (single molecule diffraction) [1] and atomic actions from its inception at a photocathode to the FEL
structural dynamics studies. Current proposals [2, 3] to undulator exit. The electron beam dynamics in the gun
construct single-pass high gain X-ray SASE FELs will and linac sections are modeled with PARMELA [8], the
generate Ångstrom wavelength radiation, providing the electron beam transport calculations are analyzed with
spatial resolution desired for scientific applications. How- ELEGANT [9], and the evolution of the beam and FEL
ever, these source are designed to operate at hundred radiation in the undulator is computed with GENESIS
femtosecond pulse lengths [4], with a clear demand to 1.3 [10]. The reproduction of important features of the
push to shorter time scales, down to the few fs regime. FEL radiation, as well as the identification of the bunch
A scheme to obtain such ultra-short pulses by creat- compression mechanism, were significant achievements of
ing and manipulating frequency chirped FEL output has the simulations. The benchmarking of the start-end sim-
been proposed [5]. In the first stage of the scenario, an ulations against the experimental knowledge of the beam
energy-chirped electron beam injected into the undulator production and transport in VISA allows reliance on the
produces a frequency-chirped output. This light is then same modeling process to analyze microscopic aspects of
monochromatized and thus shortened to the desired pulse the present measurements.
length. It is then injected into a second stage, where Although the original bunch compression mechanism
only a short section of the electron beam overlaps with facilitated high-gain lasing, it restricted the management
the seeding pulse, amplifying the pulse to saturation. In and manipulation of the electron beam properties prior
order to test aspects of this scheme, the VISA II experi- to injection into the undulator. The VISA II experiment
ment has been designed to operate with the highest chirp seeks to preserve the electron beam chirp linearization of
allowable at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Accel- the longitudinal compression process, through the use of
erator Test Facility (BNL ATF). In this experiment, the sextupole magnets at high horizontal dispersion points
aim is to produce and measure strongly chirped SASE in the dogleg transport. This method has been shown
FEL radiation based on electron beam chirping. to mitigate second order effects in energy-momentum,
To understand the present measurements, we first re- particularly by reducing T566 to a negligible value [11].
view some results of the VISA (Visible to Infrared SASE The initial, nearly linear, electron beam chirp applied
Amplification) FEL experiment. In 2001, VISA success- at the linac, can then be preserved, and even modestly
fully demonstrated a high gain SASE FEL, and satura- enhanced (to increase the peak current) before injection
tion within the 4-m undulator at 840 nm [6]. An atypical into the undulator.
electron bunch compression mechanism was responsible As a prelude to the implementation of transport lin-

earization, a set of experiments performed without sex- HES, allow the benchmarking of the model to experiment
tupoles have been made on the existing VISA facilities at by simulations.
the ATF. These measurements employ a highly-chirped, The modeling of the beam transport indicates that the
post-linac pulse, which through nonlinear longitudinal peak current in the electron pulse after nonlinear com-
compression, achieves conditions, which while not hav- pression can reach up to 300 A. GENESIS simulations
ing a linear chirp, generate robust FEL amplification. show that the lasing peak contains 25-30 pC of charge
This transitional experiment indeed demonstrates and is short in duration, compared to the electron bunch
unanticipated and previously unobserved phenomena. In length. Unlike the original VISA conditions, the com-
particular, an extremely large relative bandwidth of the pression is insensitive to injection phase fluctuations aris-
FEL radiation, up to 15% FW, at high gain is observed, ing from either RF or photocathode laser timing jitter.
as illustrated by Fig. 1. The large spectral width is ac- This is due to the large energy spread in the initially
companied by an anomalously wide far-field angular ra- chirped beam (Fig. 2A), which guarantees that a compo-
diation pattern, similar to that observed in Ref. [6], but nent of the beam is compressed, as the injection errors
even more pronounced in angle. In this Letter, we present are much smaller than the initial bunch length of 10 ps.
these results, as well as simulations that reproduce the The electron beam after transport, but prior to undu-
most striking aspects of the radiation measurements. lator injection, displays a highly nonlinear longitudinal
phase space as a result of the second order effects in the
transport line (Fig. 2B).
1000 137.0
Power Spectrum (a.u.)

