Strategic Management Study Guide FINAL
Strategic Management Study Guide FINAL
Strategic Management Study Guide FINAL
b. Sequential moves
Nature of conflict
a. Repeated
b. Single-Shot Game
The key with sequential moves is you first figure out best move for American which is 96, then figure out what best
move is for United as they have the next move (or after pink moment).
Subgame: All decisions that players make subsequently are made given the actions already taken and the
corresponding playoffs.
The whole game is a subgame (so Sequential (SPNE) or sub game NE is a subset of NE)
SPNE: Players strategies are a NE in every subgame
Solve by backward induction: Select best responses in each node for last player to move. Then the player making
next-to-last move....
SPNE needs to include off the equilibrium path strategies:
qA = 96 for American and (qU = 64 if qA = 48, qU = 64 if qA = 64,
qU = 48 if qA = 96) for United (dark blue lines in previous slide)
SPNE is about credible threats. Note that AA doesnt get the same equilibrium by simply announcing qA = 96 in
the simultaneous game
Commitments (irreversible actions) make incredible threats credible
In some games, a player can improve her outcome by taking an action that makes it impossible for her to take what
would be her best action in the corresponding simultaneous-move game. Such actions are referred to as
commitments, and they can serve as alternatives to external enforcement in games which would otherwise settle on
Pareto-inefficient equilibria.
Suppose you own a piece of land adjacent to mine, and I'd like to buy it so as to expand my lot. Unfortunately, you
don't want to sell at the price I'm willing to pay. If we move simultaneouslyyou post a selling price and I
independently give my agent an asking pricethere will be no sale. So I might try to change your incentives by
playing an opening move in which I announce that I'll build a putrid-smelling sewage disposal plant on my land
beside yours unless you sell, thereby inducing you to lower your price. I've now turned this into a sequential-move
game. However, this move so far changes nothing. If you refuse to sell in the face of my threat, it is then not in my
interest to carry it out, because in damaging you I also damage myself. Since you know this you should ignore my
threat. My threat is incredible, a case of cheap talk.
I could make my threat credible by committing myself. For example, I could sign a contract with some farmers
promising to supply them with treated sewage (fertilizer) from my plant, but including an escape clause in the
contract releasing me from my obligation only if I can double my lot size and so put it to some other use. Now my
threat is credible: if you don't sell, I'm committed to building the sewage plant. Since you know this, you now have
an incentive to sell me your land in order to escape its ruination.
First mover has advantage
Commitment is:
1. Hard to revert
2. Long-term impact
3. Must be
a. Visible
b. understandable
c. credible
Sometimes, best when inflexible, or tying your hands
Firms use commitments strategically all the time
Price Matching guarentees
Investment in new technology
Explicit contracts
Changing The Game: From Incredible To Credible
The Problem:
Exclusion contract example with our profit being 10-b with b being cost for exclusive contract
F is the entry cost for the rival in the mall
If F is greater than 4, then cost is too high and will choose not to enter, no need for exclusion deal.
If F is less than 4 and B is less than 6 then we prefer to exclude entry as they make profit entering, and will want to,
and B being less than 6 we are still profitable.
If B>6 then and F is less than 4 then we do not pay and compete.
We make the investment because first 8,0 or 4,4 based on entry choice (second column in profit), then we want 8,0
as 8 is best option.
Building extra capacity, or investment leads entrant not to enter as best choice.
Capacity is credible commitment because post entry competition will lead to lower market prices, and for entrant to
get crushed potentially.
Are a group of firms that explicitly agree to coordinate activities
The legality:
Collusion is largely illegal in the United States, Canada and most of the EU due to competition/antitrust law, but
implicit collusion in the form of price leadership and tacit understandings still takes place.
OPEC, Canadian Potash Exporters
Why Do Cartels Fail?
Incentives to cheat, at collusive levels, Marginal benefit is greater than marginal costs
Detection and punishment
Punishment increases long run marginal cost of a cheater.
These include price wars, and side payments
Punishment can take many forms, ranging from other sellers targeting price discounts at the offenders
customers, to cutting the offenders allocated sales quota, all the way to suspending the cartels activities for
some period. In almost all instances, however, punishment will be costly not only to the offender but also to the
sellers who mete out the penalties.
Tit for tat: Corporation in round 1, set high price then, and then you copy what opponent did in t-1
In other words adopt your opponent strategy from previous round.
Grim triggers:
Start off high price, and then if opponent ever goes low once, you go low forever
High prices could occur if discount rate is very low and firms are patient in infinity periods
In finite periods, it is key to think about last period, cheating incentives, and unraveling.
