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Numerical Simulations of A Pipeline Crossing: Abstract - The Paper Presents The Application of Computer

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New Developments in Computational Intelligence and Computer Science

Numerical simulations of a pipeline crossing

Ioan Both, Adrian Ivan

crossing, cable-stayed crossing, self-supporting or truss

structure as a bearing structural system for the pipeline. The
span that needs to be covered by the crossing is the main
factor that influences this decision. Two reasonable solutions
are suspension crossing and cable-stayed crossing. The last
one has the advantage of smaller anchors and possibility of
building on soft soil, but if the span increases the towers will
have to increase too much [2]. To overcome this disadvantage
the appropriate solution are suspension crossings.
Towers, main cables (suspension cable), hangers, anchors,
lateral cables, cantilever (not necessary) and the pipeline are
components of the structural system of a suspension crossing.
The load path for these structures is created as follows: the
gravitational loadings from the self-weight and the loading
given by the gas in the pipe is transmitted by the hangers to
the main cable. The hangers have various lengths
corresponding to the sag of the main cable. The main cables
transmit a part of the vertical component of the force in the
cable to the towers and the horizontal component is
transmitted to the anchors. The horizontal actions,
perpendicular to the crossing, are taken by the lateral cables
(wind guy cable), connected to the pipeline by the wind ties
The cable elements in these structures have an important
role and it is characterized by high resistance, high flexibility,
and a very small damping. Due to large displacements,
suspension crossings design should consider both static and
dynamic analysis.
Numerous methods of crossing erection are available in
practice and the decision for the solution is taken upon the
security and economic aspects. The forces in the cable
elements and bending moment in the pipeline are dependent
on the steps of structure assembling and a construction stage
analysis may reveal critical stages of force development.
Results of numerical simulations for a suspension crossing
with the span of 160m considering static and dynamic actions
are presented within the contents of this paper. The numerical
model was defined by means of members: cables were
modeled as cable elements taking into account initial stress,
2nd order geometrical nonlinearity and beam local
nonlinearity, towers elements and the pipe was modeled
using linear bar elements.
The paper will give the results of the analysis of the same
structure taking into consideration different masses for modal
analysis. A real wind velocity-time variation as recorded on
site is used for establishing the dynamic response of the
structure to wind action. Also a simulation on the staged
construction for the suspension crossing is performed.

Abstract The paper presents the application of computer

codes in the advanced analysis of structures with tension
elements, cables. Static and dynamic analyses are performed
for a suspension pipeline crossing by considering a real wind
intensity recorded by a weather station. The effect of pretension is discussed from the structure Eigen-modes aspect.
The static and dynamic analysis reveals different values for
element forces. A construction stage analysis is performed
using a particular module of finite element computer code
Keywords cable, construction stage, dynamic analysis,
suspension crossing.

systems supporting fluid materials
transportation pipelines may be regarded as a continuous
structure avoiding encountered obstacles between the two
points of interest. The linear impediments such as rivers or
valleys met in their path may be overcome with
superstructures (above) or infrastructures (below). For both
solutions advantages and disadvantages are present and for a
good design the important factor is the area environment
either from geometry, sustainability or protection point of
view. The waterway crossing is an example that the choice of
solution is influenced by several considerations. One of them
refers to the environment impact. The disturbance of
environment for both aquatic and terrestrial plant and animal
life has to be minimized since a waterway crossing affects
these factors. Both crossings, under and above water, have to
take care at the hazardous and contaminated materials during
construction [1]. The underwater crossing might have a
greater effect over the environment because of the instability
of the river bed and from here a catastrophic event is possible
to occur. Waterways constructed above obstacles have the
advantage that it allows better site inspections and most of the
loading can be easily determined. Having a decision for a
structural system over the obstacle it only remains to decide
which solution of the structure is better to use: suspension

This publication was supported by the European social fund within the
framework of realizing the project Support of inter-sectoral mobility and
quality enhancement of research teams at Czech Technical University in
Prague, CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0034.
I. Both is with the Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, 16629
Czech Republic (corresponding author, phone: 0040-727882621; e-mail:
A. Ivan is with the Politehnnica University of Timisoara, Timisoara,
Timisoara, 300006 Romania (e-mail: adrian.ivan@upt.ro).

ISBN: 978-1-61804-286-6


New Developments in Computational Intelligence and Computer Science

wind - 0.46kN/m,
pretension - variable.
All supports were considered to follow the restrictions only
for translational degrees of freedom and the elements of the


The structure analyzed in this paper represents a crossing
with a span of 160m and two adjacent spans of 35m, an initial
deflection of suspension cable of 12.5m leading to a value of
12.8 for the span to cable sag ratio. The vertical hangers are
positioned at each 5m and the pipeline has a circular hollow
section with a diameter of 700mm and a thickness of 8mm.

