Restaurar Imei
Restaurar Imei
Restaurar Imei
There is already a guide for restoring IMEI and Product code with a PC and ADB moving files
between phone and i thought i would provide an alternative method that can
be done without a PC or ADB.
(This should be done from stock 2.1 (JF6) but may not be required (got this to work while in
phoenix 1.5 without reverting)- results may very in custom rom environments....
***IMPORTANT PRECURSOR - we will be working with an important system folder (/EFS)
and its contents (nv_data files). It is important to back this folder up (we will be doing
this in step 2 below). I first backed it up to my external sd card but i did also copy the
backup folder to my PC just in case.
fyi this fix is intended specifically for persons with borked product codes and imei's due
to custom rom flashes and will not address nv_data issues of carrier blocks/etc. for
those who had unlocked their devices and may in fact undo your unlock.***
This method assumes you are starting with a rooted phone w/ superuser rights
You will need the following APPS that can all be downloaded from market and, with the
exception of Root Explorer, are all free:
A. Root Explorer (i know its paid but its the most $ worthy app i have encountered. You can
use the free Android Mate as an alternative but not as robust or convenient IMO)
B. Busbybox (once installed from market open the app to install it)
C. Android Terminal Emulator
D. Hex Editor
E. SGS Toolbox
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Once all tools/apps listed above have been downloaded proceed as follows:
open the SDCARD folder (from there you will see your external sd card as well if you have one
3. Use root explorer to view the open the EFS folder from your system directory. The EFS
folder contains the file you will will need to edit and replace. Open the efs folder and use the
multi-select copy to copy the following files: nv_data.bin and nv_data.bin.md5 (you can also
copy their respective backup files nv_data.bak and nv_data.bin.md5.bak).
4. Staying in root explorer go back to parent directory (option at top of file/folder list) and
navigate to the backup folder you created and paste the files there. While still in this directory
make a copy of just the nv_data.bin and the paste is either in the root directory or external sd
or internal sd if you do not have ext. *Since i have good backups now on PC and external sd...i
generally just edit the nv_data.bin file in place and save over the original in the efs folder.
5. Open Hex Editor Application and open the copy of nv_data.bin from your external or internal
SD (click the capacitive menu button on phone and select OPEN FILE)
6. Once the file opens click the capacitive button to bring up the menu again and select jump to
7. Enter 0188008
This will take you to line 00188008
8. Edit the last or 8th Block (last column of green text). Click in the box and edit it so that it
reads 41.
LINE 00188008
Block 8 = 41
9. use menu to jump to address again and Enter 0188010
10. This will take you to line 00188010. Edit the first two blocks of green text from this line.
Replace the #'s so that both of the first two blocks contain 54. (look to the text at the right of
screen the first two letter should have changed to TT. To recap you need to edit Block 1 and
Block 2 of line 0018010:
LINE 0018010
Block 1 = 54
Block 2 = 54
(text @ right should now read TT....SG)
11. Now look down to line 0018020 and look at the line. If you look at the line to the far right
text you will see ATOR or ATMB (or something other than AATT) if your nv_is messed up.
12. You may need to edit blocks 2-4. They should read as follows:
LINE 00188020
Block 2 = 41
Block 3 = 54
Block 4 = 54
(the text at the right of your screen should now read AATT....)
13. Save the file and move it back to efs using root explorer copying over the original.
14. delete all nv_data files from efs folder EXCEPT FOR YOUR NEWLY CREATED
NV_DATA.BIN. (Delete the following: .nv_data.bak, .nv_data.bak.md5 and the
nv_data.bin.md5 files. This differs from video but i also delete any .nv_state or nv.log file
present and they are recreated). FYI IF YOU ARE USING A GINGERBREAD ROM AND
YOUR EFS CONTAINS .nv_core.bak and .nv_core.bak.md5 DO NOT DELETE THEM with
the other .nv files.
15. (This step may not be necessary unless you lose your voice/data connection upon reboot)
Open Terminal Emulator and run the following commands:
busybox chown 1001:1001 efs/nv_data.bin
16. Once your phone has rebooted use SGS Toolbox APP to check your IMEI and Product
Code to make sure the fix worked.
PS: Here are how the following lines should read (the ones in bold are the only ones you
have to edit as line 00188018 will already be correct):
Ya existe una gua para el restablecimiento de IMEI y el cdigo del producto con
un PC y el BAD archivos entre el telfono y el ordenador moviendo ...... as que
pens que iba a proporcionar un mtodo alternativo que se puede hacer sin un
(Esto debe hacerse desde el almacn 2.1 (JF6), pero no puede ser requerido
(conseguimos que esto funcione, mientras que en Phoenix 1.5 sin volver) resultados puede muy en entornos ROM personalizada ....
Este mtodo supone que usted est comenzando con un telfono races w /
derechos de superusuario
D. editor hexadecimal
2. Uso Root Explorer para crear carpeta Copia de seguridad de EFS en una
tarjeta SD externa (si no tiene uno puede utilizar la SD interna y darle un
nombre genrico que usted ser capaz de identificar). Cuando Root Explorer se
abre va a estar en el directorio de archivos del sistema para llegar a su tarjeta
SD interna abrir la carpeta SDCARD (desde all ver la tarjeta SD externa, as si
ha instalado uno)
6. Una vez que el archivo se abre, haga clic en el botn capacitivo para que
aparezca el men de nuevo y seleccione salto a la direccin:
7. Introduzca 0188008
Esto le llevar a la lnea 00188008
LNEA DE 00188008
Bloque 8 = 41
10. Esto le llevar a la lnea 00188010. Editar los dos primeros bloques de texto
verde de esta lnea. Reemplazar los # 's para que ambos los dos primeros
bloques contienen 54. (mirar hacia el texto en la parte derecha de la pantalla
las dos primera letra debe haber cambiado a TT. Para recapitular lo que
necesita para editar bloque 1 y 2 de la lnea 0018010 :
LNEA DE 0018010
Bloque 1 = 54
Bloque 2 = 54
11. Ahora mira hacia abajo a la lnea 0018020 y mirar la lnea. Si nos fijamos
en la lnea para el texto de la derecha ver ATOR o ATMB (o algo distinto de
AATT) si sus nv_is en mal estado.
12. Es posible que necesite editar bloques de 2-4. Deben leer de la siguiente
LNEA DE 00188020
Bloque 2 = 41
Bloque 3 = 54
Bloque 4 = 54
(El texto en la parte derecha de la pantalla debe ser ahora AATT ....)
14. Eliminar todos los archivos de la carpeta EFS nv_data, excepto para su
NV_DATA.BIN recin creado. (Eliminar el siguiente:. .nv_data.bak,
.nv_data.bak.md5 Y los archivos nv_data.bin.md5 Esto difiere de vdeo, pero yo
tambin eliminar cualquier archivo o .nv_state nv.log presente y que se
vuelven a crear). FYI SI EST UTILIZANDO UN ROM de pan de jengibre y SU EFS
CONTIENE .nv_core.bak y .nv_core.bak.md5 no los elimine con los otros
archivos .NV.
15. (Este paso puede no ser necesario a menos que usted pierde su conexin
de voz / datos despus del reinicio)
16. Uso vez que el telfono se haya reiniciado SGS Caja de herramientas de
aplicacin compruebe su IMEI y el cdigo del producto para asegurarse de que
el arreglo funcion.
PD: A continuacin se forma en las siguientes lneas deben leer (los que en
negrita son los nicos que tienen que editar como lnea de 00.188.018 ya ser