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International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)

Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012

Congestions control through cloud computing with MANET

Mr. Ajey Singh1, Dr. Maneesh shrivastava2
Department of Information Technology1,2
Lakshmi Narain College of Technology
Bhopal, India1,2
ajey.it@gmail.com , maneesh.shreevastava@yahoo.com2

medium Access Control (MAC) contentions and

interference, and random channel bit errors.

Adhoc network is collection of temporary nodes that
are capable of dynamic forming temporary network,
self-organize, and infrastructure less with nodes
contains routing capability. As cloud computing
services rapidly expand their customer base, it has
become important to share cloud resources, so as to
provide them economically. In cloud computing
services, multiple types of resources, such as
processing ability, bandwidth and storage, need to
be allocated simultaneously. If there is a surge of
requests, a competition will arise between these
requests for the use of cloud resources. This leads to
the disruption of the service and it is necessary to
consider a measure to avoid or relieve congestion of
cloud computing environments. This dissertation
proposes a new congestion control method for cloud
computing environments which reduces the size of
packet drop rate for congested resource type instead
of restricting all service requests as in the existing
networks. We apply Queue based technique and
differentiate between the queue based technique
with cloud queue based technique .Here we use NS2.31 simulator for simulation of MANET and take
comparative analysis between cloud and wireless
network mechanism.

Route failures, which may significantly affect the

network performance, have been considered an
important research issue for a long time. We have
also investigated this problem, which includes an
optimization of the TCP protocol, considering route
failures in dynamic ad hoc networks, W. B. Zhu and
X. M. Zhang et al. [1]. Multi hop ad hoc networks
that adopt IEEE Standard 802.11 MAC layer suffer
from contention and the hidden-node problem.
A contention problem in wireless networks occurs
when multiple adjacent nodes contend for a shared
channel to transmit their packets. Another problem is
the hidden-node terminal problem. When two nodes
communicate with each other, other nodes that are
within the interference area of these two nodes
cannot access the channel. As a result, when a node
attempts to transmit a packet, it should contend with
the neighbour nodes that are not adjacent to access
the wireless channel. The extended hidden-terminal
problem, J. Li, C. Blake, D. D. Couto et al. [2] is a
representative issue that results from the
aforementioned property. In this problem, some node
may not reply to request-to-send (RTS) packets from
a neighbour node, because it cannot access the
channel, which has been occupied for communication
with some other neighbour. If an RTS sender cannot
receive a clear-to-send (CTS) reply within a
maximum number of retransmissions (seven times in
general), it regards this situation as a link failure, and
drops the data packets.

Mobile adhoc network, Cloud Computing, QBT

1. Introduction

1.1 MANET background information

An ad hoc network is a network with completely selforganizing

requiring no existing network infrastructure or
administration Due to the instability and shared
wireless channels, ad hoc networks may suffer from
impairments, e.g., route failures, drops due to

In this section we will briefly review some important

concepts in MANET, which will allow us to better
understand congestion in MANET and are mainly
used in simulations.


International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012

1.1.1. Carrier Sensing Multiple Access (CSMA)

In wireless networks, a community of nodes share a
single transmission medium. To avoid collision and
better utilize the bandwidth, some kind of medium
access control (MAC) protocol is needed. Carrier
sensing multiple access (CSMA) is a random access
protocol, which allows users to transmit data in a none
predetermined way.
CSMA schemes require a user to be sure the medium
is idle before the transmission. This is called carrier
sensing. If the medium is busy, the user has to backoff for a random period and then re-sense. The
random period is to minimize collision since other
users may also want to take the medium at the same
time. Once the channel is idle, the user can start

Figure 1-1 RTS/CTS Mechanism

The mechanism RTS/CTS introduces a lot of
overhead especially when the data load is relatively
low. Thus, sometimes, RTS/CTS is suggested to be
disabled when IEEE 802.11 or its variant is used in
sensor networks.

In mobile ad-hoc networks, CSMA schemes are

practically used, for example, IEEE 802.11, Bianchi et
al. [3] and SMAC, W. Ye et al. [4]. We will discuss a
little about IEEE 802.11 in the following content.

