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Duration from October to march 2016 G.C


Group members
1. Areghegn Gebre

id number

2. Abreham Gashaw


3. Adudgna Befkadu


4. Abebayehu Telahun



This report would have been impossible without the valuable contributions and limitless help
of several individuals. First and for most we would like to thank the university and special the
department of electrical and computer engineering for creating this priceless opportunity. We
would like to thank all the authors of the journals, books and articles that are secondary sources
from where we have collected necessary information regarding this internship report. We have
been benefited by many people in the completion of this report. They have generously supplied
insightful comments, helpful suggestions, and contributions all of which has progressively
enhanced the quality of this report .we would like to thank our supervisor Yonas Tesfu for giving
us the opportunity to perform our internship program under his supervision and we express our
deep and sincere thanks to Tadesse Dana who is chief techncian in radio automation and auto
transmission system he showed us how the system works by sacrificing his personal valuable
time and guided us throughout the internship .finally We gained a wealth of real engineering.

South Radio and Television agency is established based on proclamation
113/1998 previously as regional mass media organization in 2007 G.C in
south region at
Hawassa town. Nationalities For initial time it start with seven branches. Now
it added two
more branches and totally the branch reached nine Such as Arbamench,
Jinka, waka, bonga,
Welkite, Mizan, Bansa, and Feseha Genet.
It organized structurally in resource and human power in August 2007 G.C
.and it
started its work on march 9, 2008 by the name of South mass media
organization with
Radio transmission only, after one year delay on march 2009 G.C it started
broadcasting, then the name changed by declaration number 164/2003
renamed as South
Radio and Television agency (SRTVA).
The agency is growing and becoming the first choice from time to time.
To fulfill
the audience need, interest of South people by revealing the culture,
tradition, historical
background, ethics and language of the South people living inside and
outside of the
country which were weakened by early Ethiopian leaders and to become
more competent
the agency installed the second high definition studio (HD) and full changed
from standard definition(SD) to HD and it increases the quality of pictures as
well as minimizing the costs. Now SRTVO is one of the TV broadcasting and
radio transmitting station in Ethiopia that covers the South region,
some other part of Ethiopia and parts of other country by using Amos sat,
Nile sat and Arab
satellite currently and particularly transmission is clearly seen in Middle East
North America ,Australia, Newzerland and Caribbean Countries.

At the first time the agency used to have both electronics and print
media services.
But now only electronics media (meaning Television, Radio and website) are
on action. The
agency wants to have the whole electronics and prints media services for the
In this report we tried to include more or less the whole system of the South
Radio and TV
agency as well as our duties and responsibilities that we have done during
our internship period


South Radio and TV agency is established based on various mission some
of them are listed below:To advertise their culture and natural resource throughout the world this
will call the investors to our country.
To mobilize the people to struggle against poverty.
It promotes culture, language, history and tradition of the South people.
To increase participation of community and how they growth their
To aware the community how to use their resource efficiently.
To increase using and presenting technology materials.
To increase management system and chain of human resource
To develop work culture of the community.
To inform people about new event of their environment.
It encourages the growth of democratic values in political, economical and
Social activities of the people etc

1.3 VISION OF THE AGENCY:The South Radio and TV agency will be the competitive media in the
country as country as well as in the East Africa by providing quality, timely
and balanced information, news,
educational and entertainment
programs, by using modern media technology and efficient internal structure
of management system and it will be promoted the socio-economic
development of the region.

1.4 CORE-VALUES:Reliability

Team work or co-operation
Active participation
Readiness for change
Well information center

In general, regarding South Radio and TV agency mission and vision is

that; from
the time of established to now the South Radio and TV agency needs a
number of
Human resources or man power and transmit information, News and other
Programs throughout South Regional state, other parts of Ethiopia and
throughout the
World by using three languages.
1.5 THE PRODUCTS/SERVISES OF AGENCY:The South Radio and TV agency are aimed to have a number of
services. Among
There are strong and well organized advertising services of different
An editing service of News, Entertainment, Educational thing and other
There is also recording services of News, music and issues like political,
and cultural issues can be recorded in the agency.
The Transport service is given to the agency workers. Encouraging and
initiating the public to be productive, by showing the experiences of
It also gives services by providing different information and balanced News
the country and other parts of the world with in timely and quality.
In addition to these, library and cafeteria services are given for agency
The agency is also Expand to its services in the near future with respect to
its quality and performance as well .