p / me c 136.0

400 135.0

0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0 2.0 4.0
820 840 860 880 900 920 940 960 t (ps) t (ps)
Wavelength (nm)
FIG. 2: Simulated electron beam longitudinal phase space at
(A) linac exit (PARMELA output, ELEGANT input), and
FIG. 1: Sample shot of observed SASE FEL spectrum, show-
(B) at undulator injection (ELEGANT output). Pulse com-
ing anomalously wide bandwidth.
pression, from 10 ps to 4 ps, and clipping at the slits is evident.

Relevant aspects of the VISA experimental set-up em- The observed FEL radiation at high gain displays an
ployed in the present measurements are discussed in de- extraordinary wavelength distribution. The spectrum is
tail in Ref. [6, 12]. The 70 MeV photoinjector electron notable for its double peak structure, having a relative
source is followed by a 20o dogleg transport line which de- full width (FW) bandwidth mean value of 12% (relative
livers beam to the undulator. The dogleg contains an ad- width above noise floor). The average measured SASE
justable collimator, termed the high energy slits (HES), radiated energy is approximately 2 µJ, which is less than
at a high energy dispersion point. Measurements of elec- an order of magnitude of the saturation energy of the ini-
tron beam size and transmitted fraction at the HES are tial VISA experiment. The dual-spike spectral structure
used to determine the transmitted beam’s mean energy indicates there are two distinct lasing modes. The FEL
and energy spread. Due to the time-energy chirp im- output is much more stable than in earlier VISA runs,
parted by the linac, the 500 pC electron beam possesses due to the enhanced reproducibility of the electron beam
a 2.8% energy spread, as observed impinging on the HES. pulse compression process.
Of this initial charge, approximately 330 pC (1.7% energy The anomalous width of the wavelength spectrum is
spread) propagates through the HES to the undulator. observed whenever high gain conditions are present. In
As in Ref. [6], the compression process in the dispersive Fig. 3 the distribution of the spectral rms width is shown
section is monitored by measuring the coherent transition for the radiation shots yielding the top ten percent of
radiation (CTR) [13] intensity emitted from an insertable SASE energy. The peak of this distribution is at 21 nm
foil. The CTR energy is peaked when the beam’s energy- rms width, which corresponds to 12% FW (2.3% rms
time chirp is chosen to optimize the compression in the relative width). Shots up to 33 nm rms width (15% FW,
dogleg. Measurements from the CTR pulse length moni- 3.6% rms relative width) are observed. For comparison,
tor, along with energy and energy spread observed at the the relative width observed previously at VISA was 2.4%

80 30

Beam Radius (mm)

Bandwidth (%)
60 0.09

20 10

0 0.07
10 15 20 25 30 35 0
Bandwidth - rms (nm) 0 1 2 3 4
z (m)

FIG. 3: Distribution of measured rms spectral bandwidth FIG. 5: Rms radiation bandwidth (solid line) and electron
(501 highest collected energy shots). beam lasing core radius (dashed line) along the undulator.

FW (0.5% rms). velope of the lasing core is strongly mismatched to the

The simulations with GENESIS provide insight into focusing lattice, resulting in variations between 30 and
the underpinnings of the unusual FEL amplification. 90 µm in x and 40 and 70 µm in y. As seen in Fig. 5, there
First and foremost, the FEL reaches the onset of sat- is a notable correlation between the oscillations in beam
uration, consistent with the experimental comparison to radius and the periodic growth in the spectral bandwidth.
previous VISA data. This lasing condition shows that To aid in identifying the roles of various effects in pro-
the high current obtained through compression ensures ducing the observed spectra, we refer to the FEL reso-
high gain SASE FEL operation and outweighs any pos- nance condition,
sible degradation of the slice emittance due to the large  
λu K 2 + Kq2 2
energy spread and residual dispersion. λr = 2 1 + + (γθ) . (1)
2γ 2
40 Here λr is the radiation wavelength, λu is the undula-
tor period, γ = E/me c2 is the normalized energy of the
Power Spectrum (a.u.)

