The Evolution of Wind Turbine Design Analysis-A Twenty Year Progress Review
The Evolution of Wind Turbine Design Analysis-A Twenty Year Progress Review
The Evolution of Wind Turbine Design Analysis-A Twenty Year Progress Review
Key words:
wind turbine
The sophistication of the analytical methods used as the basis of wind turbine design has
increased enormously over the last 20 years. Beginning with simple calculations based
largely on engineering intuition, the approach to wind turbine design has been transformed to the point where sophisticated computer-based analysis is now performed
routinely throughout the industry. This article traces the evolution of wind turbine design
analysis, examines the factors which have inuenced this evolution and assesses the
current state of the art. The article concludes with a discussion of the remaining areas of
uncertainty and the likely future developments of wind turbine calculation methods.
c 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The behaviour of a modern wind turbine is made up of a complex interaction of components and
subsystems and its design requires the skills of a multidisciplinary team of engineers with expertise in
diverse areas: atmospheric wind ow, rotor aerodynamics, control, mechanical systems, electrical systems
and civil engineering. The design problem is particularly complicated since wind turbines have little
respect for engineering conventions. There are many examples of the rather unique nature of wind
turbines: the blade aerofoils which may be required to operate in stall, the power train components which
are subject to highly irregular inputs and the number of fatigue cycles experienced by the major structural
components which can be orders of magnitude greater than for other rotating machines. The importance
of fatigue in the design of a wind turbine is evident when the design life of a modern commercial machine,
amounting to perhaps 15 years of unattended operation, is compared with that of a typical motor vehicle
which may be equivalent to about four months of manned operation.
Wind turbine technology has a unique technical identity and unique demands in terms of the methods
used for design. This article, building on an earlier review by Quarton et al.,1 attempts to describe the way
in which wind turbine design analysis has evolved and reviews the current state of the art.
Historical Perspective
Over the last 20 years a number of factors have facilitated, or in some cases driven, the development of
ever more sophisticated wind turbine design analysis. Some of the more important are considered below.
In addition to the internally funded, commercially driven research undertaken within the industry, the
funding and execution of national and international research programmes have played a vital role in
*Correspondence to: D. C. Quarton, Garrad Hassan and Partners Ltd, The Coach House, Folleigh Lane, Long Ashton, Bristol BS18 9JB, UK.
D. C. Quarton
facilitating a gradual improvement in the understanding of the technology of wind turbine engineering.
Through the use of knowledge gained from fundamental research, demonstration projects and measurement programmes, research workers have been able to develop and validate mathematical models which
provide ever more reliable representations of both wind turbine behaviour and wind input. Validation of
the mathematical models has been and clearly remains a crucial aspect of the wind turbine research
programme and has depended on the availability of high quality measurements. A particularly important
European Union (EU) funded research project in this context was the `Wind turbine benchmark exercise
on mechanical loads', completed in 1991.2 This project, which involved the collaboration of organizations
from several European countries, enabled the rst co-ordinated investigation of the maturity and
reliability of contemporary wind turbine computer models.
The Trend Towards Low-cost, Large-scale Wind Turbines
The pursuit of lower costs for wind-generated electricity has driven manufacturers to less conservative,
more optimized machine design at an increasingly large scale. Table I illustrates the growth in the size of
commercial wind turbines since 1980.
Table I. Increasing size of commerical wind turbines since 1980
Capacity (kW)
In order to reduce design conservatism and hence achieve lower unit costs without increasing the risk of
machine failure, the manufacturers have required design calculation methods which are more reliable and
less conservative than the simplistic approaches used in the early days of the industry. Figure 1, based on
data taken from Reference 3, shows how the price per kW has reduced with increasing capacity to the
point where it is presently rather insensitive to scale for the latest, medium to large designs.
