Development and Impact of Mobile Banking in Nepal PDF
Development and Impact of Mobile Banking in Nepal PDF
Development and Impact of Mobile Banking in Nepal PDF
Pasang Sherpa
2.1 Overview
5.2 Survey
5.3 Sampling
6.2 Limitation
Table 1 .Survey Analysis For Mobile Banking Users, Time Period Of Users And Choice
Of Users For Mobile Banking Services ....................................................................... 27
Nepalese Rupee
Nepal Telecom
Wi-Fi-Protected Access
Mobile banking also known as M-Banking has changed the traditional banking
method. The use of mobile banking in developed countries are extremely higher
than the developing countries due to technological and proper infrastructure
development of the country. With the initiation of mobile banking, peoples life
has been completely changed in sense of financial activities. As mobile banking
is always in your pocket wherever you go, the financial activities has become
more easily day by day. As mobile banking service is completely in different
path in developed countries but the story is quite different in developed
Among those developing countries, this thesis will summarize the situation of
mobile banking and its impact on one of the developing countries, Nepal. To
give general status of Nepal, out of total population of 28,12 million [World
Population Review 2014] ,more than 70% of the Nepalese people are unbanked
According to the research main purpose, the following questions have been
designed in order to study the development and impact of mobile banking in
1. What are the challenges of mobile banking in Nepal?
As mobile banking is just in development phase in case of Nepal. This question
will help to find those factors and at the same this research question will also
help those financial institutions in Nepal who are providing mobile banking
services to their customers.Furthermore,the details of this question has been
explained in section 7 of this thesis.
2. What is the status of banking system in Nepal ?
This question deals with the development of banking system in Nepal. With the
growing technologies every day, many financial institutions in different part of
the world are flowing with the new technology. This question will help to find out
the modern banking system in Nepal which will help us to know whether the
Nepalese banking system are progressing enough in sense of technologies.
questionnaire survey has been implemented below to find out the conclusion.
3.1 History Of Mobile Banking
With the development of new payment system called mobile banking, the
customers life involving in financial activities has become much easier than
before. It is not only secure but at the same time it is easily accessible from
anywhere in the world where the technology is advanced and developed.
Mobile banking is a system of payment where the people involving in financial
institution can make various financial transactions offered by respective
financial institution. The mobile banking service can be access from browser
enabled mobile phones or from easily handled mobile banking application which
can be found from various mobile application stores.
The first mobile banking was started in 1999 by the European company called
PayBox which was supported by Deutsche Bank. As a mobile banking service,
it was SMS at the time of evolution due to the limitation of mobile phone
functionality. The expensive data cost and the quality of network were also the
issues during the development phase of mobile banking. Until 2010, majority of
mobile banking used to be perform by sms or mobile web. With the success of
Apples product such as IPhone and other operating system such as Android
based phone, mobile banking these days can be accessed with its special client
application or apps which has taken mobile banking into new path. With the
development in web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, more
banks have started to offer mobile banking web services to supplement native
According to leading analyst, Juniper research [Hampshire, UK 8th July 2014], it
is expected that the mobile banking users will exceed to 1.75 billion by 2019,
where it represents 32% of the global adult population.
This type of banking service is easy to use and also easy to access as well
where the network quality is acceptable. The main advantage behind using this
type of service is that the majority of data handling is done on remote server
which helps in quick processing of user interactions with the banking websites.
This type of banking service has some limitations as well. In order to provide
banking services in mobile devices, the website designed should also fit in the
mobile screens. User who runs internet services through data plan on mobile
devices, this might result in the additional cost as the user has to gain access
through banking website. This type of banking service these days, is mostly
designed for smartphones and other PDAs.
country created a platform for other banking sector to initiate mobile banking in
general manager
around the mobile banking application to perform various banking and other
payment activities, pin number should be entered. Many banks especially those
commercial banks in Nepal have been providing mobile banking services to its
customers. The majority of mobile banking application in Nepal is developed by
F1 Soft company, established in 2004, which works in the field of software
development and providing it`s Information Technology services since more
than 10 years. In order to show how mobile banking payment is done in Nepal
through its mobile banking application, the screen shots of one of the most
popular and advanced bank of Nepal called NMB (Nepal Merchant Bank) Bank
which falls under class A commercial bank in Nepal has been shown below.