A Most-Favoured-Customer Clause (MFC) is a contractual arrangement between company and customer that
guarantees the customer the best price the company gives to anyone. The MFC prevents a company from treating
different customers differently in negotiations.
If I go low as Firm 1 then I will have 30 more customers than firm 2, but owe 30 customers refunds from the last
round making it not worth going low, as value is worse now compared to firm 2.
It makes sure that you choose high high.
As the next slide shows, MFCC is a promise to keep prices high. As next round, I will owe 30 customers refunds.
First example is not with MFCC, but second includes cost of refunds causing 60,60 to be optimal.
This exploits customer price awareness, sensitivity, and low switching costs which is what makes price competition
so brutal.
Must be done by one party, you can match but not over-retaliated
Must keep competitive reactions private, and must have legit justification for price cuts, price increases, handling PR
really well
Clear pricing tactics with attorney.
Market structure
a. (Entry/internal rivalry can be problem)
Imitation and innovation
Changes to landscape
Learning curve
R&D patents
Limit pricing
Excess Capacity
Imperfect mobility (Customer loyalty to company not employees due to frequent flyer programs)
Asset specificity (Landing slots in airlines hub)
Rather, a competitive advantage is sustainable when the efforts by competitors to render the competitive advantage
redundant have ceased (:[2] p102; Rumelt, 1984, p562). When the imitative actions have come to an end without
disrupting the firms competitive advantage, the firms strategy can be called sustainable. This is in contrast to views
of others (e.g., Porter) that a competitive advantage is sustained when it provides above-average returns in the long
run. (1985).
A subsequent distinction, made by Amit & Schoemaker (1993), is that the encompassing construct previously called
"resources" can be divided into resources and capabilities.[4] In this respect, resources are tradable and non-specific
to the firm, while capabilities are firm-specific and are used to engage the resources within the firm, such as implicit
processes to transfer knowledge within the firm
Competitive forces can still neutralize CA based on special resources and capabilities
Resource Based Theory of Barca
The players are these resources which serve as a CA. Even trying to imitate Barcelona, you wont have similar
players as these greats, and thus Barca can sustain winning, similar to Mickey Mouse
Imitating Dell Distinct Aspects include close integreation with suppliers, PC manufactured to order, direct sales,
essentially no resellers. All of these lead to CA being sustained, even though distinct.
Legal restrictions
a. Airlines with regulations
Superior access to inputs/customers
Market size (less likely where markets are growing) and scale economies
Intangible barriers (every company has different history, how operations are done
Learning curve
Switching Costs
Network Effects
a. Gives advantage from demand side or from WTP not cost
1) Learning Curve Effects
A firm that sells more in early periods moves farther down learning curve
This leads to lower average cost than rivals and can undercut and sell more
Think Pizza place lowering cost with efficiency like Dominos, or shipbuilders, leading to lower Average cost
2) Network Effects
In economics and business, a network effect (also called network externality or demand-side economies of
scale) is the effect that one user of a good or service has on the value of that product to other people. When a
network effect is present, the value of a product or service is dependent on the number of others using it.[1]
The classic example is the telephone. The more people who own telephones, the more valuable the telephone is to
each owner. This creates a positive externality because a user may purchase a telephone without intending to create
value for other users, but does so in any case. Online social networks work in the same way, with sites like Twitter
and Facebook becoming more attractive as more users join.
Network goods offer opportunities to first movers
WTP increases with installed base
Actual network (physical link):
meaning that actual connections (phone calls and messages) exist among users.
Facebook, Telephone, Railroads
Virtual Link:
Some goods make up a "virtual" network of users, meaning that although actual connections do not exist among
users, virtual connections (eg, information and complementary goods shared among product users) do exist. Goods
in virtual networks tend to experience indirect network effects. For example, consumers don't value the Microsoft
operating system just because a great number of people use it. However, as more people use Windows, more
complementary goods become available (eg, software applications).
Computer OS, Video Game console, Keyboard
No actual connection, but value added by more people using it
Network goods evolve around standards
Two key questions with this are:
Should a firm compete for the market, or in the market?
Is it possible to topple existing standard?
Early mover disadvantages:
Lack of complimentary assets (Apple Newton)
Locked to inferior technologies (Wang with word processing earlier than others)
Resources and capabilities must be scarce and immobile to serve as basis of sustainable advantage
Isolating mechnaimsism prevent competitors duplicating or neutralizing CA
Barriers to imitation prevent competitors from matching firms value creation
Early mover advantages (learning curve, network effects, reputation) increase value creation spread in
favor of firm with CA.