The Increasing Power of Computers
Computer processing power and available memory have increased at a phenomenal rate over the 20 years
that the modern wind turbine industry has existed. Using standard desktop PC hardware, it is now
possible for a designer to make use of calculation methods and design software that would have been
impossible using the computer hardware generally available in the early 1980s. The increased power and
memory of computers, coupled with the possibilities for extremely user-friendly software environments,
allow the wind turbine designer to undertake sophisticated design calculations in a straightforward and
convenient manner.
Certication Rules and Design Standards
The certication of wind turbines has become an increasingly important requirement for the industry, not
only in Europe but now further aeld in the previously unregulated market of the US and the emerging
markets in South America, Asia and Australasia. In markets where there may be no legal requirement,
certication is often a commercial necessity in order for a wind project to attract both investment and
insurance cover.
In northern Europe, particularly in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, certication of wind
turbines has long been required in order for wind projects to obtain building permits and/or to become
eligible for subsidies. In these three countries, rules and standards have been developed as the basis of
certication and have had a direct inuence on the methods used by manufacturers for their design
calculations and procedures. In the early days of the industry the certication rules were based on
simplied methods for calculating the loads used for design purposes. The `design loads' for a wind
turbine comprise a full denition of the fatigue and extreme loads predicted for the lifetime of the
machine, taking account of all operating, non-operating and fault condition situations. In recent times, as
the understanding of wind turbine behaviour has improved and the size of machines has considerably
increased, the certication agencies are demanding the use of more sophisticated methods for the
calculation of these design loads.
The recently developed international wind turbine safety standard IEC 1400-14 species a minimum list
of physical phenomena which should be considered in design calculations. Representation of the
phenomena specied in the standard requires a sophisticated treatment of wind turbine loading including,
for example, realistic modelling of wind turbulence and unsteady aerodynamics. A problem yet to be
resolved in the context of certication rules and design standards is that although safety factors are
required to be used to account for uncertainty in the design calculations, there is no provision for such
factors to be changed depending on the sophistication and reliability of the calculation method.
D. C. Quarton
others, particularly in the case of large machines. Figure 2 shows the tower top yaw moment fatigue load
spectrum calculated for a 65 m diameter, three-bladed wind turbine operating on a site with an annual
mean wind speed of 10 m s71 and an ambient turbulence of 20%. Two calculations are presented, one
derived from rigorous simulation of the wind turbine with a realistic model of the turbulent wind eld,
and the second, based on the recently abandoned simplied method, which uses the mean rotor thrust at
the rated wind speed to calculate the yaw loads assuming that the thrust vector is acting at a radial
eccentricity. The magnitude of the yaw fatigue loading acting on a wind turbine is now recognized to be
crucially dependent on the structure of the turbulence through which the rotor sweeps, and the dangers of
adopting simplistic approaches for design load calculations which neglect the inuence of turbulence are
evident from the substantial discrepancy between the two results shown in Figure 2.
Current wind turbine design calculations of fatigue and extreme loads are almost invariably based on
a rigorous treatment of the aeroelastic nature of the problem, with proper account taken of aerodynamic, gravity, inertial, centrifugal and gyroscopic loads and the distributed stiness properties of the
fatigue damage from the spectral output of loads can be undertaken either by an appropriate synthesis of
loading time series for subsequent rainow cycle counting or by use of so called `direct spectral methods'
capable of generating rainow cycle distributions directly from load auto-spectra.9
Although the frequency domain approach has the advantage that it provides for a very rapid analysis of
wind turbine loading, it suers from the disadvantage that it cannot take account of system non-linearities
associated, for example, with the rotor aerodynamics, structural dynamics and/or control system
dynamics. For this reason in particular, the frequency domain approach is not currently used as the basis
of nal, detailed wind turbine design calculations. The method is, nevertheless, of some value in the very
early stages of wind turbine design for optimization studies. In addition, Quarton10 has recently described
the use of the frequency domain method for the computation of the combined wind and wave loading of
oshore wind turbines.