1.1.2. Multi-hop Wireless (CSMA Type) Network


The distributed coordination function (DCF) of IEEE

802.11 is essentially a carrier sensing multiple access
with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) scheme. In
addition to physical sensing, it also employs a
technique called virtual carrier-sensing. Virtual
sensing is realized by a pair of control frames requestto-send (RTS) and clear-to-send (CTS).
Figure 1-1 illustrates the mechanism of RTS/CTS.
Node S 1 sends a RTS frame to node S 2 before the
real data transmission. Node S 0 also receives the
RTS and is blocked by it. Upon receiving the RTS,
node S 2 broadcasts the CTS frame to its neighbours.
Thus, node S 3 is also blocked. Node S 1 starts
transmitting data once receiving the CTS frame from
node S 2.
The RTS/CTS mechanism is to deal with hidden
terminal problems. In Figure 1.1, node S 5 is a hidden
node of the transmission from S 1 to S 2, since S 5 is
beyond the interference range of S 2 (two hops). Node
S 5 cannot sense the data flow from S 1 to S 2 and
will think the medium is idle. If there is no RTS/CTS,
node S 5 will directly start sending data packets to S
4. In this case, the ACK frames from node S 4 will be
very likely to collide with the data received by S 2.
With the use of RTS/CTS, node S 5 wont get the
CTS from S4 and cause interference to S 1 and S 2
since S 4 can detect the flow between S 1 and S 2.

Figure 1- 2 Multi-hop Wireless Network Capacities

Multi-hop wireless capacity is relevant for sensor
networks as these networks show multi-hop behavior.
Multi-hop capacity alone can create congestion. For
example in Figure 1-2 suppose node1 is the source
and node 6 is the sink of such a network. Assuming
that the nodes that are node neighbors do not interfere
with each other, when node 1 transmits, only node 4
and beyond can transmit simultaneously, because it is
clear that when node 1 transmits, node 2 cannot
transmit. Also node3 is blocked from nodes 2 CTS,
and if node 4 is transmitting then nodes 5, 6 are
blocked by node 4. So an ideal MAC protocol could

International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012

give a chain utilization of 1/3, Jinyang Li et al. [5] .

This is giving a:

// The MAC calls this Channel contention() to

enter contention period

C=1/3x (packetsize)/(packetsize+RTSsize+CTSsize

Channel::contention(Packet* p, Handler* h)
//Contention Definition
Step 1: Scheduler& s = Scheduler::instance();
//Create Instance variable s
double now = s.clock();
// through S we get System Time
if (now > cwstop)
// Check Congestion Window
//If True
cwstop = now + delay;

Which is about 0.425Mbps for a Channel Capacity of
2Mbps, and 1500,40,39,47 packet sizes for data
packet, RTS,CTS and ACK packets respectively. In
case that interference range is up to 2 hops away, the
capacity is even worst. In such a case in a 7 node
chain node 3 experiences interference from 5 other
nodes, while node 1 from only 3 nodes. This means
that node 1 has better service rate than node 3 and can
inject more traffic to the network that node 3 can
handle. In such a case congestion occurs.

numtx = 0;
// initialize number of Tx =0
// Increase no. of Tx Value

2. Proposed Solution and Algorithm

In our approach we control congestion through
collision avoidance, we use data link layer channel
access technique CSMA/CA, 802.11 and TDMA
mechanism, in CSMA/CA technique from a network
point of view, one of the primary reasons for using
the MCCN mechanism is to avoid network
congestion resulting from frequent packet collisions.
And also use contention window scheme in
CSMA/CA case in our simulation we set minimum
contention period and maximum contention period
and avoid collision, but 802.11 case we cant using
MCCN mechanism so that no any request to send and
clear to send information transmitted to all
neighbour, so maximum chance to collision comes in
our network.


Jam the channel for a period txtime

Channel::jam(double txtime)
// Jam Method Definition
// without collision, return 0
Step1: double now = System.clock();
// Now Gives Current System Time
Step2: if (txstop > now)
// Check Condition
// If True
txstop = max(txstop, now + txtime);
// new Tx Stop is Max of New Value
return 1;
// Error Less
Step3: txstop = now + txtime;
// Else
normal Tx Stop time
return (now < cwstop);

According to problem statement we also apply

routing protocol as AODV (ad-hoc on demand
distance) routing protocol and for the TCP best
performance case we use TCP New Reno
mechanism, TCP-Newreno has advantage of its
strategy to detect and handle multiple packet loss
thereby avoiding continuous retransmission timeouts.
It enters into fast-retransmit phase when it receives
multiple duplicate packets but it does not exit this
phase until all the packets which were out standing at
the time it entered fast recovery get acknowledged,
Prasanthi. S et al. [6].

Data send through Send method

Step1: Channel::send(Packet* p, double txtime)
// Send method Definition
Step2: double drop ;
//Variable declaration Drop

Algorithm for our Mechanism

Algorithm for Contention period, Jam Period and
data Send Method

International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012


double now = clock();

// Call System Time

research. It provides substantial support for

simulation of TCP, routing, and multicast protocols.