Reading on CA:
1. Break a firm into discrete activities or processes
2. Step 1: Catalog Activities
a. Breakdown value chain into primary activites that generate good servce, and support
i. Support included logisitics, sales, markets, etc.
b. Then must be analyzed in terms of cost and WTP relative to competition
3. Step 2: Analyze Relative Costs
a. Difference in cost lead to difference in profitability
b. Figure out cost drivers: or what makes cost of activity rise and fall
c. Allow managers to estimate competitors cost positions
i. One can see competitors market share, portion of sales in certain areas, breath of product
d. Focus on difference in individual activities
i. Focus on detail
ii. Focus on areas where significant differences across competitors or strategic options
iii. Large enough to effect cost position
iv. Correspond to technically seperable activities
v. Activiies with thicker slice of costs deserve deeprate attention
vi. Should be modeled only if different than competitirs
vii. Sensitivity analysis is crucial
e. Pitfalls
i. Financial accounting overemphasizes manufacturing costs and poor job of allocating
overhead and other indirect costs
ii. Can confuse or mix one time and recurring costs
1. Look at comparables
4. Step 3: Willingness To Pay
a. More account for profitability than difference in cost levels
b. Quality, performance, features, aesthetics affect WTP
c. Most managers process
Husky Strategy:
Differentiator as innovative products that operate more efficiently, leading to yearly cost savings.
Furthermore fast, rugged, high performance, with total lifecycle costs rather than upfront acquisition cost (or
premium for it)
Price premium deserved due to 1) cost savings and 2) quality with lower variable bur pressure issues and blemishes.
Huskys strategy is based on WTP wedge, as consumers save, leading to higher WTP.
Majority of savings are in the purchasing expense, as that is about .14 million per year.
There was another $39,000 or so in savings from the other three.
You can perform a quantity relative WTP analysis for each. The cost savings make the injection molding systems
worth the premium price they receive.
PET resin makers underestimated demand by a wide margin leading prices to soar as not enough
i. Procesors simply could not obtain resin in some cases
ii. Processors halted expansion and put equipment purchasing on hold
2) New entrants/competitors
Only 300 machines per year produced (unit costs fall at 500 machines or more
Cost side
Buy out some of the parts companies supplied by few suppliers to lower cost
What Happened
They cust costs, cut 2 layers of hierarchy, decentralized decision making, and Asian expansion
Should have focused on WTP advantage due to cost savings by continuing to build R&D as well as conveying added
value instead.
Questions to prep
Incredible technology
2. Are Husky injection molding systems worth the premium price the company charges? Can you
perform a quantitative relative WTP analysis?
Industry Structure
Technologically progressive
Cyclical industry
But in general industry profits are low, though Husky has high ROE, which usually means high profits,
and high CA.
Mold - competitive
Yes through differentiation in the form of efficiency, and talk about Husky ROE,
elading to high profits, and WTP is higher. Though we do not know costs, we know
WTP higher, and ROE high, which means WTP higher.
Machine Business
Mold Business
No barriers to entry
Hot Runners
Machine business
Mold business
Hot Runners
Industry characteristics
Cyclical industry depends in the price of resin which depends in the price of oil
Since they are not diversified, they are vulnerable to bankruptcy in the
There is room for differentiation and some players can make a lot of profits like
Use resin that will become plastic inject into the mold, keep under
pressure, cool down and make the product
Some companies only do this (need machines to work and have products at low cost and
always available)
They are not the biggest player, but have good reputation and and make the best product
They are not concerned about the current situation, but rather about the future
Husky Positioning
Yes as they have a premium product with faster cycle times, and more operating hours per day leading to
savings over time for customer even with higher acquisition cost.
They have higher quality, with lower blemishes and variable burst pressure issues.
Husky serves customers that need unusually heavily engineered product and global
They have better products (faster cycle times, more hours operating per day)
Good reputation
They have a great sales force (internally run, they know the products and are more
Production of molds
Very mechanised
1. Operations - assembly of customized machines in job shop setting, mold operations are
2. Sales and Services - employ representatives globally, same general managers that
rotate between sales and services so they can learn the technical skills and really
understand the product
4. Procurement
WTP Calculation
What is the most a company can charge and still make a sale?
Capital Savings
Energy Savings
Plant Savings
How many preforms a year can Husky and rival systems produce?
Less blemishes, hence product is better and there are less variability
*** The customer who wants to produce at max capacity should buy a
Husky system
What happened?
