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The School Story

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The School Story

Andrew Clements

Author Study

English SOL Grade 5 Reading

5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction.

a) Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials.
b) Describe character development in fiction and poetry selections.
c) Describe the development of plot and explain how conflicts are resolved.
d) Describe how an author’s choice of vocabulary and style contributes to the quality
and enjoyment of selections.

Name _________________________________

Due Date _______________________________

Unit Over view and Contract

During this reading unit you will be expected to participate in

discussions with small groups, as well as with the entire class. In this
packet, you will find a list of assignments by due date and a rubric for
scoring. All reading and preparation must be finished prior to
meeting with the group. Any unfinished work will result in a loss of
10% per assignment and a zero for the discussion for the day.

Some class time will be allotted for preparation for discussions. If

work is not completed during class, you will be expected to complete
it as homework (you may include it in your 30 minutes).

Planned Assignments *
• 5 Guided Reading Discussions with the teacher leading
• 4 Literature Circle Discussions with classmates leading
• 2 Jigsaw Comparison Discussions (mixed small groups)
• 1 Socratic Seminar (whole class discussion)
• Final Project & Presentation
* Additional assignments may be given as the unit progresses at the teacher’s discretion.


I have read the accompanying information, reviewed the expectations

with my parents, and agree to complete all work to the best of my
ability by the date assigned. I understand that late work will result in
the loss of 10% per assignment and a zero for participation in

____________________ ____________________ _____________

Student Signature Parent Signature Teacher Initials
Due Date Assignment Description Work to be Completed
4/6/10 Guided Reading Discussion 1 Entrance Ticket 1:
Reading #1: ch. 1-7, p. 1-41

4/9/10 Literature Circle Discussion 1 Assigned LCA Job:

LC Response #1

4/13/10 Guided Reading Discussion 2 Entrance Ticket 2:

Main Character, Point-of View
Reading #2: ch.8-13, p.42-101

4/16/10 Literature Circle Discussion 2 Assigned LCA Job:

LC Response #2

4/20/10 Guided Reading Discussion 3 Entrance Ticket 3:

Plot Development - Conflict
Reading #3: ch.14-17, p.102-143

4/23/10 Literature Circle Discussion 3 Assigned LCA Job:

LC Response #3

4/27/10 Guided Reading Discussion 4 Entrance Ticket 4:

Plot Development - Action
Reading #4: ch.18-20, p.144-196

4/30/10 Literature Circle Discussion 4 Assigned LCA Job:

LC Response #4

5/4/10 Guided Reading Discussion 5 Entrance Ticket 5:

Climax/Conflict Resolution

5/11/10 Jigsaw Comparison Discussion 1 Comparison Venn Diagram

5/12/10 Jigsaw Comparison Discussion 2 Comparison Sociogram

5/13/10 Socratic Seminar Discussion Response Essay

5/24/10 Final Project See List of Possible Options

Score Assignment Comments
Entrance Ticket 1: Prediction

Guided Reading Assignment 1: Prediction

Literature Circle Assignment 1:

Literature Circle Discussion 1: Response and Reflection

Entrance Ticket 2: Point-of-View

Guided Reading Assignment 2: Point-of-View

Literature Circle Assignment 2:

Literature Circle Discussion 2: Response and Reflection

Entrance Ticket 3: Plot Development - Conflict

Guided Reading Assignment 3: Identify Conflict

Literature Circle Assignment 3:

Literature Circle Discussion 3: Response and Reflection

Entrance Ticket 4: Plot Development - Action

Guided Reading Assignment 4: Identify Key Events

Literature Circle Assignment 4:

Literature Circle Discussion 4: Response and Reflection

Entrance Ticket 5: Climax/Conflict Resolution

Guided Reading Assignment 5: Story Map

Comparison Venn Diagram

Comparison Sociogram

Discussion Response Essay

Scoring Criteria
4 (95%) 3 (85%) 2 (75%) 1 (65%) 0 (0-55%)
•Thoroughly •Completed •Completed •Assignment •Assignment
completed assignment assignment attempted incomplete
assignment •Some answers •Answers related •Answers slightly •Answers
•Used text to supported by text to text related to text unrelated to text
support answers •Showed some •Thoughts are •Thoughts are •Thoughts are
•Showed creativity creativity in literal and literal and literal or unrelated
in thoughts thoughts expected expected •Did not
•Participated and •Participated and •Participated , •Participated , participate, off-
on-task mostly on-task some off-task some off-task task often
Guided Reading Discussion 1
Entrance Ticket

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should include

connections to the text, supported predictions, and thoughtful opinions.

1. Predict: What types of stories do most students enjoy?

2. Read the back cover of The School Story. What problem do you think the
characters will face?

3. How does this book sound like the Andrew Clements book we read aloud,
No Talking?

Guided Reading Notes

Directions: Use this space to take any notes that are given during the small
group lesson.

Predictions are important because...


Directions: Practice making predictions based on the text you read. Before
the end of the book you need to have at least 6 predictions completed.

page # I Predict... Because...

Literature Circle Discussion 1
Discussion Response

Directions: Answer the following question(s) in complete sentences. Your

response will be included in your grade.

Describe Natalie’s and Zoe’s friendship. How do they treat each other?
What makes them so close despite their differences? Support your answer
with specific examples from the text.
















Discussion Reflection

Directions: Grade yourself and your group on your participation in the

group discussion. Please complete the comment/question portion


I was prepared for discussion by: Yes No

Completing my reading assignment

Completing my LCA sheet

Bringing my book
Bringing my packet and other materials
I participated in discussion by: Yes No
Listening carefully to what others said
Building on what others said (connecting)
Asking clarifying or thinking questions
Encouraging others to contribute their ideas
Using the text to support my opinions
Staying focused

My best comment or question today was:




The most interesting thing someone else said was: (include speaker’s name)



Guided Reading Discussion 2
Entrance Ticket

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should include

connections to the text, supported predictions, and thoughtful opinions.

1. How does Andrew Clements use humor to tell his story? Give one specific
example from the text.

2. From whose perspective is the story told? How do you know?

3. Predict: Will Natalie finish her story and get it published? Who will be
helpful in this process?

Guided Reading Notes

Directions: Use this space to take any notes that are given during the small
group lesson.


Directions:Different people often see things from different points of view.

How might a story change when told from different perspectives? Choose
an event from the story and re-tell the event from three different
character’s perspective. Label each pair of glasses below with a character’s
name. Inside each pair of glasses, briefly retell what happened from each
character’s point-of-view.
Literature Circle Discussion 2
Discussion Response

Directions: Answer the following question(s) in complete sentences. Your

response will be included in your grade.

How did Natalie and Zoe prepare to sell Natalie’s first book? Is it reasonable
for t wo sixth grade girls to do these things? Support your answer with
examples from the text.
















Discussion Reflection

Directions: Grade yourself and your group on your participation in the

group discussion. Please complete the comment/question portion


I was prepared for discussion by: Yes No

Completing my reading assignment

Completing my LCA sheet

Bringing my book
Bringing my packet and other materials
I participated in discussion by: Yes No
Listening carefully to what others said
Building on what others said (connecting)
Asking clarifying or thinking questions
Encouraging others to contribute their ideas
Using the text to support my opinions
Staying focused

My best comment or question today was:




The most interesting thing someone else said was: (include speaker’s name)



Guided Reading Discussion 3
Entrance Ticket

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should include

connections to the text, supported predictions, and thoughtful opinions.

1. What is conflict? What are some times in your life that you have been faced
with conflict?

2. What is the major conflict that Natalie is facing in this story?

3. Predict: How will Natalie resolve the problem that she is facing?

Guided Reading Notes

Directions: Use this space to take any notes that are given during the small
group lesson.

Plot Development: Conflict

• What are the four types of conflict? Which type of conflict is most prevalent
in The School Story?