5.1 Research Process
Before moving towards the research process, the theoretical base towards the
status of mobile banking in Nepal was prepared through different internet
sources. The knowledge towards the status of mobile banking was essential for
my research process in order to create well theoretical background. The
conversation with the friends who are currently working in banking sector in
Nepal and those who have been using mobile banking for more than two years
was carried out through different media such as Facebook, email and Skype.
After the online research and conversation regarding the status of mobile
banking in Nepal, I designed a questionnaire in order to conduct a survey. In
order to minimize the errors in questionnaire process, necessary adjustment
was done through Pilot Study. Pilot Study is simply a smaller version of larger
study. It is an essential method to test any idea or hypothesis. This method also
helps to find out the feasibility of the study, in this case i.e. questionnaire for
survey. After the necessary adjustment with pilot study, sampling technique was
applied to make the questionnaire even easier and clear. The reason behind
applying the sampling method was to find out the similar characteristics of
targeted population for survey method.
After the implementation of pilot study and sampling method, survey
questionnaire was sent to the respondents. The survey method was done
through the form designed in Google Drive. The questionnaire
were sent
through social media such as Facebook, email, viber where the respondents
were supposed to submit their responses from the given link of Google Drive so
that it would be easier and faster process. As google drive is a cloud storage,
the responses from the respondents were also collected through Google Drive
spreadsheet. With the help of Google Drive, it was easy to perform survey
method for both sending and receiving datas. The validity for responding
questionnaire was given for 3 weeks. The following sub topics explains the
method and techniques applied in my research process.
5.2 Survey
Survey refers to the collection of data through different methods such as
interview or questionnaire [20].The term survey may indicate to different types
of method of observation. This method is widely used in research process. With
the help of survey, one can easily analyze the individuals opinion on certain
topics. In order to collect data, questionnaire, one of the types of survey was
formulated in order to find the impact of mobile banking around Nepalese
There were altogether 9 questions prepared as questionnaire in order to
conduct a survey. To make these questionnaire more clear and effective, pilot
study was carried out among few participants. The responses from pilot study
were thoroughly analyzed and studied to make the necessary changes in the
questionnaire process. Before conducting actual survey, pilot study was carried
out among 10 of my friends from Nepal including those currently working in
banking sector. The reason behind selecting these 10 respondents was to
match those characteristics to the target population for survey. These 10
respondents had similar characteristics to the target population. So with the
help of these respondents, pilot study was successfully carried out. After the
successful pilot study, a set of questionnaires were sent to the respondents.
The questionnaires were sent through emails, viber and social media such as
Facebook. In order to make survey process faster and easier, the
questionnaires were made simple to answer with majority of multiple choices
rather than explanation. During the survey process, the help from close friend in
Nepal was also taken. With the help of close friend in Nepal, it was easier to
send those questionnaire to different places of Nepal where the target
population were situated.
The data collected from survey were closely studied and analyzed to find out
the impact of mobile banking around Nepalese society. The data collected from
working group. The people were selected from different city areas of Nepal so
that it will help to represent wide areas of Nepal. To represent the people from
rural areas, those people were included who came from rural areas to city areas
for different purposes. In addition, to make the survey clearer and to get better
responses, sample size included different age group of people.
Besides the above mentioned research methods and procedures, applicable
literature was also studied throughout the research process. The applicable
literature for the thesis purpose was thoroughly studied in order to create the
theoretical background on the given thesis topic.
From the survey result, it was found that the male respondents were 65.21%
while the female respondents were 34.79%.As mentioned above in literature
part, the mobile phone users have been gradually increasing for past few years.
As a result, the consequences have been seen in survey result. According to
survey result, the people who are using mobile phones either smartphones or
other traditional phones were 97% while the people who are not using mobile
phones was found to be only 3%.This figure shows that the Nepalese people
are attracted towards mobile technology as this technology has been one of the
important needs in our daily life these days. The people who are not using
mobile phone belongs to the age group of 15-19 and some belongs to the
category of others as mentioned in survey. The possession of mobile phone
users from the survey analysis is illustrated below in figure 8.