Drop in prices
IPO in 1998
a. The Strategy Statement
i. Have a Long term strategy
ii. Define the scope
iii. Define which competitive advantages you will achieve and sustain
iv. Present logic for 1, 2, 3
Verticals scope (Bergerac): involve in activities further downstream or upstream in the product
i. How should we perform those activities?
c. Horizontal Scope (Disney): firm expand into new products or services
i. Products and services a firm chooses to offer
ii. Diversification
Organizing the vertical chain
a. What should be the breath of the firm?
b. What are some activities outsourced and others produced in house?
c. Why do we observe different arrangements for firms that operate in the same industry?
Fully integrated: Shell, Chevron, Exxon
Upstream Only: PVSDA
Refiner/Retailer: Tesoro, Valero
Jobbers (wholesalers: Kiethco
Retailers: Costco
Make or Buy?
a. Reasons to buy: Technical Efficiency
i. Patents and Proprietary information
ii. Demand aggregators
iii. Agency cost and market discipline
iv. Pay another firms
v. More efficient
vi. Diseconomies of scale
vii. Our technical product costs are higher
b. Reasons to make: Agency Efficiency
i. Coordination Costs
ii. Reluctance of partners to develop and share private information
iii. Transaction costs
iv. Other
1. Market development
2. Tax and regulators
3. VI might allow price discrimination
v. To expensive for us to acquire, the admin costs are less than the negotiating costs
Virtual corporation: limit case in which each element in the vertical chain is produced
independently Explain what this means
Transaction costs and contracts
a. Real life contracts are incomplete
b. Incomplete contracts incite opportunistic behavior
c. The hold up problem
i. The hold-up problem is a situation where two parties may be able to work most
efficiently by cooperating, but refrain from doing so due to concerns that they may give
the other party increased bargaining power, and thereby reduce their own profits.
1. It is often argued that the possibility of a hold-up can lead Fisher Body had an
exclusive contract with General Motors (GM) to supply car body parts and,
therefore, Fisher Body was the only company to deliver the components
according to GMs specifications. In 1920, a sharp increase in demand occurred
that was above expectations. It is claimed that Fisher Body used this unforeseen
situation to hold up GM by increasing the price for the additional parts
produced. It has been said that this hold up led to GM acquiring Fisher Body in
1926underinvestment in relation-specific investment, and, hence, inefficiency.
a. Would be beneficial for Adobe to work with Apple, but inefficiency as
slow to adept due to bargaining power concerns
ii. Inefficient outcome
iii. If the investment by one player is more important in value creation, vertical integration is
service may be predicated on the existence of an uncommon set of professional knowhow and skills.
g. The more asset specific, the lower the effect of demand aggregation a firm has
i. In the absence of specific assets, there is no constraint on demand aggregation and this
gives external production a considerable edge in achieving lower production costs.
However, as technologies become more specific, the aggregation of demands from
different firms generates fewer savings. 3
h. Defining AC as the unit production cost difference for a given demand by the downstream firm,
i. Only looking at agency costs, there comes a point where it is more efficient to produce in
j. These change with the type of input that we are looking at
k. This represents the make or buy decision
l. Figure out why large firms are more vertically integrated than smaller firms
i. Large companies such as Apple are more likely than smaller companies to employ
vertical integration, as they have more resources to manage each stage of production (e.g.
major expansion and funding).
ii. Further asset specificity or k at larger firms is more likely leading C to increase and thus
greater reason for VI
1. Think opposite in which asset specificity is lower, so commodity, better to go
out to market, then asset is super specific with larger firm
10. Make or buy fallacies
a. Firm should make rather than buy assets that provide CA
b. Outsourcing an activity eliminates the cost of that activity
c. Backward integration captures the profit margin of the supplier
d. Backward integration insures against the risk of high input prices
e. Tie up distribution channel to deny access to rivals
11. Alternatives to VI
a. Control over specialized assets
i. Can use independent body part suppliers but own a specific machines business
b. Tapered integration (mix of vertical integration and market exhange)
i. Major oil refiners have own service station, and sell through independent
c. Implicit contracts
d. Joint ventures and strategic alliances
12. Summary make or buy
a. If outside has more expertise, relationship specific assets, or do not want private infor leakage, use
i. If above but detailed contract is feasible and common ownership needed to mitigate
contracting problems
1. Vertical
ii. If supplers not more expertise and intermediate arrangement doesnt suffice,
1. Vertical
iii. If supplers not more expertise but intermediate works
1. JV, alliance
13. Horizontal scope: Efficiency Based ON Diversification
Horizontal integration is the process of a company increasing production of goods or services at the same
part of the supply chain. A company may do this via internal expansion, acquisition or merger.
a. Benefits of horizontal integration to both the firm and society may include economies of
scale and economies of scope.
