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Analysis of Drive Shaft: Bhirud Pankaj Prakash, Bimlesh Kumar Sinha

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Analysis Of Drive Shaft




Department of Mechancial, PG Student, J.T.M.Mahajan college of Engg, Faizpur, Maharashtra, India

Department of Mechanical, guide, Principal, J.T.M. Mahajan college of Engg, Faizpur, Maharashtra, India
Email:Pankajbhirud1@rediffmail.com, bimlesh2000@yahoo.com

Abstract: Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of
higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. In the recent days, there is a huge demand for a light weight
material such as fiber reinforced polymer composites seems to be a promising solution to this arising demand. These
materials have gained attention due to their applications in the field of automotive, aerospace, sports goods, medicines and
household appliances. The overall objective of this work is to analyze a composite drive shaft for power transmission.
Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific
stiffness and strength of composite materials. This work deals with the replacement of conventional steel drive shafts with an
Kevlar/epoxy or E glass polythene resin composite drive shaft for an automotive application. The intention of work is
to minimize the weight of drive shaft. In this present work an attempt has been to estimate the deflection, stresses, and
natural frequencies under subjected loads using FEA (Ansys). Further comparison carried out for both loads using FEA.
Further comparison carried out for both optimized and stress intensity factor found for both Steel and composite drive shafts.
Keywords: Conventional shaft, drive shaft, composite shaft, composite material, analysis, ansys etc.


(strength/density) and high specific modulus
(modulus/density).Advanced composite
seem ideally suited for long, power driver shaft
(propeller shaft) applications. Their elastic properties
can be tailored to increase the torque they can carry
as well as the rotational speed at which they operate.
The drive shafts are used in automotive, aircraft and
aerospace applications. The automotive industry is
exploiting composite material technology for
structural components construction in order to obtain
the reduction of the weight without decrease in
vehicle quality and reliability. It is known that energy
conservation is one of the most important objectives
in vehicle design and reduction of weight is one of
the most effective measures to obtain this result.
Actually, there is almost a direct proportionality
between the weight of a vehicle and its fuel
Consumption, particularly in city driving.


A driveshaft is a rotating shaft that transmits drive to

wheels. Driveshaft must operate through constantly
Changing angles between the transmission and axle.
High quality steel (Steel SM45) is a common material
for construction. Steel drive shafts are usually
manufactured in two pieces to increase the
fundamental bending natural frequency because the
bending natural frequency of a shaft is inversely
Proportional to the square of beam length and
Proportional to the square root of specific modulus.
The two piece steel drive shaft consists of three
universal joints, a cross center supporting bearing and
a bracket, which increase the total weight of a
vehicle. Power transmission can be improved through
the reduction of inertial mass and light Hooks
weight. Substituting composite structures for
conventional is metallic structures has many
advantages because of higher specific stiffness and
higher specific strength of composite materials.
Composite materials can be tailored to efficiently
meet the design requirements of strength, stiffness
and composite drive shafts weight less than steel or
aluminum of similar strength. It is possible to
manufacture one piece of composite. Drive shaft to
eliminate all of the assembly connecting two piece
steel drive shaft. Also, composite materials typically
have a lower modulus of elasticity. As a result, when
torque peaks occur in the driveline, the driveshaft can
act as a shock absorber and decrease stress on part of
the drive train extending life. Many researchers have
been investigated about hybrid drive shafts and
joining methods of the hybrid shafts to the yokes of
universal Joints. But this project provides the analysis
of the design in many aspects. The advanced
composite materials such as Graphite, Carbon, Kevlar
and Glass with suitable resins are widely used



Nowadays, composite materials are used in large

volume in various engineering structures including
spacecrafts,, automobiles, boats, sports' equipment,
bridges and buildings. Widespread use of composite
materials in industry is due to the good characteristics
of its strength to density and hardness to density. The
possibility of increase in these characteristics using
the latest technology and various manufacturing
methods has raised application range of these
materials. Drive shafts are usually made of solid or
hollow tube of steel or aluminum. Over than 70% of
single or two-piece differentials are made of several
piece propeller shaft that result in a rather heavy
drive shaft Composite drive shafts were begun to be
used in bulk in automotives since 1988. The
graphite/carbon/fiberglass/aluminum driveshaft tube

Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

Analysis Of Drive Shaft

was developed as a direct response to industry

demand for greater performance and efficiency in
light trucks, vans and high performance automobiles.
The main reason for this was significant saving in
weight of drive shaft; the results showed that the
final composite drive shaft has amass of about 2.7
kg, while this amount for steel drive shaft is about
10 kg. The use of composite drive shafts in race cars
has gained great attention in recent decades. When a
steel drive shaft breaks, its components, are thrown in
all directions such as balls, it is also possible that the
drive shaft makes a hole in the ground and throw the
car into the air. But when a composite drive shaft
breaks, it is divided into fine fibers that do not have
any danger for the driver. Numerous studies have
been carried out to investigate the optimal design and
analysis of composite drive shafts with different
materials and layers orientation. C. Sivakandhan &
P.sureshprabhu studied that the epoxy/glass fibre
composite can be employed in the drive shaft.
Moreover, author believes that the real ANSYS
analysis should be done to verify the stability of
developed composite material under the proposed
concept. The usage of composite materials and
optimization techniques has resulted in considerable
amount of weight saving when compared to
conventional steel drive shaft. These results are
encouraging and suggest that glass/epoxy composite
materials effectively used in engineering applications.
Pollard [2] studied different applications of composite
drive shafts for automotive applications. He
compared the advantages and disadvantages of them
at various conditions. Rangaswamy and et al. [3]
optimized and analyzed an onepiece composite drive
shaft using genetic algorithm and ANSYS. They
found that the use of composite materials lead to
the significant reduction in weight compared to
steel drive shaft. They also reported that the fiber
orientation of a composite shaft strongly affects
the buckling torque. Rangaswamy & Vijyarangan
have investigated the manufacturing of composite
shafts for automotive applications. The composite
shaft is expected to transmit certain amount of torque,
hence should have a certain torque capability. A
factor of safety of 2 is chosen and three different
materials are investigated. Due to their high
length/diameter ratio, the torsional buckling
capability of the shafts Composite Drive Shaft is a
Good Strength and Weight Saving to Compare
Conventional Materials Design and Analysis of E
Glass/Epoxy Composite Drive Shaft for Automotive
Applications Rastogi implemented a FEA approach
to design and analyze a composite drive shaft in
different conditions is also studied both
experimentally and with ANSYS modeling. In the
present work an effort has been made to design a
HM-Carbon/Epoxy composite drive shaft. A onepiece
composite drive shaft for rear wheel drive automotive
application is designed and analyzed using ANSYS
software. Since performance of conventional drive

shafts can be severely limited by the critical

speed and large mass inertia moment of metal
shaft, it was investigated in the second part of the
paper. Thomson [4] has discussed mechanical
properties of a sandwich composites containing
interfacial cracks or impact damage when loaded
compression, flexure or shear. The
implication of these findings on the structural
integrity of mine hunting ship made from GFRP/PVC
foam sandwich composite is discussed. Potluri et al.,
[5] have investigated stitch bonded sandwich
structures of close cellular core and woven
broadcloth. The stiffness of the sandwich panels, up
to the top skin failure increases with increase in stitch
density. Kim et al., [6] has studied the failure mode
and energy absorption capabilities of different kinds
of circular tubes made of carbon, Kevlar, and carbon
Kevlar hybrid fibers composite with epoxy resin.
Based on the linear regression analysis results, the
crushing parameters generally showed good
correlation with compressive strength and shear


This work deals with the analysis of conventional

steel shaft and composite shaft .Results proves that
how beneficial is the replacement of a conventional
steel drive shaft with E-Glass/ Epoxy glass polyester
resin, Kevlar/Epoxy composite drive shafts for an
automobile application. To estimate the deflection,
stresses, natural frequencies under loads using
ANSYS. This present work an attempt has been to
estimate the deflection, stresses, natural frequencies
under subjected loads using FEA. Further comparison
carried out for both conventional and composite shaft