The other questionnaire analysis has been shown on figure 9 where it shows
the state of mobile banking users, time period of users using mobile banking
services and the opinion of an individual whether they are interested or not
interested to use mobile banking services.
According to table 1, it can be seen that the non-users of mobile banking
services is greater than the one using mobile banking services. The participants
using mobile banking services is found to be 46.37% while conversely, the other
rate is 53.63%.This shows that the mobile banking is slowly progressing and the
number of users are increasing every year. When concluding the individual
response towards the time period of using mobile banking services, it was found
positive. During the very first year when mobile banking came into existence in
Nepal, the rate was 5.04%.As still the people in Nepal are following the
traditional banking system, this rate seems to be low. But if we look towards the
second year of its establishment, the result is increased by around 10%, i, e the
rate of users in second year was found to be 15.25% which shows positive
impact towards the new banking technological services. Similarly from this year,
i.e. after 3 years of its establishment, the rate is increased by 5 times the first
year and with the increment of around more than 11% than second year. The
rate for third year was found to be 26.08% as shown in figure 9 below. From this
margins, in the increment of users towards mobile banking services, it can be
concluded that the mobile banking users will grow as the year passes. This is
also one of the positive impact towards Nepalese society that how they are
getting familiar towards mobile banking services. When new technology comes
in market, everyone wants to give it a try. Keeping those factors in mind, the
questionnaire in survey was developed in such a way that it will take
participants opinion towards the use of new technology.
As mentioned above, one of the question was also included in the
questionnaires, regarding the participants interest towards mobile banking.
From the result of survey it was found that, 91.31% of the participants showed
their interest towards mobile banking while 8.69% said that they are not
interested towards mobile banking. The majority of participants showing their
interest towards mobile banking was found to be of young generation while on
the other hand those participants who didnt show their interest towards mobile
banking was found to be of age group of more than 40 and the one who falls in
others categories. As survey was done only within the capital city of Nepal,
there are still some kind people with old tradition who just work in cash and are
unbanked. Normally those people are migrated from rural areas into city areas
in search of opportunity. Here in our survey, those people were categorized as
In order to know how people uses their mobile banking services for different
purposes in Nepal, it was found that 29.71% uses their mobile banking for
account transaction, while 25.36% said that they use their mobile banking for
bill payment purpose. As different software developing companies are trying to
include different services on bill payment section of mobile banking, here in my
survey questionnaire, I included recent bill payment categories that is almost
available in every mobile banking in Nepal such as payment for postpaid mobile
reload, i.e. mobile recharge ,payment for major mobile operator such as Nepal
Telecom, NCELL.
Respondent Duration
by %
by %
by %
in mobile
uses in
Table 1 .Survey Analysis For Mobile Banking Users, Time Period Of Users And Choice
Of Users For Mobile Banking Services
As shown in figure 8, Nepalese people are getting better towards the use of
mobile technology, it was found that 16.66% uses their mobile banking for
reloading money in mobile phones. It is also a good payment facilities for
Nepalese people because before the establishment of mobile banking, the
situation was that the users had to run towards respective telecommunication
offices in order to make a payment for phone bills. When the question about the
satisfaction of mobile banking uses was asked as included in questionnaire,
there were different types of responses. Majority of participants were happy
about it while some participants were not happy about the errors created during
the use of mobile banking due to delay in update.
As mobile banking is just in development phase in Nepal, Nepalese people are
getting aware about it slowly. Above facts and figures created from survey
shows that there is an increment in mobile banking users which is one of the
positive sign for Nepalese people. With the initiation of mobile banking in the
country, it has made more and more commercial banks in Nepal to initiate
mobile banking for their customers and they are initiating as well.
