Strategies Managment
Strategies Managment
Strategies Managment
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To cite this document:
Richard S. Allen Marilyn M. Helms, (2006),"Linking strategic practices and organizational performance to
Porter's generic strategies", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12 Iss 4 pp. 433 - 454
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Linking strategic
Marilyn M. Helms
Dalton State College, Dalton, Georgia, USA
Purpose While Porters generic strategies are a widely accepted typology of strategic options for
businesses, prior studies have not linked specific strategic practices with each generic strategy and
explored the associations between the practices and overall organizational performance. The purpose
of this paper is to propose and test the following two hypotheses: specific strategic practices (or tactics)
can be identified which are associated with each generic Porter strategy; and there are specific
strategic practices which are more strongly associated with higher levels of organizational
performance within each generic strategy.
Design/methodology/approach To test these hypotheses, a questionnaire was developed and
administered to a sample of 226 working adults. A factor analysis and regression analyses were used
to analyze the data.
Findings Findings include a list of critical strategic practices significantly associated with
organizational performance for each of Porters generic strategies.
Research limitations/implications Future research would be advised to include a more
geographically and randomly selected sample. Furthermore, the use of archival financial performance
data is suggested.
Practical implications Suggestions for managers crafting strategies and reinforcing supporting
strategic practices based on the findings of this research are discussed.
Originality/value This research has uncovered a core list of strategic practices which better
defines each generic Porter strategy. The authors have also pinpointed an even smaller list of critical
practices strongly associated with performance for each specific generic strategy.
Keywords Generics, Organizational performance, Strategic management, Product differentiation
Paper type Research paper
Generic strategies can be successfully linked to organizational performance through the use
of key strategic practices.
Porters (1985) generic strategies of low cost, differentiation, focus and combination
strategies are generally accepted as a strategic typology for organizations. However,
little empirical research has identified the strategic practices associated with each
generic strategy. Furthermore, research has not identified critical strategic practices
for each generic strategy to firm performance. This exploratory study attempts to
address this gap in the literature. From this study, empirical evidence using factor
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Linking strategic
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Similarly in their research on the UK wine industry, Richardson and Dennis (2003)
found the hybrid focused differentiation approach was best for niche segments. Spanos
et al. (2004) studied the Greek manufacturing industry and found hybrid strategies
were preferable to pure strategies.
According to Porter (Argyres and McGaha, 2002), lower cost and differentiation are
directly connected with profitability. As research addressed the relationship between
strategy and performance, some studies concluded only pure strategies (i.e. generic
strategies of cost leadership or differentiation) resulted in superior performance, while
other research found combination strategies (i.e. low-cost and differentiation) were
optimal. This debate continues in the literature.
Generic strategy and performance link
The strategy literature provides numerous theories, research methodologies, and ideas
on the strategy-performance relationship. Strategy research has its roots in industrial
organization (IO) theory. Within Bain (1956) and Mason (1939), the IO framework of
industry behavior, firm performance or profitability is seen as a function of the
industry structure. Industry characteristics rather than firm-based issues are found to
determine firm performance (Barney, 1986). This structure-conduct-performance model
from IO and economics has been used in industries with high concentrations and
similar firms (Seth and Thomas, 1994). Studies, however, have not found a link
between strategy and performance (McGee and Thomas, 1986, 1992). Others have
found the link between strategy and performance lessened by situational variables
including a focus on manufacturing and profitability (Davis and Schul, 1993; Zahra,
1993). To investigate the strategy and performance link, many researchers began
utilizing approaches found to be generalizable across industries, specifically those
proposed by Porter (1980, 1985, 1987).
