2014 Kingdom Training Seminar Manual
2014 Kingdom Training Seminar Manual
2014 Kingdom Training Seminar Manual
13. Understanding Kingdom Impact on Societys Morals & Values Dr. Darrell Wilson
14. The Kingdom Concept of Taxation & Social Justice
Seminar Description
This four-day study on the KINGDOM and Kingdom concepts is designed to train
participants in how to guide individuals into rediscovering the kingdom in their
generation. The goal is to discover the truth about the Kingdom of God, and the
outworking of the Prayer of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come.
The sub-themes that set the foundation for the training sessions are: (1) The Kingdom
Theology of the entire Bible, The Kingdom Theology of Jesus, and The Kingdom
Theology of the Apostles.
This will be studied with specific reference to understanding the concepts of Kingdoms,
understanding theology & the church, Kingdom concepts of government, strategies for
social change, the kingdom concept of taxation and social justice, the kingdom concept of
power to influence and the kingdom concept of righteous government.
Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of Advanced Kingdom Theology, as
found in the Bible, in the predominant teachings of Jesus and His apostles, of the
mandate of colonization or the taking over of a community by the dominant Kingdom
culture and concepts, that is, the kingdom community mandate, and exploring issues
related to the kingdom, of the Kingdom role of the Church and in contemporary society.
There will be a forum for discussions and questions and answers. Participants will have
the opportunity to engage in small group discussions, and topics for research and
Practical Project development are highlighted. A panel discussion is planned where all
the Presenters interact with all participants and leaders attending.
Special Features
Presentation outlines have been especially designed to facilitate the teaching of the
Kingdom. Each presentation begins with a kingdom word focus (the key scripture verses)
that summarizes the lesson presentation.
Measurable objectives are stated and are achievable. The objectives are written to ensure
that presenters provoke thought and higher level thinking along with the understanding of
fundamental concepts and principles.
Presentations include sections that outline main ideas, key concepts, key terminologies
and definitions and a section that outlines the content of the presentation. Power Point
presentations are used to facilitate the teaching of the content and to provide participants
with additional information.
Teaching Guides
Teaching Guides have been created by presenters to provide participants with core
essential and additional information and ideas to promote learning. Suggestions for the
introduction, development and the conclusion of the presentations in this series are
included along with ideas for teaching resources.
Kingdom Concepts
are the foundation for understanding the motivation, purposes, plans, promises and
actions of Jesus Christ.
Bible is defective.
The Original Message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the heavenly Kingdom
to earth.
The colonization of earth with the Kingdom and Culture of heaven is the motivation
of all the actions, ministry and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom Concept is the foundation of all theological perspectives, positions and
conclusions from the Message of Jesus Christ.
The primary content of the four Gospels is the colonization of earth with the
Kingdom of Heaven and it is the principle and primary context for understanding the
message of Jesus.
Dominion Kingdom - basileia NT:932 - denoting , Sovereignty, Royal power,
Kingdom "(which) reigns," lit., "hath a kingdom"
mamlakah RadahOT:4467, Kingdom; sovereignty Reign; Rule." Denotes a King and
his territory. Dominion- Kingdom - "Radah" - The impact and influence of a King over
his territory.
The Adamic Dominion Mandate - The command to govern earth.
Colonization - The extension of a kingdoms government, values, morals, and culture to
a foreign territory.
Establish a Colony - a group of emigrants residing in a territory with allegiance to their
home government.
The Governor - the individual placed in the colony to execute the colonization process
of the Kingdom in the Territory.
The Divine Promise - Covenant of God to Redeem and Restore the Kingdom to earth.
Colony - A group of emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant land but
remain subject to the parent country. (from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary,
Copyright (c)1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers).
I. The Original Purpose of God.
II. The Dominion mandate
III. The Original Kingdom
IV. Kingdom Expansion
V. The Fall of Mankind- loss of a Kingdom Colony
VI. The concept and goal of Colonization
VII. The Restoration of the Kingdom Colony to earth
VIII. The Restoration of kingdom Community Priority
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the original message
Dominion Mandate of God in Genesis 1:26 and how this is the foundation of all the
scriptures that refer to his focus on the Kingdom. This matter deals with the original idea
of God and how that idea was the substance and primary content of the entire Bible's
message. The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that focuses
on leaving earth rather than colonizing earth, which has produced a belief system that
goes contrary to the original and present will and purposes of God.
Going back and understanding the original mandate, mission and message of God for
mankind will correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put
us back on track with true Biblical theology. It is important that the teacher show the
clear focus and multiple statements and references in the Old and New Testament
pointing to Kingdom Dominion in earth as the priority subject of scripture.
The teacher must stay away from the theological traps invented and developed by man
regarding such topics as eschatology, rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like and
keep the main thing the main thing- the Colonization of earth by the Kingdom of Heaven.
Having established the fact that the Kingdom Dominion and Colonization concept is the
original, primary and consistent theme, subject of the Bible throughout the Gospels, the
teacher should underscore the fact that all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive
works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are all motivated and
centered on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the Kingdom of Heaven
back to earth to Colonize earth with heaven.
The colonization of earth by the Kingdom of Heaven is the main message of the Bible
and expressed by Jesus Christ. This message must return to its place of preeminence in
the Theology of the 21st Century Church without compromise. It is this message that is
the ultimate reason for the return of the Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord to earth. Matt
6:10-11 "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. NIV 28
The Holy Bible
Vine's Concordance
Rediscovering the Kingdom, God Big Idea, Kingdom Principles (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Power Point Presentation.
Theology & The
1. NATIONS: the context of ministry
2. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN/ GOD: the sphere and authority of Gods Reign.
3. THE EKKLESIA OF CHRIST: His Temple, His Body, His Witnesses in the earth.
4. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST: The covenant of God with man
5. THE SHALOM OF GOD: The reconciliation between God and man
6. THE JOY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The cause of Celebration and Worship
7. Summary: The Kingdom Church in the world.
1. NATIONS: the context of ministry
The "Seed of Nations"
Early biblical nation concepts
Modern nation- states
Eight Elements in the Nation Construct
2. THE KINGOM OF HEAVEN/ GOD: the sphere and authority of God.
The General BASILEIA Construct
The BASILEIA of Rome
The BASILEIA of Christ
The BASILEIA of Heaven
COLONISATION: plan, interruption and restoration
3. THE EKKLESIA OF CHRIST: His Temple, His Body, His Witnesses in the earth.
The EKKLESIA of the Greco-Roman city-states
The EK-KALEO of Christ
Its Role, its mandate its responsibility
4. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST: The covenant of God with man
The Pioriti: Seeking first His Kingdom
The Relational dimension
The Legal dimension
The COVENANTAL dimension
5. THE SHALOM OF GOD: The reconciliation between God and man
A New Peace
A New People
A New Society
6. THE JOY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The cause of Celebration and Worship
Internal Assurance of His Presence, Power and Blessing
Seasonal Celebrative Feasts and Festivals
Rejoicing Always in spite of ....
Worship: the depth of intimacy.
7. Summary: The Kingdom Church in the world
Through Christ, a new platform was established, His Ekklesia. He declared that no
authority, agency, potentate would be able to thwart its power and influence. A national
vision must begin with God and not with man. How it is organised and governed is man's
stewardship responsibility.
Jesus Himself never fitted in any of the constructs of the political, economic, social,
religious or military culture. He established a construct which had never been built
before. It was a new order, a new world, a new creation, a new community, a new
construct and new Kingdom.
When Jesus came, He addressed nations as He addressed cities and peoples, but all from
the perspective of the Kingdom of God.
By the end of the third century the entire culture of Rome began to crumble and to give
way to the teachings and the laws and principles of the Kingdom of God as presented by
the Church and the Christian community.
I wonder when the headlines of our generation will ever accuse us of such an
achievement in your country and in mine!!
The 26
Concepts of Kingdoms
are the foundation for understanding the motivation, purposes, plans, promises and
actions of Jesus Christ.
Bible is defective.
The original unique CONCEPTS of Kingdoms.
The Original Message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the heavenly Kingdom
to earth.
The colonization of earth with the Kingdom and Culture of heaven is the motivation
of all the actions, ministry and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom Concept is the foundation of all theological perspectives, positions and
conclusions from the Message of Jesus Christ.
The primary content of the four Gospels is the colonization of earth with the
Kingdom of Heaven and it is the principle and primary context for understanding the
message of Jesus.
Concepts- the foundational thought and ideas that produce and form belief
Dominion - Kingdom basileia NT:932 - denoting , Sovereignty, Royal power, Kingdom
"(which) reigns," lit., "hath a kingdom"
mamlakahRadahOT:4467, Kingdom; sovereignty Reign; Rule." Denotes a King and
his territory. Dominion- Kingdom - "Radah" - The impact and influence of a King over
his territory.
The Adamic Dominion Mandate - The command to govern earth.
Colonization - The extension of a Kingdoms government, values, morals, and culture to
a foreign territory.
Establish a Colony - a group of emigrants residing in a territory with allegiance to their
home government. 26
The Governor - the individual placed in the colony to execute the colonization process
of the Kingdom in the Territory.
The Divine Promise - Covenant of God to Redeem and Restore the Kingdom to earth.
Colony - A group of emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant land but
remain subject to the parent country. (Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright
(c)1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
I. The Original Purpose of God.
II. The Dominion mandate
III. The Original Kingdom
IV. Kingdom Expansion
V. The Fall of Mankind- loss of a Kingdom Colony
VI. The concept and goal of Colonization
VII. The Restoration of the Kingdom Colony to earth
VIII. The Restoration of kingdom Community Priority
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the original message
Dominion Mandate of God in Genesis 1:26 and how this is the foundation of all the
scriptures that refer to his focus on the Kingdom. This matter deals with the original idea
of God and how that idea was the substance and primary content of the entire Bible's
message. The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that focuses
on leaving earth rather than colonizing earth, which has produced a belief system that
goes contrary to the original and present will and purposes of God.
Going back and understanding the original mandate, mission and message of God for
mankind will correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put
us back on track with true Biblical theology. It is important that the teacher show the
clear focus and multiple statements and references in the Old and New Testament
pointing to Kingdom Dominion in earth as the priority subject of scripture.
The teacher must stay away from the theological traps invented and developed by man
regarding such topics as eschatology, rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like and
keep the main thing the main thing- the Colonization of earth by the Kingdom of Heaven.
To understand the 26 CONCEPTS OF KINGDOMS that make kingdoms Unique.