Economies of scope are "efficiencies wrought by variety, not volume" (the latter concept is
"economies of scale").
a. Economies of scope make product diversification efficient if they are based on the common and
recurrent use of proprietary know-how or on an indivisible physical asset.[5] For example, as the
number of products promoted is increased, more people can be reached per unit of money spent.
Increased economies of scope by sharing resources, economies of scale by selling more of same product,
increased market power with suppliers or downstream channels, reduction in cost of international trade
One of the clearest examples of horizontal integration is Facebook's acquisition of Instagram in 2012 for a reported
$1 billion. Both Facebook and Instagram operated in the same industry and were in similar production stages in
regard to their photo-sharing services. Facebook, looking to strengthen its position in the social media and social
sharing space, saw the acquisition of Instagram as an opportunity to grow its market share, increase its product line,
reduce competition and access potential new markets.
b. Expand into new business units only if the value under one roof is larger than independent
c. Business units should be compatible with corporate structure, system and processes
14. Efficiency based diversification
a. Economies of scale/scope
i. Umbrella branding
ii. Transfer of organizational capabilities
iii. Benefits and bundling for buyers
iv. Externalities in pricing complementary products: benefit of WTP of Mickey Mouse toy
under Disney brand without cost increase
b. Economizing transaction costs:
c. Internalizing Capital Markets: Choose right businesses
i. BCG Growth/share paradigm
ii. Shareholder diversification
iii. Undervalued firms
d. Efficiecny based diversification
i. Berkshire with Sante Fe Railroad
ii. Facebook with Instagram
Diversification and long term performance
a. Valuation studies
i. It may destroy value given that they cannot be managed within the corporate structure
b. Event studies
Why to outsource
a. Because the firm does not possess the resources to be a success in those businesses
b. Virtual corporation
c. Cost effectiveness
d. Geographic proximity to main markets
e. Risk diversification
f. Resource management
Why do companies off shore
a. Gain a competitive advantage
b. Lower labor reducing unit costs in the value chain
c. To access highly skilled labor
d. Leverage cost advantages
Which activities should be performed and how?
a. Multiple dimensions of scope
When there are scope economies between the existing portfolio of businesses
and the new business
Frig business would not do well in low cost refrigerators if they are focused on
high end premium products
v. Reverse linkage of starting new business leading to resource upgrade
c. Businesses
i. Scope economies from business to business linkage, or exploiting synergy
1. Key is to ask whether better off in market A by being in market B
a. Disney is better having theme parks, as it further cements people into
characters, which help B
i. Increases WTP of people for toys as well
2. Can be rational to expand scope into business it looses value in, if benefits
overall corporation
a. Example is Japanese firms willing to loose in U.S for decades, because
competitive impact on US firms justified invesmtnet
3. Can only consider scope strategy as business as a whole across all markets
4. Mutual forbearance argument
a. Though controversial company wont compete with another in one
market in fear of rivalry in other markets
d. Organizational Structure, System, and Proceses
i. Does not imply have to be same systems for all businesses
1. Good corporate strategy can differentiate among businesses
ii. There is a fit requirement in terms of control versus decentralization, how resources
deployed, etc.