Pure generic strategies. Researchers found support for Porters (1980, 1985) original
generic strategies (Dess and Davis, 1984; Hambrick, 1981, 1982; Hawes and Crittendon,
1984; Nayyar, 1993; Parker and Helms, 1992; Reitsperger et al., 1993). Dess and Davis
(1984) examined industrial products businesses and suggested performance was
achieved through the adoption of a single strategy. Hambrick (1983) investigated
capital goods producers and industrial product manufacturers and found support for
generic strategies. Ross (1999) supported two distinct focus strategies including
low-cost and differentiation one aimed at distinct needs in terms of cost in a narrow
target market and the other at distinct customization requirements in a narrow target
market. Parker and Helms (1992) found superior performance associated with mixed
and reactive strategies as well as with single generic strategies.
Combination generic strategies. Other researchers found combination strategies to
be optimal and associated with superior performance (Buzzell and Gale, 1987; Buzzell
and Wiersema, 1981; Hall, 1983; Hill, 1988; Murray, 1988; Phillips et al., 1983; White,
1986; Wright, 1987; Wright et al., 1991). Several studies have suggested in higher
performing businesses, low cost and differentiation strategy may be adopted
simultaneously (Gupta, 1995; Slocum et al., 1994). In an attempt to investigate whether
low cost and differentiation are mutually exclusive or whether they can be adopted
simultaneously, Helms et al. (1997) found business units which simultaneously
compete on low cost and differentiation strategies (combination strategies) have higher
returns on investment.
Linking strategic
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Gaps and contradictions remain in the strategy research. Ironically, some of the
research supporting singular generic strategies also produces results which sow seeds
of doubt about the relationship between singular generic strategy and superior
performance, and it appears some businesses succeed only when they combine
differentiation and low cost generic strategies (Hill, 1988, Murray, 1988). For example,
White (1986) found 19 of the 69 business units examined had the highest ROI and
achieved competitive advantage based on combined cost and differentiation strategies.
Similar support for a combination strategy was found by Phillips et al. (1983). Wright
and Parsinia (1988) identified successful firms using combined generic strategies in
fragment industries including banking, retailing, distributing, and creative businesses.
As a result of these studies and other work, Hill (1988) proposed the generic
business-level strategies of differentiation and overall cost leadership are not
incompatible but may be combined in some firms to achieve competitive advantage.
In summary, the strategy literature reveals contradictory results on the link
between singular generic strategy and performance. As Campbell-Hunt (2000) points
out, the dominant paradigm of competitive strategy is now over two decades old, but it
has yet to prove its adequacy as a descriptive framework or move beyond its
propositions about the performance consequences of different strategic designs.
Further research on the relationship between strategy and firm performance, including
potential moderators of this relationship, is clearly needed in order to advance strategic
Firm performance measures
While researchers may not always agree on the best strategy, or strategy combination,
most if not all, support the long-term benefits of strategic planning for the successful
performance of an organization or business unit. However, measuring the performance
of a company is challenging. Researchers (Buckley et al., 1988; Littler, 1988; Day and
Wensley, 1988) disagree about how to both define and operationalize performance.
Most studies on organizational performance use a variety of financial and
non-financial success measures. Researchers employ financial measures such as profit
(Saunders and Wong, 1985; Hooley and Lynch, 1985; Baker et al., 1988), turnover
(Frazier and Howell, 1983), return on investment (Hooley and Lynch, 1985), return on
capital employed (Baker et al., 1988), and inventory turnover (Frazier and Howell,
1983). Nonfinancial measures include innovativeness (Goldsmith and Clutterbuck,
1984) and market standing (Saunders and Wong, 1985; Hooley and Lynch, 1985). When
performance is measured at a variety of levels (e.g. national, industry, company, and
product), comparison of results is difficult (Baker and Hart, 1989; Buckley et al., 1988;
Frazier and Howell, 1983).
Measures of firm performance generally include such bottom-line, financial
indicators as sales, profits, cash flow, return on equity, and growth. It is important to
determine how a firm compares with its industry competitors when assessing firm
performance (Dess and Robinson, 1984). With the multitude of competitive
environments faced by firms in differing industries, knowing only absolute financial
numbers such as sales, profits, or cash flow is not very illuminating unless viewed in
the context of how well the firm is doing compared to their competition. Therefore, it is
important to use an industry comparison approach when making firm performance
assessments for organizations sampled from a wide variety of industries.