30 electron beam, K is the normalized undulator field pa-

rameter, Kq accounts for effects on the resonance due
to quadrupole focusing, and θ is the observation angle
20 of the radiation with respect to the electron beam tra-
jectory. Energy spread has a negligible impact on the
10 spectral bandwidth. Even when GENESIS is run with
all particles set to near equal energy, there is no notable
change in the simulated FEL spectrum.
0 The red-shifting of the radiation arises mainly from
860 900 940 980 the last two terms in Eq. 1. The first of these terms indi-
Wavelength (nm) cates the degradation of the longitudinal velocity due to
transverse motion, which has two sources in this experi-
FIG. 4: Sample SASE wavelength spectrum given by GENE- ment. The first component of this term is quantified by
SIS simulations for the modeled experimental conditions. the undulator parameter; K = 2πeBu /me λu c = 1.26, as
the peak magnetic field Bu = 0.72 T for the VISA undu-
The simulations also reproduce key facets of the ob- lator. Because of the large excursions in the undulator
served wavelength spectrum, namely the large bandwidth focusing lattice, additional transverse motion causes a
and double spiked structure (Fig. 4). The GENESIS red-shift in the radiated wavelength. The bend in the
simulations show that the secondary spike observed in electron trajectory due to the quadrupole fields, which
the spectra was due to the amplification of an off-axis, have a square-wave form, yields √ an effective undulator
large angular-spread mode. Simulations indicate that parameter of Kq  eB  ∆xLq / 2πme c, where B  is the
this mode is excited by the non-ideal centroid and en- quadrupole gradient, ∆x is the amplitude of oscillation,
velope motion of the beam as the electrons perform be- and Lq is the focusing period. For VISA parameters,
tatron oscillations in the undulator’s quadrupole focusing Kq  0.16, corresponding to a maximum trajectory an-
lattice. gle of 1.2 mrad. The maximum predicted fractional red-
While the electron beam as a whole is aligned to the shifting of the resonant wavelength due to this effect is
undulator axis, the lasing core’s centroid is misaligned, a notable 1.5%, corresponding to an rms spectral spread
undergoing ∼300 µm oscillations. Further, the rms en- of 0.38%, when averaged over a betatron period.