1. They have less specific modulus and strength

2. Increased weight
3. Conventional steel drive shafts are usually
manufactured in two pieces to increase the
fundamental bending natural frequency because the
bending natural frequency of a shaft is inversely
proportional to the square of beam length and
proportional to the square root of Specific modulus.
Therefore the steel drive shaft is made in two sections
connected by a support Structure, bearings and Ujoints and hence overall weight of assembly will be
4. Its corrosion resistance is less as compared with
composite materials.
5. . Steel drive shafts have less damping capacity.


1. It must transmit torque from the transmission to

the differential gear box

Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

Analysis Of Drive Shaft

2. The drive shaft must also be capable of rotating at

the very fast speed required by the vehicle.
3. The drives shaft must also operate through
constantly changing the angles between the
transmission, the differential and the axels.
4. The length of the drive shaft must also be capable
of changing while transmitting torque.



1. They have high specific modulus and strength.

2. Reduced weights.
3. The fundamental natural frequency of the carbon
fiber composite drive shaft can be twice as high as
that of steel or aluminum because the carbon fiber
composite material has more than 4 times the specific
stiffness of steel or aluminum, which makes it
possible to manufacture the drive shaft of passenger
cars in one piece. A one-piece composite shaft can be
manufactured so as to satisfy the vibration
requirements. This eliminates all the assembly,
connecting the two piece steel shafts and thus
minimizes the overall weight, Vibrations and the total
4. Due to the weight reduction, fuel consumption
will be reduced
5. They have high damping capacity hence they
produce less vibration and noise
6. They have good corrosion resistance
7. Greater torque capacities than steel or aluminum
8. Longer fatigue life than steel or aluminum shaft
9. Lower rotating weight transmits more of available

7.2 Fundamental natural frequency:

Drive shaft is idealized as a simply supported beam.
If exact fundamental deflection (the first mode)
assumed. The fundamental frequency found will be
correct one; it is natural because there is no force and
damping applied on the structure. When an oscillation
motion repeated in equal intervals of time t, its
reciprocal f=1/t,is called frequency. The bending
natural frequency in composite tube is fn =
Where, m is the mass per unit length. The lateral
natural frequency directly related to the lateral (Ex .I)
of the drive shaft and since the moment of inertia
( I) is only determined by the geometry, then the
composite drive shaft can be designed to have higher
lateral frequency by increasing the modulus Ex.
7.3 Torsional Frequency:
The torsional frequency is directly related to the
torsional stiffness (T/), where , is angle of twist
and T is applied torque. The frequency of torsional
vibration can be


Steel and composite materials and weight of the shaft

is optimized and stress intensity factor found for both
Steel and composite drive shafts.

Presented as: ft = 1/
K,being the torsional spring rate , is equal to the
torsional stiffness. Im is the mass moment of inertia
at propeller. For the given geometry of a drive shaft,
the torsional stiffness is directly related to the
modulus of rigidity (G xy) as Follows,
K=T/=GxyJ/L J,is the polar moment of inertia and
L is the length. The shear modulus can be tailored
to its maximum value by orienting the fibers at
an angle equal to 45. This shear modulus can be
directly obtain from the extensional stiffness matrix
[A]by dividing the shear stiffness Component A66
by the total thickness of the drive shaft as follows,
Gxy = A66/t
The practical application of torsion vibration system
is engines. This engines have damping ( source of
dissipation of energy) in the crank shaft ( hysteresis
damping) and in inertia ( damping in torsional
vibration dampers and in propellers)since damping
presents in normally small in magnitude for the
determining the natural frequency is ignored.

