Effectiveness XBRL
Effectiveness XBRL
Effectiveness XBRL
XBRL will be used to digitally publish financial statements of companies that are issued to
external users. An XBRL-based financial statement is a digitally enhanced version of paperbased financial statements, which include the balance sheet, income statement, statement of
equity, statement of cash flows, and the notes to the financial statements as well as the
accountants report.
Secondly, accountants and auditors also earn many benefits from XBRL in their
decision making process. "Standardizing information formats would help CPAs gather,
manage, and report information more quickly, efficiently, and accurately" (Willis). This helps
accountant to make effective decision in managing the organizations finance. Meanwhile,
XBRL give auditor opportunity and benefit by improves audits with tagged data. Some
auditors are already using XBRL coded data for efficient and effective analysis of their
clients company data, enabling audits to be performed faster, more accurately and at a lower
Next, for the investor, analysts, and other third party user, XBRL will make their
job easier in analysing companies financial information. By using XBRL, the third party can
get information directly from the company that they are analysing. XBRL lets users see the
true financial position of the company, not a normalized version used for publication. XBRL
facilitates comparisons of the results from multiple companies, side-by-side, without having
to extract this information from each filing, or can support inter-period comparisons for
single company or multiple companies (Williams & Cannon). This may lead them to make
correct and effective decision.
The regulators have the responsibility to ensure that the market works efficient,
providing rules, guidelines and ask companies to be compliant to several guidelines.
Especially during the financial crisis transparency is more important, so regulators should
encourage companies to publish relevant information in order to make all actors in the market
trust each other. The technology not only enhanced transparency and reduced the filing
burden, but it also improved the exchange of information with the central bank and statistics
agency (Graziano).
Dreyer, Christian, and Mike Willis. "XBRL." Professional Investor September (2006):11-16.
Morgan, J. (2009). Companies Prepare For XBRL Rules. Money Management Executive,
17(10), 2.
Fang, J. (2009). How CPAs Can Master XBRL. THE CPA JOURNAL, MAY 2009, 2.
Williams, H. J., & Cannon, D. (2009). The language of business: gone digital! Grand Rapids
Business Journal, 27(13), 32
Graziano, C. d. M. (2002). XBRL. Streamlining Financial Reporting. FINANCIAL
18(8), 55.
Willis, Mike. "XBRL and Data Standardization: Transforming the Way CPAs Work." Journal
of Accountancy 199.3 (2005): 80-81.