• What words and phrases does the author use to help you learn about the
' s conflict?

• What events does the author use to help you learn more about the conflict?
Plot Development: Conflict

Directions: Authors use a variety of methods to make the plot and conflict
in their stories vivid and believable. Complete the chart using examples
from the text that show how the author uses conflict to develop the plot.
Explain how each conflict affects the plot?

Page Observation: Draw a Conclusion:

# What conflict does the author How does this conflict affect the
describe? plot?
Literature Circle Discussion 3
Discussion Response

Directions: Answer the following question(s) in complete sentences. Your

response will be included in your grade.

Why was it so important for Natalie to have Hannah as her editor? How
did Zoe help Natalie accomplish this? How does this problem illustrate the
strengths of both girls and their friendship. Support your answer.
















Discussion Reflection

Directions: Grade yourself and your group on your participation in the

group discussion. Please complete the comment/question portion


I was prepared for discussion by: Yes No

Completing my reading assignment

Completing my LCA sheet

Bringing my book
Bringing my packet and other materials
I participated in discussion by: Yes No
Listening carefully to what others said
Building on what others said (connecting)
Asking clarifying or thinking questions
Encouraging others to contribute their ideas
Using the text to support my opinions
Staying focused

My best comment or question today was:




The most interesting thing someone else said was: (include speaker’s name)



Guided Reading Discussion 4
Entrance Ticket

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should include

connections to the text, supported predictions, and thoughtful opinions.

1. How was the conflict resolved? Was it what you expected?

2. If you had to choose an event that was most memorable, what would it be?

3. Describe an alternative solution to the conflict in The School Story.

Guided Reading Notes

Directions: Use this space to take any notes that are given during the small
group lesson.

Plot describes the structure of a story. It shows the how events and actions
affect the characters within the story.
Plot Development: Rising Action (Events)

Directions: The events of a story are crucial to the development of the plot.
The events make a story interesting. Complete the chart below based on
the major conflict the main characters faced in the story.

Problems Solutions
Literature Circle Discussion 4
Discussion Response

Directions: Answer the following question(s) in complete sentences. Your

response will be included in your grade.

Describe the lesson that Natalie and Zoe learned. How did this affect
Natalie’s relationship with her mom? Support your answer with examples
from the text.
















Discussion Reflection

Directions: Grade yourself and your group on your participation in the

group discussion. Please complete the comment/question portion


I was prepared for discussion by: Yes No

Completing my reading assignment

Completing my LCA sheet

Bringing my book
Bringing my packet and other materials
I participated in discussion by: Yes No
Listening carefully to what others said
Building on what others said (connecting)
Asking clarifying or thinking questions
Encouraging others to contribute their ideas
Using the text to support my opinions
Staying focused

My best comment or question today was:




The most interesting thing someone else said was: (include speaker’s name)



Entrance Ticket

Directions: Answer the following questions. Your answers should include

connections to the text, supported predictions, and thoughtful opinions.

1. Predict: What do you think a Frindle is?

2. Read the back cover. What problem do you think will happen in Frindle?

3. How does this book sound like the Andrew Clements book we read aloud,
No Talking?

Guided Reading Discussion 5

Guided Reading Notes

Directions: Use this space to take any notes that are given during the small
group lesson.

Predictions are important because...


Directions: Practice making predictions based on the text you read. Before
the end of the book you need to have at least 6 predictions completed.
Directions: Work with your small group to identify things that your books
have in common. Include points about the characters, the problems they
faced,and the author’s style.

Comparison Venn
Directions: Work with your small group to identify things that your books
have in common. Include points about the characters, the problems they
faced,and the author’s style.

Comparison Sociogram
Directions: Answer the following question(s) in complete sentences. Your
response will be included in your grade.

Describe Nick’s first class with Mrs. Granger. What things did Nick learn
about Mrs. Granger? What things did Mrs. Granger learn about Nick?








Discussion Response










Final Project Options

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