The time domain approach to calculating the response of a system subject to some disturbance is
termed simulation. Simulation is a widely used method and the techniques involved are well understood.
Simulation forms the basis of all current, state-of-the-art wind turbine design calculations. The main
features of the method are described below.
D. C. Quarton
Figure 3. Form of extreme operating gust proposed for revision of IEC 1400-1. Example based on 1 year return period,
V(z) 25 m s71 and s1 3.9 m s71
Rotor Aerodynamics
A thorough review of the present state of the art with regard to rotor aerodynamics is given by Snel.23
The treatment of rotor aerodynamics which forms the basis of all current design methods for the
calculation of wind turbine loads is combined blade element and momentum theory.24 In the early days of
the industry, wind turbine aerodynamicists borrowed this approach from the world of propeller design
where it was conceived in the 1930s. Although the method initially found favour not so much because of
its rigour but more for its convenience, it has proved to be remarkably reliable. Two major extensions of
this theory which have, however, been researched in recent years are the development of dynamic wake25
and stall hysteresis26 models. These models, which attempt to deal with the unsteady nature of wind
turbine rotor aerodynamics, are now considered as the state of the art and are generally incorporated in
design calculations.
The use of combined blade element and momentum theory for time domain simulations of wind
turbine behaviour has traditionally been based on the so called `equilibrium wake' model where the rotor
wake and hence the induced velocity ow eld react instantaneously to changes in blade loading. An
alternative is to assume the `frozen wake' model where the induced velocity eld is computed according to
the mean, uniform ow conditions and then xed or frozen in time. In reality neither of these treatments is
strictly correct. Changes in blade loading change the vorticity that is trailed into the rotor wake, and the
full eect of these changes takes a nite time to aect the induced velocity eld. A `dynamic wake' model,
of which there are several forms,25 is able to provide a representation of this dynamic process.
In the case of stall hysteresis there are again a number of dierent models available, although there is
certainly a dearth of reliable validation. The various models, originating again from the eld of helicopter
aerodynamics, attempt in dierent ways to represent the complex stall process on a wind turbine blade
operating in unsteady ow where the incidence of the ow is changing rapidly. In this situation the onset
of stall may be delayed considerably in excess of the static stall angle. When dynamic stall does occur,
however, it is usually more severe than static stall, and the attendant forces and moment acting on the
aerofoil may exhibit large hysteresis with respect to the instantaneous angle of attack. This represents an
important contrast to the quasi-steady case, for which the ow eld adjusts immediately and uniquely to
each change in incidence.
Although the rst application of stall hysteresis models to wind turbines was in the context of vertical
axis machines, their use for horizontal axis congurations was motivated in the mid-1980s by a concern
that large stall regulated machines might suer from severe stall-induced vibrations. This concern was
generated largely as a result of early measurements of the behaviour of the Nibe A wind turbine in
Denmark. Analysis of these measurements27 suggested that the machine suered considerable vibrations
and dynamic loading in stall. The vibrations were thought to be due to the loss of aeroelastic damping of
the motion of the blades, but much uncertainty surrounded the inuence of unsteady aerodynamic eects.
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Figure 4. Comparison of measured and predicted apwise bending moment at blade root of Nordex 250 kW operating
at 17 m s71
Prior to the incorporation of stall hysteresis models, calculations of wind turbine behaviour were based
on the quasi-steady blade element approach theory described above. This approach generally results in an
underprediction of aeroelastic damping associated with stalled ow and hence an overprediction of the
level of structural vibrations when compared with measurements. Research reported by Rasmussen et al.26
has shown that by taking account of unsteady aerodynamic eects through the use of a stall hysteresis
model, the predicted dynamic behaviour is better damped and generally a better match with reality.
Figure 4 shows the eect of stall hysteresis on the quality of the prediction of the apwise bending moment
acting at the blade root of the Nordex 250 kW wind turbine. This machine has a three bladed, stall
regulated rotor of 26 m diameter.