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Linking strategic
Research model
The research model presented in Figure 1 shows the proposed relationships explored in
this study. The basic idea is that organizational strategy should determine the strategic
practices (or tactics) used by a firm. Use of the appropriate strategic practices will help
drive organizational performance.
The following two hypotheses are proposed based on this research model:
H1. Specific strategic practices (or tactics) can be identified which are associated
with each generic Porter strategy.
H2. There are specific strategic practices which are more strongly associated with
higher levels of organizational performance within each generic strategy.
& Tactics
Figure 1.
Research model
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Research study
A questionnaire was developed to investigate the linkage between Porters generic
strategies, strategic practices, and performance. Existing scales and items were utilized
or adapted where applicable to develop a questionnaire to test the aforementioned
hypotheses. New items and Likert-type scales were composed when appropriate
existing items or scales could not be located.
The questionnaire included a cover page explaining the purpose of the survey and
asked respondents to select a single organization as a point of reference when
answering the survey questions. Respondents were guaranteed anonymity. If the
organization under study had multiple divisions or subsidiaries, respondents were
asked to base their answers on the specific division or subsidiary in which they
worked. Respondents were given ample time to complete the survey and researchers
were on hand to personally administer the questionnaire and answer any questions.
In addition to summary information about the organization, respondents were
polled on the length of employment, number of employees in the organization, the
primary business sector, whether the organization was unionized, and their position
within the organization.
Strategy questions. A section of 25 questions regarding the various strategic
practices or tactics used by the organization followed the general demographic and
personal information section. These items were developed to operationalize each of
Porters (1980) four generic strategies. While the literature review did not identify an
existing instrument of strategic practices to operationalize Porters typology, one was
developed from these key practices or tactics previously reviewed for each generic
Respondents were asked to estimate how frequently the various strategic practices
are used by their organization. Table I presents some samples of the strategy questions
and the scale used.
Organizational performance questions. Firm performance was measured using a
scale of five items adapted from Dess and Robinson (1984). Since, this research was
exploratory it was important to include a broad range of organizations in the sample to
improve the generalizability of the findings and reduce the likelihood of industry
specific performance effects. Firm performance was measured using a scale of five
items. The five point, Likert-type scale asked respondents to rate how their
organization compared to competitors on a series of key objective performance
indicators including total revenue growth, total asset growth, net income growth,
market share growth, and overall performance or success. Respondents were asked to
compare their organizations performance level to competitors for each of the five
items, over the most recent three-year period in which they worked for the
Respondents were cautioned some of the measures might not apply to the
organization chosen as their point of reference. For example, market share growth
might not apply to a government agency. Accordingly, in addition to the given choices,
a not applicable choice was also available for respondents in these situations. Sample
questions are shown in Table II.
This organizational performance scale allows the comparison of a wide variety of
organizations on performance measures are commonly accepted as valid indicators of
organizational success. The scale allows comparisons across industries because it does
Almost never
(1-20 percent)
(0 percent)
Some times
(21-40 percent)
About half
(41-60 percent)
Most times
(61-80 percent)
Almost always
(81-99 percent)
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(100 percent)
Linking strategic
Table I.
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Table II.
not rely on specific results in each category, but instead is based on how well the
organization is performing relative to its competitors. Thus, an organization with high
growth (top 81-100 percent) in a low performing sector can be compared with an
organization performing with similar growth levels in a high performing sector. The
Cronbach a for the cumulative organizational performance scale was 0.95. This
compares favorably with previous research using this scale to measure organizational
The sample
A sample of 226 graduate students enrolled in either an evening MBA or weekend
executive MBA program were administered the questionnaire. The subjects, albeit a
convenience sample, represented a broad cross section of working adults. For inclusion
in the final study, it was determined a respondent must have at least six months
employment at the organization under study to have adequate organizational
knowledge to accurately complete the questionnaire. If respondents were not currently
employed, or if employment with their current organization was less than six months,
they were instructed to select a different organization as their reference point (provided
they had been employed for at least six months). Post administration interviews with
the respondents reinforced these criteria and respondents with a minimum of six
months work experience reported no difficulty in answering the survey questions.
