Unimat CNC Initial-En
Unimat CNC Initial-En
Unimat CNC Initial-En
Meanwhile CNC technology has become an integral part of every solid technical education. But the
understanding of material, machine and controller code should not be taught in theory only.
Industrial machines indeed have the advantage in education that students get practical insights, but
rarely any school or university can provide sufficient access to such machines.
The gap between practical and profound training on the one hand and permanently more restricted
budgets on the other can be bridged with Unimat CNC. Developed for prototyping and model making
this system also provides lots of advantages fort he educational sector.
One only apprehends what one can make himself, and one only conceives, what he can
create himself.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, free translation
Use is location-independent
Due to the minor weight and size the machines in a transport box can be administrated and
handled as easily as a video beamer for instance.
So CNC-technology can be applied in education easily, cost efficiently and with sufficient possibilities of
access. When up to now one industrial machine was at a students disposal for only a few minutes a
school year on average, now with Unimat CNC students in smaller project groups can work almost selfgoverned and without monitoring.
Beispielprojekt Mbelbau
Manfred Heindl
The Cool Tool GmbH
Fabriksgasse 15,
2340 Moedling - Austria
phone: +43 - 2236 - 892 666
fax: +43 - 2236 - 892 666 18