Dream Walkers are monstrous creatures created through blood magic and the sacrifice of someone devoted to their dreams. They are formed from a living being warped by old magic into a mass of tentacles with a mouth where a head once was. Dream Walkers draw their power from magical items in pouches in their torso, and destroying the pouch will destroy the Dream Walker.
Dream Walkers are monstrous creatures created through blood magic and the sacrifice of someone devoted to their dreams. They are formed from a living being warped by old magic into a mass of tentacles with a mouth where a head once was. Dream Walkers draw their power from magical items in pouches in their torso, and destroying the pouch will destroy the Dream Walker.
Dream Walkers are monstrous creatures created through blood magic and the sacrifice of someone devoted to their dreams. They are formed from a living being warped by old magic into a mass of tentacles with a mouth where a head once was. Dream Walkers draw their power from magical items in pouches in their torso, and destroying the pouch will destroy the Dream Walker.
Dream Walkers are monstrous creatures created through blood magic and the sacrifice of someone devoted to their dreams. They are formed from a living being warped by old magic into a mass of tentacles with a mouth where a head once was. Dream Walkers draw their power from magical items in pouches in their torso, and destroying the pouch will destroy the Dream Walker.
Created in the minds of deranged cultists and brought to
life through old blood magic, Dream Walkers come into
existence through the sacrifice of someone who dedicated their lives to their dreams. After the transformation, they exist only as a living nightmare. Monstrous Creations. Formed from the body of a living being and warped by old magic to make a mass of writhing tentacles surrounding a gaping mouth where a human head used to be. Magical Source. Dream walkers carry powerful magical items in the sacks in their torsos which feed them their power. These items can vary from magical weapons to rare crystals that are used in their creation process. Destruction of the pouch means destruction of the dream walker.