Figure 4(a) shows the time history of the root bending moment measured in a wind speed of 17 m s71
where the blade is operating in stall. Figure 4(b) presents the prediction of the bending moment for the
same wind conditions and based on a quasi-static model of the rotor aerodynamics. It is clear from these
results that the quasi-static aerodynamic model is completely inadequate, resulting in periods of unstable
blade bending vibrations which are not to be found in the measured data. The predicted results in
Figure 4(c) have been obtained through the use of a stall hysteresis model26 which has introduced
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
D. C. Quarton
positive aeroelastic damping to the blade dynamics, providing much closer agreement with the measured
Stall delay on the inboard sections of rotor blades, due to three dimensional and rotational ow eects,
has been widely conrmed by studies at both model and full scale; see for example Reference 28. A
number of semi-empirical methods29,30 have been developed for correcting two-dimensional aerofoil data
to account for stall delay, and such methods are widely used for the design analysis of stall regulated
rotors. The major problem with such semi-empirical models is the uncertainty regarding their reliability
across a range of aerofoils, blade planforms and rotor sizes.
Owing to the complexity of the problem and despite the extensive research eort conducted in this area
to date, the representation and to some extent the general understanding of aerodynamic stall on a
rotating wind turbine blade remain poor, a rather extraordinary situation in view of the importance of
stall regulation to the industry. The current uncertainty associated with stall aerodynamics has the eect
of limiting the level of condence that can be placed in design calculations of both steady and dynamic
rotor performance and loading. A recent and well-publicized example of an unexpected design problem
associated with stall is that of the occurrence of leadlag stall-induced vibrations on certain commercially
available blades.31 There is clearly much yet to be learnt, and it is generally recognized that the modelling
of stall is the most signicant inadequacy of current design calculation methods.
Research funding has been and continues to be used for the development of more sophisticated
treatments of rotor aerodynamics. Such work includes the development of vortex methods and Navier
Stokes codes. The rst complete ow solution for a rotating wind turbine blade has been derived by
Hansen et al.32 using a NavierStokes code. This work, which continues under the VISCWIND33 project
funded by the EU, represents a signicant step forward, providing an improved understanding of aerodynamic stall and oering within the foreseeable future a means of tuning semi-empirical models of the
phenomenon. Considerable work is also under way to improve the understanding and the reliability
of modelling of the aerodynamic noise developed by wind turbine rotor blades; see for example
Reference 34.
Structural Dynamics
In the early days of the industry, design loads were evaluated on the basis of quasi-static aerodynamic
calculations, with the eects of structural dynamics either ignored completely or included through the use
of estimated dynamic magnication factors. From the late 1970s, research workers began to consider
more reliable methods of dynamic analysis, and two basic approaches were considered: nite element
representations and modal analysis. A review of the development of wind turbine dynamic modelling
techniques is given by Garrad35 and the state of the art is presented in the proceedings of a recent `Meeting
of Experts' organized under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and focusing on the
subject of aeroelastic codes for wind turbine calculations.36
The traditional use of standard, commercial nite element analysis codes for dealing with problems of
structural dynamics is problematic in the case of wind turbines. This is because of the gross movement of
one component of the structure, the rotor, with respect to another, the tower. Standard nite element
packages are only used to consider structures in which motion occurs about a mean undisplaced position.
For this reason the nite element models of wind turbines which have been developed have been specially
constructed to deal with the problem; see for example References 3739.
