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Lab 6 - TriaxialCompressionTest

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UoB No:

Soil Mechanics CSE5009-B

Laboratory Experiment #6


a. Draw Mohr’s circle and determine the shear strength parameters c and φ of the soil.
b. Discuss the failure shape of the sample and its relation with the cell pressure.
c. Discuss the test results and bring out the advantages and limitations of the test.


The Unconsolidated Undrained (UU) triaxial strength test provides a means to measure the
undrained shear strength (su) of over consolidated cylindrical specimens of cohesive soil.
This information is used to estimate the bearing capacity of spread footings and other
structures when placed on deposits of cohesive soil. The UU test is also referred to as the Q
test because it is a relatively fast (quick) test.

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the experimental setup.


With respect to shear strength, cohesive soil can fail under conditions of rapid loading, where
excess pore pressures do not have time to dissipate. Under these conditions, the state of stress
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in an element of soil can be represented by a Mohr circle. At failure, the minor and major
total principal stresses are σ 3 and σ 1 , respectively. If identical specimens of cohesive soil

are subjected to different states of stress and rapidly loaded to failure without allowing excess
pore pressure dissipation, the Mohr circles of each specimen possess the same diameter, thus
producing a “total stress envelope” with a friction angle of zero, and cohesion equal to the
undrained shear strength, su (Fig. 2). It is important to note, however, that if pore pressure is
measured within each specimen during shearing and total stresses are converted to effective
stresses, each Mohr circle overlaps one another and is tangent to the effective stress envelope
with an effective cohesion c’ and effective friction angle φ ' . This illustrates an important
point regarding the strength of soil: even under rapid undrained loading, the strength of soil is
still controlled by effective stress. To obtain information for defining a total stress envelope,
undisturbed specimens are often strength tested using the unconsolidated-undrained (UU)
triaxial test (a.k.a. Q test, ASTM D2850), where the specimen is placed in a pressurized
triaxial cell with σ 3 equal to the cell pressure, and σ I equal to the cell pressure plus a
deviator stress applied to the top of the specimen with a piston. The UU triaxial test requires
the use of a triaxial cell, where the soil specimen is sealed in a latex membrane, placed in a
pressurized, water-filled triaxial cell, and tested. For normally consolidated or slightly over
consolidated soils, the unconfined compression test is a simpler alternative to the UU triaxial
test. However, for over consolidated soil specimens with fissures that can act as preferential
planes of weakness, ASTM D2850 is a preferable method that will prevent the specimen
from failing along these pre-existing planes to provide an accurate, representative measure of
the in situ strength of the specimen.

Fig. 2 – Total stress Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.

A typical configuration for the UU triaxial test is shown in Fig. 3. The soil specimen is placed
between the base and cap, and sealed using a latex membrane and O rings. The sealed
specimen is placed in a water-filled triaxial pressure cell. The cell wall is typically
constructed of clear acrylic plastic, while the pedestal and top are typically metal. Cell walls
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are often configured with metal belts to provide extra resistance against rupturing under
pressure. The base is fixed to the pedestal. A piston passes through the top of the cell, which
transfers load through the cap to the specimen. Testing is performed by applying load to the
piston at a constant strain rate.

Fig. 3 – Experimental configuration for UU triaxial testing. Parts include:

a. crossbar;
b. load cell;
c. deformation indicator;
d. piston;
e. top;
f. pedestal;
g. cell bars;
h. cell wall;
i. soil specimen;
j. O-rings;
k. latex membrane;
l. cap; and
m. base.

Axial deformation, ∆L , is measured using the deformation indicator, and deviator load, P, is
measured using the load cell. Axial strain, ε1 , is expressed as:

ε1 = (Equ. 1)
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where Lo is the initial length of the specimen. As the specimen deforms, its cross sectional
area increases, and the corrected area, A, is expressed as:
A= (Equ. 2)
(1 − ε1 )

where Ao is the initial cross-sectional area of the specimen. The deviator stress, ∆σ , is
expressed as:

∆σ = (Equ. 3)

The minor principal stress, σ 3 , is equal to the cell pressure, and the major principal stress,

σ 1 , is equal to:

1 σ 3 + ∆σ (Equ. 4)

UU triaxial testing is performed by straining the specimen at a constant axial strain rate of
between 0.3 and 1.0%/min. For stiffer clays, σ If is defined as the peak of the σ 1 – ε1 curve.