Having established the fact that the Kingdom Dominion and Colonization concept is the
original, primary and consistent theme, subject of the Bible throughout the Gospels, the
teacher should underscore the fact that all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive
works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are all motivated and
centered on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the Kingdom of Heaven
back to earth to Colonize earth with heaven.
The CONCEPTS OF KINGDOMS and the Kingdom of Heaven is the main message of
the Bible and expressed by Jesus Christ. This message must return to its place of
preeminence in the Theology of the 21st Century Church without compromise. It is this
message that is the ultimate reason for the return of the Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord to
earth. Matt 6:10-11 "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom
come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. NIV 28
The Holy Bible
Vine's Concordance
Rediscovering the Kingdom, God Big Idea, Kingdom Principles (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Power Point Presentation
Understanding The
Kingdom Concepts of
The Original Purpose of God was to restore His Kingdom GOVERNMENT on
the earth, with the rule of His LAW established on earth as it is established in
The Mission and Passion of Jesus were not to cancel or abolish the LAW of God
but to restore the GOVERNMENT of God on Earth.
Love for God means Obedience to the GOVERNMENT of God and this leads to
Righteousness. God has two PRIORITIES, But seek first the Kingdom of God
AND His Righteousness Matt 6: 33-34
The greatest problem and failure of the church is Religion and not
GOVERNMENT, where RFELIGION is made more important than KINGDOM
Law Abiding citizens love THE GOVERNMENT OF God and obey the
Fathers commands. Obedience to the Law is followed by the reaping of great
benefits by Kingdom citizens.
The Law
The Prophets
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the Original Kingdom
GOVERNMENT mandate by the Creator, the One who is Sovereign Lord of Heaven and
Earth. Review and teach that man was created to GOVERN EARTH and obey LAW but
rebellion led to Law-Breaking in the beginning.
Submission to Gods KINGDOM GOVERNMENT and Divine Law is still Gods
Priority and Purpose in order for man to reap the full benefits of Law-abiding citizens,
and in order for Jesus prayer to be answered Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
The church today has had a focus on the Religion and separation from the Governing
process, and the priority has not been on adherence to, and submission to the
GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE of the Kingdom of God. The result of over-emphasis on
Grace has been Anarchy and Lawlessness in the nations of the earth and not
Lesson Development
Having established the PRIORITY of GOVERNMENT in the Kingdom, the teacher
should now focus on explaining CONCEPTS OF GOVERNEMNT and the Legal
Mission of Jesus, which was to restore the GOVERNMENT OF HEAVEN on earth.
Stress that TRUE GOVERNMENT is established by the Creator and can never be
destroyed, can only be disobeyed, and must be Rediscovered and Restored.
KINGDOM GOVERNMENT will always restore HEAVENLY Order. Hence the Priority
of KINGDOM GOVERNMENT in the teachings of Jesus Who came not to ABOLISH
the GOVERNMENT but to restore it.
He taught that in order to enter the Kingdom, one must adhere to a Standard for
righteousness for Kingdom citizens by submission to the Kingdom GOVERNOR- HOLY
Stress that the Prayer of Jesus displays His Priority and His Passion Your Kingdom
(GOVERNMENT) come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
Emphasize that a Kingdom GOVERNMENT is not a Democracy. The most important
Principle of a kingdom is OBEDIENCE, which positions a citizen for success.
The teacher may carefully present THE CONCEPT OF GOVERNMENT as the primary
work of the Messiah and where the church has made religion more important than
The teacher should focus clearly on the fact and truth that GOVERNMENT AND
HEAVENS LAWS were given in order for man TO KEEP AND MANIFEST the
CULTURE on earth.
GOVERNMENT of a country. This is the Key to Righteousness or will-full obedience to
the Laws of heaven. And that obedience is followed by successful living.
Righteousness GOVERNMENT should be pursued by Kingdom citizens, who will
inherit the land, and find life, prosperity and honor. Prov. 21: 21-22; Ps. 37: 29-30.
The Key to Kingdom GOVERNMENT Authority (Authority is personal Right to
exercise Power through Alignment with Constitutional Law) is Obedience to LAW.
Display to those being taught the Benefits of being KINGDOM GOVERNMENT and
obedience as Law-abiding citizens of a nation and of the Kingdom. Great delight in
obedience, wealth and riches, Light dawns for the upright PS 112: 1-4.
Ps 1: 1-4 Blessed is the man who submits to the LAW. Prosperity and success mark his
Present to students and participants that God Himself delights to see His Kingdom
established by THE LAW OF KINGDOM GOVERNMENT and His children walking
according to LAW, following the Bible, the Constitution, and displaying the benefits of
salvation, grace and LAW.
Teaching Resources
The Holy Bible, especially the First Five Books, and The Gospels.
Vines Concordance
The Institutes of Biblical Law, by Rousas Rushdoony
Unpublished Manuscript by Dr. Myles Munroe
Government, Law and Justice, Lectures by Dr. Peter Morgan
Understanding The
Concept of Kingdom
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
1. Rediscover the strategy of God for transforming your community
through your influence
2. How to use your business (gift) to influence your community
Goal of God is for all nations to walk after Him in Kingdom principles.
The role of Kingdom citizens is to transform the systems of this world for the
Kingdom of God.
Utilize your unique (business) gift to influence for the Kingdom of God.
Bring change to your community through the power of influence.
Influence is a Natural Process once you have discovered & become yourself
We must change our mindset to realize we can operate in our business (gift) and
influence our community with the Kingdom of God.
Utilizing your business (gift) to influence society with the morals, values and
principles of the Kingdom of God.
Operate in Godly ethics to keep a good reputation in your community.
Be as shrewd as a serpent and yet be as harmless as a dove in your dealings with
Create life-long relationships with leaders in your community.
Business - noun - a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade; an activity that
someone is engaged in; work that has to be done or matters that have to be attended to;
the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce
Influence - noun - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or
behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself; the power to shape policy or
ensure favorable treatment from someone, esp. through status, contacts, or wealth; a
person or thing with such a capacity or power.
1. Genuine
a. When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, "Here truly is an Israelite
in whom there is no deceit." John 1:47 (NIV)
b. Credibility
c. Character
d. Trust
a. Leadership is impossible without a guiding vision & a purpose
b. Narrow minded
c. Only a few things in life are necessary. Luke 10:42
3. Cultivate Relationships
a. Attend social events, chamber meetings and play golf
b. Meet with leaders in your community
c. Make friends with the police, politicians, teachers and business people
d. Go into ALL the systems and impact them with Kingdom principles - NOT your
religious traditions
e. Matthew 27:57 There came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had
himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus' body, and
Pilate ordered that it be given to him.
f. Mark 15:41 In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs.
4. Gift Specialist
a. When your gift is perfected it becomes its own attraction. Dr Myles Munroe
b. Value in specializing your gift
c. A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Prov
d. Subdue the market Genesis 1:28 2 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful
and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.
e. Bro bono work
f. David practiced as a young boy in the pastures I Samuel 16
g. Influential people take notice
h. Develop Skills
5. Limited time
a. Mindful of your time
b. You came out of eternity to complete a assignment within a certain period of time.
c. Mans days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months & have
set limits he cannot exceed. So look away from him & let him alone, till he has put
in his time like a hired man. Job 14:5-7
d. Men of Issachar - Understood the times & knew what to do. I Corn 12:32
e. Proactive
6. Exposure
a. God will never expose you to what you dont understand
b. Invest in yourself. The more you do - God will trust you with people.
c. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
d. Turn your home into a library; Turn your shelves into a university; Turn your arm
chair into a classroom Dr Myles Munroe
7. Initiative
a. Leaders dont wait
b. Break tradition
i. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual
forces of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
ii. Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of
your tradition? Matthew 15:3
c. Dont be defined or confined by peoples opinions
d. Take risks and make changes
* Note to women:
Woman may have a title, but dont need one in order to lead
She leads by INFLUENCE
More subtle & quiet than Position-Power - more POTENT effect
Silent Power
8. Collective Potential
a. Jesus choose a team - created a community to change the world
b. These who have turned the world upside down... Acts 17:6
9. Take advantage of disadvantages
Expound the following scripture:
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over
all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
Man was created to influence & rule the earth with the nature of God
The teacher must establish the fact that the Kingdom of God brings transformation
through heavenly cultural integration and infiltration of earth. The heavenly colonization
of earth is the original, primary and consistent theme of the Bible. Our focus in this
lesson is the business sector and bringing influence into their communities through their
business and/or gift.
The teacher must expound on our objective as Kingdom citizens having received the
Kingdom, and our role in the mandate Jesus proclaimed Occupy until I return. You
must emphasize the unique gift that everyone was born with and must discover and
develop in order to deploy themselves.
Ask the participants if they have ever had a great idea, or wanted to start a business and
encourage them to document their vision. Ask the participants to think about their
passion, gifting and talents. Use the list of 10 self-discovery questions to engage their
thinking, for 70% of people in America are displeased with their job. Inspire them to start
innovating and be creative in deploying themselves into their life work. Using the 10
pillars of national impact list, ask them what sector they enjoy and see themselves in.
Historically, the religious sector has focused on heaven, the rapture or solely preaching to
one another in the church only. We must instead focus and impact the systems of the
world, operating in our gift and purpose utilizing the resources that God entrusted us
with. Train the participants in the skills necessary to do this in a practical way in order to
influence their community according to their unique way and gift. Instruct how influence
is an extremely powerful force, more powerful than position or strength, thus everyone
can utilize it for the Kingdom of God. Emphasize how they must study and apply the
Kingdom principles in their lives, family and business in order to have the proper tools
necessary to influence. The end result will be influencing their community utilizing their
business gift and resources.
Emphasize to the participants to never underestimate the power of an idea, or business
gift. It can start out very small, and develop into an organization that has much influence
and a profound effect on many people. Dream big, but build small. Jesus said it best,
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;
and this is smaller than all other seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the
garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its
branches. Matthew 13:31-32
Note the following:
The Kingdom is not a religion but a government and a country.
The Kingdom is a Community
The Kingdom is a Society
The Kingdom is Culture
The Kingdom is a social system
The Kingdom is practical
There are 10 systems that influence the world and the focus today is how to influence the
business system.
1.Political - government
1.Economic - money
2.Business - commerce
3.Judicial - law
4.Health - Quality of life
5.Education - Training
6.Arts - Entertainment
7.Recreation - sport
8.Media - Mental Influence
9.Social - Relationships
10 self-discovery questions - Dr Myles Munroe
1. What is my deepest desire?
2. What is my passion?
3. What makes me angry?
4. What ideas are persistent?
5. What do I constantly imagine?
6. What do I want to do for humanity?
7. What are my recurring dreams?
8. What brings me the greatest fulfillment?
Sprit of Leadership, Power and Principles of Vision - books by Dr Myles Munroe.
