FAQ Adult Vaccination
FAQ Adult Vaccination
FAQ Adult Vaccination
t h e A merican Academ y
of Microbiology
a Grown Up
Thing to Do
Nicola Klein,
M.D., Ph.D.
Vaccine Study
Michael N.
Oxman, M.D.
Medical Center
Stanley A.
Plotkin, M.D.
Vaxconsult, LLC
Gregory A.
Poland, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
College of
Ann Reid
Academy of
IngersonMahar, Ph.D.
Academy of
Baxter, M.D.
Vaccine Study
Michael D.
M.D., Ph.D.
Sanofi Pasteur
Friedland, M.D.
Stanley A.
Gall, M.D.
of Louisville,
of Obstetrics,
Gynecology and
Womens Health
Gans, M.D.
Medical Center
Pierce Gardner,
Stony Brook
University School
of Medicine
Kevin P.
High, M.D.
Wake Forest
Division of
Keitel, M.D.
Baylor College
of Medicine
Copyright 2012
American Academy
of Microbiology
1752 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Written by
Michael Ingerson-Mahar
and Ann Reid
Martin G.
Myers, M.D.
University of
Texas Medical
Naleway, Ph.D.
The Center for
Health Research
Kristin L.
Nichol, M.D.
University of
Service (151)
Saad B.
Omer, Ph.D.
Schools of
Public Health
& Medicine
and Emory
Vaccine Center
Jason L.
M.B.E., A.M.
University of
Jonathan L.
M.D., Ph.D.
University of
Wisconsin School
of Medicine and
Public Health,
Department of
Family Medicine
The world around us is filled with tiny microorganisms called microbes. Most of them are
harmless and many are even beneficial to us, but some microbescalled pathogensare
capable of making us sick. Our skin and mucous membranes keep a lot of these pathogens
out while our immune system is responsible for fighting off those that get inside us. The
human immune system has been ridding our bodies of pathogens for millions of years,
but only in the last century have scientists learned enough to help give us an additional
edge. Modern medicine has given us tools to aid our immune system in the fight against
pathogens. Drugs like antibiotics help eliminate pathogens after they make us sick, but only
vaccines are able to prepare our immune system so that many pathogens never make us
sick in the first place. Despite their benefits, many people do not know how vaccines work,
making some people uncomfortable and even mistrustful of vaccination. Also, many people
may not realize that vaccines are not just for children; adults can benefit too! This document
will tell you more about how vaccines work, why they are important, and how they can
protect adults. Take some time and look it overyour immune system will thank you.
The primary component in any vaccine is called the
antigen. The antigen is the pathogen look-alike that trains
your immune system to develop tools to protect against
that particular disease. You can think of the antigen as the
active ingredient of the vaccine. There are two main
types of vaccines defined by what type of material is used
as the antigen: live vaccines and not live vaccines.
Live vaccines employ a live pathogen that has been
weakened (or attenuated) as an antigen. To prepare these
types of antigens scientists isolate a pathogen and tame it
in the laboratory to the point that it is no longer capable of
causing disease. The weakened pathogen is then introduced
to the body by way of the vaccine. In its weakened state the
pathogen poses little threat to our body, but instead acts
like a training dummy to teach the immune system how to
fight the full-strength version of the pathogen.
Unlike live vaccines, not live vaccines employ either an
entire killed pathogen or a small part of it as an antigen.
Either way, it cannot cause disease on its own. When this
antigen is introduced into the body by the vaccine, the
immune system develops tools to recognize and destroy
it. If, in the future, the body is exposed to the whole
pathogen, the immune tools designed against the small
part will recognize the little piece of the pathogen it was
exposed to before and aggressively attack it, eliminating
the whole pathogen. Some not live vaccines use a
different strategy they prepare the immune system to
recognize the pathogens worst weapons. Many pathogens
produce powerful poisons, called toxins, that make us
sick. Scientists can isolate these toxins and render them
inactive in a laboratory. When these inactivated toxins
are introduced into our body in a vaccine, the immune
system creates tools to fight them. After vaccination, if
the pathogen invades our body and produces that toxin,
the immune system will already have the tools to fight
the toxin and the pathogen will be without its primary
weapon. Although these vaccines use slightly different
tactics to boost the immune system they are all considered
not live vaccines because they do not contain any live
pathogen. Not live vaccines may also be referred to as
inactivated vaccines, but dont be misled by the name;
they are excellent at protecting against disease.
