Engineers and Globalization
Engineers and Globalization
Engineers and Globalization
What is Globalization?
Globalization is a term that is used to describe the increasing trend towards
internationally integrated markets and global interconnectedness, making national boundaries less
important in terms of political, cultural, technological, financial, environmental, and national security
issues. It can have a positive effect on society, providing tremendous
opportunities and benefits - increased access to world markets, greater competition and
the freer flow of goods, services, capital and knowledge. However, globalization
may also lead to serious negative impacts on society, especially in developing nations where
increased poverty and the lack of access to clean drinking water, education,
good health and other basic services of life have increased with globalization. The impacts of
globalization have been felt all over the world and in all aspects of social life from the food we eat and
the TV we watch, to the sustainability of our environment.
Globalization of the Civil Engineering Profession
The effect of globalization on the civil engineering profession and the increasing expansion of
engineering services into international markets present both incredible opportunity and significant
challenges for the future of civil engineering. As the world becomes more globalized and as world
population increases, civil engineers will play a
critical role in addressing the concerns of the global community such as decaying infrastructure and
deterioration of the environment. However, due to increased access to
international markets, engineering will change considerably as issues that control the international trade
of professional services - international licensing requirements,
international codes and standards, and international treaties and trade agreements affecting engineers are
created and finalized. In addition, civil engineers must consider how
international policies regarding intellectual property rights, emerging markets for engineering products
and services, and other factors affect the practice of engineering and the
education of future engineers.
The purpose of this report is to provide a brief discussion of the effects of globalization on the civil
engineering profession in terms of future market growth, international trade agreements affecting
engineers and the education and training of future civil engineers. Although globalization will lead to
greater opportunities and access to world markets, there are several challenges facing the globalization of
the engineering profession. These challenges include developing international licensing procedures and
international engineering standards, defining global engineering ethics and the engineers responsibility to
society, and breaking language and cultural barriers. With increased globalization, the role of the
professional civil engineer will change significantly. It is important for the civil engineering community
to recognize its role in developing and negotiating international trade agreements
involving engineering services as well as preparing the future generation of civil engineers to meet the
challenges of a globalized world.