How to Influence in the Marketplace - lecture by Dr Myles Munroe
Malcolm Gladwell Taking Advantage of Disadvantage
Kingdom Government
Social Transformation
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
1. Define key terminologies;
2. Explain key concepts related to Kingdom Government Social Transformation
3. Understand the origin of the concept of society
4. Define and understand the full meaning of Government
5. Understand why we need Social Transformation
6. Understand Societal Keys
7. Obtain the knowledge of Nine Qualities of a Nation Governed by Kingdom
God created the first society when he created Adam and Eve
He intended for society to follows the prototype of Heaven
Society is a God idea
Society cannot fulfill its mandate unless there is a system of management
Government is Gods system of management
God established the prototype of Government for man to follow in heaven
Society-wb.a community, nation, or broad grouping of people having common
traditions, institutions, and collective activities and interest.
God never intended for man to try to create :
A new Government
A new set of laws
A new set of standards
A new set of resources
A New society
Five Reasons for Societal Transformation
1. The need for societal transformation is evidence of mans failure
2. The need for societal transformation is evidence of how far from the prototype
man has strayed
5. Rejects humanism
Institutions are established and motivated by the common good of the citizens
Introduction of the Lesson
This lesson can be introduced by obtaining a collection of headlines from magazines,
newspapers and internet publications which show the condition of societies around the
world. Poster boards, power points and other visual aids can be used to illustrate. Video
presentations including interviews, excerpts from speeches, and programs of some of the
effects of the present negative influences on society would also be effective. These can
be from all sectors of society such as business, legal issues, religion and government.
Lesson Development
When developing the lesson content the facilitator should enhance the teaching and
learning by ensuring the following areas are specifically addressed:
Discuss in detail and have participants give examples of several areas which have
been adversely affected by present societal changes
Discuss the concept of society and the attempts to replace the prototype.
Explore the seven societal keys
Discuss the nine qualities of a society governed by Kingdom Government
principles and how they can be implemented...
Following are possible wrap-up activities to reinforce the lesson taught and to assess the
lesson outcome.
1. Have students identify and list ten components necessary for societal
2. Identify governmental factors which have adversely affecting society
3. Submit a 2-4 page paper illustrating how the seven societal keys can be
introduced into todays society
4. Submit a 2-4 page paper illustrating how the nine qualities of a society governed by
Kingdom Government principles can be used by the church to impact the nation
Teaching Resources
Understanding The
Keys to Kingdom
Government Impact
Kingdom Focus
1. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is the first heavenly Government institution.
2. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is the dispensing of His will and justices for mankind
on earth.
3. THE KINGDOM OF GOD is the government that dispenses the standards, values,
morals, nature, qualities and culture of heaven on earth.
4. THE KINGDOM OF GOD expresses the concepts of LOVE, JOY, and PEACE and
RIGHTEOUSNESS. These words are the essence of the KINGDOM
Isaiah9:6-7 NIV
[6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his
shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, and Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there
will be no end. He will reign on Davids throne and over his kingdom, establishing and
upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of
the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
Eph 3:9-12 To make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for
ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10 His intent was that now,
through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers
and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose which he
accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. NIV
1 Peter 2:11-12 "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to
abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Verse 12 - Live such good
lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see
your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us." NIV
Matt 6:9-11 "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. NIV
Matt 13:24-26 " Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a
man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy
came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted
and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared." NIV
Matt 13:27-30 'An enemy did this,' he replied.
"The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?
29 "'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the
wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. NIV
Matt 13:37-39 "He answered, "The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man.
38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The
weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The
harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels." NIV
Matt 13:33 "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a
large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough. NIV
As a result of this session participants will be able to:
1. Rediscover the original plan of God for earth and mankind, and define the Kingdom
GOVERNMENT Mandate of earthly Culture Colonization;
2. Explain the priority of Kingdom GOVERNMENT Cultural expansion as the main
subject of God, and rediscover the priority Dominion Mandate of God-culture
3. Distinguish between the Message of earthly dominion and escapism theology of the
modern church, and evaluate the theology of the 20th Century and its contrast to the
Kingdom GOVERNMENT earthly cultural invasion ideas of Jesus Christ and the
4. Demonstrate the practical application of kingdom GOVERNMENT Cultural
extension theology to studies of earthly influence.
5. Rediscover the strategy of God for transforming the earth with Kingdom
GOVERNMENT Culture, and the priority Dominion Mandate of God- Kingdom
strategy for national transformation through heavenly cultural integration and
6. Define the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Mandate of earthly Kingdom strategy for
national transformation through heavenly cultural integration and infiltration;
The heaven- focused and escapism theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not
the Principal Theology of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT earthly Cultural dominion concept is the foundation of
all the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT Cultural dominion Concepts are the main subjects of the
Message of Jesus and is the foundation for understanding the Motivation, Purposes,
Plans, Promises and Actions of Jesus Christ.
The heaven- focused and escapism theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not
the Principle Theology of the Bible but Kingdom GOVERNMENT strategy for
National GOVERNMENT Transformation through Heavenly cultural integration
and infiltration The Kingdom GOVERNMENT strategy for National
Transformation through Heavenly cultural integration and infiltration concept is the
foundation of all the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT strategy for National Transformation through
Heavenly cultural integration and infiltration Concepts are the main subjects of the
Message of Jesus and is the foundation for understanding the Motivation, Purposes ,
Plans, Promises and Actions of Jesus Christ.
Without the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Cultural Dominion Concept of the Theology
of Jesus and Kingdom strategy for National Transformation through Heavenly
GOVERNMENT cultural integration and infiltration Concept understanding the
theology Jesus and the Bible is defective.
The Original Message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the Cultural of the
Kingdom GOVERNMENT of heaven to earth.
The Colonization of earth with the Kingdom GOVERNMENT and Culture of heaven is
the motivation of all the actions, ministry and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
The primary content of the Bible is the Cultural Colonization of earth with the Kingdom
GOVERNMENT of Heaven and it is the principle and primary context for understanding
the message of Jesus.
The purpose of God is to dominate earth with the government and culture of
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT citizens are not on earth to co-exist but to take over.
The primary content of the Bible is the Kingdom GOVERNMENT strategy for
National Transformation through Heavenly GOVERNMENT cultural integration
and infiltration of earth with the Kingdom of Heaven and it is the principle and primary
context for understanding the message of Jesus.
Earth Terrier
Physical planet.
sovereignty Reign; Rule." Denotes a King and his
territory. Dominion- Kingdom - "Radah" - The
impact and influence of a King over his territory.
The Original Purpose of God.
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of original message Kingdom
GOVERNMENT Cultural Dominion Mandate of God in Genesis 1:26 and how this is the
foundation of all the scriptures that refer to his focus on the Kingdom.
This could be followed by explaining the priority of the original message Kingdom
GOVERNMENT transformation through heavenly GOVERNMENT cultural integration
and infiltration of (Genesis 1:26) and how this is the foundation of all the scriptures that
refer to his focus on the Kingdom.
This matter deals with the original idea of God and how that idea was the substance and
primary content of the entire Bible's message.
The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that focuses on leaving
earth rather than colonizing earth with the GOVERNMENT Culture of Heaven, which has
produced a belief system that goes contrary to the original and present will of purposes of
God, transformation through heavenly GOVERNMENT cultural integration and
Going back and understanding the original GOVERNMENT mandate, mission and message
of God for mankind will correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years
and put us back on track with true Biblical theology.
It is important that the teacher show the clear focus and multiple statements and references in
the Old and New Testament pointing to Kingdom GOVERNMENT transformation through
heavenly cultural integration and GOVERNMENT infiltration of earth as the priority
subject of scripture.
Without the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Concept biblical understanding and theology is
defective and not adequately understood. The teacher must be wary of and stay away from
the theological traps invented and developed by man and found within the study of
eschatology, and such topics as rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like. These topics
must now be reexamined against the teachings of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels, the
message of the Kingdom, and one should keep the main thing the main thing.- the
transformation through heavenly GOVERNMENT cultural integration and infiltration
of earth by the Kingdom of Heaven.
Lesson Development
Having established the fact that the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Culture Dominion and
Colonization concept is the original, primary and consistent theme, subject of the Bible
throughout the Gospels. The teacher should underscore the fact that the plans, purposes,
programs and redemptive works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are
all motivated and centered on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the
Kingdom GOVERNMENT of Heaven back to earth to Colonize earth with heaven.
1. Values
2. Priorities
3. Behaviors
4. Standards
5. Celebration
6. Morality
7. Relationships
8. Ethics
9. Social Norms
10. Attitude
11. Dress
12. Foods
13. Response
14. Drink
15. Permits
16. Acceptance
17. Rejections
18. Distinctions
19. Quality standards
20. Environment
Having explained these manifestations of culture, re-establish the fact that the Kingdom
GOVERNMENT transformation through heavenly cultural integration and
GOVERNMENT infiltration of earth and the Colonization concept is the original, primary
and consistent theme, subject of the Bible throughout the Gospels.
The teacher should underscore the fact that the all the plans, purposes, programs and
redemptive works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are all motivated
and centered on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the Kingdom
GOVERNMENT of Heaven back to earth to Colonize earth with heaven transformation
through heavenly cultural integration and infiltration. (John 3:16-18) "For God so
loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through him. NIV
The major theological Concept is that of the GOVERNMENT colonization of earth by the
culture of the Kingdom GOVERNMENT of Heaven and the transformation through
heavenly cultural integration and infiltration is the main message of the Bible and
expressed by Jesus Christ and this message must return to its place of preeminence in the
Theology of the 21st Century Church without compromise and because it is this message that
is the ultimate reason for the return of the Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord to earth. Matt 6:1011 "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be
on earth as it is in heaven. NIV
The Holy Bible.
Vine's Concordance
Rediscovering the Kingdom (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Gods Big Idea (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Kingdom Principles (Dr. Myles Munroe)
PowerPoint Presentation.
The Kingdom Petition
(The Lords Prayer)
Kingdom Focus
Matthew 6:5-13: And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they
may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when
you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father
who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that
they will be heard for their many words. Therefore, do not be like them. For your
Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner,
therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom
And the power and the
Glory forever. Amen.