For softer clays, σ If is defined as σ 1 at an axial strain of 15%.

Fig. 4 – Major principal stress versus axial strain for stiff and soft clays.

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The following equipment and materials are required to perform UU triaxial testing:

• Right-circular cylindrical specimen of cohesive soil;

• load frame;
• pressure system and water source;
• triaxial cell;
• 2 O-rings;
• latex membrane;
• membrane stretcher;
• vacuum grease;
• deformation indicator graduated to 0.001 in.;
• load cell or proving ring;
• scale with precision of 0.01 g;
• callipers;
• oven-safe moisture content container; and
• soil drying oven set at 110o ± 5 o C.

Figure 5 is a disassembled triaxial cell illustrating each of the individual components.

a. pedestal;
b. base;
c. cap;
d. cell wall;
e. top;
f. piston;
g. locking screw;
h. deformation indicator; and
i. cell bars

UU triaxial tests may be performed on compacted or undisturbed specimens. Compacted

specimens may be created using a Harvard compactor or other device. Undisturbed
specimens should be carefully trimmed from undisturbed field samples (e.g. Shelby tube
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samples or block carved samples) using soil trimming tools. Test specimens must satisfy the
following criteria: (1) minimum diameter of 1.3 in., (2) maximum particle size less than one-
sixth of the specimen diameter, and (3) a height: diameter ratio between 2.0 and 2.5. Moisture
loss should be minimized between the time the specimen is prepared and when it is tested.
Prior to testing, the specimen should be weighed and measured.

The procedure for performing a UU triaxial test on a cylindrical specimen of cohesive
soil is as follows:
1) Obtain a soil specimen from your instructor. Use callipers to measure the initial
length (Lo) of the specimen. Measure the diameter near the top, middle, and bottom of
the specimen, and calculate the average diameter (Do) and average initial area (Ao).
Also measure the moist mass of the specimen (M).
2) Apply a light coating of vacuum grease to the perimeter of the base and cap to help
create a waterproof seal (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 – Applying vacuum grease to the base.

3) Place the soil specimen on the base, and place the cap on top of the specimen
(Fig.7). Make sure that the piston hole in the cap faces up.

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Fig. 7 – Specimen in place with base and cap (NOTE: a section of white PVC pipe is used in
the photographs for demonstration purposes).

4) Place the membrane and two O-rings on the membrane stretcher, and apply light
vacuum to the membrane stretcher tube to pull the membrane towards the inside wall
of the membrane stretcher (Fig. 8).

a. membrane stretcher, O-rings, and membrane

A. membrane stretcher
B. O-rings
C. latex membrane

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b. membrane and O-rings on membrane stretcher

c. membrane pulled against inside wall of membrane stretcher using a light vacuum

Fig. 8 – Using membrane stretcher to prepare membrane for placement on specimen.

5) The following steps describe how to place the membrane on the soil specimen (Fig. 9):

a. Carefully lower the stretched membrane over the specimen without touching the
b. Center the membrane on the specimen and release the vacuum to allow the
membrane to constrict around the specimen.
c. Gently pull the ends of the membrane over the base and cap so that the membrane
surrounds the base, specimen, and cap without wrinkles.
d. With the membrane stretcher still around the specimen, carefully roll the O-rings
onto the membrane where the membrane contacts the base and cap. If the base and
cap are machined with grooves, make sure that the O rings are seated in the grooves.

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Fig. 9 – Placing the membrane on the specimen.

6) The following steps describe how to assemble the triaxial cell (Fig. 10):

a. Place a light coating of vacuum grease on the O-rings in the pedestal and top.
b. Place the cell wall on the pedestal, and make sure the pedestal and cell wall are
properly seated against one another.
c. Place the top on the cell wall, and make sure the cell wall and top are properly
seated against one another.
d. Slide the piston down into the hole in the cap. The tip of the piston should be far
enough into the hole to prevent the specimen from tipping when the triaxial cell is
moved, but should not be applying any load to the cap. Once in position, lock the
piston in place by turning the locking screw in the top.
e. Tighten each of the three cell bars a little bit at a time, alternating between bars to
assure an intimate seal between the pedestal, cell wall, and top.