Although it is entirely possible to derive the dynamic behaviour of a wind turbine by means of a direct,
time marching, numerical solution of the dierential equations of motion which represent the bending of
the rotor blades as beam structures,40 the form of wind turbine dynamic modelling most commonly used
as the basis of design calculations is that involving a modal representation. This approach, borrowed from
the helicopter industry, has the disadvantage that the model construction requires considerable algebraic
manipulation in order to derive the system equations of motion, but the major advantage that it oers a
reliable representation of the dynamics of a wind turbine with relatively few degrees of freedom. The
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
algebraic manipulation involved in the derivation of the modal equations of motion is, in fact, well suited
for treatment using the Lagrangian approach by means of computer algebra. A review of this approach is
given by Garrad and Quarton.41
The modal equations of motion for the wind turbine will involve mass, damping and stiness matrices
which are full owing to the coupling of the degrees of freedom and contain periodic coecients because of
the time dependent interaction of the dynamics of the rotor and tower. In the early days of the industry
there was considerable concern regarding the potential for aeroelastic instability of wind turbines as a
result of the coupling of the dierent dynamic degrees of freedom. Attention was therefore focused on
developing methods capable of derivation of the system stability characteristics.42,43 The periodicity of the
coecients of the equations of motion means that it is not possible to check the system stability and
determine the resonant frequencies of the rotating system using standard eigenvalue analysis. For a rotor
with three or more blades it is possible to eliminate the periodicity by means of suitable transformation of
the co-ordinates of the modal degrees of freedom.44 However, for a one- or two-bladed rotor the most
widely used method was that known as FloquetLiapunov theory, which is cumbersome and timeconsuming in its application.
The results of early investigations of aeroelastic stability were rather dull but at the same time reassuring
in that instabilities were only found well outside the operational envelope of the wind turbines considered.
In hindsight it seems clear that the early emphasis given to stability studies came largely as a result of the
concerns of helicopter dynamicists rightly preoccupied with issues of aeroelastic stability in their own
eld. In recent years and with the benet of considerable operating experience, concerns regarding
aeroelastic instability of mainstream wind turbine designs have been somewhat allayed and formal
stability analysis is now rarely undertaken within the design process. It seems clear, however, that with the
advent of increasingly exible structural components at an ever larger scale, the potential for aeroelastic
instability of future wind turbine designs should not be dismissed lightly. As a measure aimed at reducing
the risk associated with the development of a new, large-scale wind turbine prototype, the execution of a
thorough aeroelastic stability analysis would seem entirely sensible.
It should be stressed that although the well-publicized phenomenon of stall-induced vibrations of
certain rotor blades31 can be rightly regarded as an aeroelastic instability, it is somewhat dierent from
those instabilities referred to in the foregoing discussion since it is widely accepted to be associated with
the loss of aeroelastic damping of one or more vibrational modes due entirely to operation of the rotor in
stall. The aeroelastic stability analysis discussed above is concerned with instabilities which may occur
with the rotor operating in attached ow and generally involving the coupling of two or more vibrational
modes of the wind turbine system.
The number and type of modal degrees of freedom used to represent the dynamics of a particular wind
turbine will clearly depend on the conguration and structural properties of the machine. State-of-the-art
methods36 generally oer representation of blade bending modes in both apwise and edgewise directions,
rotor teeter, drive train torsion, tower bending in two directions, nacelle yaw and/or tower torsion.
Through comparisons with measurements, such modal models have demonstrated that in general they can
oer the accuracy required for use in design.
It is relatively uncommon for blade torsional exibility to be modelled for design calculations since
current commercial rotor blades remain rather sti in torsion. The representation of torsional dynamics
will become more important as blade structures become more exible, bringing the potential for
considerable elastic coupling of the blade torsional and apwise bending motions.
At present, largely because of the very extensive computer processing requirements associated with the
use of nite element models and similar representations such as oered by the multibody dynamics code
ADAMS,45 the state of the art in the context of wind turbine dynamic modelling for design analysis is
based squarely on the use of limited degree of freedom modal models. There are two factors which may
change this situation: the trend towards very exible wind turbine components exhibiting large deections
which cannot be modelled reliably by linear modal theory, and the increasing power of computer
hardware enabling the use of the nite element approach for design analysis.