As a result of this lecture, participants should be able to:
1. Contrast hypocritical prayer and genuine prayer.
Main Ideas
1. Jesus warns that the two most common dangers in prayer are praying like a
hypocrite and praying like a heathen.
2. The hypocrite prays with the wrong motive; the heathen prays in the wrong
3. The hypocrite perverts the purpose of prayer; the heathen misunderstands the
nature of prayer.
4. The hypocrite prays to impress others; the heathen prays to impress God.
5. The hypocrites mistake is made deliberately; the heathens mistake is made
6. The admonition of Jesus to pray in secret does not preclude praying in public.
7. In secret prayer we concentrate on Gods presence and are content with His
8. Instead of praying with meaningless repetition, we are to pray naturally,
specifically and with simplicity.
9. Prayer is not overcoming Gods reluctance; it is laying hold of Gods willingness.
10. The Model Prayer is in two parts, with three petitions in each part. The first part
concerns the glory of God, and the second part concerns our material, spiritual
and moral needs.
11. The description of God as Father implies a special relationship with Him
brought about by new birth.
12. Praise is a response of gratitude for all that God does; worship is a recognition of
all that God is.
13. Basic to effective praying is the recognition of the sovereignty of God and the
Lordship of Christ.
14. Prayer is not trying to get our will done in heaven; it is getting Gods will done on
15. To pray Your kingdom come is to pray my kingdom go.
16. Sometimes our prayers are not answered because there is unconfessed, unrepented
sin in our lives.
17. The refusal to forgive others shuts out the forgiveness of God.
18. God is not the author of temptation. The petition not to be led into temptation
may be translated, Lead us lest we fall into temptation.
19. Satan wants to harm us that he can get at God indirectly.
20. Praise is the highest expression of faith.
Key Concepts
1. Jesus provides the pattern of prayer in His teaching and by His example.
2. The Sermon on the Mount and related biblical teachings present a counter-culture
to that promoted by both a legalistic religion and a self-seeking society.
3. A religious righteousness is an ostentatious display of acts of piety seeking the
applause of others.
4. Hypocrites love to pray, but it is not prayer that they love, nor the God to whom
they are supposed to be praying.
5. Prayer and praise are authentic acts, but an ulterior motive perverts both.
6. Prayer is Gods idea.
7. Prayer was a vital part of the ministry of Jesus. His public life was supported by
His private life with the Father.
8. There are two issues met in learning to pray: how to pray and what to pray. Jesus
answers both.
9. Real prayer is sincere as opposed to hypocritical and thoughtful as opposed to
10. A false or inadequate concept of God results in selfish and mindless prayers.
Debts Sin is likened to a debt because it deserves to be punished. But when God
forgives sin, He remits the penalty and drops the charge against us.
Repetitions The Greek word used in Matthew 6:7 is difficult to translate, and the
English word repetitions is misleading, unless the emphasis is on vain rather than on
repetitions. Jesus is not prohibiting all repetition, for He repeated Himself in prayer
(see Matt. 26:44) and commended perseverance and importunity in prayer. He is
condemning meaningless, mechanical verbosity, babbling and rambling on and on in a
torrent of words, trying to impress God by ones vocabulary.
Teaching Outline
A. Negative
1. Dont pray like the hypocrites (v. 5)
2. Dont pray like the heathen (vv. 7, 8)
B. Positive
a. Prayer is an act
b. Prayer is asking
Teaching Guide
The Sermon on the Mount deals with kingdom lifestyle. Jesus gives an insistent call to
His followers to be different. In Matthew 5 He gives the moral basis for life in His
kingdom, declaring that righteousness penetrates beyond our actions and words to our
heart, mind and motives. Thus, our righteousness must be greater than that of the
Pharisees, because they obeyed the letter of the law, while our obedience must include
our heart. Furthermore, our righteousness, in the form of love, must be greater than that
of the heathen, because they love each other, while our love must include our enemies as
well. In Matthew 6 He makes the same two contrasts with regard to religious
righteousness. He says of the ostentatious religion of the Pharisees, You shall not be
like the hypocrites (v. 5), and He says of the mechanical formalism of the heathen, Do
not be like them (v. 8). He gives three examples of religious righteousness
almsgiving, praying and fasting. We will examine the teaching of Jesus concerning real
praying as contrasted with hypocritical and pagan praying.
There is not a more important subject in all the world for kingdom citizens than to learn
how to pray. In Matthew 6:5-13 Jesus taught a pattern prayer. In learning to pray, we
must deal with two problems: how to pray and what to pray. Every problem we
encounter in prayer revolves around these two questions, and Jesus answers both. He did
not say, Pray this prayer. He said, In this manner, therefore, pray. His purpose was
not to give us a form prayer to be ritually and mindlessly recited. He gave us a pattern, a
blueprint, an example to follow when we pray. It covers everything in principle and
contains everything that we could ask of God. This pattern prayer deals with every
conceivable need we will ever encounter. When we pray, regardless of the length of our
prayer, we are simply expanding the principles found here. According to Jesus, this is the
way to pray, and every prayer built according to these specifications will be answered.
Lesson Development
It is easy to miss the inner reality of the kingdom in the outward displays of religion that
Jesus exposed in the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 6 Jesus repeatedly warned
against outward acts of religion that lead us farther and farther away from the kingdoms
presence in our daily lives. The teacher should describe how the hypocrites hired a
trumpeter to announce when they were going to give an offering, so people would watch
and admire their piety and generosity. They would go to crowded public places to pray
aloud, often with prolonged and wordy prayers. These acts were mere games played to
be seen by other men and to win a reputation for piety. Many people were led to believe
that the way to find the kingdom was by imitating such public acts. It is extremely
important to emphasize the warnings that Jesus gave against such practice. External
things done to be seen by others as evidence of spirituality cannot measure kingdom
reality. Prayer is hypocrisy when it becomes a public exhibition to impress others and we
make it a spiritual status symbol. An illustration is a quote from Napoleon: Vanity was
the cause of the revolution. Liberty was only a pretext.
Attention should be given to the fact that the prayer that prevails is for the children of
God their Father. People may speak of the universal fatherhood of God and the universal
brotherhood of man. That is not true, because, while we may be brothers in our
humanity, spiritually we are not brothers until we are born into the family of God and
have one common Father. In John 8:44 Jesus identified the devil as the father of the
unsaved Pharisees, and John 1:12 identifies the true children of God as those who believe
in Christ and receive Him. See also Galatians 4:6.
Explain that our interest in God must be much more than what He may do for us, or what
we may get from Him, and that true prayer begins with a recognition of who He is.
While praise is a response of gratitude for all that He does, worship is a recognition of all
that He is. The wise men worshipped Jesus as a baby not because of anything He had
done, but in recognition of who He was (Matt. 2:2, 11).
Explain that a kingdom is a realm in which the will and power of a king are expressed,
and that we live in the kingdom Jesus rules when we do His will. Prayer has one
purpose, and one purpose only, that Gods will be done. 1 John 5:14 and John 15:7 are
supportive Scriptures.
Show how the three petitions for our own needs are comprehensive, covering, in
principle, all our human needmaterial, spiritual and moral. Whenever we pray this
prayer, we are expressing our dependence upon God in every area of our human life. To
pray for daily bread is to be conscious of a day-by-day dependence. A supportive
Scripture is Philippians 4:19. The petition for forgiveness is further emphasized in verses
14 and 15, which state that our Father will forgive us if we forgive others, but will not
forgive us if we refuse to forgive others. This teaching certainly does not mean that we
can earn the right to be forgiven. It means that God forgives only the penitent, and that
one of the chief evidences of true penitence is a forgiving spirit. See Matthew 18:23-35.
The prayer for deliverance is not an indication that God might otherwise lead us into
temptation, because He is never the author of temptation (James 1:13; 2 Pet. 2:9). The
petition is that God will lead us lest we fall into temptation. It is through the Spirits
indwelling power that we are rescued from the evil one.
The Model Prayer ends on a note of praise, as it began with a note of worship. All
powerful prayer is filled with praise, because God inhabits the praises of His people
(Psalm 22:3) and because praise is an expression of faith (see Rom. 4:20, 21). Praise is
faith turned inside out.
Religious pharisaism is far from dead. When prayer and worship become an exhibitionist
display intended to gain for ourselves a reputation for piety, the service of God is
degraded into self-service. In contrast, the top priority for true citizens of the kingdom of
God is not our name, kingdom and will, but Gods. We have the heart of a Father who
can hear us and the hand of a King who can answer us. Here is our right to pray. We are
not beggars cowering at the back door pleading for a handout. We are children seated at
the table of our Father, and our Father is the King.
A good illustration the teacher may want to use is the story of a Roman emperor who was
entering Rome in triumph after a victorious battle. As the magnificent procession moved
down the broad street, a small child suddenly darted through the fence of soldiers lining
the street and headed for the golden chariot in which the emperor was riding. One of the
soldiers grabbed him, shouting, That is the emperor! The child broke loose and, racing
for the chariot, shouted back, Your emperor, my father! What right do we have to bring
petitions to the throne of the King? He is our Father!
Teaching Resources
The best source for teaching about the Kingdom Petition is the New Testament.
Myles Munroes Kingdom Series provide down-to-earth practical insights into
Kingdom principles and their application to daily living.
During his lifetime, Martyn Lloyd-Jones was widely considered to be the premier
expository preacher in the English-speaking world. His work Studies in the
Sermon on the Mount is most profitable for those who want to have a deeper
understanding of the teachings of Jesus.
In addition, his book, The Kingdom of God, a compilation of twelve sermons,
provides thoughtful, well-reasoned answers to questions pertaining to the meaning
of the Kingdom of God.
Two older sources that contain valuable timeless truths are J. C. Ryles Expository
Thoughts on the Gospels and
H. Spurgeons The Gospel of the Kingdom.
The Kingdom Concept
Strategy for Social
Session #9
Presenter: Dr. Martin L. Williams
Ephesians 3:10-13 to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made
known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, 11
according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, 12 in
whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in Him.
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
The church is the answer and also the problem in society
The churchs role is to lead individuals to their leadership
The time has come to stop preaching sermons only for the hopeless
The church is Gods only strategy to change society
For centuries the question of Why does the Church exist? has been argued quite a bit.
The answers usually run the gamet of different types of social and human services. Also
the Church is generally known as a place that only provides spiritual services for its
members. Should the Church be involved with feeding and housing the homeless, caring
for the poor and bringing salvation to the masses? Absolutely it should; but is this the
essence and purpose for the institution called Church? I believe that the Church. as we
know it in society, is clearly not the original ideal God had and therefore, we must pursue
His concept. Gods concept is that the Church should develop and sustain the culture not
the way it presently is.