Fig. 2 Wind recording station VS425

tower were also considered to be hinges.

For a dynamic analysis a load case defined function of the
recordings of the wind action was considered. The values of
Fig. 1 Model of the case study

There are two main cables in the vertical planes situated at 2m

and two inclined cables for lateral load and vertical
stabilization. Two towers are placed at the end of the pipeline
consisting of hot-rolled profiles HEB400 as vertical elements
and square hollow sections 150/4 as bracings. The hangers
and the wind ties have a diameter of 40mm whereas the main
cables and the lateral cables have a diameter of 60mm (Fig. 1).
Such structures are highly complex since flexible support
system may be attributed to the structure and for each element
the boundary conditions are determined and influenced by the
characteristics of the linked element [4]. Due to length
variation each node of the main cable will have different
interactions for the boundary conditions.
The cross section and material properties of the crossing are
presented in Table I, where: M-main, L-lateral, T-torsional
moment of inertia, E-modulus of elasticity, A-area of the
cross-section, Ix-moment of inertia with respect to x axis, Iymoment of inertia with respect to y axis. The properties of the
tower are given for the entire truss structure.
Table I
[N/mm2] [mm2] [mm4]
M cable
L cable
Hangers 1.5-2e5
Windguy 1.5-2e5
46.6e3 3.17e5 4.7e10
17.4e3 2.8e9 1.04e9
In the analysis of the structure the following values of
loading were considered:
self-weight program computed,
permanent load - 0.7kN/m,
imposed load from fluid - 3.675kN/m,
ISBN: 978-1-61804-286-6

Fig. 3 Wind velocity

the wind velocities were provided by the local weather station

for the west region of Romania monitored by an automatic
station with ultrasonic transducer VS425 (Fig. 2) on the
Mures river in Arad county, Varadia area. The maximum
values recorded since the weather station was installed, 2009,
are depicted in Fig.3.
The forces and moments in the structural elements were
determined using the FEM computer code SAP2000 for both
static and dynamic analysis.
Damping ratios of such tension bar systems are particular
due to their range interval as shown in [5]. It is common to use
for a dynamic analysis proportional damping values from 0.04
to 0.1.
A certain level of pretension force is introduced in the
cables of the structure in order to obtain the desired geometry
in the final stage of construction. The Eigen modes of the

Due to the difference of 1.6s between the two cases of

considered structural mass the resulting forces may vary

New Developments in Computational Intelligence and Computer Science

significantly. The behavior of structure taking into

consideration the equivalent mass of self-weight is shown in
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
Fig. 4 shows the displacement of pipeline nodes in the
horizontal plane for the dynamic analysis of wind action,
applying the modal matrix for the pretensioned state of
Fig. 5 shows the displacement of pipeline nodes in the
horizontal plane for the dynamic analysis of wind action,

applying the modal matrix for the pretension state of structure.

Fig. 7 shows the displacement of pipeline nodes in the
horizontal plane for the dynamic analysis of wind action,
applying the modal matrix for the pretension and filled pipe,
state of structure.
It can be seen that the maximum deflection of central node,
when the mass is taken only the self-weight, is larger than the

Fig. 6 Deflection - pretensioned state of structure (mperm+cvp)

Fig. 4 Deflection - pretensioned state of structure (mperm)

Fig. 7 Deflection - loaded state of structure (mperm+cvp)

deflection in the case of equivalent mass from loaded pipeline,

200mm (Fig. 4) and 145mm (Fig. 6).
Not every node of the pipeline is following the sinusoidal
path but their period (frequency) is the same for each node,
therefore the first Eigen mode is relevant for analysis.
Table III Forces in the elements of the structure

Fig. 5 Deflection - loaded state of structure (mperm)

applying the modal matrix for the pretensioned and filled pipe,
state of structure.
The curve following the maximum values in the chart of
Fig. 4 Fig. 7 represent the midspan of the crossing whereas
the intermediate curves represent nodes between midspan and
Table II

T [s]

T [s]

Comb. Analysis
CVP+V Dynamic

T [s]
T [s]

After 30s the deformed shape of the structure is stabilized

and by comparing the figures where the mass is taken from the
self-weight and the figures where the mass includes the
loading (filling) of the pipeline, we can observe that the final
displacement of the central node has the same value.
The remaining displacement is the result of the wind action
that does not cause a dynamic effect on the structure.
All the above show how much the state of stress, used for
dynamic analysis, influence the analysis results. Forces in
cables have insignificant variation whereas the dynamic
analysis leads to smaller bending moments in the pipeline