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
D. C. Quarton
In an attempt to determine the extent to which the modal representation of wind turbine dynamics
remains valid in the context of a exible machine design, research reported by Quarton46 has recently been
undertaken involving detailed measurements and computer modelling of the Carter 300 wind turbine.
The design concept of the Carter 300 is markedly dierent from that of other wind turbines on the market,
incorporating signicant structural exibility in its major components. The machine has a two-bladed,
teetered and downwind rotor of 24.2 m diameter and incorporates passive yaw tracking. The hub height is
50 m and the tower is supported by four guy cables.
It has been concluded from this work that in general the modal representation of the structural
dynamics provides the basis for reliable predictions of the component loading for the operational wind
turbine. Signicant discrepancies were identied between the measured and predicted loading of the
Carter 300 operating in stalled ow conditions. Under these conditions the predicted loads were found to
exhibit larger dynamic variation than is present in the measurements owing to an underprediction of the
extent of aeroelastic damping present. This problem is associated with the uncertain modelling of
unsteady aerodynamic stall on a rotating wind turbine blade and is neither specic to the exible,
lightweight conguration of the Carter 300, nor an indication of the inadequacy of modal modelling for
such a conguration. It is, however, probable that the modal approach will not be adequate as the basis
for calculating the very large bending deections of exible rotor blades parked in very high wind speeds.
For such calculations a non-linear, nite element treatment is likely to be considerably more reliable.
Example results indicating the benet of blade exibility in reducing the bending loads acting on the
Carter 300 are shown in Figure 5. The gure shows calculations of the blade root apwise bending
moment assuming a rigid unconed blade, a rigid blade with 68 cone angle and a exible blade. The
reduction in the average blade apwise loading due to centrifugal relief associated with rstly coning and
secondly structural exibility is spectacular. The measured blade loads, 10 min average values, are
approximately an order of magnitude smaller than those predicted for the rigid blade without pre-cone.
The calculations presented in the gure were undertaken with the Garrad Hassan code BLADED47 on the
basis of a modal representation of the structural dynamics of the Carter 300.
Figures 6 and 7 present measured and calculated blade root loads corresponding to operation of the
Carter 300 over a 10 min period at a mean wind speed of 12 m s71 and a turbulence intensity of about
15%. Results are presented for both blade root apwise and edgewise bending loads in auto-spectral
The root apwise bending moment is characterized by a large component acting at a frequency
corresponding to the rotational speed of the rotor, 1P (1.07 Hz). The measured load auto-spectrum
indicates more energy than is predicted at frequencies above 3 Hz, although this discrepancy is negligible
Figure 5. Carter 300 steady state blade root apwise bending loads
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
in view of the dominance of the 1P loading. The root edgewise bending moment is characterized by the 1P
load associated with the blade weight in combination with a signicant component at the rst edgewise
resonant frequency of the blade close to 3P.
D. C. Quarton
. Mechanical couplings.
. Mechanical brake(s).
Electrical System
. Induction and synchronous generators.
. Variable speed power electronics.
Closed Loop Control
. Fixed speed or variable speed control algorithms.
. Active pitch/active stall control algorithms.
. Transducer and actuator dynamics.
Supervisory Control
. Machine start, stop, standby and safety system strategies.
As control systems have become more complicated, particularly with the advent of variable speed
operation, the procedures adopted for the design and commissioning of control algorithms have needed
to improve considerably. In contrast with the early days of the industry when controllers were scarcely
designed but rather `tuned' by the commissioning engineer in the eld, the design of a modern wind
turbine control system now routinely involves a great deal of computer-based analysis. Based on current
best practice, the design of the controller is initially undertaken with a linear model of the important wind
turbine system dynamics using control design methods based largely on frequency domain analysis. This
initial design is then thoroughly tested and optimized by means of time domain simulation of the
behaviour of the controlled wind turbine at all relevant wind speeds. These simulations will be undertaken
with a complete, fully non-linear model of the wind turbine including all important system dynamics and
coupled to a realistic wind turbulence model of the type already described. At this stage the controller is
likely to be incorporated as a reliable software representation of the discrete time implementation, and the
time domain simulations will be used to test the controller for robustness, optimize gain scheduling to
take account of aerodynamic non-linearities, investigate the dynamic behaviour of the power train and
test the logic required to deal with transitions between dierent control modes. Figure 8 shows the
elements of a model suitable for undertaking simulations of this kind.