7) Open the vent valve in the top of the triaxial cell, and begin filling the triaxial cell with
water from the pedestal valve. Shut off all valves to the triaxial cell when water emerges from
the vent valve.
8) Position the triaxial cell in the load frame with the deformation indicator and load cell
(Fig. 10).

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Fig.10 – Positioning the triaxial cell in the load frame.

Components shown include:

a. triaxial cell;
b. load cell;
c. load cell display;
d. crossbar; and
e. water line to controlled

9) Apply the desired cell pressure σ 3 to the cell through the bottom valve. You will know

the specimen is under pressure when the membrane appears to be in intimate contact with the
10) Release the piston by loosening the locking screw in the top of the triaxial cell, and zero
the load cell. If a proving ring is used instead of a load cell, zero the dial gauge and record the
proving ring constant KP.
11) Zero the deformation indicator. If an analogue dial gauge is used, record the dial gauge
conversion factor KL.
12) Manually advance the piston until the tip of the piston is seated against the cap. You will
know it is seated when the load cell begins to indicate a slight load. Once the load cell
indicates a slight load, stop advancing the piston.

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13) Begin loading the specimen at a strain rate between 0.3-1.0%/min. ASTM D2850
suggests that initial readings be taken at 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%,
2.0%, 2.5%, and 3.0%. After that, readings should be taken at a strain interval of 1.0%.
However, it may be necessary to take readings more frequently to accurately identify the
peak applied load. Record your data on the Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test Data
Sheet, using additional sheets as needed. Load the specimen until ε1 = 15%.
14) If your deformation indicator is a digital dial gauge, proximeter, or LVDT, your reading
will be ∆L , and will be in units of length. If your deformation indicator is an analogue dial
gauge, your reading will be GL, and will be in units of divisions. For analogue dial gauges,
∆L is calculated as:
∆L =GL K L (Equ. 5)

15) If your load frame is configured with a load cell, your reading will be P, and will be in
units of force. If your load frame is configured with a proving ring instead of a load cell, your
reading will be GP, and will be in units of divisions. For proving rings, P is calculated as:

P = GP K P (Equ. 6)

16) Plot ∆σ versus ε1 . Identify the deviator stress at failure, ∆σ f , as either 1) the
peak value of ∆σ or 2) ∆σ at ε1 = 15%. Calculate σ 1 f as follows:

σ1 =
f σ 3 + ∆σ f (Equ. 7)

17) Place the specimen in a soil drying oven overnight and obtain the dry weight of the
specimen, Ms, for weight-volume calculations.

18) Repeat Steps 1-17 for 3 or more additional specimens tested over a range of σ 3 .

Plot the Mohr circles for each specimen to define the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope and su.

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Undrained shear strength of fine-grained soils may range from a few psi for soft, normally
consolidated clays, to over 50 psi for dry compacted specimens. For stiffer specimens, a
failure plane may be apparent within the specimen, oriented at an angle of approximately 45
degrees (Fig. 11). Softer specimens are more likely to demonstrate “barrelling” behaviour.

a. stiffer specimen (distinct failure plane) b. softer specimen (barreling behavior)

Fig. 11 – Typical appearance of failed specimens after unconsolidated undrained triaxial


Table 1 – Summary of triaxial strength tests for soil.

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During UU triaxial testing, a specimen is placed under a confining stress of σ 3

without drainage. For fully saturated specimens (S = 100%) loaded without drainage, all of
the load is carried by the pore water, and the effective stress within the specimen remains
the same regardless of σ 3 . As a result, all of specimens possess the same strength, and the

Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope is horizontal. However, partially saturated specimens can

consolidate without drainage, so strength increases with increasing σ 3 . In this case, the Mohr-
Coulomb failure envelope is slightly curved (Fig. 14.12).

Fig. 14.12 – Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for partially saturated specimens.

Regardless of whether specimens are partially saturated or fully saturated, the most likely
source of error in the UU triaxial test stems from the fact that it is difficult to achieve perfect
uniformity between test specimens. Different specimens will possess different strengths, no
matter how similar they may be in their origin or preparation methods. As a result, it may be
difficult to obtain a perfectly horizontal Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope.

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