News and current affairs

Entertainment and education program
Promotion services
Air time selling
Renting studio and transmission equipment
Live production service
Documentary production service
Selling archive etc.
The agency is giving service with different languages:

1.7 THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AGENCY :South Radio and TV agency have five staffs. These are:
1. Director General
2. Deputy Director general of news and current affairs
3. Deputy Director general of educational program
4. Deputy Director general of entertainment
5. Deputy Director general of media technology-


When we see the human resource of the South radio and television
agency, it had
around 400 permanent workers.
Age distribution 68.9 % of the workers within the agency is between the
agesof 20 and 30,18.5% of the workers are between the age of 31 to 40 and
the remaining percentage are above 40, which shows there are very young
people in the agency.
The female to the male ratio of the agency employee is 23 to 77% which
that the agency has less number of female workers relative to male in the


2.1 HOW WE FIND THE COMPANY:We are interested to work in this company . We heard from friends our
get the place in different company where was in Addis Ababa and other
distance area.
Unfortunately we didn't go to there because of some of the group weak
capacity and others are problem of add some course. Finally we found the
place in south mass media. In our first time we met the head of south mass
media he told
to us the company has no place for additional internship application in the
second day
our department head make deal with south mass media and we get the
opportunity to
work in south mass media . On the next day went to there and he gave us
acceptance paper.


WORKED IN:.we takes part in media technology and studio.

Studio has also the following responsibility

Edit the program which read by the journalism
Release the music on air
Release the program from which saved on takes part in media technology
and studio.

Media technology has the following responsibility.

To check the material working or not

Repair the damage material determine the annually and semester project
Should have knowledge of engineering skill
should employ enough skilled working man

2.3 THE WORK PATH LOOKS LIKE:The work executive flow in the company is shown from higher to lower
Media case

Media technology

Engineer &

Block diagram 1: work flow of the section



Since the duration of internship is enough, many work tasks are executed.

2.5. THE MAJOR DUTY ASSIGNED:The engineering department of the South Radio and TV agency has three
sub departments and ICT department within it. These departments are:
Television studio, up link and Transmitter room
Radio studio, Transmitter and server room
Maintenance room and ICT room
We divided into these three departments and circulate each department
turn by turn to
observe the whole system of the departments for two weeks staying in one
room and came
back to these rooms for the second time.


ROOM:Television studio has two studios. They are: studio A and studio B. For now
only studio
B is in use. This studio has four main rooms, which are:
1. TV Studio room (studio floor)
2. Program Control room

3. Power control room
4. up link room
5. TV Transmitter
For program to be processed it should have source. Those sources are:
1. Camera
2. VTR (video tape recorder)
3. Nexo and
4. CG (character generator)

2.6.1 XENO: XENON is highly cost-effective digital broadcast mixer, with all of the
electronics contained within the same package. i.e. no separate frame or
processing engines. XENON uses fully digital signal processing accepts a
variety of inputs in both analog and digital formats, with both analog and
digital out puts. The basic unit has 6-fader and associated control, plus the
master/monitor section; an addition 6 fader module may be added, either in
an in- line or split configure.

Fig 5: XENON


The lighting system in studio is so different from other control. There are
about 650-1000w
lights in the studio. There are four (4) types of lighting system in studio.
Such as: Key light
Background light
Fill light
Back light
Key light- is the light that is bighting in front of the anchor at 45 degree.
Fill light:-is the light that used to ignore the shadow of the key light at 45
Back ground light:-is the light that is lighting at the back of the anchor. &

Back light:-is also the light that is light between anchor &the back ground
Each of them uses 800 watt.
There are electronics equipment and anchor (Journalist) table. The
electronics equipments which are found in TV studio room are: Five cameras
Five microphones
Twenty four up to twenty eight lamps
Computer and
Teleprompter which is connected with computer etc.