Loss of Dominion
A. Dominated
1. What we ruled now rules us
2. Loss of power to change our society
B. Relegated
1. Reduced to follow
2. Reduced to religion not relationship
D. Lack of Leadership
Gods vision of His house (Genesis 28)
A. The entrance of His will on earth
B. The center of power
Consider how different our world would be if the Church functioned as God originally
designed it. Imagine every person on the planet knowing their God-given gift. Then see
in your minds eye every human being trained to use their innate talent. Now, imagine
that the worlds population has been sent into the field of their gifting to serve. More
importantly, now consider yourself being equipped and ready to teach this to every
person you encounter within your circle of influence.
As you prepare to further to broaden your understanding, consider these questions:
What is the design for the Church?
How has religion damaged the forward progress of the Church?
Who are the saints?
How do we prepare them for service?
Is re-tooling the Church possible?
The Church is Gods idea
The Church was designed to be a conduit for heavens plan
The Church has become irrelevant
The Church must be re-tooled for optimum success
Obviously, the Bible is the best resource for studying Gods idea of and for the Church.
However, it would be difficult to argue that there is a more impressive, intricate and indepth look at the subject of the purpose of the Church than Dr. Myles Munroes series on
Rediscovering the Kingdom. My strong suggestion is for individuals to invest in the
library of Dr. Myles Munroe; collect, read, and study all his books first in order to be get
a solid Kingdom foundation!
The Kingdom Theology
of The Old Testament
The theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not the Principal Theology of
the Bible.
The Kingdom concept is the foundation of all scripture revelation and is necessary for
correct interpretation and application of scripture.
The Kingdom Concepts are the main subject throughout scripture and provide the
foundation for understanding the motivation, purposes, plans, promises and actions of
Without the Kingdom Concept biblical understanding and theology is defective and
not adequately understood. The teacher must be wary of and stay away from the
theological traps invented and developed by man and found within the study of
eschatology, and such topics as rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like. These
topics must now be reexamined against the teachings of Jesus Christ in the four
Gospels, the message of the Kingdom, and one should keep the main thing,
the main thing.
The original purposes and plans of God were to extend His heavenly Kingdom to
The colonization of earth with the Kingdom and Culture of heaven is the motivation
of all of God's creative and redemptive work.
The Kingdom Concept is the foundation of all theological perspectives, positions and
conclusions from Biblical scripture.
From the book of Genesis to Revelations, the Kingdom theme and Concept is the
principal and primary content and context of the Bible.
The Bible
Kingdom "Radah"
The Fall
The mandate Genesis
The Fall
The Prototypes
The Prophecies
The Divine Final Solution
The Fulfillment
The Return of the King and the full exercise of His Kingdom rule on the earth.
The Restoration of the Kingdom
The Restoration of the kings, that is, the persons with the mandate, the Kingdom
authority, the training in Dominion, and the Integrity to rule the earth
Kingdom Come-Kingdom Coming
XII. The Final Chapter- Divine Fulfillment - Kingdom on Earth
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the original purpose and
intent of God and His desire for mankind. (Proverbs 19:21). This matter deals with the
original idea of God and how that idea is still the passion and commitment of the Divine
Creator. The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that has
produced a belief system that goes contrary to the original and present will and purposes
of God. Going back and understanding the original mandate and purposes of God will
correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put us back on
track with true Biblical theology.
It is important that the teacher show the clear focus and multiple statements and
references made to "Kingdom" in scripture and explain the unique distinctions of
kingdoms contrasted with other forms of national governance. Without the Kingdom
Concept biblical understanding and theology is defective and not adequately understood.
The teacher must be wary of and stay away from the theological traps invented and
developed by man and found within the study of eschatology, and such topics as rapture,
concepts of Tribulation, and the like. These topics must now be reexamined against the
teachings of Jesus Christ in the four Gospels, the message of the Kingdom, and one
should keep the main thing the main thing.
Having established the fact that the Kingdom concept is the original, primary and
consistent theme, subject and plan throughout the Bible, the teacher should underscore
the fact that all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive works of God through the
Old Testament and New Testament are all motivated and centered on the return of His
Kingdom to earth.
From the narrative about Creation and the determined work of God in restoring the earth
and all that He has created to its original intended position and purpose, and the creation
of man and the mandate given by God to man concerning Dominion of the Kingdom,
throughout the Book of Daniel where earthly kings sought to wield absolute power, and
where Daniel received the message of the image crushed by the Stone (a picture of Jesus
Whose Kingdom culture dominates and absorbs all other earthly systems and kings and
kingdoms), and the declaration by God of His Kingdom in the life and message of Jesus
throughout the gospels, where the message of Jesus was a Kingdom message,
The Kingdom of Heaven and of God is the main message of the Bible and must return to
its place of pre-eminence in the Theology of the 21st Century Church without
compromise and because it is this message that is the ultimate truth and key to the return
of the King Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ to earth. Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the
kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the
end will come. NIV
Kingdom Law & Power
to Influence Society
9) Teaching of freedom and liberty without Kingdom Law is irresponsible and will
produce irresponsible behavior, anarchy and chaos
10) Being in right standing with Kingdom Authority produces Kingdom favor, open
doors and blessing.
Kingdom= the governing influence of a king over his territory. A nation governed and
ruled by King
Law= a general rule, standard or understood customary practice, that is held to being
2) Original, inherit principles and regulations established by the creator King both natural
and supernatural, both physical and spiritual
3) Instructions and patterns of behavior given to establish a moral code that sets the
standard for civil and social conduct
Kingdom Concept of Law= The culmination or coming together of a Kings thoughts &
Ideas, expressed in the format of moral code instructions. These instructions set the
standard for civil and social conduct after the desires of the King for his citizens
Letter of the law= the written text of the law
The spirit of the law= the original intent, motivation and purpose of a law that reflects
the desires of the initiator of that particular law
Rule of Law= Implies that every citizen is subject to the authority and influence of
general law established to protect a civil society
Commandment= spoken and declared law
Decree= established law by the King
Traditions= conscious or unconscious customs and practices
Righteousness= right positioning with authority, or right alignment with authority
In the 21st-century church which is challenged by a society that continues to spiral
grossly out of Control, the philosophy and concept of Kingdom Law must be
Rediscovered, Taught effective & Implemented carefully in order to Restore Kingdom
order. In a day when the Loose Living teaching Style of Grace lacks original intent and
has become so grossly misunderstood, it is imperative that we take THIS MESSAGE into
all the world, allow Judgment to occur in the house of God 1st and then as a restored
church, model the pattern of Righteous living to a world looking for answers to their
Chaotic condition. We would then be the Prototype our King desires to use as the salt of
the earth & Light of the World.
This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached & then the end will come (Math 24:14)
2Cor 2:14
Expect to Win
The Kingdom Theology
of The New Testament
Matt 9:35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their
synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and
sickness. NIV
Matt 10:8 As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near. NIV
Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a
testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. NIV
Luke 4:43 I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns
also, because that is why I was sent. NIV
Acts 1:2- 3 After his suffering he showed himself to these men and gave many
convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days
and spoke about the kingdom of God. NIV
Matt 13:16-17 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they
hear. 17 For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what
you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it. NIV
Acts 8:11-12 But when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the
kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. NIV
Acts 19:8 Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months,
arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. NIV
Acts 20:2 "Now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching
the kingdom will ever see me again. NIV
As a result of this session participants will be able to:
1. Rediscover the Belief system of Jesus Christ;
2. Rediscover the priority message of Jesus in Scripture And define the message of
3. Explain the priority of the Kingdom as the main subject of Jesus; and apply the
kingdom test as the prophetical fulfillment of Jesus throughout scripture;
4. Distinguish between the theology of the modern church and Jesus; and evaluate
the theology of the 20th Century and its contrast to the ideas of Jesus Christ;
5. Demonstrate the practical application of kingdom theology to studies of Jesus
6. Rediscover the priority of Kingdom Concept of the Apostles; and explain the
priority of the Kingdom as the main subject of the Apostles;
7. Apply the kingdom test as a continual thread throughout the Apostles teaching
8. Distinguish between the theology of the modern church and the Apostles, and
evaluate the theology of the 20th Century and its negative impact on kingdom
9. Apply the kingdom test as a continual thread throughout the Apostles teaching,
and demonstrate the practical application of kingdom theology to daily study of
the New Testament writers.
The theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not the Principal Theology of
Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom concept is the foundation of all the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom Concepts are the main subjects of the Message of Jesus and is the
foundation for understanding the Motivation, Purposes, Plans, Promises and Actions
of Jesus Christ.
Without the Kingdom Concept biblical understanding and theology is defective and
not adequately understood. The teacher must be wary of and stay away from the
theological traps invented and developed by man and found within the study of
eschatology, and such topics as rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like. These
topics must now be reexamined against the teachings of Jesus Christ in the four
Gospels, the message of the Kingdom, and one should keep the main thing the main
The original message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the heavenly Kingdom
to earth;
The colonization of earth with the Kingdom and Culture of heaven is the motivation
of all the actions, ministry and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom Concept is the foundation of all theological perspectives, positions
conclusions from the Message of Jesus Christ
The primary content of the four Gospels is the Kingdom of Heaven and is the
principle and primary context for understanding the message of Jesus.
The theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not the Principle Theology of the
The Kingdom concept is the foundation of all scripture revelation and is necessary for
correct interpretation and application of the writings of the Apostles.
The Kingdom Concepts are the main subject throughout the writings of the Apostles
and provides the foundation for understanding the motivation and ministry of the
The Bible
Kingdom "Radah"
The Fall
The Divine Promise Covenant of God
The Gospels
The theology of the Bible
The theology and ideas of Jesus
Jesus Believed
The Prophecies of Messiah and the Mission of Jesus
What Jesus the Fulfillment of Kingdom Prophecy and The Return of the
King and Kingdom
The Restoration of the Kingdom Message and the Restoration of kingdom
The Mandate of Jesus to the Apostles, and the Final assignment for the
The Message of Phillip, Paul, and Peter
The foundation for Paul's Letters
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the original message of
Jesus and focus on all the scriptures that refer to His focus on the Kingdom. This matter
deals with the original idea of Jesus Christ and how that idea was the substance and
primary content of His earthly message.
The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that focuses of
preaching the message of Jesus Christ and not the message that Jesus Christ preached",
which has produced a belief system that goes contrary to the original and present will of
purposes of God.
