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2015 Amo

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A u s t r a l i a n M a t h e ma t i c a l O l y m p i a d C omm i t t e e

a d e p a r t m e n t o f t h e a u s t r a l i a n ma t h e ma t i c s t r u s t


Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Time allowed: 4 hours
No calculators are to be used.
Each question is worth seven points.
1. Define the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . by a1 = 4, a2 = 7, and
an+1 = 2an an1 + 2,

for n 2.

Prove that, for every positive integer m, the number am am+1 is a term of the sequence.
2. For each positive integer n, let s(n) be the sum of its digits. We call a number nifty if it
can be expressed as n s(n) for some positive integer n.
How many positive integers less than 10,000 are nifty?
3. Let S be the set of all two-digit numbers that do not contain the digit 0. Two numbers
in S are called friends if their largest digits are equal and the difference between their
smallest digits is 1. For example, the numbers 68 and 85 are friends, the numbers 78
and 88 are friends, but the numbers 58 and 75 are not friends.
Determine the size of the largest possible subset of S that contains no two numbers that
are friends.
4. Let be a fixed circle with centre O and radius r. Let B and C be distinct fixed points
on . Let A be a variable point on , distinct from B and C. Let P be the point such
that the midpoint of OP is A. The line through O parallel to AB intersects the line
through P parallel to AC at the point D.
(a) Prove that, as A varies over the points of the circle (other than B or C), D lies
on a fixed circle whose radius is greater than or equal to r.
(b) Prove that equality occurs in part (a) if and only if BC is a diameter of .

c 2015 Australian Mathematics Trust

A u s t r a l i a n M a t h e ma t i c s T r u s t

The Mathematics Olympiads are supported by the

Australian Government Department of Education through
the Mathematics and Science Participation Program.

A u s t r a l i a n M a t h e ma t i c a l O l y m p i a d C omm i t t e e
a d e p a r t m e n t o f t h e a u s t r a l i a n ma t h e ma t i c s t r u s t


Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Time allowed: 4 hours
No calculators are to be used.
Each question is worth seven points.
5. Let ABC be a triangle with ACB = 90 . The points D and Z lie on the side AB such
that CD is perpendicular to AB and AC = AZ. The line that bisects BAC meets CB
and CZ at X and Y , respectively.
Prove that the quadrilateral BXY D is cyclic.
6. Determine the number of distinct real solutions of the equation
(x 1) (x 3) (x 5) (x 2015) = (x 2) (x 4) (x 6) (x 2014).
7. For each integer n 2, let p(n) be the largest prime divisor of n.
Prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers n such that

p(n + 1) p(n) p(n) p(n 1) > 0.

8. Let n be a given integer greater than or equal to 3. Maryam draws n lines in the plane
such that no two are parallel.
For each equilateral triangle formed by three of the lines, Maryam receives three apples.
For each non-equilateral isosceles triangle formed by three of the lines, she receives one
What is the maximum number of apples that Maryam can obtain?

c 2015 Australian Mathematics Trust

A u s t r a l i a n M a t h e ma t i c s T r u s t

The Mathematics Olympiads are supported by the

Australian Government Department of Education through
the Mathematics and Science Participation Program.

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