1. Saatchi and Saatchi imposed budging systems on ad agencies with enourmous
detrimental results
2. Once corproration structures itself a certain way, it is difficult to control, and
employ resources in another way
iii. Managers accumulate knowledge and way to run one type of undustry and if asked to do
one completely different can struggle or take a while to learn it
Vertical Integration
a. First figure out if the area is a source of rent
i. Should not commit to business with no retun on capital
1. Why commit capital to trucking business as a concrete player, if trucking
business does not have abnormal returns
ii. Even with returns, only integrate if firm can be successful in that field
b. Thus should only direcly involve resources that provide firm competitive advantage for their
i. Sulzer differentiation was design, not manufacturing
1. So it focused on that area of differentiation and though 10% of cost of engine
was them, they got nearly all profits
c. Virtual corporation is the epitome of this
i. Nearly all the profits, with few costs
d. Issue is when valuable resources at multiple stages of value chain
i. Example is biotech have technolocial resource and pharmacy have marketing channel
ii. Each has resource whose value is only realized when the two are combined
iii. Thus you see many pharma buying biotech, or establishing JV/contracts
e. Transaction costs
i. Costs such as monitering, bonding, and enforcement of terms of contracts
1. When risk one firm will hold up another, or demanding incease/decrease of price
ii. Classic example is GM and Fischer which I went through already
iii. TC conditions
1. Durability
a. Requires continuity of transaction, auction would not have high
transaction costs
2. Assset specifcicty
a. If asset specific then there is high transaction costs
a. Uncertainty in industry can cause transaction costs
4. Frequency
iv. All of this leads that when transaction costs are too high internalization VI makes sense
f. Agency Costs
i. Person acts in his bet interest, rather than principal (or business)
ii. Most costly when employee critical to firms performance
Start from scratch or buy
a. Starting from scratch
i. All profits to firm
ii. Integrated to firm with corporate culture
iii. Bad
1. Can be slow
2. Can fail
b. Acquisition
i. Loose some money from acquisition premium paid
ii. Pros is it is fast, and immediate access to resources
Divest businesses
a. Few willing
b. Few show ability to restructure portfolio of business without pressure
Figure 6 in the case
a. With business scope, internal organization costs go up, resource value goes down
i. Finally transaction costs indenepdent
b. As coordination intensity increases, more internal governance costs occur, and thus support a more
narrow scope
Comparable to Idexx but slightly more cost effective and easier to use
Lower end in quality and less innovative
User friendly, required no training
Price point below Abaxis, giving a lower cost per use choice
Gained traction among vets
Based on the business challenges described in the case, should Bergerac integrate backward into the manufacture of
plastic cartridge components? If so, then how?
What is the economic and strategic case for the recommendation?
Build a model based on:
1. Cartridge demand grows at 10% per year
2. Labor and overhead costs increase proportionatally with machinery
3. Labor cost also increase at 3% per year
4. GenieTech price of $2.96 would not increase, and price charged to other customers
5. How much is sold does not affect labor and overhead
Annual demand
Production capacity
Machines required
Excess capacity
Sale price per unit
Incremental profits with selling
NPV is positive and better off which means economically a good purchase.
Lesser model is the same without selling off excess capacity
Does not make sense
1. Diseconomies of scale
o Can they maintain economies of scale with the aquisitioon
2. Diseconomies of scope
o Managing the new business distracts sources from core business
3. Development of capabilities
o Will they be able to retain employees post acquisition
4. Lack of flexibility
o How quickly can Bergerac adjust to product design changes?
5. Incentive problems
o Without implicit threat of losing a contract, will fabricators still maintain effort
6. Counpounded risk
o Transition difficulties could cause even more delays?
7. Integration risk
Two-sided networks can be found in many industries, sharing the space with traditional product and service
offerings. Example markets include credit cards (composed of cardholders and merchants);HMOs (patients and
doctors); operating systems (end-users and developers); yellow pages (advertisers and consumers); video-game
consoles (gamers and game developers); recruitment sites (job seekers and recruiters); search engines (advertisers
and users); and communication networks, such as the Internet.
Examples of well known companies employing two-sided markets include such organizations as American
Express (credit cards), eBay (marketplace), Taobao (marketplace in China), Facebook(social medium), Mall of
America (shopping mall), (dating platform), platform), Sony (game
consoles), Google (search engine) and others.
Benefits to each group exhibit demand economies of scale.
Consumers, for example, prefer credit cards honored by more merchants, while merchants prefer cards carried by
more consumers. Two-sided markets are particularly useful for analyzing the chicken-and-egg problem of standards
battles, such as the competition between VHS and Beta.
New Lingo:
Cross-sided network effects
A two-sided network typically has two distinct user groups. Members of at least one group exhibit a preference
regarding the number of users in the other group; these are called cross-side network effects.
Each groups members may also have preferences regarding the number of users in their own group; these are called
same-side network effects. Cross-side network effects are usually positive, but can be negative (as with consumer
reactions to advertising).
Same-side network effects may be either positive (e.g., the benefit from swapping video games with more peers) or
negative (e.g., the desire to exclude direct rivals from an online business-to-business marketplace).
For example, in marketplaces such as eBay or Taobao,[8] buyers and sellers are the two groups. Buyers prefer a large
number of sellers, and, meanwhile, sellers prefer a large number of buyers, such that the members in one group can
easily find their trading partners from the other group. Therefore, the cross-side network effect is positive. On the
other hand, a large number of sellers mean severe competition among sellers. Therefore, the same-side network
effect is negative.
Price a person is willing to pay for a bundle consisting of two perfect substitutes will be the one which he uses either
of them and hence there would be no value for a firm to envelope a platform which acts as a perfect substitute for its
own offering. However, there is a value to be created when we have in question a set of weak substitutes.