Going back and understanding the original mandate, mission and message of Jesus Christ
will correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put us back
on track with true Biblical theology. It is important that the teacher shows the clear focus
and multiple statements and references Jesus made to "Kingdom" in scripture and explain
the priority He placed on the subject. The teacher must stay away from the theological
traps invented and developed by man regarding such topics as eschatology, rapture,
concepts of Tribulation, and the like and keep the main thing - the message of Jesus in the
four Gospels.
Introduction to the Kingdom message of the Apostles
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the Kingdom Message for
the Apostles. This matter deals with the original idea of the Kingdom and how that idea
was the message of the Apostles but was lost in the succeeding years of the church.
The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that has produced a
belief system that goes contrary to the original message of the Apostles.
Going back and understanding the original message, mandate of the Apostles will correct
the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put us back on track with
true Biblical and Apostolic theology.
It is important that the teacher show the clear focus and multiple statements and
references made to "Kingdom" in Apostolic writings in scripture and explain the unique
distinctions of kingdom focus of the Apostles and the messages prevailing in
Christendom today.
The teacher must stay away from the theological traps invented and developed by man
regarding such topics as eschatology, rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like and
keep the focus on the Message of the Apostles.
Establish the fact that the Kingdom concept is the original, primary and consistent theme,
subject of Jesus Christ throughout the Gospels.
The teacher should underscore the fact that all the plans, purposes, programs and
redemptive works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are all
motivated and centered on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the
Kingdom of Heaven back to earth.
Having established the fact that the Kingdom concept is the original, primary and
consistent theme and subject of the Apostles and throughout the Bible, the teacher should
underscore the fact that the all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive works of
God through the New Testament writers are all motivated and centered on the Kingdom
of God and its return to earth.
The Kingdom of Heaven and of God is the main message of Jesus and must return to its
place of preeminence in the Theology of the 21st Century Church without compromise. It
is this message that is the ultimate reason for affirmation of Jesus that The Kingdom of
heaven is here. And it is the message of the return of the Jesus Christ Himself the Lord
to earth.
Matt 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a
testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. NIV Luke 4:43"I must preach the
good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was
sent." 44 And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea. NIV
The Kingdom of Heaven and of God is the main message of the Apostles and it must
return to its place of preeminence in the Theology of the 21st Century Church without
compromise. It is this message that is the ultimate truth and key to the Kingdom
Colonization of the earth, and to the return of the King Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ to
Acts 28:30-31- For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and
welcomed all who came to see him. 31 Boldly and without hindrance he preached the
kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. NIV
The Holy Bible.
Vine's Concordance
Rediscovering the Kingdom (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Gods Big Idea (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Kingdom Principles (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Kingdom Impact on
Societys Morals &
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1. Define key terminologies
2. Understand and define the origin of Kingdom Values and Morals
3. Understand the need for rediscovering and recovering Kingdom Morals and Values
4. Understand and define the development process of Kingdom Values and Morals and
5. Understand key concepts that relate to Kingdom Values and Morals in society
6. Understand and explain the need for Kingdom Values and Morals in society
7. Understand and explain how society can be impacted through Kingdom Values,
Morals and Ethics
8. Understand the negative effects of Values clarification, situational ethics, and moral
relativism, upon society due to a lack of teaching understanding and application of a
Kingdom Values, Morals and Ethics.
The whole of creation and society is waiting in agony and earnest anticipation for the
manifestation of the sons of God. Modern Society today as a whole displays the after
effects of a diabolical scheme of infiltration that caused a migration from Gods original
Kingdom Concept of Morals and Values. This has led to a deviation from Gods original
intent plan, purpose and pattern for Kingdom Social Norms as instituted by God to man
in the Garden of Eden. This has in turn led to disintegration, digression and secularization
exhibited and displayed by today's social norms that are in direct conflict and
contradiction to Kingdom Values and Morals.
The present condition of our Global society is the result of mans deviation from
Gods original plan for man to colonize earth as a colony and extension of Heaven
on Earth.
Mans assignment is to impact society through the 12 World Systems on earth;
Through his relationship with God as his Sovereign for the purpose of being
fruitful, multiplying replenishing and exercising dominion on earth as a colony of
God endowed man with corporate kingship, royal sovereignty and
responsibilities to master, govern, rule, and manage the earth and its resources.
Christ came to reintroduce the Kingdom of God in order for man to regain his
place of government and rulership on earth.
1. Gods original plan for mankind on earth is to be and live as a kingdom of kings.
2. Society by and large has been stagnated through secular social norms that have and are
becoming law instead of being impacted by Kingdom Values and Morals that should be
social norms.
3. Social norms should be the outgrowth of mans dissemination of Kingdom Values,
Morals and ethics and have a lasting effect on laws that govern society.
4. The law of God is necessary for mans development and formulation of beliefs,
convictions, values and morals.
5. Gods plan for man was initially to develop but now after the fall, is to reform all levels
of society through his grasp and understanding of kingdom values morals and ethics.
6. Christ's reintroduction of the Kingdom of a God enables man to be restored to his
rightful place of sonship and kingship through the regeneration of the Governor-The Holy
7. The Holy Spirit writes Gods law upon our hearts through the renewing of our minds to
the conscience awareness of our right and power of rule on earth as it is in Heaven.
Kingdom - A nation governed by a sovereign king; the governing influence of a King
over his territory.
Society - the conglomeration of all sectors of a community consisting of established
behavioral patterns, cultural values, morals, and social norms.
Beliefs - the accepted formulated ideas, concepts and philosophies of the subconscious
Convictions - the assessed, processed and formulated conclusions of ones beliefs.
Ideology - the process of believed thoughts; how one thinks.
Philosophy - ones belief system.
Values - are the product of ideas, beliefs, principles, and qualities on which one
personally places high worth that result in standards that determine ones conduct or
Morals - standards of behavior based upon ones beliefs about what is right or wrong as it
relates to, what is or what is not acceptable for a person to do.
Ethics - a set of moral systems and systems of moral values as well as principles of
conduct that govern an individual or group; a guiding philosophy.
Ethos - the unwritten patterns of established motivational intents of the heart, which
governs ones way of thinking and actions: the guiding beliefs and ideals that characterize
an ideology of a community or a Nation.
Character - the fixed position of an, individual or a group resulting from the process of
the incorporation and integration of an ethical guiding philosophy based upon the morals
2. Exodus 19:6 - Gods desire for re- instituting man as a Kingdom of priest and Sons in
need of a savior
3. Exodus 20:2-17 & Deuteronomy 5:6-21- Gods law for reestablishing Gods Moral code
for Man
4. Judges 17:6, 21:24-25 - The after effects of Israel not embracing their corporate
identity of Kingship and Sonship
5. Jeremiah 31:33-34 - Prophetic promise of restoration of moral conscience
6. Luke 2:51-52 - & Hebrews 5:8 - Jesus application of obedience and trust of authority
aiding in growth as a human being
7. Romans 2:12-15 - The intrinsic presence of moral principle and consciousness
8. Romans 8:1-10 - Understanding and controlling the tendencies of the carnal nature
9. Romans 12:2 - The Renewal of the mind for understanding and application of morals
and values
10. Hebrews 10:16 - Acknowledgement of the fulfillment of the prophetic promise of
Jeremiah 31:33-34
Read Genesis 1:26-27(KJV)
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female
created he them.
We are living in a time of Global Societal breakdown, due to the lack of understanding
Gods original plan for man. Gods original plan for man was to occupy earth as a colony
of Heaven as a Kingdom of Kings and sovereigns, born to train for rule and reign with
the King of Kings and The Lord of a Lords.
By so doing man was to establish all levels of community on the earth that he gave man
for the purpose of expanding his family to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and
exercise dominion over creation. Man was to institute the systems of the world through
which covenant community with the father could be experienced forever.
Trust in and obedience to the word of God was to be the foundation of Adams belief
system that was to formulate his beliefs, convictions, values and morals. Adams moral
code of ethics.
Obedience to God was the criteria for abiding and operating in Kingdom life which was
void of death.
Adam had the privilege of freely partaking of every tree in the garden while not
partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil as a command from father God.
God gave Adam access to everything in the garden that God had made and said it was
good, even the tree of life in the midst of the garden.
Adam chose to disobey Gods word to him, which was a violation of his moral code of
ethics by displaying a lack of trust in him whom he believed, resulting in a breach of
fellowship with God.
After mans fall and God restated his original covenant that he made with Adam as a
covenant also with Noah.
God then made subsequent covenants with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as part of a plan
to restore man's moral (compass) and conscience and awareness that displayed God being
for him and with him desiring restoration of Sonship with man;( Exodus 19:6) After
mans act of treason and violation of trust in God.
For this purpose God gave his Law to Moses as Moral imperatives for society written
by the finger God.
Morals are the result of what we value as beliefs and convictions determining whats
right or wrong.
Morality is the product of Morals.
God gave the Nation of Israel the offspring of Jacob the Law of God
Written by the Finger of God as the National Federal Law (10 Commandments)
The Law of God served as directives for the Law of Moses written by the hand of a man
(Moses) for the governance of the State of Israel for Kingdom impact upon a society.
10 Commandments Gods Moral Imperatives.
Moral imperatives are the foundation of morality
10 Commandments are Gods Moral Standards memorialized
The commandments are hard and fast standards
If one can remove the commandments then one can redefine standards
Once a standard is gone the most persuasive argument prevails irrespective of its truth
giving way to social norms influencing society.
Persuasive arguments based upon social norms void of truth can be utilized to rewrite
establish laws.
Jeremiah's prophecy: Jeremiah 31:33-34 - "After those days, I will put my law in
their inward parts and write it in their hearts, and will be their God, and they shall be my
people." Verse 34, "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man
his brother, saying, know the Lord: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them
unto the greatest of them, says the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will
remember their sin no more."
HEBREWS 10:16. This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,
says the Lord, I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them,"
Hebrews 10:16.
As Kingdom Citizens it is our responsibility to take decisive actions concerning the
matter of developing our character by interrogating our belief system to the point that our
values, morals and ethics reflect what our King Jesus displayed as He as a man grew in
wisdom intellectually, stature physically, and in favor with a God spiritually and with
man socially, forever establishing the standards for impacting society.