The control room by itself has two main rooms:

1. Vision control room

2. Audio control room

In Audio control room there are different electronic devices: The audio
mixer is an electronic device which is used to adjust sound. It is connected
with the vision control room. It also has a wireless receiver microphone which
comes from the anchor.
There is also an Electronic device called Telecom (tele printer), which is
used to connect
Audio mixer and phone.
Virtual studio is found in the Audio control room and it is used to change
actual studio into
more attractive studio.
Recorder: - used to record the program that is transmitted during the day; to
re- transmit
it in the middle of the night.

In Vision control room there are different electronics devices.

These are:
Two ratter mapper is used to map or to select a program
VTM (Video Terminal Monitoring) is used to show the following things:1. Audio signal
2. Spectrum
3 .video signal
4. Wave form
All these readings are used for quality control.

Feeder: is an electronic device used for varying the lights of the main studio
(studio floor)
which is connected with twenty four lights with in the studio? The application
of the Feeder
is done by varying the resistance of the feeder. We can also vary the
brightness and the
direction of the light in the studio.
Vision mixer: - is used to mix different videos come from different sources
like VTR (video
tape recorder), icon station (IG) and Nexio.
It is an electronic device used for the Chroma effects and has twelve
inputs. The Chroma
effect is software used to cut out of one color and insert other color to the
video picture in
terms of that paint or that color. Most of the time blue and green colors are
used for
Chroma system internationally because there is no blue or green color in our
Icon station: is used to send some icons and logo. The use of the icon station
in the South
Radio and TV agency is that to insert logo, news icon and shows top news in
lower portion of TV screen.
Nexio: is video server. The software used for this application is called MAMI. It
is used for
setting the recording Programs in order of their transmission and sound
recording for future uses.
VTR (Video Tape Recorder): used for recording and editing the video during
period. It is also used to convert analogue signal to digital signal before
transmission takes
place. So the VTR is used to convert the analogue coming from the decoder
to digital signal
and back again to analogue when transmitted.
Rack: there are different components on the rack .They are:
SPG (sink pulse generator) which has three functions.
1. Release color bar
2. Release tone and
3. Gives reference signal

There are also other components on the rack such as Patch panel, character
generator (cg),
Nexio (video server), video mixer, three camera control unit (CCU) and vision

2.6.4 POWER CONTROL ROOM:This room has two parts:

1. AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator): is used to regulate the value of
voltage comes from
the EEPCO it regulates, by taking the average value of the power which
comes from the
2. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply): is a power supply unit which supplies
power for the
whole system when there is power fluctuation. It enables the transmission to
without interruption until the generator is turned ON. In this room there are
(breaker) and Dehydrator. UPS provides power when there is a power loss for
short time
until the ATS (Automatic transfer switch) changes over from EEPCO to
generator and the
reverse. It consists of 24 Batteries to store DC power. Those Batteries
consists of H2SO4 and
There is also Invertors which inverts the coming DC from UPS to AC and
applies to
Transmitter. A Dehydrator is also found in this room .It is used to prevent the
moisture in
the coaxial cable.
Uninterrupted power supply(ups) consists three parts:I. Converter: is used to convert AC to DC.
ii. Battery: is used to Store charges/DC Power for using, when power off.
iii. Inverter: is used to invert DC to AC.

2.6.5 TELEVISION UP LINK ROOM:Uplink room is one of the Television studio rooms in which the
modulation, encoding
and other process takes place. That means in which the signal is sent from
the earth to
satellite (transponder). In this room there is also Signal Generator which is
used to check

uplink programs.
The main Distribution of components on the rack of uplink room top to
RF patch panel, Modulator 1, Encoder 1, RFS, Encoder 2, Modulator 2, Video /
Audio and
IRD are the main distributions.

Encoders: - used for changing digital to pulse

Scrambling: for security purpose i.e. any one does not access the

Modulator: -by receiving pulse from encoder and change to RF signal is

used to adjust SR
(Symbol Rate), FEC (forward error correction), and polarization.
L-band frequency:-the L-band frequency is 10MHZ and 70MHZ.
The uplink frequency is calculated by using High power amplifier (HPA)
frequency and
Modulator output from Arab satellite:
HPA frequency is=4900MHz and that of the modulator output frequency
then the uplink frequency is calculated as follows.
Uplink frequency =HPA + Modulator output frequency. Therefore, uplink
frequency is.
= 4900MHz +1051MHz=5951MHz. Down link frequency is also calculated as
Downlink frequency=Uplink frequency_ local oscillator frequency of the
satellite (which
has a frequency of 2225MHz), then the downlink
frequency=5951MHz_2225MHz, then it
becomes 3726MHz.