// busy = time when the channel are still

busy with earlier tx
Step4: double busy = max(txstop, cwstop);

The simulator is written in C++ and a script language

called OTcl2. Ns uses an Otcl interpreter towards the
user. This means that the user writes an OTcl script
that defines the network (number of nodes, links), the
traffic in the network (sources, destinations, type of
traffic) and which protocols it will use. This script is
then used by ns during the simulations. The result of
the simulations is an output trace file that can be used
to do data processing (calculate delay, throughput
etc) and to visualize the simulation with a program
called NAM is a very good visualization tool that
visualizes the packets as they propagate through the


if (now < busy) {

//Check Condition
// if still transmit earlier packet, pkt, then
corrupt it
if (pkt->time > now) {
access(pkt)->error() |=
if (drop) {
// pass drop value
//pass to cancel packet
pkt = 0;
// initialize pkt

5. Result
We get Simulator Parameter like Number of nodes,
Dimension, Routing protocol, traffic etc. According
to below table 5.1 we simulate our network.
Table 5.1 Simulation parameter


if (drop) {
//If Drop Than return True
return 1;
pkt = p;
//p pass
to pkt value
trace ? trace->recv(p, 0) : recv(p,
return 0;

Number of nodes
simulated area
Routing Protocol
Simulation time


Here we show figure 5.3, the result of TCP (Transfer

Control Protocol) packet flow analysis, in our
simulation we take 30 mobile node with MAC as
TDMA with three TCP connection, time division
access case all the sender node send data according
timely manner that case no any collision occurs on
the network but heavy traffic case end to end delay
has increases, in that diagram tcp0 , tcp1 and tcp3
packet transmitted through the genuine sender to
intended receivers, and according to resultant graph
our simulation maximum time is 25 sec. graph shows
all tcp data start sends nearby 5th sec. tcp2 and tcp1
maximum data send in time within time 10th sec. to
18th sec. but tcp0 flow start at the time nearby 8th
sec. ant maximum data send at the time of 20 to 25th
sec. that case data send in timely manner so our flow
start different time units.

3. Simulation Environment
The simulator we have used to simulate the ad-hoc
routing protocols in is the Network Simulator 2 (ns)
from Berkeley. To simulate the mobile wireless radio
environment we have used a mobility extension to ns
that is developed by the CMU Monarch project at
Carnegie Mellon University.

4. Network Simulator
Network simulator 2 is the result of an on-going
effort of research and development that is
administrated by researchers at Berkeley. It is a
discrete event simulator targeted at networking

International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012

5.3 Result2
5.1 Nam visualization
The simulation described in this project was tested
using the ns-2 test-bed that allows users to create
dynamic topologies. By changing the logical
topology of the network, ns-2 users can conduct tests
in an ad hoc network without having to physically
move the nodes.
In our simulation we use thirty mobile nodes with
random deployment and random motion of each
node, here we create three TCP senders and two UDP
sender nodes with 10 connection, in this figure blue
circle shows radio range of the particular node. If
routing packet broadcast via the sender node firstly
check the neighbour node belongs to radio range or
not if neighbour node is in radio range so our routing
packet send to neighbour else not. After the routing
discovery process actual FTP data transmit through
shortest path

5.4 Result3

5.5 Result5
By using cloud with queue management technique
we find that packet drop rate is reduced.
5.2 Result1

International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (ISSN (print): 2249-7277 ISSN (online): 2277-7970)
Volume 2 Number 2 June 2012

[5] Jinyang Li, Charles Blake, Douglas S. J. De Couto, Hu

Imm Lee and Robert Morris, Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks, Mobicom01 2001.

Number of packet

Comparision test

[6] Alec Woo and David Culler, A transmission control

scheme for media access in sensor networks".


Ajey Singh completed his B.Tech

(I.T.) from university of chitrakoot,
satna. He enrolled M.Tech (I.T.) in
LNCT, Bhopal. His research area in
Security in Cloud computing.


6938 5131 4862 73.96 0.95

11604 8737 5926 75.29 0.68

5.6 Result6
Table 5.2 Overall Summaries

Overall Summary




[1] W. B. Zhu, X. M. Zhang, and N. N. Li, Improve TCP
performance with link-aware warning method in mobile ad
hoc networks, in Proc. IEEE WICOM, 2008, pp. 14.
[2] J. Li, C. Blake, D. D. Couto, H. Lee, and R. Morris,
Capacity of ad hoc wireless networks, in Proc. ACM
MobiCom, Jul. 2001, pp. 6169.
[3] Bianchi,G. Dipt. di Ingegneria Elettrica, Palermo Univ,
Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 distributed
coordination function, IEEE Journal ,2000.
[4] W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, An EnergyEfficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM02, June 2002.


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