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Acne Vulgaris Management: What's New and What's Still True?: Review Article

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International Journal of Advances in Medicine

Seth V et al. Int J Adv Med. 2015 Feb;2(1):1-5


pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933

DOI: 10.5455/2349-3933.ijam20150201

Review Article

Acne vulgaris management: whats new and whats still true?

Vikas Seth1*, Anuj Mishra2

Department of Pharmacology, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, U.P., India

Department of Pharmacology, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal

Received: 23 December 2014

Accepted: 18 January 2015
Dr. Vikas Seth,
E-mail: oshocamp@gmail.com
Copyright: the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Acne vulgaris is one of the commonest skin disorders that can affect individuals from childhood to adulthood, most
often occurring in the teenage years. Regarding its management, whats still true is that a wide range of treatment
options are available, ranging from the commonly used topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, sulfur,
antibiotics, retinoids and superficial chemical peels while the systemic treatments available include the use of
systemic antibiotics, retinoids, and antiandrogens. Whats new in the management of acne vulgaris is the use of laser
and light devices and other newer technologies. The present article reviews the use of above mentioned agents in the
current scenario.
Keywords: Acne, Pimples, Tretinoin, Benzoyl peroxide, Antibiotics, Retinoids

Acne vulgaris is the most common disorder of human
skin that affects up to 80% of adolescents. 1 Acne by
definition is multifactorial chronic inflammatory disease
of pilosebaceous unit.2
Various clinical presentations include seborrhea,
comedones, erythematous papules and pustules, less
frequently nodules, deep pustules or pseudocysts and
ultimate scarring in few of them. Acne has a negative
effect on the quality of life; although this can be
improved with effective treatment.3
Acne has four main pathogenic mechanisms: increased
propionibacterium acne colononization and the
inflammatory reaction.4 Therapeutic modalities are
designed now due to better understanding of the
pathogenesis of acne (Figure 1).5

Figure 1: Pathogenesis of acne vulgaris and

mechanism of action of drugs used in this condition.

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The present review article discusses whats still true in

the successful management of acne vulgaris is the use of
keratolytics (including sulfur used since Egyptian times),
antibiotics, retinoids and antiandrogens. Whats new in
the management of acne vulgaris is the new forms of
treatment with lasers, lights and vaccines.

benzoyl peroxide for better response, especially for

tackling resistant bacteria. Choosing a formulation
depends on the skin type of the individual such as gels
are better suited for oily skin and ointments are better
suited for drier skin.6 Nadifloxacin is a newer topical
quinolone broad spectrum antibiotic which has exerted
therapeutic benefit in inflamed acne and folliculitis.

Sulfur has been used for acne since the time of Cleopatra.
It is available in washes, leave-on lotions, creams, foam
formulations and as masks. It is useful as a drying and
antibacterial agent.6 Sulfur could be more useful in
patients also having acne rosacea and seborrheic
dermatitis. Sodium sulfacetamide is often combined with
sulfur and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Benzoyl peroxide has long been the main agent in the
treatment of acne. It is one of the most effective and
widely used drug, present in many over-the-counter
preparations; as a wash (soap or face wash) or leave-on
product (gel or cream). Benzoyl peroxide acts because of
its comedolytic (keratolytic) as well as antibacterial
properties. Adding a topical antibiotic like clindamycin or
erythromycin could add to its efficacy, as in many cases
monotherapy is often less successful.7 Benzoyl peroxide
could also be an effective addition to the oral antibiotics,
as it is shown to reduce the number of antibiotic resistant
organisms.8 In treatment of mild acne vulgaris, generally
benzoyl peroxide along with topical antibiotic or a
retinoid is recommended. For moderate cases of acne,
however, an oral antibiotic is to be added.
Common side effects of benzoyl peroxide include contact
sensitivity, irritation, excessive dryness, scaling,
erythema and bleaching of skin. One should avoid
contact with eyes, lips, mucous membranes and denuded
Azelaic acid is useful in the treatment of acne as well as
in post-inflammatory pigment changes. Patients often
report local burning or stinging sensation but it generally
resolves in one to four weeks. Azelaic acid is applied
once or twice a day and has been shown to be effective
especially in combination with benzoyl peroxide,
tretinoin, erythromycin and clindamycin.9
Clindamycin, erythromycin and tetracyclines are
appropriate for inflamed papules rather than noninflamed
propionibacterium acne by inhibiting their protein
synthesis. These antibiotics may be lesser effective than
benzoyl peroxide but have the advantage of not causing
skin irritation. Antibiotics may also be combined with

Tetracyclines (doxycycline and minocycline) and

erythromycin have been used orally for treating moderate
to severe acne, though other antibiotics e.g. cephalexin,
azithromycin, trimethoprim/sulfamthoxazole could also
be effective. The widespread and long term use of
antibiotics has unfortunately led to serious auto-immune
reactions and the emergence of resistant bacteria. 11,12
Long term therapy with oral antibiotic is not only a threat
to resistance of propionibacterium acne, but also to
coagulase negative staphylococci on the skin and
streptococci in the oral cavity, and upper respiratory tract
Doxycycline is prescribed generally 100 mg daily but
recently a sub-MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration)
dose of 20 mg twice a day has been tried. 14 Standard
treatment for moderate acne consisted of doxycycline 100
mg, clindamycin 1% and adapalence 0.1%, as the initial
The topical retinoids used in the treatment of acne
include tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. They act by
their keratolytic (comedolytic), antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties. Because of their multiple
mechanisms, retinoids are considered important in long
term maintenance therapy of acne. The main side-effect is
irritation, which is lesser with adapalene among the
three.6 Pharmaceuticals are making different topical
formulations to decrease the irritation and therefore
increasing compliance.15,16 With topical retinoids, besides
local irritation, there is concern about systemic adverse
effects like intracranial hypertension17 and teratogenicity.
The combination of adapalene with oral or topical
antibiotics has been shown to release a faster response
than an antibiotic alone.18 Clinical studies have shown
some success with a combination of doxycycline and
adapalene.19 There is a significant in-vitro evidence
suggesting a possible pathogenetic role for
staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in acne vulgaris.20
The systemic retinoid available is isotretinoin which is
used mainly in case of severe acne. It principally acts by
reducing sebum production and correcting abnormal
keratinization. A twenty week course of 0.5-1 mg/kg
daily brings about remission in most cases of