2.6.6 TELEVISION TRANSMITTER ROOM:In TV Transmitter we have seen five sections. Those sections are:1. Power section
2. RF section
3. Control section
4 . Video section and
5. Audio section
South TV Transmitter uses 2kw power. These 2kw powers are obtained from
amplifiers each amplifier produces 500w.Some component in TV Transmitter,
function and the path that each section follows are listed below:-

Demodulator: - is used as TV Receiver.

Audio processor: - is used as equalizer i.e. used for sound control (decreasing
or increasing
Exciter: - is the main component and plays the great role in TV transmitter. It
has video
control, Audio control, modulator, RF and Oscillator.
In exciter Audio is in form of FM (frequency modulation) and video is in form
of AM
(amplitude modulation).
Directional coupler: - has two functions
1. Read forward and reflected power.
2. Takes sample from it
After Directional coupler Antenna is exist

2.7 HOW STUDIO OF SOUTH RADIO AND TV AGENCY BUILT:The wall of the studio is corrugated. It must be accosted & built by
Gypsum. Or it
must be soft material like Female wig in the Gypsum. And it must have hole
on the flat top
of the gypsum, because the sound comes from the microphone hit & inter
into the gypsum
hole. This implies there is no signal reflected back & inters the microphone
again. This
accusation of the wall is used to ignore the interference of the sound & noise
that inters the
microphone as a feedback.


When a sound is first played, it is picked up by a microphone and
translated into a sine
wave that represents the sound. The carrier waves start out with no
information inscribed
in them until they are modified by the information from the electrical
information from the
microphone. These electromagnetic waves are more effective than
mechanical waves,

because electrical waves can travel in a vacuum while mechanical waves
need a medium to
travel in. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, which is faster
than the
mechanical waves that travel at the speed of sound.

Radio broadcasting- is the transmission or signals distribution of sound

using the
electrical energy .The first task of radio broadcasting systems is to change
sound into
electrical energy. This electrical energy is called Audio signals. The
equipment that changes
this energy is called Transducers. The second jobs of radio broadcasting
system are to process or change audio signals. So that can broadcast them.
The piece of equipment that
changes one or more aspect of audio signals called signal processors. The
other part,
transmitter and antenna that processed audio signal are carried to receiver
as receiver
signals. The process of joining the audio signal and receiver signal is done
The above process can be shown below using diagram

Let us see the term in diagram one by one

Input transducer: is the equipment that changes one form of energy to the
others. There
are many types of equipment that convert energy in broadcasting systems.
For example,

Signal processor: is the equipment that changes one or more aspects of

an audio signals
size. There is several equipment in broadcasting that produces signal
processors, such as
pre amplifier, mixer, power amplifier, audio amplifier, effect of unit and so
on. This
equipment is called source equipment.

Detector: is a device that recovers information of interest contained in a

RF Amplifier: is a type of electronic amplifier used to convert a low power
frequency signal into a larger. It also used to increase the power of the signal
and the range
of radio wave

Antenna: Suppose you're the boss of The simplest radio antennas are just
long straight
rods. Many indoor TV antennas take the form of a dipole: a metal rod split
into two pieces
and folded horizontally so it looks a bit like a person standing straight up
with their arms
stretched out horizontally. More sophisticated outdoor TV aerials have a
number of these
use microphone dipoles arranged along a central supporting rod. Other
designs include circular loops of wire and, of course, parabolic satellite
For the propagation and interception of radio waves, a transmitter and
receiver are
employed. A radio wave acts as a carrier of information-bearing signals; the
may be encoded directly on the wave by periodically interrupting its
transmission (as in
dot-and-dash telegraphy) or impressed on it by a process called modulation.