Envelopment of Unrelated Platforms
The platforms previously meant for a different usage begin to converge as the common set of users begin to rise.
Such is the case with mobile phones and video game devices which were used for distinct purposes but the digital
platforms available today have converged all such usages into one.
Some networks derive most of their value from a single class of users. An example of this kind of network is instant
messaging (IM). While there might be some add-ons for the most popular IM tools, they dont influence most users
choice of an IM system.
But some markets are comprised of two distinct categories of network participant. Consider video games. People
buy a video game console largely based on the number of really great games available for the system. Software
developers write games based on their ability to reach the greatest number of paying customers, and so theyre most
likely to write for the most popular consoles, first. Economists would call this kind of network a two-sided
market (network markets comprised of two distinct categories of participant, both of which that are needed to
deliver value for the network to work). When an increase in the number of users on one side of the market (say
console owners) creates a rise in the other side (software developers), thats called a cross-side exchange benefit.
Subsidy side vs. Money Side
Not so relevant in shared platforms (less competition for the market)
Who should be subsidized more?
Companies that make money by linking markets from different sides of the customer network
Uber: People and Drivers
Newspaper: Readers and advertisers
Online recruitment: Job seekers and employees
Video games; Players developers
Wifi: Latop user and access points
o Products and services that bring together groups of users
Two sided vs. traditional
o Traditional you have revenue on left and costs on right
Think grocery store
o In two sided
Revenue and costs on both left and right
Driver has costs and revenue
User has costs
They are linked together through Uber
Platform value comes from value given to user on the other side
Sucessful platforms enjoy increasing returns to scale
o Margins improve as user bases grow
o In traditional businesses, growth beyond a certain point leads to diminishing returns
o Sucessful platforms can use leverage for RD, lower prices, and drive out weaker rivals
Usually dominated by a large players like credit card companies
Yet they have struggled to sustain two sided networks
o Even if vanquish their peers, there may be threat from adjasent market business
Pricing and Platform
o Normal pricing is determined largely by MC of production
WTP is ceiling, for those with barriers to entry, and margins fat
o In this case there is the subsidy and money side
Money side (think video game designers) pay more than it would in independent market
Subsidy side (think players) pay less for console and games
Challenge is how much of each for each player
o Not always obvious who should be the money or subsidty side
o Should look at following factors
Ability to capture cross-side network effects
Your giveaway will be useless if subsidy side can transact on rival platform
providers money side
Example is Netscape subsidized to users
1. However web site operators didnt need to buy their servers for
user data, could buy rivals web service instead
User sensitivity to price
Should subsidize price sensitive side
Example is Adobe subsidizes reader, charges writer a good amount
If readers charged, probably dead business
User sensitive to quality
Should charge the side that must supply quality (video game maker) not the
Royalty in gaming helps weed out crappy games
Output costs
Easy when each new user does not cost platform company essentially anything
Hard when giveaway from platform has costs
Free PC got killed giving away PCs in return for ads
Same side network effects
LN 19 Disney
How has Disney sustained its success?
Image of the brand: family, universal, honest, harmless - overall a consistent brand
Entering into new markets like theme parks, and innovating how movies are made
1. Theme parks
Economies of Scope: Theres synergy between all of them, which creates more value. It creates savings (or costs
down across products) and increases the WTP. Furthemore production cots decrease
Cross promotion
In movies, made presentation to home video, consumer product, and theme park group
Each new movie became a mini-industry between licensing and all these groups
Cost savings
Looked to integrate internationally where there was higher spending per capita, and Disney generated only
21% of sales
Grown up movies
1. Control of TV through ABC
2. Internet as well through websites like ESPN
3. Own cruise lines and Broadway theater
Epxanding horizontal boundaries is sometimes called diversification. It sounds as venturing into unrelated
Financial Hedging
Value not added as shareholders can do it on their own
Unlike Messi
1. Owned by the company
2. does not grow to meet expectations
3. company has full control of asset
4. company captures 100% of value as there is no salary
Furthermore, even though target is both parents and kids, parents grew up with Mickey, and not Nickelodeon
random characters, so you only need to convince kids.