Large amplitude betatron motion and its associated tive processes [15]. Initial data show the existence of
horizontal angles give not only this novel, direct source several modes, and verify the overall parabolic shape of
of radiation red-shift, but also allow greater coupling to the radiation intensity in (θ, ω)-space.
off-axis (higher spatial order) emission modes. In turn,
this off-axis emission provides the dominant source of red- The results presented here have general implications
shifting in the radiation spectrum. As in previous VISA for the possible observable emission spectra in FELs. In-
results [6], the far-field angular spectrum is typically hol- deed, ultra-high bandwidth emission while not desirable
low, but has maximum intensity at much larger angle, in from the viewpoint of absolute brightness, or for VISA
excess of 2 mrad. The red-shifting associated with this II, may be beneficial for selected applications. In particu-
maximum-intensity angle is ∼4.2%, corresponding to the lar, for material absorption studies, this operating regime
relative shift of the long wavelength peak compared to limits the sensitivity of a narrow absorption-line experi-
the short wavelength (on-axis) peak (Fig. 1). The rela- ment to the inherent fluctuations of the FEL central fre-
tive shift in wavelength for a given off-axis observation quency; alternatively, one may scan a range of absorption
 wavelengths with a single pulse. The high bandwidth also
angle deduced from Eq. 1 is ∆λ/λr  (γ 2 θ2 )/ 1 + K2 .
allows for more flexibility in use of the radiation pulse, as
Given the simulation distribution data, the rms wave- it may be manipulated (via, e.g, monochromators) with-
length spread is calculated to be 2.0%. Accounting for all out changing the running parameters of the linac. This
sources of spectral spread, we obtain a total rms spread option would be attractive for a multiple-user facility.
of 2.2%, in good agreement with observations.
The production of the anomalous aspects of the mea- Generation of an unusually wide angular distribution
sured bandwidth through off-axis emission is correlated may also be desirable in an X-ray FEL [2, 3], where
to oscillations in rms beam size. A bi-Gaussian trans- the natural divergence of the on-axis FEL radiation is
verse distribution of electron radiators with rms widths so small, and the intensities are so large, that the gen-
σx,c and σy,c may emit coherently into angles as large as erated pulse requires a very long drift [2] before it can
−2 −2 be manipulated with X-ray optics. Purposeful coupling
θc = (λr /4π) σx,c + σy,c . For the beam sizes indicated
of the FEL emission into off-axis modes, through mech-
in Fig. 5, this prediction, which is limited by the assump- anisms uncovered in the present work, may be a useful
tion of a bi-Gaussian distribution, yields θc in the range manuever for reducing the length and complexity of the
of 1.7-2.5 mrad, consistent with the observed emission X-ray transport line.
angles. On the other hand, Fig. 5 shows that when the
transverse beam size is smallest the bandwidth rapidly This work was performed with support from Dept. of
decreases. This behavior is accompanied in simulations Energy Contract no. DE-FG-98ER45693, and Office of
by a notable increase in the gain. The connection be- Naval Research Contract no. N000140210911.
tween these phenomena is that the gain of the on-axis,
short wavelength mode is strongly enhanced by the in-
crease in beam density when the transverse beam size
is small, undergoing stronger “gain guiding” [14]. How-
ever, the gain of the red-shifted mode is not as strongly [1] R. Neutze et al., Nature 406, 752 (2000).
[2] M. Cornacchia et al., Linac Coherent Light Source Design
enhanced, due to its wider angular emission, and the ra- Study Report No. SLAC-R-521 (1998).
diation bandwidth is diminished. As the FEL enters the [3] TESLA-FEL, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron 2001-05
onset of saturation, and gain guiding is no longer effec- (2001).
tive, the contrast ratio of on-axis radiation to that of [4] C. Pellegrini, J. Stohr, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.
higher order modes is reduced. The FEL enters a final, Res. A 500, 33 (2003).
pronounced period of bandwidth growth, yielding the ob- [5] C. Schroeder et al., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 1782 (2002).
served state of large spectral spread. [6] A. Murokh et al., Phys. Rev. E 67, 066501 (2003).
[7] K. Brown, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Technical
Further work is ongoing to obtain a more complete un- Report No. SLAC-R-075 (1982).
derstanding of the physics of large-angle coherent emis- [8] L.M. Young, J.H. Billen, Los Alamos National Labora-
sion in an FEL. Initial follow-on experiments have yielded tory Report No. LA-UR-96-1835 (rev. 2000).
even richer off-axis mode structures, including not only [9] M. Borland, Advanced Photon Source LS-287 (2000).
hollow ring mode profiles, but spiral shapes as well. In [10] S. Reiche, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A 429, 243 (1999).
order to explore the angular emission effects in a high [11] J. England et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 8, 012801
gain FEL, a radiation diagnostic is being developed to
[12] A. Tremaine et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 204801 (2002).
image the far-field intensity along a slit. The wave- [13] A. Murokh et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A
length spectrum is dispersed in the direction normal to 507, 417 (2003).
the slit by gratings to produce a double-differential en- [14] S. Krinsky and L. H. Yu, Phys. Rev. A 35, 3406 (1987).
ergy spectrum, d2 I/dωdθ; this allows direct comparison [15] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (1999), 3rd ed.
to the form of common approaches to analysis of radia-

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