Me Gian 1617 Oirp
Me Gian 1617 Oirp
Me Gian 1617 Oirp
Who Should
y ou are a researcher, engineer or scientist or manager interested in design, modeling, control systems, machine
learning, robotics, inverse problems, scheduling and planning, prediction, and in problem solving, in general
you are a student or faculty from an academic institution interested in above topics
you are a practicing engineer, researcher or manager interested in improving products and managing work place
and gather key knowledge about your day-to-day problems
The Faculty
Prof. Kalyanmoy Deb is Koenig Endowed Chair Professor
at Michigan State University in USA. Prof. Debs research
interests are in evolutionary computation and their application
in optimization, modeling, and machine learning. He is
well-known for his pioneering studies in multi-objective
optimization. He was awarded Infosys Prize, TWAS Prize in
Engineering Sciences, CajAsturMamdani Prize, Distinguished
Alumni Award from IIT Kharagpur, Edgeworth- Pareto award,
Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Engineering Sciences, and
Bessel Research award from Germany. He is fellow of IEEE,
ASME, and three Indian science and engineering academies.
He has published over 410 research papers with Google Scholar
citation of 75,000 with h-index 91. He is in the editorial board
on 20 major international journals. More information about his
research contribution can be found from http://www.egr.msu.
Prof. Dilip Kumar Pratihar is Professor at Mechanical
Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur. He received University Gold Medal, A.M. Das
Memorial Medal, Institution of Engineers (I) Medal, and
others. He completed his post- doctoral studies in Japan
and then in Germany under the Alexander von Humboldt
Fellowship program. His research areas include robotics, soft
computing and manufacturing science. He has published
more than 190 papers, mostly in various international
journals. He has written a textbook on Soft Computing
and co-authored another textbook on Analytical Engineering
Mechanics. Recently, he has published another textbook
named Soft Computing: Fundamentals and Applications. He
is in editorial board of 15 International Journals. He has been
elected as FIE and MIEEE. More about his achievements can
be found from
php ?empcode=bUmdQ&depts_name=ME
Course Co-ordinator
Prof. Dilip Kumar Pratihar
Phone: +91 3222 - 282992
Registration Process
Registration for GIAN courses is not
automatic because of the constraints on
maximum number of participants allowed
to register for a course. In order to register
for one or multiple non-overlapping
courses, you have to apply online using the
following steps:
1. C
reate login and password at www.cep.
2. L
ogin and complete the registration
3. Select courses
4. C
onfirm your application and payment
5. Pay ` 500 (non-refundable) through
online payment gateway.