Economies of scope:
increases in WTP across products (mickey) decreases production costs
Through diversification
Magical Turnaround
Budget conscious
Exploit synergies
Disney dimensions
Synergy group
Theme parks
Increase prices
Increased budgets
Opened Mondays
Coordination of businesses
Other parks
Euro Disney
Misc. Notes
1937 Snow White is made which full color animated and highest grossing animated movie of
all time
After WWII you had Cinderalla, Mary Poppins, and other hits
Eisner Turnaround-1984-1993
i. Focused on people who were in career slumps or less known
ii. Made moderately budgeted filsms with financial box where still could be creative
Theme parks
i. Focused on attendance building and revenue/profit growth
ii. Used national television ad
iii. Expansion of hotle rooms and convention center
Broadway theater
i. Proftiable and further brand building
Katzenberg leaves
Cost cutting a lot and selling non strategic assets like Fairchild
Eisner Challenges
Managed synergies
i. 300 people in synergy boot camp
ii. Synerg group focused on maximizing synergy through cross divisional projects and
Managing Creativity
i. Michael Ovitz is hired and then left after just over year
ii. 75 high level executives left
Budget Conscious
Magical Turnaround:
1. Exploit synergies
Disney Boundaries
Broadway theater
Grown up movies
Negotiated internal transfer prices for any activity performed by one division for
Created an in-house media group established to coordinate media buying for the
entire company
New Businesses
Euro Disney
These were all one time changes: His focus was on exploiting the synergies even more
while being budget conscious at the same time
Too centralized
High FC
Review Session
For sequential, not simultaneous, you need a tree diagram.
First you make the second mover the right column at end, and first mover as first column
First do backward moving and find second movers best three moves, then find best move, based on those three, for
the first mover. That is the optimal move.
It is a contingent plan when sequential
In cartel want to maximize industry profits by taking highest payment.
Macro economist have dreadful task with failure predicting economy and interest rates
However, those at Google and Microsoft are changing how business decisions are made
o Preston McAfee hired by Yahoo in 2007, and now Google
1. He showed two part tariff (or higher prices when demand peaks) could shift time-sensitive
taks to night-time, allowing bandwitch cost to be more efficient
Economist with cars: More information better
o Found prices went up and more sales when told all transparency of car including how paintwork was
Sometimes less information better
o Ebay sellers, less info, just list, increased auction
MsAthey from Stanfrod
o She toughened ads so less show/fewer times, lose out in shor term
1. But other forces in play like more relevant ads improve user experience, and user number rise
Led to more clicks of ads
Microeconomists are looking at problems through tech as well
o Like using googel search engine and key words like jobs offer daily charts, even better than monthly
for policymakers on employment
Students all took 0, which gave them all As in John Hopkins class
o One equilibrium is no one takes test, and other is everyone take si
1. First one is unlikely due to trembling hand perfect
The idea is that a mistake occurs one person plays different
If one mistake made for first, 99% fail, while second only one person fails
o Professor kept score but made changes later
Can also adopt new and more efficient processes and tech, while other player may be
Finding was:
o Signficant sales advantage for first mover, but also cost disadvantages
o Pioneers were also less profitable by multiple ROI percentage points
1. Big thing is executives should be careful to say first mover leads to long run profit advantage
Ellison and Oracle plan to buy Sun Microsystems so that it is maker of software, compuers, and components
o Revive vertical integration
Pepsi doing it to get more authority over distribution
Pendulum shift from disintegration to integration
Departure from past half-century moves
o More specialized, shifting fucntions
o Steelmarkers selling mines in 1980s
o Tech companies stopped making every piece of computer system
Used to be that you had complete control of supply chain and that you could manage it best
o Now it is more aspects of supply chain
Boeing made the move to buy factory as supplier assembly problem knocked plane off schedule
GM bough Delphi to ensure non-interruption of supply
o Flourshed being usable for multiple types of compuers
Apple bough semicounder chip maker
o Appl hopes to tighten control of key technology from rivals
Husky Math
Purchasing Expense
Daily Cycle Number: Average operating cycle hours per day/cycle time
Daily Production Capacity=Number of preforms per cycle*number of cycles
Do it for husky and competitors
WTP=Then husky/competitors get you ratio* competitor purchase price=1.34
Savings=1.34 million-1.2 million (Husky cost)=.14 million of value add or savings
Savings of raw material
Weigt of preform for each
Husky 24.39
Major Competitor 24.42
.03 saved from Husky
Daily production capacity (from before)*365 for yearly
Then multiply by .03 gm difference*.70 center per kiko
Gets you $2840
Weight of preform per year
Quantity (capcity)*weight* 365=3,2 million gm
3.2 million gm*(how much less husky uses per gm .137)8.08 cost
Husky can save 8.7 feet
Assume $5 per square foot
Annual savings $5*12*8.7
$522 per year
Add them all up to get cost savings of a machine
Consumers save over .14 million on each machine and better quality