ALV IDOC Testing: IDOC - Test Inbound Idoc - Standard Inbound
ALV IDOC Testing: IDOC - Test Inbound Idoc - Standard Inbound
ALV IDOC Testing: IDOC - Test Inbound Idoc - Standard Inbound
WE19 Test tool
WE12 IDoc test: Inb. Proc of Outb. File
WE16 IDoc test: Inbound File
WE17 IDoc test: Inbound status report
If you want to reprocess IDOCS
BD87 Process inbound IDocs
BD88 Process outbound IDocs
To Display the executed IDOC to check the status of idoc.
Debugging an IDOC
1. Go to transaction WE19.
2. Enter the idoc number you want to test.
3. Go to menu IDOC -> test inbound idoc -> standard inbound
4. One popup screen comes get the "FUCTION NAME" to test the
5. Click on "INBOUND FUNCTION MODULE" button.
6. Enter function module name.
Go to transaction WE19.
Enter the idoc number you want to test.
Double click on each segments and u can edit the values.
Then click start inbound
Use transaction WE05 or WE02 to add missing data for your inbound Idoc, If
you use transaction WE19, system will generate new IDoc. However, system
will not generate new IDoc if you use WE05 or WE02.
1. Go to transaction WE05 or WE02.
2. Enter the corresponding inbound IDoc number and execute.
3. Double click on the segment (page Icon) where you want to add missing data.
4. In the screen "Display Data Record for IDoc", go to menu "Data Record" and click on
"Display - > Change". Then system will display a popup information "Changes to the IDoc are
written to the database", then press enter .
In order to process the edited inbound IDoc, please execute standard program RBDAGAIE by
providing the above IDoc number.
Use BD87 if you want to reprocess same idoc number, here it will not generate new idoc
Suppose there was RFC Issue, connection got failed then after rectifying RFC
Connection then you can reprocess same idoc number.
You have an error idoc and if you want to edit it and reprocess you can do it in BD87.