6.2 Limitation
In research process, there are some limitations as well. During the research
process, time and cost were the major challenges. The survey could have got
more responses than presented in this thesis if my availability was possible in
Nepal. Due to time, cost factor, the survey process was done through online
excluding paper questionnaires which made the responses rate low than
expected. As Nepal is a developing country and there are still some areas in
Nepal where internet connection has not been reached due to which the survey
had to be carried out within the capital city areas. Looking at the infrastructure
development of Nepal, it is not easy to get electricity every time. Nepalese had
to live under the problem of load shedding of at least 5-6 hours a day. Due to
this situation, the help from friend in Nepal was also taken who conducted the
online survey from cyber with some of the targeted population. Due to above
mentioned limitations the survey had to be conducted within the capital city of
The above mentioned limitations were carefully analyzed and studied during the
research process in order to give an accurate and effective outcomes. The
mentioned limitations were also kept in mind during research process, so that it
would not exceed the time for responses.
deals on cash rather than banking. This results in the low rate of using mobile
banking services. Majority of literate people are in city areas and according to
my survey result above, it was found that the mobile banking seemed popular
towards young generation. Even though the mobile phone users are growing in
huge speed in Nepal but they lack ideas towards the use of mobile banking
which is one of the easiest form of banking services.
7.3 Trust In Mobile Banking
In any form of technological services, security is one of the major issues. Here
in the case of mobile banking, security is one that should be highly focused. The
technological background of Nepal is not that strong as expected. In
comparison with developed countries, the security system in technological
services in Nepal need to be highly improved. Even though the different
software developer company in Nepal is trying to apply different security
measures in mobile banking services but still it lacks that high level security.
The growth of any product is directly proportional to the uses by its customers.
The continuous errors in mobile banking software which has been seen around
Nepalese users according to my survey result can be taken as an example on
how reliable is mobile banking in Nepal.
As we saw from the survey result regarding the existing users and also the one
who are interested to use and know about mobile banking, this gives us an idea
that there is a positive impact of mobile banking around Nepalese people. Even
though there is a big challenge for mobile banking in Nepal especially in rural
areas but if Nepalese government can bring changes in those challenges
mentioned above such as infrastructure development, peoples attitude towards
banking, security issues, etc. then it can play huge role in the economic
development of the country. As we can see that there is a potential of
development of mobile banking in Nepal, Nepalese government should take a
look on it and proceed it towards into the new path of banking systems.
In summary, from both the literature and research methodology, it can be
concluded that the mobile banking will progress further in Nepal. The number of
mobile banking users are increasing every year with different figures especially
in urban areas where technologies are highly developing in quick manner.
Technologies have taken Nepalese traditional banking system into modern
banking system with different services such as ATM, internet banking, mobile
banking. As mobile banking is not fully reached in rural part of Nepal but
different projects and efforts are being carried out by many organizations in
order to flourish the information about mobile banking .Well, present status
shows that more than 70 percent of Nepalese households are unbanked but it
can be expected that with the initiation of mobile banking in different parts of
Nepal will help those unbanked households to get an idea about normal
banking systems. It can be also expected that with mobile banking, there will be
huge change in payment systems in Nepal which will make Nepalese peoples
life easier and effective in terms of financial activities.
As we saw from the survey result regarding the existing users and also the one
who are interested to use and know about mobile banking, this gives us an idea
that there is a positive impact of mobile banking around Nepalese people. Even
though there is a big challenge for mobile banking in Nepal especially in rural
areas but if Nepalese government can bring changes in those challenges
mentioned above such as infrastructure development, peoples attitude towards
banking, security issues, etc. then it can play huge role in the economic
development of the country. As we can see that there is a potential of
development of mobile banking in Nepal, Nepalese government should take a
look on it and proceed it towards into the new path of banking systems.
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Nepal Rastriya Bank, [Online], Available from: [Accessed: 6th January 2015]
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd, [Online], Available from: [Accessed: 9th January 2015]
NMB Bank, [Online], Available from: [Accessed: 7th January
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Survey Questionnaire
1. What is your age? Choose the correct range below
Above 40
3 Gender
5 Do you use your mobile for banking services? If not, then proceed to
question number 8, 9
8 Are you happy with the services? If not, what is the area to be
Account transactions
Bill payment (Nepal Telecom Landline, Ncell Post Paid)
Mobile top up (NCELL, NTC, CDMA)
12 Would you use mobile banking if you could get more information about