Holy Bible NIV and KJV Translations
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon
Rediscovering the Kingdom - Dr. Myles Munroe
Kingdom Principles - Dr. Myles Munroe
Kingdom Law -CD Series 2010 - Dr. Myles Munroe
The Power of Character in Leadership- Dr. Myles Munroe
The kingdom Concept of Building Community Dr. C. B. Peter Morgan MMI K.T.S. Session 2013
What is Moral Relativism - Ron Schumacher
Values Clarification Destroys Conscience - Lisa Marie Contini
Chameleon : When who you have become is not who you should be
Dr. Darrell Wilson CD Series 2014
The Kingdom Concept
of Taxation & Social
Malachi 3:10
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. Test Me
in this, says the Lord, Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of
heaven and pour out (pour you out) so much blessing that you will noy have room
enough for it (to contain it)
SOCIETY and WORLD VIEWS are being called the new normal
SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES: to reinvent definition of values such as marriage
and gender
LAWLESSNESS: (laws created to make lawless more comfortable)
RELIGION: (sub-cultural & divisive)
ADD to this economic instability (debt systems=dependency) & terrorism
Jesus said; My Kingdom is not of this world (or worlds system). (John
Economies are set by governments and LAWS. We tend to think of lawlessness as
obvious criminals robbing a bank, but lawlessness as a system is man making laws that
enhance or accommodate the lawless, or are laws set outside of Gods Constitutional law.
Poor Economy is not lack, (resources have not left the planet) its poor management.
Terrorism: operates on fear of what might happen. Once a terrorist strikes, they cease
to be a terrorist, and now are simply destroyers. Is there a terrorist in your mind?
The TAXES of the Kingdom (tithes) are not a debt but an agreement of covenant to
activate the governance of the house (or management).
Righteousness and Justification are adjustments and operations aligning into the blueprint
and pattern of Gods Constitution.
Kingdom taxes
House (Household) Righteousness
God is speaking to the face of Israel but talking through them to the world.
(v.7) You have gone away from My ordinances (appointed statutes)
Their question: Wherein shall we return? (how do we get back RIGHT?)
God answers with a question: Will a man rob God?
Their question shows how far away from His commonwealth they had gone;
How have we robbed You?
Gods answer: In tithes and offerings (taxes AND trust)
Why does God speak first to TITHE in response to returning to
Because economic instability was the first transgression. The 1st Adam went
in DEBT for one tree when he couldve had all the other trees DEBT
This turned dominion to subjection, stewardship and possession into
ownership and a reverse called debt cultivating a complex yoke of bondage.
The government of world systems is set in debt to the paying for the past
a. STRESS: in marriages, relationships, DISEASE: from over burdening
b. Physically: The earth becomes corrupted, the mud of man's flesh decays.
c. Materially: Man overworks the earth instead letting it rest. Nations go to
war over ownership of real estate.
d. Mentally: Man begins to name and call things hes subjected to instead
of having dominion over.
e. Financially: Debts not forgiven. Usury, greed, oppression arises
f. Most can agree weve been made FREE from the bondage of sin but
the current ECOLOGY of our ECONOMY jerks us around back into
CONFORMITY of elements.
g. Definition of a YOKE: to effect thoroughly and be directed fully by what
one is paired to.
h. A yoke is defined in the ecology of three parts:
1. The Beam: on the shoulders represents (GOVERNMENT/
2. The Brace: Around the neck represents MINDSET/
3. The Brass (ring): In the middle to pull load or direct:
i. But NOTE: Isaiah 10: 27: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his
BURDEN shall be taken away from off thy SHOULDER, and his YOKE
from off thy NECK and the YOKE shall be DESTROYED because of the
b. Ephesians 2:19 Were fellow citizens with the saints and the HOUSEHOLD
of God
c. This is a citizenship cultivated in the household of the King & His Kingdom.
d. Matthew 6:33 SEEK first the Kingdom (government) and His
RIGHTEOUSNESS (governance) and all these things (resources) shall be
added unto you.
e. Righteousness: principle and pattern that prospers (progresses) according to
the precepts of Gods Constitution. Proverbs 11:28-30, Proverbs 12:7,
Proverbs 28:1
f. Kingdom righteousness brings His social justice. (justification and alignment
to the original blueprint) Hebrews 10:38: Now the JUST shall LIVE (walk)
We live in a time the world refers to as the new normal, where the false definitions of
social justice are best characterized as lawlessness. We as ambassadors of Gods
Kingdom, carry unmovable principles and all of creation is waiting on us to manifest the
justice of Gods Kingdom into the planet.
Some basic fundamentals:
1. A storehouse is more than just a warehouse (for storage). It is a processing center.
2. There is an ecology to the cultivation of a society and it is an economic ecology.
3. Dependency on world systems has developed a yoke of bondage.
1. The question must be asked; Why did God answer the question of mans lost
state with the question; Will a man rob God?
a. What was the focal point of mans transgression?
b. How does God destroy the yoke of bondage in society?
c. Why is FAITH the currency of the Kingdom?
1. The KEY to the need for Kingdom TAXES is in the fact that man robbed God.
a. Man was so far removed he didnt even know how he robbed God.
b. Man became debt minded, reverse mentality, paying for his past.
c. Tithes (or produce) activated an original principle of stewardship.
2. Only the government of a Kingdom can destroy the yoke of another kingdom
a. A yoke is the pairing of two as one with the lead of a government.
b. A yoke has three parts: The BEAM, the BRACE, and the BRASS ring.
c. Kingdom WEALTH is not paying for PAST but INVESTING in ABSOLUTE
PROMISE. Releasing Debt Cancellation (in mindset first)
3. The STOREHOUSE of God is a processing center of social justice,
a. Partnering the covenant of MEAT (substance)
b. Opening you as windows of grain. (seed of resources, ideas, vision)
C. Impacting the ground, production and NATIONS!
We are presenting Kingdom culture into all the world by activation of His
Historical data concerning economies and the results of banking, mortgages, and
Research commodities such as gold, silver, precious stones, stocks, real estate,
and other indicators impacting world economies.
Books such as Dr Myles Munroes Leadership and Kingdom resource materials.
Power point slides for east reading, handouts of case histories within the current
social context, data charts to show community impact, take-home assessment
Understanding The
Kingdom Concept of
Power to Influence
By the end of this session participants will be able to:
1. Define and understand the Kingdom concept of power and influence
from the life of the pearl.
2. The engineering and chemistry of the Pearl contains concepts that
would show us how to influence our communities and drastically
change our society to look just like heaven on earth.
3. The Internal structure of a natural and cultured pearl.
4. The structure of the Pearl: Natural pearls possess a concentric structure
consisting of a macroscopically small nucleus, surrounded by layers of
calcium carbonate. Each layer represents one season of growth.
5. We will learn how David became a King and of parasitic experiences
he had when a bear, lion and several betrayals entered into his life.
Chemicals that etched in human brain.
6. The number one goal of the entire Old Testament was simply to bring
the presence of the LORD to the children of Israel through internal
principles that will later on guarantee their external dominion.
7. The complete growth and development of a natural pearl guarantees
internal Power for External Dominion (Influence).
8. Oyster cleans up polluted environments in the process of making
pearls, making it pure. The Kingdom of Heaven is an environmental
spot on this polluted planet that is filtering away the pollutants of the
earth for the purpose of eventually covering the earth like the waters
covers the sea.
9. A pearl needs an irritation to begin its growth. I wonder if God placed
Satan in the middle of the shelled oyster of the garden to grow the
pearl of his Kingdom.
10. The unique lustre of pearls depends upon the reflection and
refraction of light from the translucent layers of the nacre. The
iridescence that some pearls display is caused by the overlapping of
successive layers, thus breaking up the light falling on, and reflecting
from the surface.
11. The grain of sand remains as the nucleus of the Pearl and is never
removed. Paul asked God to remove the thorn in his flesh. But it is this
thorn, this irritating sand grain or parasite that helps to make the pearl
as valuable as it can get.
form pearls. If sand were enough of an irritant, our ocean floors would be littered with
millions of natural pearls! Natural pearls are actually very rare, mostly because pearlproducing species of mollusks were nearly hunted to extinction with most natural beds of
pearl-bearing oysters depleted by over-harvesting in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today,
natural pearls are extremely rare. Only 1 in about 10,000 wild oysters will yield a pearl
and of those, only a small percentage achieve the size, shape and colour desirable to the
jewellery industry.
1. A pearl is a hard, rounded object produced by certain mollusks, such as oysters.
2. Nacre, also known as mother-of-pearl, is a naturally-occurring organic/inorganic
composite, that is a combination of crystalline and organic substances that form
the iridescent inner lining of the shell.
3. Conchiolin and perlucin are complex proteins which are secreted by a mollusk's
outer epithelium (or the mantle) to form chambers.
4. Ecology - the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors
surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time. It is the social and
cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
5. Aragonite is a common carbonate mineral. It is unfortunately often thought of as
the poor cousin to calcite. But aragonite is an interesting and attractive mineral in
its own right. It forms interesting habits and can have a soft pretty color. Its
modes of formation and relationship to calcite are both curious and intriguing.
6. Hypothesis is an educated guess based upon observation. It is a rational
explanation of a single event or phenomenon based upon what is observed, but
which has not been proved.
7. Theory: A theory is what one or more hypotheses become once they have been
verified and accepted to be true.
8. A scientific law can often be reduced to a mathematical statement, such as E =
mc; it's a specific statement based on empirical data, and its truth is generally
confined to a certain set of conditions. For example, in the case of E = mc, c
refers to the speed of light in a vacuum.
9. Semantology: Basic Methods for Knowledge Representations
10. Luster: The unique lustre of pearls depends upon the reflection and refraction of
light from the translucent layers of the nacre.
11. Iridescence is the property of certain surfaces that appear to change colour as the
angle of view or the angle of illumination changes. Examples of iridescence
include soap bubbles, butterfly wings and sea shells, as well as certain minerals.
Subjects of Science
1. Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, either unicellular, multicellular,
or acellular. Microbiology encompasses numerous sub-disciplines including virology,
mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology.
2. Astronomy - the gaseous envelope surrounding a heavenly body.
3. Chemistry - any gaseous envelope or medium.
4. Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms,
including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy.
Biology has many sub-disciplines unified by five so-called axioms of modern biology:
II.Cells are the basic unit of life
III.Genes are the basic unit of heredity.
IV.New species and inherited traits are the product of evolution
V.An organism regulates its internal environment to maintain a stable and constant
5. Chemistry, a branch of physical science, is the study of the composition, structure,
properties and change of matter. Chemistry is chiefly concerned with atoms and their
interactions with other atoms - for example, the properties of the chemical bonds formed
between atoms to create chemical compounds.