Five respondents were eliminated because they had less than six months prior work
experience, resulting in a final sample size of 221 with a 97 percent response rate.
Respondents had an average of four years work experience, but the time employed
ranged from six months to 27 years with a standard deviation of 4.37 years. Of those
respondents, 38 percent held professional or technical positions in their organization,
16 percent were in middle management, 16 percent were in administrative roles,
11 percent were front-line managers and 6 percent were senior managers.
The organizations included in the sample had a mean number of 1,467 employees
with a range from 3 to 57,000 employees. A total of 62 percent were service
organizations, 28 percent were manufacturing and 10 percent were in the
government/non-profit sector. About 17 percent of the organizations were unionized.
Strategy scales: factor analysis
The strategy related items were subjected to a factor analysis to test whether the
strategic practices naturally grouped into Porters (1980, 1985) generic strategies.
Using SPSS principal component analysis with a Varimax rotation and Kaiser
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normalization, a four factor solution emerged explained 50.67 percent of the variance
with an eigen value of 1.373.
As is typically the case with a factor analysis, the individual items (strategic
practices) loaded with differing strengths onto several identified factors. The four
factors identified were composed of those strategic practices with the highest factor
loadings. Thus, each factor is defined by a different set of strategic practices. The
strategic practices and loadings for each factor are summarized in Table III.
The highest factor loadings for each item were included in Table III. This is not to
imply that any of the individual strategic practices are exclusive to a single strategy.
For example, the practice of extensive training of front-line personnel loaded onto the
factor which we labeled focus-cost leadership at the 0.455. It also loaded onto the other
three factors, but at much weaker levels (for example, 0.244 on the differentiation
factor, and at miniscule levels onto the other two factors). Certainly training of frontline
personnel is also important to the other three strategies, but our data indicated that it is
most strongly associated with the first factor.
After all the individual practices which comprised each factor were analyzed it
appears the resulting factors conceptually correspond with Porters (1980, 1985)
Innovation in marketing technology and
Forecasting new market growth
Forecasting existing market growth
Utilizing advertising
Fostering innovation and creativity
Developing brand identification
Refining existing products/services
Building a positive reputation within the
industry for technological leadership
Extensive training of marketing personnel
Developing a broad range of new
Building high market share
Controlling the quality of
Providing outstanding customer service
Improving operational efficiency
Extensive training of front-line personnel
Intense supervision of front-line personnel
Vigorous pursuit of cost reductions
Tight control of overhead costs
Minimizing distribution costs
Providing specialty products/services
Targeting a specific market
Dropping unprofitable customers
Producing products/services for high
price market segments
Linking strategic
Focus product
differentiation leadership leadership differentiation
Table III.
Factor analysis factor
loadings for the four
generic strategies
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Linking strategic
0.418 * *
0.436 * *
0.353 * *
0.394 * *
0.538 * * 1.000
0.495 * * 0.303 * * 1.000
0.568 * * 0.480 * * 0.297 * * 1.000
Table IV.
Descriptive statistics and
correlation matrix for
strategy and performance
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each of the four generic strategy types. The regression analysis found a smaller subset of
the strategic practices for each factor was associated with significantly higher levels of
performance for the different types of strategies. A regression equation was calculated
for each of the four generic factors using overall organizational performance as the
dependent variable and the factor-loaded strategic practices as independent variables.
The ANOVA results (Table V) indicate between 1 and 4 strategic practices were
significant predictors of performance for each of the four generic strategies and
explained from 41 percent (r 2 0.41 for the differentiation strategy) to 16 percent
(r 2 0.16 for differentiation) of the variance in the organizational performance variable.