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nodulocystic acne. Side effects are frequent-cheilitis,

dryness of skin, eyes, nose and mouth, epistaxis, pruritus,
conjunctivitis, paronychia, rise in serum lipids, increased
intracranial tension and musculoskeletal symptoms.
Depression and suicidal tendencies have been reported
but a causal relationship has not been established. 21
Isotretinoin is highly teratogenic; upto 25% exposed
fetuses had birth defects- craniofacial, heart and CNS
abnormalities.22 It is contraindicated in women likely to
become pregnant during therapy and one month after. Its
half-life is 18 hours and is not accumulated like other
retinoids used in psoroiasis.
Use of hormones in the treatment of acne came to the
forefront in the early 1990s. In the United States there are
three oral contraceptive pills approved for the treatment
of acne in women. These include ethinyl estradiol and
norgestimate, norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol
and ethinyl estradiol/drosperinone. In some countries,
cyproterone acetate is also used for the treatment of acne.
Although using hormones would help many patients with
acne, it is important to look for endocrinopathies such as
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). For patients with
PCOS and acne, the ethinylestradiol/drosperinone
combination pill can help with both conditions.23
As an antiandrogen, spironolactone has produced good
results in the patient who has menstrual acne flares and
deep cystic acne. Spironolactone should not be given to
those who have renal insufficiency. Since this drug is
potassium retaining, it should never be prescribed
concurrently with other potassium retaining drugs like
ACE inhibitors and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Also, it should not be prescribed in pregnancy. Dosage
ranges for spironolactone are 50-200 mg daily starting
usually at 50-100 mg a day.
Superficial chemical peeling has long been used in the
treatment of acne. Superficial peels generally treat the
epidermis. The chemical solution used during a
superficial peel damages the outermost layers of the
epidermis, which causes them to peel away. The peelings
are usually performed using Alpha-Hydroxy Acids
(AHA), and in some instances Beta-Hydroxy Acids
(BHA). Alpha-hydroxy acids are naturally occurring
acids which include glycolic acid, lactic acid, and fruit
acids, while beta-hydroxy acids include salicylic acid.25
Although the concentration of acid may vary depending
on the extent of treatment, the acids used to perform
superficial peels are not as harsh as other chemical peels.
In fact, low concentrations of AHA are often mixed with
facial creams or washes that can be used as part of a daily
facial care routine to maintain a youthful appearance. The
chemical peels are useful for post-acne pigmentation and
scars.26 Although, both alpha-hydroxy (30% glycolic

acid) and beta-hydroxy (30% salicylic acid) peels were

found to be equally effective, there were more adverse
effects after the initial treatment with glycolic acid peel.
(Kessler E, Flanagan K, Chia C, et al. comparison of
alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid chemical peels in the
treatment of mild to moderately severe facial acne
vulgaris. Dermatol Surg. 2008;34:45-50.) Different
chemical peeling regimens have their own pros and
There are two main mechanisms that laser/light
treatments may help acne. Firstly, by destroying
propionibacterium acnes through photodynamic therapy
reaction. Secondly, by destroying the sebaceous
glands/entire pilosebaceous unit.
These therapies work best when combined with
traditional therapies. Photodynamic therapy is the
treatment of skin with aminolevulinic acid followed by
photo activation of the compound. It has been shown to
help treat acne.28 Rarely photodynamic therapy has been
associated with a painful pustular reaction, though most
patients tolerate it well. Red and blue light therapy is also
used to treat acne, with the most recent advances being
portable handy devices that allow the patient to deliver
the light therapy at home.29,30
There have been many studies showing early promise,
with improvements in the 50-75% range. However, it is
difficult to decide where lasers/lights will eventually fit in
the overall management of acne as very few comparative
studies have been made with conventional medical
The vaccines are targeted against the P. acnes bacteria.31
Since acne is a multifactorial disease, therefore targeting
one area may not result in eradication of the condition.
However, P. acnes is involved in diseases other than acne
including infectious conditions such as endocarditis,
infections, and this has lead researchers to develop
Acne vulgaris, one of the commonest disorder of skin,
has four main pathogenic mechanisms: increased sebum
production, hyperkeratinization, propionibacterium acne
colononization and the inflammatory reaction. Whats
still true for the successful management of acne vulgaris
is the use of keratolytics, antibiotics, retinoids and
antiandrogens. Whats new in the management of acne
vulgaris is the new forms of treatment with lasers, lights
and vaccines. As the pathology of acne is multifactorial, a
combination of drugs gives a better response. For
example, in mild acne vulgaris, benzoyl peroxide along

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with topical antibiotic like clindamycin or a retinoid like

adapalene is recommended, whereas, for moderate cases
of acne, an oral antibiotic like doxycycline is to be added.
In severe cases of acne, consider adding oral isotretinoin.
Successful management of acne needs careful selection of
anti-acne agents according to clinical presentation and
individual patient needs.
Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: Not required






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DOI: 10.5455/2349-3933.ijam20150201
Cite this article as: Seth V, Mishra A. Acne vulgaris
management: whats new and whats still true? Int J
Adv Med 2015;2:1-5.

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