Have You Ever Wondered How A Fluorescent Light Works? Even Though They're Nearly As
Have You Ever Wondered How A Fluorescent Light Works? Even Though They're Nearly As
Have You Ever Wondered How A Fluorescent Light Works? Even Though They're Nearly As
- Preheat fixtures
- Instant-and Rapid-Start lamps
- A fluorescent overview
Have you ever wondered how a fluorescent light works? Even though they're nearly as
commonplace as incandescent fixtures, their unusual shape and well-known idiosyncrasies make
them seem more mysterious.
There's more than a difference in appearance separating fluorescent and incandescent lamps. An
incandescent bulb generates light through heat. When electrical current passes through the
tungsten filament, it heats to the point where it glows and gives off a yellow-red light. To keep
the filament from burning up immediately, it's housed in a vacuum. Even so, the intense heat of
the filament ensures a comparatively short and expensive life span.
A fluorescent lamp has no filament running through it. Instead, cathodes (coiled tungsten
filaments coated with an electron-emitting substance) at each end send current through mercury
vapors sealed in the tube. Ultraviolet radiation is produced as electrons from the cathodes knock
mercury electrons out of their natural orbit. Some of the displaced electrons settle back into orbit,
throwing off the excess energy absorbed in the collision. Almost all of this energy is in the form
of ultraviolet radiation.
To turn this radiation into visible light, the inside of the tube has a phosphor lining. The
phosphors have the unique ability to lengthen UV wavelengths to a visible portion of the
spectrum. Put another way, the phosphors are excited to fluorescence by bursts of UV energy.
The easiest fluorescent fixture to explain is a design offered by Sylvania in 1938. This early
preheat model is no longer made, but millions are still in service, and its principle design features
are found in every new fixture.
Typical fluorescent tube is filled with inert gas and a small amount of mercury that
creates vapor. Generating fluorescent light occurs in two stages. First, electrons
emitted from cathodes create an electrical arc through mercury vapor. Then,
resultant ultraviolet radiation strikes phosphor coating which then gives off visible
light. Bi-pin bases are necessary for preheat and Rapid-Start fixture designs.
Preheat fixtures
Original preheat circuit uses a starter. When starter switch
is closed, current runs through and heats cathodes. When
arc through tube is established, switch opens.
Beyond the starter mechanism and a little finetuning, subsequent fluorescent fixtures have changed
very little. Both the Instant-Start (1944) and the
Rapid-Start (1952) versions are merely adjustments
to improve reliability and reduce maintenance.
Instant-Start fixtures have ballasts with continuous
output high enough to strike an arc instantly.
Because no preheating occurs, Instant-Start tubes
need only one pin at each end. While some InstantStart tubes have bi-pin bases, the pins are joined at the base. In this case, they're merely structural
and not electrical (see Instant-Start circuit diagram).
Modern Rapid-Start fixtures are also designed without starters, though they are true bipin/preheat fixtures. They have smaller, more efficient ballasts with built-in heating windings
that preheat the cathodes for quick starts (see Rapid-Start circuit diagram).
A fluorescent overview
Newer Rapid-Start fixture is similar to preheat type, but
without starter. Ballast has separate winding that heats the
cathodes to start the electrical arc.
The previous data was copied from Popular Mechanics magazine as "saving for posterity"
attempt. I use to find out that good information at Internet just disappear without leaving traces...
so I save here what is good.