A radio station and you want to transmit your programs to the wider world.
How do you
go about it? You to capture the sound of people's voices and turn them into

energy. You take that electricity and, loosely speaking, make it flow along a
tall metal
antenna (boosting it in power many times so it will travel just as far as you
need into the
world). As the electrons (tiny particles inside atom) in the electric current
wiggle back and
forth along the antenna, they create invisible electromagnetic radiation in
the form of radio
waves. These waves travel out at the speed of, taking your radio program
with them. What
happens when I turn on my radio in my home a few miles away? The radio
waves you sent
flow through the metal antenna and cause electrons to wiggle back and
forth. That
generates an electric currenta signal that the components inside my radio
turn back into

In radio broadcasting transmission, there are three rooms

a) Radio studio room
b) Radio transmitter room
c) Server room


Radio studio is the section at which the information is released by the
reporters. In the
radio studio there are so many components (devices) used to intermix the
reporters sound.
This section is the information source.
These components are:
Microphone amplifier/Speaker
Headphone amplifier
SMS Computer

1) Microphone: - is the device which is used to pick up the reporters sound.

Microphone has internal coil, which vibrates the sound of the reporters and
then it changes
the sound energy to the electrical energy. The information is then flow in the
form of
electrical signal.

2) Headphone: - This device is used by the reporters to hear the sound

going to be on air.
3) SMS Computer: - is used to receive the short message service sent by
peoples listening
the radio.

4) Speaker: - this device is used to convert electrical signal to sound

energy. There is also
a warning light on the walls of the studio. This warning light is used as a
means by which the technicians and reporters communicate during the news
transmission. The electrical signal which comes out of the microphone is a
small signal. After it releases the mice it enters the pre-amplifier (PODS)
device to be amplified. After it us amplified it enters the mixer. After some
processes in the mixer the sound is sent to the server. Every news are stored
on the server.
The Radio studio has two major studios which are:
Studio A (On air studio)
Studio B (Production studio)
In studio A and Studio B there are studio rooms used to transmit
Programs. In each room there are one computer, three microphones and
three headphones,
which are directly connected to the control room.
The control room is found in front of the studio room, which is separated by
the mirror
window. The sound mixer, the telecom, Rack, and computers are found in the
control room.

The sound mixer: -is used to mixes the sound from different sources such
as telecom; microphone and technician computer .It has 12 Channels and 12
feeders. The first 3 feeders are used for microphones, the next 2 used for CD
players ,the sixth is
used for PMD 570(equalizer) ,the seventh is for CD_R( CD burner), the eighth
is for M200 (
Marantz), the next two feeder for DAD 1 and DAD 2,the eleventh is for
cassette player and
the last is used for TELOS.

Telos: -is used to take the telephone to the mixer.

DAD: -is a software program used to facilitate audio broadcasting works.
Equalizer: - is used to equalize the signal which is also called gain. South
Radio network
consists: 10 kilo watt Amplitude modulation at A/mince, 100 kilo watt
Amplitude modulation at Robe, 100kilo watt at W/sodo, 5kilo watt
frequency modulation and 100 kilo

watt short wave at Jinka.

2.8.4 RADIO TRANSMITTER ROOM:The radio transmission is the means of transmitting information from the
section (studio) to the users. This room is found on Alamura Mountain.
There are two Radio transmitters:1. DX-10KW
2. DAX-1KW (Standby)
Rack is also found in the transmitter room, which is located at the side or
next to the
transmitter and consists of Modulation monitor (used to shows the wave
Oscilloscope (recognizes the wave of the signal frequency), Frequency
counter (to count
the frequency), Audio processor, Audio control switch, Distribution amplifier,
patch panel,
Link Receiver and Gain amplifier (amplify the signal or to increase the gain)
are some
component on the rack.
The DX-10 transmitter has three sections (cabinet):1. Section one
2. Section two
3. Section three

Section one consists of: - Power

- Transformer
- Rectifier

Section two consists of:-

Oscillator: is used to generate carrier frequency

Buffer amplifier: is used amplifies the oscillator out put
RF amplifier: To amplifies the generated RF signal
Band pass filter - To pass the required frequency (1035 kHz) and rejects
the other frequency .
Audio input-makes the audio suitable for processing
A\D converter-used to change the Audio signal into digital form, to pass to
Modulation encoder.
Pre deriver and RF deriver-amplifies the RF signal further to derive the
power amplifier.
RF splitter- provides RF driver signal to each 48 power amplifiers separately.