7.1Theoretical and Ansys results simulation

the drive shaft for simplicity has been first idealized
as a hollow cylindrical shaft which is fixed at one end
and on other end which a torque of 151Nm is
applied as represented below

Fig 1: Shaft with torsional load For the the hallow shaft,
Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

Analysis Of Drive Shaft

of elements than simple beams. The large number of

elements necessary through the thickness usually
demands that a high degree of discretization also be
applied in the other directions

7.4 Torsional Stress:

When a uniform circular shaft is subjected to a orque,
it can be shown that every section of the shaft is
subjected to a state of pure shear (Fig. 6.1), the
moment of resistance developed by the shear stresses
being everywhere equal to the magnitude, and
opposite in sense, to the applied
torque. :

To meet the stringent design requirement, a shaft has
to be design. In this work, we will compare the
conventional steel shaft with the composite shaft
with various material like Boron /epoxy ,keveler
/epoxy E glass polyster resin will be analyses at
+/- 45 degrees ply orientation. The material
properties of all material considered from design
consideration. The analysis will be carried out using

Fig.2 Torshional in shaft T/I P =G /L= f s/R

7.5 Lay-up selection:

It is well known that the shear modulus of main fibers
Rein forced composites is lower than that for steel.
Thus for an equivalent torsional stiffness .a fiber
reinforced composite tube must have either a large
diameter or greater thickness than a steel tube.
Among the various laminate configuration ( +/- 45)
s ;laminates the possess the highest shear modulus
and are the primary laminate type is used in purely
torsional application. To meet the minimum
resonance frequency, the shaft must have and
adequate axial modulus and since the axial modulus
of a (+/- 45) laminate is rather low, 0 layer must be
added to the lay up the improve the resonance
frequency. The easiest way to increase the critical
buckling torque would be to increase D22 which is
achieved by adding one or more 90 plies on
both sides of the laminate mid plane. Therefore,
the layup selected consists of +/-45glass fiber layers
0 carbon layer and 90 glass layer at outside surface.
7.6 Analysis of Composite Drive Shaft
The finite element method is a powerful numerical
tool widely used to solve nonlinear problems of
elasticity, solids and structures. In this project,
modeling was performed using the commercial code
ANSYS. The finite element modelings based on a
3D element. The element retained in the ANSYS
code is identified as SOLID 95; it contains 20 nodes
with three degrees of freedom per node
corresponding to displacements in the x, y and z
directions. The shafts used in the study have
different orientation of ply, all of them proved to
have high buckling torque and satisfactory critical
speed well over the required value. And the
adhesively bonded joint has the capability to transmit
the applied torque. The modeling of laminated beams
using finite elements requires a much greater number

Fig.3 deformation result of steel shaft

Fig.4 Shear stress value of steel shaft

Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

Analysis Of Drive Shaft

Fig.5 von-mises results

Graph 1.Torsional load comparison

Fig. 6 Steel shaft deformation result

Graph.2.Deformation comparison

Fig 7. Kevlar/Epoxy drive shaft deformation results

Grapgh 3 .Stress comparison

Fig 8. Steel shaft torsional analysis

fig.9 Kevlar/Epoxy torsional anlysis value

Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

Analysis Of Drive Shaft



1) The usage of composite material has resulted

to inconsiderable amount of weight saving in the
range of 24-29% when compared to conventional
steel shaft
2) The presented work was aimed to reduce the
fuel consumption of the automobile in the
particular or any machine, which employs drive
shafts; in general it is achieved by using light
weight composites like Kevlar/Epoxy.
3) By taking into considerations the weight
saving, deformation, shear stress induced and
resonant Frequencies it is evident that Kevlar/Epoxy
composite has the most encouraging properties to act
as replacement for steel out of the considered two
materials .
4) The presented work also deals with design
optimization i.e converting two piece drive shaft
(conventional steel shaft) in to single piece light
weighted composite drive shaft.









It is a pleasure for me to present this paper

where guidance plays an invaluable key and
provides concrete platform for completion of the
paper. I would also like to express my sincere
thanks to my internal guide Dr. Bimlesh Kumar
Sinha. Principal, J.T.M.COE for his encouragement
and constant scrutiny...



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Proceedings of Annual International Conference IRAJ, 19th January 2014, Pune India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-54-2

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