6. Mineralogy is a subject of geology specializing in the scientific study of chemistry,
crystal structure, and physical (including optical) properties of minerals. Specific studies
within mineralogy include the processes of mineral origin and formation, classification of
minerals, their geographical distribution, as well as their utilization.
7. Ecology is the scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment,
such as the interactions organisms have with each other and with their abiotic
8. Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" is a systematic enterprise that
builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions
about the universe. In an older and closely related meaning, "science" also refers to a
body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied.
A practitioner of science is known as a scientist.
1. A natural pearl form when an irritant, such as a fragment of shell becomes lodged
inside the mollusk when it is feeding, or a parasite drills through the shell.
2. To protect itself, the mollusk forms a sac around the particular or any irritant or
invader that managers to get caught up inside its body.
3. This sac secretes nacre to cover the irritant and, over time, the growing pearls are
completely covered with the beautiful iridescent substance we call nacre, or motherof-pearl.
4. The nacre and sac materials are made by the mollusk's mantle and the layer of tissue
cells that surround the body of the mollusk and line the shell.
5. The mantle tissue cells that make up the pearl sac are called epithelial cells.
6. Avoid: Situations, which will scratch or damage the pearl's nacre.
7. Dehydration by storing your pearls in air-tight/moisture free environments.
8. Subjecting pearls to excessive heat and/or strong sunlight.
9. Exposing pearls to acids such as vinegar or cleaning agents containing ammonia or
chlorine, bleaching agents or inks.
(The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to participants who will utilize
this information for teaching purposes).
Introduction: The answer to all of humanitys ill is found in on the inside of man. The
environment that God placed us in is full of information that will guide un into revealing
the hidden treasure in us. The secrets to the Kingdom are all around us. We have to
carefully look, listen and wait for the whispers of God through his creation. Job 12:7-10
(NIV) 7 But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they
will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform
you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? 10 In his
hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. We are called to have
dominion over the earth for the purpose of sustaining and maintaining the ecological
environment that God gave us the earth at the beginning in the Garden of Eden.
The same cells that secrete the Nacre for making the pearl is the same cells that make the
shells of the Mollusk. It makes the shell but cannot make a pearl without an irritation or
discomfort. The Kingdom within us cannot be made manifest without a challenge, an
irritation or discomfort. The kingdom within us is made manifest when the incubator of
life challenges the infinite power of Gods Kingdom inside of us producing the most
beautiful pearl ever.
Community relationship keys.
A pearl (The Kingdom of God) is a reaction to an irritant (Testing & trial) within a
mollusk (The Kingdom of Heaven).
Foundation relationship stones.
The answers to humanitys cry are found in the frequency of creation and it's a science to
extract it. Our communities, society and nations can be transformed if we continuous
dedicate ourselves into the laboratory of life for answers.
Corporate effects of community actions.
Pearl oysters feed on small algae found in the water column. The gills in bivalves are
large and tiny hair-like cilia on the gills are used to remove small particles from the
water. Both adults and larvae feed on algae and other small organisms. Clear tropical
waters contain limited amounts of algae. Therefore, a large amount of water must be
filtered daily in order for the pearl oyster to obtain sufficient food.
Conclusion: Always encourage questions by email so that you can research and call
appropriate professionals who may be able to give you more insight on scientific
terminologies. You can email me at: pepe@mccint.org or call me at 954-989-7300
Teaching Resources:
The Character of a King R. Pepe Ramnath;
The Genetics of Vision R. Pepe Ramnath,
The Supernatural Kingdom R. Pepe Ramnath, PhD,
Arise Esther Angela Ramnath, PhD.
Turning Points in Modern History (Great Courses) Professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius;
Rediscovering the Kingdom Dr Myles Munroe;
Gods Great Big Idea Dr. Myles Munroe;
Great Scientific Ideas that changed the World Professor Steven L. Goldman (Lehigh
Science and Religion Professor Lawrence M. Principe.
All books by Dr. Myles Munroe & Dr. Richard Pinder.
Power-Point presentation with illustration and explanation.
Kingdom Government
Concept of Kingdom
National Impact
Isaiah 45:18
18 For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who
fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but
formed it to be inhabited-- NIV
Ps 115:16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.
Gen 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the
cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.
Matt 24:14-15
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony
to all nations, and then the end will come.
Mark 16:15-18
15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 17
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out
demons; they will speak in new tongues;
Matt 6:9-11 "'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. NIV
As a result of this session participants will be able to:
1. Rediscover the original plan of God for earth and mankind and rediscover the priority
Dominion GOVERNMENT Mandate of God;
2. Define the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Mandate of earthly Colonization and explain
the priority of Kingdom Cultural expansion as the main subject of God;
3. Distinguish between the message of earthly dominion and escapism theology of the
modern church and evaluate the theology of the 20th Century and its contrast to the
Kingdom GOVERNMENT earthly Community ideas of Jesus Christ and the ideas of
the Holy Bible;
4. Demonstrate the practical application of kingdom GOVERNMENT theology to
studies of earthly influence.
5. Define the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Mandate of earthly transformation of society
with kingdom influence.
6. Explain the priority of Kingdom GOVERNMENT transformation of society with
kingdom influence as the main purpose of God;
7. Distinguish between the Message of GOVERNMENT transformation of society
with kingdom influence and escapism theology of the modern church, and evaluate
the theology of the 20th Century and its contrast to the Kingdom GOVERNMENT
transformation of society with kingdom influence as the main ideas of Jesus
Christ and the Bible; and
8. Demonstrate the practical application of transformation of society with kingdom
GOVERNMENT influence to your daily biblical studies of earthly influence.
The heaven- focused and escapism theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not
the Principal Theology of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT earthly Dominion concept is the foundation of all the
Teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Kingdom GOVERNMENT Dominion concepts are the main subjects of the Message
of Jesus, and, are the foundation for understanding the motivation, purposes, plans,
promises and actions of Jesus Christ.
Without the Kingdom GOVERNMENT Dominion Concept, understanding the theology
of Jesus and the Bible is defective.
The heaven- focused and escapism theology of the 20th and 21st Century Church is not
the Principal Theology of the Bible but Transformation of society with kingdom
GOVERNMENT influence.
The Kingdom Transformation of society with kingdom GOVERNMENT influence
concept is the foundation of all the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
The Original Message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the heavenly Kingdom
GOVERNMENT to earth.
The colonization of earth with the Kingdom and Culture of the GOVERNMENT heaven
is the motivation of all the actions, ministry and redemptive work of Jesus Christ.
The primary content of the four Gospels is the colonization of earth with the Kingdom
GOVERNMENT of Heaven and it is the principle and primary context for understanding
the message of Jesus.
The Original Message and ideas of Jesus Christ was to restore the Culture of the
Kingdom GOVERNMENT of heaven to earth.
The purpose of God is to dominate earth with the government and culture of
The Kingdom citizens are not on earth to co-exist but to take over.
The primary content of the Bible is the Transformation of society with kingdom
GOVERNMENT influence of earth with the Kingdom of Heaven and it is the principle
and primary context for understanding the message of Jesus.
Dominion Kingdom
basileia NT:932
Sovereignty, Royal power, Kingdom
(which) reigns," lit., "hath a kingdom"
mamlakah Radah OT:4467,
Kingdom; sovereignty Reign; Rule."
Denotes a King and his territory.
Dominion- Kingdom - "Radah" - The
impact and influence of a King over
his territory.
Establish a colony
Earth Terrier
Physical planet.
Sovereignty, Royal power, Kingdom
"(which) reigns," lit., "hath a
The Governor
This subject could be introduced by explaining the priority of the original message: Kingdom
GOVERNMENT of Transformation of society with kingdom influence (Genesis 1:26.)
and how this is the foundation of all the scriptures that refer to his focus on the Kingdom.
This matter deals with the original idea of God and how that idea was the substance and
primary content of the entire Bible's message.
The church today has developed and perpetrated its own theology that focuses on leaving
earth rather than colonizing earth with the Culture of Heaven, which has produced a belief
system that goes contrary to the original and present will of purposes of God which is the
transformation of society with kingdom GOVERNMENT influence.
Going back and understanding the original mandate, mission and message of God for
mankind will correct the misconceptions we have embraced for over 1500 years and put us
back on track with true Biblical theology.
It is important that the teacher show the clear focus and multiple statements and references in
the Old and New Testament pointing to Kingdom GOVERNMENT Transformation of
society with kingdom influence in earth as the priority subject of scripture.
The teacher must stay away from the theological traps invented and developed by man
regarding such topics as eschatology, rapture, concepts of Tribulation, and the like and keep
the main focus - the Transformation of society with kingdom GOVERNMENT influence
of earth by the Kingdom of Heaven.
Having established the fact that the Kingdom Transformation of society with kingdom
GOVERNMENT influence and Colonization concept is the original, primary and consistent
theme, subject of the Bible throughout the Gospels, the teacher should underscore the fact
that the all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive works of God through the Old
Testament and New Testament are all motivated and centered on the sending of His son Jesus
Christ who would bring the Kingdom GOVERNMENT of Heaven back to earth to Colonize
earth with heaven. Transformation of society with kingdom GOVERNMENT influence.
John 3:16-18 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send
his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. NIV
These 10 Pillars are to be presented as ten Spheres into which Government and
Authority are exercised and these Spheres are all to be transformed by Kingdom
1. POLITICAL - Government
2. ECONOMIC- Money
3. BUSINESS - Commerce
5. HEALTH Quality of Life
6. EDUCATION- Training
7. ARTS Entertainment
9. MEDIA Mental Influence
10.SOCIAL - Relationships
Having established the fact that the Kingdom Dominion and Colonization concept is the
original, primary and consistent theme, subject of the Bible throughout the Gospels, the
teacher should underscore the fact that all the plans, purposes, programs and redemptive
works of God through the Old Testament and New Testament are all motivated and centered
on the sending of His son Jesus Christ who would bring the Kingdom of Heaven back to
earth to Colonize earth with heaven.
The colonization of earth by the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Transformation
of society with kingdom GOVERNMENT influence is the main message of the Bible and
expressed by Jesus Christ and this message must return to its place of preeminence in the
Theology of the 21st Century Church without compromise, because it is this message that is
the answer to the Prayer of Jesus for transformational change on the earth, and it is the
ultimate reason for the return of the Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord to earth. Matt 6:10-11
"'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. NIV
The Holy Bible.
Vine's Concordance,
Rediscovering the Kingdom (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Gods Big Idea (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Kingdom Principles (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Power Point Presentations