As a precursor to on-site commissioning of the control system on the prototype machine, it has recently
become possible and cost-eective for a wind turbine manufacturer to undertake nal laboratory testing
of the hardware implementation of the controller through an interface with a real time simulation of the
machine. The simulation represents all the relevant aspects of the real wind turbine and, by running in real
time, the arrangement is able to provide for a thorough test and optimization of the hardware
implementation of the supervisory and closed loop controllers.
Figure 9. Comparison of measured and calculated power output of wind turbines at Nrrekr Enge
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
D. C. Quarton
Nordtank 300 kW machines, is shown in Figure 10. The agreement between the measurements and
calculations of output power deep within the wind farm represents a considerable validation of the wake
ow modelling, which is based on an axisymmetric, thin shear layer approximation of the NavierStokes
equations, described originally by Ainslie.51
As indicated above, the fatigue loading of a wind turbine in a wind farm is increased as a function of the
additional turbulence experienced through operation in the wake of upstream machines. Accurate
prediction of the intensity and spectral characteristics of the wake-induced turbulence is therefore
important in the consideration of the spacing between machines. The results in Figure 11 show the
variation of turbulence intensity measured at a meteorological mast on the wind farm of seven Vestas
225 kW machines on Andros. The site topography is extremely complex, but the very high turbulence
intensities at wind directions of about 508 and 2408 are due to the inuence of triple and quadruple wind
turbine wakes. The calculated results have been obtained using a combination of WASP and the wake
model EVFARM described by Adams et al.18
Software tools are now available which allow the topographical and wake models to work together to
optimize the lay-out of wind farms; see for example Reference 52. Sometimes these models can increase
the production of a wind farm by as much as 10% compared with designs undertaken `by eye'.
Computational tools have been developed to deal with the permitting issues related to wind farms:
prediction of wind turbine noise propagation and nuisance, interference with electromagnetic
communications, power quality and integration with the electrical network, establishment of the visual
envelope of a wind farm and development of realistic photomontages. None of these matters is required
exclusively for wind energy, but in each case the methods of analysis have been tailored to allow proper
consideration of this new type of development.
It is a challenge to the research community who have been responsible for developing reliable wind
turbine mathematical models that they should now develop software tools which meet these requirements
and which are therefore suitable for use by designers. This process is well under way and there are already
a number of commercially available computer programs which have progressed beyond the stage of being
research codes and are now being used by the industry for design and certication calculations for wind
turbines. A good overview of the computer programs which fall into this category is to be found in the
proceedings of the recent IEA `Meeting of Experts' previously referred to in this article.36 It is interesting
to note from these proceedings that there remains a considerable diversity in the modelling approach and
basic features of the various design tools currently in use.
In the context of certication, several of the available computer codes are capable of generating lifetime
fatigue load spectra and extreme loads through the automated simulation and processing of the many
load cases required by certication authorities and design standards. Detailed structural design of the
components of a wind turbine can involve the direct application of fatigue and extreme loads to
appropriate nite element models for strength evaluation. The need to make use of nite element
modelling for strength analysis will quite clearly depend on the complexity of the structural arrangement
of the component under design.
D. C. Quarton
Rotor Aerodynamics
Although there has been extensive research in this area, the general understanding of the development of
aerodynamic stall on a rotating wind turbine remains poor and the modelling of stall is considered to be
the most signicant inadequacy of current design calculation methods. The present uncertainty results in
poor condence in the design calculations of performance and loading for stall-regulated wind turbines.