In some vaccines the antigen may be accompanied by
another component called an adjuvant. Adjuvants are
materials that increase the immune systems response to a
vaccine. Sometimes the inclusion of adjuvants in a vaccine
allows manufacturers to decrease the amount of antigen
needed in each dose of the vaccine. Adjuvants like aluminum
salts have been used in vaccines for over 70 years.
Vaccines may also contain preservatives, sometimes called
stabilizers, to ensure that the vaccine remains effective and
safe until it is ready to be used. Preservatives keep unwanted
microbes out of vaccines. Most people are familiar with
antibiotics, one commonly used preservative. Antibiotics
help keep unwanted bacteria out of vaccines. Formaldehyde
may also be used as a preservative in some vaccines. Low
levels of formaldehyde are poisonous to microbes but safe for
humans. In fact, small amounts of formaldehyde are produced
and metabolized naturally by our bodies. Regulatory agencies carefully monitor the levels of formaldehyde in vaccines
to be certain that they do not reach higher, harmful levels.
Thimerosal (sometimes called thiomersal) was used as a
preservative from the 1930s until 1999, when it was removed
from almost all vaccines. Thimerosal contains mercury, and its
inclusion in vaccines sparked fear among some members of
the public. Although scientific studies by many independent
groups showed that thimerosal was safe in the levels used in
vaccines, its use was discontinued out of concern that fear of
thimerosal would make people reluctant to get vaccinations.
Compounds called stabilizers are also sometimes added to
protect vaccines from the rigors of transport and make sure
that vaccine components dont break down before the vaccine
can be administered. Many stabilizers are sugars or amino
acids, compounds that are part of our everyday diet. Glycine is
one example of a stabilizer. It protects vaccines from damage
from light, heat, and humidity.
Pre-vaccine 2010
anywhere from hundreds to many thousands of volunteers who test the vaccine for safety and effectiveness.
During the final phases of clinical trials, FDA employees
also inspect the manufacturing process and production
facilities for the vaccine. Additional periodic inspections are conducted by the FDA even after a vaccine is
licensed to ensure that the manufacturing process has
remained the same. The three phases of clinical trials
and inspection can take many years to complete, and if
at any point in the trials the safety or effectiveness of the
vaccine is called into question the FDA can halt testing.
If a vaccine successfully makes it through all three
human trial stages, the manufacturer can submit an
application for a license for the vaccine. At this stage,
a diverse group of experts from the FDA reviews all
the data collected. The FDA may also ask a group of
non-FDA experts to review the data. During this time
the results of the clinical trials are also published and
made available for review by the entire scientific and
medical communities. Finally, the FDA will decide
whether to license the vaccine, request that more
studies be done, or deny the license. Because of this
call the
stomach flu and
influenza virus. Intestinal upsets are caused by an
entirely different set of viruses, so the influenza
vaccine will not protect you against stomach flu.
One additional point to note is that mild side effects of
the vaccine should not be confused with symptoms of
a disease. It is not uncommon to experience a slight
fever, fatigue, and aches after receiving a vaccine.
These side effects are an indication that the immune
system is responding to the vaccine, not symptoms of
the disease itself. Vaccines have protected people well
enough that many people have not seen first-hand
symptoms of many of these diseases so the confusion
is understandable. In almost every case these side
effects of the vaccine pale in comparison to the symptoms of the disease itself.
Getting vaccinated is a very safe and effective choice that any adult can make to help ensure
his or her health and the health of those around them. Vaccine recommendations are based
on the best science regarding safety, personal health, and the health of the public. Vaccines
have saved millions of lives and are perhaps the single greatest development in the war against
disease since the separation of sewage from drinking water. While the diseases that they
protect against may not be familiar to us in the U.S., they are still present, often only a short
plane ride away. Vaccines offer the best, and sometimes only, line of protection from these
diseases. The fact that we do not worry about these diseases is a testament to the tremendous
success of vaccine in the past. The future of vaccines is bright; each year scientists formulate
more innovative and effective vaccines. There are already vaccines that can help protect
against certain types of cancer and more are under development now. Scientists are also
working on new vaccines that could in time protect against killers like malaria, tuberculosis,
and HIV. Their efforts will help ensure that vaccines will save millions more lives in the future.