Selective Suspension of Transmission For Avoiding Priority Reversal in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Selective Suspension of Transmission For Avoiding Priority Reversal in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Selective Suspension of Transmission For Avoiding Priority Reversal in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Ad hoc wireless networks are a very potential field offering lot of scope for research.
In these networks, the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols are responsible for
coordinating the access from active nodes. These protocols assume greater
significance since the wireless communication channel is inherently prone to such
problems as hidden terminal, exposed terminal and fading effects .The scheme
proposed here is used to perform priority scheduling in nodes resolving any
contention scenario that can arise for the channel in the best possible manner. Alert
transmission packets are used as a means of notification whenever a high priority
node wants to transmit data. Suspend transmission packets are used to avoid priority
reversal issue and a retry count is implemented to avoid starvation among the nodes.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Different flows in multi-hop networks have different
Section 2 presents the related work. The proposed degree of contention. Here, the contention degree for
Priority Scheduling scheme with a Suspend a flow is defined as the number of flows with which
Transmission mechanism is explained in Section 3. it is competing for the channel. Two types of MAC
Simulation results are given in section 4. schemes are prominently used. Reservation and
contention based schemes. Reservation based
2 RELATED WORK schemes usually make some assumptions about high
priority traffic. Flow scheduling is done locally
2.1 Classic CSMA problems while contention resolving probabilistically. Black-
In fig 1 Node B is within the range of A and C burst dealt in [8] is a typical example where a high
but nodes A and C are not visible to each other Let priority node transmits this black-burst signal as a
us consider the case where A is transmitting to B. notification for its transmission. Reference [9]
Node C, unaware of the transmission at B can generalizes this for wireless ad-hoc network. That is
transmit data to B thus causing collision at B. This is each station can sense the transmission of the other
referred to as the hidden-terminal problem, as nodes nodes in the network. Reference [6] explains a
dynamic priority scheduling with a CAN MAC low priority packets that hear either BT1 or BT2 will
protocol. defer their transmissions for some duration. In this
way, channel access priority of a high priority node
2.2 IEEE MAC 802.11 DCF can be ensured. Certainly, if there is no high priority
The 802.11 DCF function [5] is subjected to packet backlogged at a high priority node, a low
several research modifications, which is giving a priority node will not receive any busy tone.
back-off counter to each node such a way that every
node can choose a random number between 0 to 3 PROPOSED SCHEME
maximum contention window size. After sensing the
channel to be idle for an inter-frame space the nodes In this scheme priority scheduling in wireless
start counting their back-off counters to zero, and if ad-hoc networks, using alert transmission
the channel is found to be busy they freeze the back- mechanism is implemented. This way contention for
off counters. The value of Contention Window is channel access between nodes is resolved. This is
constrained to be between CWmin and CWmax. A also seen to eliminate the hidden terminal and
source station sends an RTS for which it receives exposed terminal problems occurring frequently in
back CTS following which it transmits data and gets ad-hoc networks. Individual nodes are assigned
an ACK packet back. In the event of CTS or ACK priority ‘Low and High’ based on the back off
not received the source is led to believe that collision counter value. It is computed using the formula
has occurred, so it is imperative that there is shown in Eq. (1)
adequate waiting time for the source before it arrives
at some decision. There are two waiting stages in Back Off = (1%cw)*priority*slot time …..(1)
Node 1
t1 (bc=10) t2(bc=0) DIFS+
Node 4
t3 t4 t5(bc=9)t6(bc=2) t7 t9(bc=0)
Node 5
t1 (bc=18) t2(bc=8) t5(bc=8) t6(bc=1)
1500 5 NODES
500 100
0 80
0 20 40 60 80 100
Number of nodes
0 20 40 60 80 100
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