The behaviour of structure taking into consideration the

equivalent mass of self-weight and imposed load is shown in
Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
Fig. 6 shows the displacement of pipeline nodes in the
horizontal plane for the dynamic analysis of wind action,
ISBN: 978-1-61804-286-6

Main cable Wind cable Hanger Anchor Pipeline

N [kN]
N [kN]
N [kN]
N [kN] Mz [kNm]


New Developments in Computational Intelligence and Computer Science


A simple construction stage analysis may be defined with 5

phases [6] by defining groups of main parts of structural
elements although it may be omitted critical situations as
presented in the following.
There are multiple solutions for erecting the crossing to its
final structural configuration and the forces are distributed
accordingly. Fig. 8 presents the case of starting assembling the
pipeline from the midspan of the crossing. Another possibility
is to start the pipeline assembling from both ends as presented
in Fig. 9 or just from one end, Fig. 10.
By performing a staged construction analysis for each of
these cases it may be observed that for an intermediate phase
the pipe is subjected to higher values of bending moments
than as considered for the final stage. This situation is caused
by the large deflections allowed by the main cable between


The erection of suspension structures is performed in stages
where force values have a wide range of variation due to high
deformations permitted by cables. As an effect of structural
instability the structural system can change significantly and
may lead to critical situations. Therefore a construction stage
analysis is recommended to check the stability and stresses
that may develop during intermediate stages.
For tension bar systems the effects of pre-tensioning forces
are very important for the geometry during and after erection.
According to design codes there has to be no compression
forces in the cable elements of the structure. This would be the
case when the finite elements used for modeling the cables are
beam type elements.
In practice the errors caused by cable forces or mechanical
properties are necessary to be monitored and corrected during
construction stages. The main objectives of construction stage
analysis may be summarized as follows:
stress evaluation in cables for several stages,

Fig. 9 Construction stages: towers midspan

Fig. 8 Construction stages: midspan-towers

geometric shape plotting related to final stage,

leveling of pipeline,
plastic deformations monitoring of elements during
stress and stability control in structural elements
Computer code SAP2000 allows the analysis of a structure
in different stages of erection with the help of Construction
Scheduler module. Function of the chronological order two
possibilities of construction stage analysis may be defined:
progressive or regressive. Resulting forces are very similar for
each type of analysis but due to the already defined structure a
regressive analysis is more convenient.
After defining the structure and the construction stage load
case element groups of hangers and pipe elements must be
defined according to the solution of assembling of structure.
For the regressive analysis the entire structure has to be
defined in a group and added in a construction stage. The
following steps represent removal of groups of elements. Load
action is allowed to be defined also with safety factors.
Construction stage analysis may be defined with consideration
of geometric non-linearity effects
ISBN: 978-1-61804-286-6

Fig. 10 Construction stages: tower - tower

the end connection points.

The maximum value for assembling the structure from the
midspan is 182kNm and for the following two situations the
circular section is subjected to 192kNm. These values
represent almost double of the bearing capacity of the pipe
As mentioned before the flexibility of the intermediate
supports of the pipe allows high displacements leading to
large equivalent spans. The high bending moments will result
only if the pipeline is considered to be continuous. If the
connections between adjacent pipe elements are not fully
fixed the hinges resulted will reduce the bending moments. In
a construction stage analysis the connection between elements
cannot be modified therefore the results of an analysis that

New Developments in Computational Intelligence and Computer Science

includes simple connections between elements may only be

simulated if groups of elements are not considered until the
final stage of contruction.

This publication was supported by the European social fund
within the framework of realizing the project Support of
inter-sectoral mobility and quality enhancement of
research teams at Czech Technical University in Prague,

Analysis of structural systems with cables as tension
elements exhibit a particular complexity owned by the large
deformations resulted from the high flexibility of cables. The
pretension of cables influences the Eigen-modes of the
structure but a higher importance over the response to
dynamic action is the consideration of the structure rigidity.
The unloaded structure and the case of filled pipeline define
two situations that lead to rigidities of structure that are
considered as an initial condition in dynamic analysis and lead
to different values of deformations.
For a dynamic and static analysis the resulted forces in
cable elements are similar whereas distinct values result for
the pipe bending moment.
The construction stage analysis reveals that plastic
deformation of pipeline may occur during intermediate phase
of an erection method.

ISBN: 978-1-61804-286-6





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