Section three consist of: A. tuning

B. loading

Tuning is used for frequency setting; i.e. making frequency constant, Where
as Loading is
used for balancing (matching).
The other important electronic device which is found in the transmitter room
is the
Dummy load (Artificial antenna).It is used instead of Antenna when checking
Transmitter is needed after Transmitter is maintained. And also it is used to
dissipate the
output power of DAX (1KW) while DX (10KW) is operating.
Combiner: This is made up of Ceramic Capacitor, Regular capacitor and
Inductor, in these
Part two coaxial cable is combined.
1.Coaxial cable from 10Kw transmitter and
2. Coaxial cable from 1Kw transmitter (Standby transmitter).
Inside the combiner there is a rotating switch. These switches is rotating and
one of the selected Antennas with the Outdoor Antenna or with Antenna of
Also we should note that Dehydrator enter to the coaxial cable that goes to
antenna. The
output part is connected with the Antenna outside the transmitter room by
the coaxial
The Radiation type of South Radio Antenna is Omni directional. It has
three guy wires
(supporter). On each guy wire there is arrestor. These arrestors are used for
over voltage
protection in case of lightning strikes.
Each guy wires form 120 degree with each Radiator of Antenna. The length
of guy wires
and radiator antennas are equal.
In each part of guy wire, 40 Radial wires exist with the angle difference of 3
Radial wire is used to reflect the radiated signal back to the antenna from the
ground, to
reduce signal loses.
Another component which exists around the Radiator antenna is coupling
unit. It is used

for Tuning and matching
The length of the antenna which is found in Hawassa on Alamura mountain is
calculated as
Follows:Wave length () =speed of light/generated frequency
=3*10^8m/s/938 kHz
=320mHence Length of the antenna (L) is one fourth of the wave length.
L= /4=320/4
L= 80m

Fig. antenna which is found on Alamura mountain


Server is a powerful computer which is used as a library and stores the

programs which
are on the air. The server consists of two parts:i. Main server: handles all the documents such as music, news, promos, etc.
ii. Back up: contains copies of previous data.
In this section of server sub-section we have observed that:Router : is found in this room that used for connecting server and service
provider for internet access.
Rag controller: is a LED device which counts time.
Network distributor connections: used to transfer data from server to
room etc.


Maintenance means keeping the devices as it is i.e. keeping the
originality of that
device. There are two types of maintenance:
1) Preventive: is type of maintenance that is maintaining before damage.
maintenance divided into; daily, weekly, monthly, quarter a year, half a year
and a year
based on the material. For example radio transmitter maintain weekly. This
type is used to
stay the material for long time by cleaning the dust, moisture etc. The
materials are blower, screw driver and burnish for cleaning etc. This is
recommendable for the long live of the
2) Corrective: is type of maintenance that is maintaining after damage.
This is maintaining of damaged materials by changing a component from the
electronics device by correcting as it is When we are in the maintenance
room we see how to identify problem of electronics material, first check the
continuity, the power cord then fuse after that switch and SMP(switched
mode power) supply this is the recently used rectifier. We also see the
installation of the radio studio starting from the microphone up to the
transmitter and the installation of TV transmitter starting from the studio up
to the uplink. This is maintaining the damaged devices for using it again. In
the maintenance room there is a voltmeter used to measure the amount of
voltage and current. There is also one Computer and materials need for
maintenance service. In this room we are informed how to save ourselves
and others from different injuries, like electric shock and cancer (when
stayed long time around the dish plate).

2.10 ORIENTATION WITH THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF JOB:At the first time we are oriented about the whole system of the
organization and the
qualification of the workers. They informed us, the responsibilities and duty
for the time
we stayed there. In general we are oriented the whole system of the South
Radio and TV
agency, the future career goals of the agency and the responsibilities and
which we had there during the internship period. But the orientation was not
need for us
only the internship period, but also important for our future life style.

2.11THE ROLE OF SUPERVISOR DURING OUR INTERSHIP PERIOD:Our supervisor tells us the whole things that he knows, which concern us
with related to
the hosting agency. He showed us what we want to see and he answered the
that we raise during the internship period. He told technical operation of the
equipment and their maintenance system of the equipment. He showed us
the function,
application and purpose of the equipment found in the organization. He also
shared us his
experiences that he had during his work life.