The regression results for the reward practices which were associated with
significantly higher levels of performance for each respective type of strategy are
summarized in Table VI.
Discussion and conclusions
This exploratory research was undertaken to identify strategic practices associated
with Porters generic strategies. While Porters (1985) generic strategies have been
widely accepted by academic and practitioner audiences, few studies have linked
particular strategic practices or tactics to each of the strategies. Because a chosen
strategy is a set of operationalized practices and tactics, understanding the critical
practices linked with organizational performance for each generic strategy would
provide clearer guidance for top management and strategic planners. These priorities
would focus actions toward organizational success, as evidenced by the organizations
performance. In the discussion below, the critical strategic practices associated with
each generic strategy are summarized followed by implications for both practitioners
and academicians.
Examining each specific generic strategy indicates a relatively small number of
strategic practices were significantly correlated with organizational performance. For
the differentiation strategy, innovation seems to be the most critical factor for success.
Fostering innovation and creativity as well as innovation in marketing technology and
methods were both significant practices. One can see this evidenced in a company like
Hewlett-Packard. HP was founded on the core values of innovation and creativity and
has used the slogan invent in company marketing. This makes sense because a
company in the information technology sector must constantly be innovating in order
to keep up with the fast-moving, ever changing marketplace.
Table V.
ANOVA results
Degrees of freedom
Strategic practices significant
predictors of performance
Notes: *p , 0.05; * *p , 0.01
9.723 * *
11.360 * *
14.921 * *
7.979 * *
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Cost leadership
Extensive training of
marketing personnel
Vigorous pursuit
of cost reductions
Providing outstanding
customer service
(0.323) * *
Improving operational
efficiency (0.274) * *
distribution costs
(0.237) * *
Providing specialty
products and services
(0.181) * *
Producing products or
services for high price
market segments
(0.252) * *
Controlling the quality of Dropping unprofitable
products or services
(20.248) * *
Targeting a specific
Extensive training of
front-line personnel
(0.253) * *
Intensive supervision of
front-line personnel
Even though building high market share was also a significant strategic practice for
the differentiation strategy, this practice separates the differentiation strategy apart
from the focus/differentiation strategy. Whereas the differentiation strategy goal is
building a large share of a broad market, the focus/differentiation strategy is much
more targeted. The significant strategic practices for a focus/differentiation strategy
include producing products or services for high price market segments and providing
specialty products and services. For example, an automobile company like Ferrari uses
a focus-differentiation hybrid strategy. Ferraris success is from targeted a very small
portion of the car buying public willing to pay for an ultra-high performance vehicle.
In contrast, the cost leadership strategy had only one significant tactic minimizing
distribution costs. This is not to say other cost leadership practices, namely the
vigorous pursuit of cost reductions and tight control of overhead costs are not integral
parts of this strategy. All organizations attempting to compete with this strategy need
to be cognizant of these practices. But the practice which appears to differentiate the
Linking strategic
Table VI.
Regression results
standardized b
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Further reading
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No. 11, pp. 263-4.
About the authors
Richard S. Allen is the UC Foundation Associate Professor of management at the University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga. He earned his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. His research
interests include the strategic use of reward practices, motivation and diversity. Rich Allen is the
corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Marilyn M. Helms is the Sesquicentennial Endowed Chair and Professor of Management at
Dalton State College. She holds a Doctorate Degree from the University of Memphis. Her research
interests include manufacturing strategy, quality, and international management. E-mail:
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in creating effective group and team performance. Richard S. AllenUniversity of Chattanooga Foundation
associate professor of management at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He earned his PhD
from the University of Pittsburgh. He has published numerous articles on the reward systems, motivation,
and strategy. Marilyn M. HelmsSesquicentennial Endowed Chair and professor of management at Dalton
State College. She holds a doctorate degree from the University of Memphis. She had published extensively
on the topics of strategy, quality, and international management. Samuel A. Spralls IIIAssistant professor
of marketing at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He earned his PhD at Texas Tech University.
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