Further concerted research eort is required to improve this situation. This eort should involve further
analysis of existing measurements from stall-regulated wind turbines and new measurements conducted in
the wind tunnel and at full scale. It is evident that the development of models of steady and dynamic stall,
reliable across a range of aerofoil sections and rotor congurations, requires the continuation of the major
research programme already underway in this area.
There are a number of other aspects of rotor aerodynamics which remain uncertain and which may
become more important with the evolution of wind turbine design concepts. Two examples in this context
are the aerodynamics of yawed rotors and highly deected blades. These aspects of aerodynamic
modelling will become more important if wind turbines are to incorporate more exible blade structures
and free yaw.
Structural Dynamics
A trend towards increasingly lightweight and structurally exible wind turbine designs will require the
development and validation of appropriate dynamic models. The current generation of wind turbine
research codes and design tools has received very little validation against measurements from exible
machines. Further research eort will be required in this context, leading to design tools which can be
used to undertake reliable calculations of the coupled modal properties, aeroelastic stability and loading
of wind turbines with exible components exhibiting large deections.
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Figure 12. Predicted tower base bending moment response to extreme design wave
The frequency domain approach is based on a linear representation of wind and wave loads and wind
turbine behaviour. These assumptions will inevitably lead to some loss of accuracy. The major advantage
of the approach is that it is possible to model a turbulent wind eld and a complete sea state in a single
analysis, thereby easing and speeding fatigue load calculations for oshore wind turbines. The computational expense of time domain fatigue loading analysis for oshore wind turbines is a considerable
problem since the wave load histories in a particular sea state can only be considered as statistically
stationary over a time period of about 3 h. Reliable calculations of the lifetime fatigue loads will require
consideration of many combinations of sea states and wind conditions, leading to the need for a very timeconsuming series of computer simulations. The frequency domain approach, used commonly within the
oshore engineering industry, is able to oer a short-cut to the computation of fatigue loads and is
consequently of considerable value, particularly in the early stages of design.
There is an increasingly urgent need to validate, and where necessary improve, analytical methods
capable of the prediction of the loading and dynamic behaviour of oshore wind turbines. As prototype
oshore wind turbines are installed, it is important therefore that detailed measurement programmes are
undertaken to provide the data necessary for such validation work.
# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
D. C. Quarton
Concluding Remarks
Over the last 20 years, research workers have played a vital role in the development of mathematical
models which can represent the behaviour of wind turbines. This work has involved fundamental research
leading to extensive measurement and model validation activities and has been made possible through
funding provided by national and international research programmes.
As condence in the mathematical models developed by research organizations has grown, there has
been increasing interest from wind turbine manufacturers wishing to make use of such models as the basis
of their design calculations, replacing the simplistic design approaches of the early days of the industry. It
is therefore a challenge to the research community that it should now develop software tools which oer
reliable models of wind turbine behaviour but also provide the quality, robustness and ease of use
required by the designers. This process is well under way and there are already a number of computer
programs which originate from research and consultancy organizations and are now being used by
manufacturers for design and certication of wind turbines.
It is anticipated that with the continuation of relevant research programmes and the increasing power of
computers, the sophistication and reliability of the design calculations undertaken by wind turbine
manufacturers and wind farm developers will continue to improve. This trend can only help to reduce
unnecessary design conservatism and lead towards lower costs for wind-generated electricity.
Many of the results presented in this article have been obtained through work supported by the UK
Department of Trade and Industry and the Commission of the European Union under the Non-Nuclear
Energy Programme. I am grateful to Flemming Rasmussen of Ris and to Christian Nath and Kimon
Agyriadis of Germanischer Lloyd for their contributions to an earlier review paper upon which this article
is based. The thoughts and ideas presented in this article have also beneted greatly from discussions with
colleagues at Garrad Hassan and I would like to thank all those who have provided information and
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