3. BENEFITS GAIND FROM THE INTERNSHIP:we gained many benefits from this internship program. There are a lot of
things that
are difficult to understand theoretically. So that internship helped we to do
those difficult things that are new to us.

3.1 IMPROVING PRACTICAL SKILL:We benefited from knowledge and skills of introduction to communication,
Digital logic
design, and from courses of Electronics (I & II) we benefited about the
electronics devices,

like amplifiers and from the knowledge of workshop one we benefited safety
rules and
installation. From introduction to communication we benefited skills of
modulations types
(AM, FM & PM) and the wave forms of audio & video
The internship helped us to matched the theory with practical
It helped us to know more about the material. Such as
ADAT connector
TDIF connector

3.2 UPGRADE THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE:It helped to remembered the theory which we learned before class
It cleared the theory more

3.3 IN TERMS OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS:Good communication is significant for anyone who is at work site to gain
the required
benefits. We gained the following benefits due to communication skills.
Get information about each work piece
Understand the behavior of the worker
Know the worker honesty on their work
Get information about each work piece


We are beneficial work together . It is also important for all members

who worked in
the team, because there is sharing knowledge in the team. We gained the
following from
the team.
Worked a thing in the best way
Made to become flexible on the decision making
Encouraged reading more
It helped knowing
To discuss about the works


Leadership is the responsibility which given to someone to put work flow
on the right
way. Leader is as a driver he has to live for other person not for only himself.
As a
leadership we gained the following benefits.
Lead the
Considering as responsible and accountable person
Motivation and encouragement should be given to the followers to do more
Participate practical with the worker
Make them to respect the work.


Work ethics is gives value for his work. May be that value good or bad, it
depend on the
person behavior.

Ethics in work lead to:-

The employer and the employee to know their respective work

It is important for the formation of a good work flow
It results for the achievement of expected goal.
we gained from work ethics
Honesty and accountability
Respected by other person


SKILL:An entrepreneur is a person who set up businesses and business deals.
Entrepreneurship is the state of being an entrepreneur or the activities
associated with
being an entrepreneur. One should be a good decision maker during the
setting up of
business activities. Experience gained from entrepreneurship is:Be a good decision make on setting up of the business ideas
To solve a problem
As entrepreneurship should have open mind

To have creative mind to be entrepreneur

As entrepreneurship have to think the new things
Have to good relationship with the people
Have to expect unexpected thing


DAILY DUTIES:From our daily duty we developed qualities of ideas, performance of work,
quality, educational quality, and our understanding developed from day to
day activities.
The other qualities that we developed during this period are:
Punctuality:-we were able to develop our time management by being at
work and
performing our responsibility on time.
Self-esteem:-we were able to improve our self-esteem by being able to
express our
ideas to others freely and confidently.
Communication skill:-we were able to develop our communication skill by
ideas with our team members and other staff members.
Team working:-we have advanced our team sprit by working closely with
our team
members in a supportive manner, by sharing different ideas, by giving
and recommendations.
These qualities indicate us that we can perform any work, which are
related to our
profession and over stand challenges of responsibility, which given for us. So
in general this
internship program helped us to develop the qualities of our personality as

The daily technical duties and responsibilities during the


During the internship period we are assigned to perform technical tasks
like television
transmission, radio transmission and maintenance of different studio
equipment. In Television studio transmission we observed Teleprompter,
Camera, VTR, Nexio, and Router
mapper, VTM, Vision mixer etc. VTRs in control room are directly connected
to three
Cameras, which are found in the studio one. We observed how signal is
transmitted to the
satellite and received from the satellite by using dish. We also assigned to
the Radio studio.
In this studio we observed the technical operation of Radio studio equipment.
In the maintenance room, we observed how to maintain of different
electronics equipment
this had failed to operate. We had taken part during the maintenance of
these equipment
and we have got the chance to see the internal part of some equipment and
some equipment. We also observed radio transmitter maintenance and how
to maintain it.

3.7. OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES DURING THE INTERNSHIP:During the internship period we had the responsibility of observing and
the whole system of the South Radio and TV Organization electronics
equipment which are
New for us and the maintenance of this equipment as well as their function.
We tried to
understand the system of the organization in both ideal and technical from
our daily duties.
We had also the responsibility of attending on time and properly understand
the things,
which were told to us during the internship.


THE ACTIVITIES IN THE AGENCY:The agency that we assigned was the South Radio and TV agency,
established short time ago. It started 2001 Ethiopia calendar broadcasting
throughout South regional state and other parts of Ethiopia. Some of the
broadcasting materials available are very expensive and which is not used
for its purpose. Broadcasting is made in three ways. These are:

1.Live broadcasting
2. outside broadcasting
3. Studio broadcasting.
The first two broadcasting requires the process of down linking and
converting the down
linked analogue signal into digital signal to process it in the studio before
transmitting to
the public. Mean while the South Television uses VTR to convert the analogue
signal coming from the decoder to digital signal like an ADC. It is very
expensive and we proposed if it is replaced the existing VTR with dual-slope
ADC. The dual-slope ADC minimizes cost and space. It allows converting the
down linked analogue signal in to digital signal with short period of time.
More specifically the goal of the project entails:
Receiving analogue signal
Converting analogue signal to digital signal and
Feeding the digital signal to the studio for further processing

4.1. CONCLUSION:South radio and television agency plays a great role for south regional
government and a society live in south region and some part of oromia
region. It is Governmental organization. It used to transmit information from
government to a society
and from the idea of the society to government. It also provide many
entertainment, features of south region, and society life .this Company
contain about 200
workers inside it.
The company use different modern digital material to transmit and receive
TASCAM DM-24 used in production room. It accepts different input and
output. Such as 16
microphone /line input, three TDIF connectors, 8 output busses, six aux
busses, and
different physical output. XENON is a mixer which used in on air room. Use a
server used to
store data and file. Exciter provides continuous variable RF output of any
frequency within
the 87.5 MHZ to 100.8 MHZ.

The Audio signal from on air section is entering the sl9003Q from there
the signal
processed and send to transmitter where it is already fully processed and
ready for
transmission. Major component in this audio processing are audio source
encoder, QAM
modulator module IF up convertor transmit module or up convertor and
power amplifier.
The receiver side performs opposite function of that of the transmitter.

4.2.1. FOR THE COMPANY:It is important to a person or company to encourage or appreciate their
good part and
to improve or upgrade their weak part.
We recommended to the Company of south radio and television agency are
All the worker respected each other. They have to continue by this
The bad thing is there is no co-ordination between the technicians, so
had better think over this, because coordination by itself is power.
They had good treat to the student who were on apparent and given
information about the things.

4.2.2. FOR THE DEPARTMENT:Financial problems: The tuition fee that the University pays for the intern
is not
enough to cover the expense.
The University had weak relationship with agency. Because of this the
intern was not treated as much as possible. So the university is better to had
strong relation with agency.
The office is not given for intern. Because of this the intern stand outside
till their
supervisor comes.
Except supervisor and some workers, most of worker doesnt have good
willing for

Most workers dont treat us properly. They dont show good professional

In general, the things that discussed above must be improved to increase

the values of
internship. As workers of this organization, those interns should be treated
equally or


4.3.1. FEELING ABOUT THE VALUE OF THIS INTERNSHIP:The internship was very interesting that the intern has motivation to do
work. To make the internship valuable intern is better to take some courses
related to the work before going out to the work place. The intern is better to
have some theoretical ideas about courses. In general the intern get better
information about the external world when the intern has taken the
important courses of communication, then the intern becomes more valuable
and also identifies problems of the agency.

4.3.2. RECOMMENDATION FOR IMPROVING THE INTENSHIP:The internship is better to take place, if the intern has pre-knowledge
about the
communication, about Electronics media equipment like camera, server,
transmitter, and
the maintenance of this equipment. To improve the internship the interns
had better to
take the whole courses which is related to the hosting agency that the intern
to it. As known the interns stayed for one semester in work place, this time is
very long
time. When the intern stayed in the agency they faced a number of problems
must be improved for the coming batch. Some of these problems are:

4.3.3. STRENGTH AND AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT AS SELFEVALUATION:From the beginning to end we were punctual to our internships program,
honesty and we acquired a good knowledge and skills to mathematical
problems and

theoretical ideas with our hosting company advisor. We improved our
status and we had also initiative to learn about new ideas, which related to
the courses. We
also identified the wave forms of audio and video. The wave form of video is
pick to pick,
where as audio is compacted.

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