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Vierya Vipaka Probhava

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Rasa Guna Vierya & Probhava

Madhura Sweet


Amla Rasa Sour

Pitta Dosha Ailments

Rakta Vikara/Roga = any kind of blood ailments/diseases

Pitta Roga Hyper Acidity, Heartburn, Ulcers (Bleeding ulcers are Rakta Vihara), Burning
Red Rashes (rashes with more itching or wet are more Kapha based)

Lavana Rasa Salty

Pitta Vikara/Roga (ailments/diseases) but later can show up in Kapha and Vata constitutions
Impotency/Napusa Katva infertility/impotency check for food intake: processed food very high
in Lavana Rasa. Fresh food is naturally lower in Lavana Rasa If you need to preserve food use salt
not good for you
Khalitya hairloss/baldness Check for salt intake Loss of anything relates to Vata Vikara even
though it is a Pitta Roga/ailment
-Shotha Edema: Swelling without inflammation retention of water. Kapha Vikara
Katu Pungent first Vata then Pitta for all diseases

Napusa Katva impotence

Trishna (thirst)
Vata Roga Tremors/Seizures, Constipation, Dryness, cracking of soles
Krushatva pathological emaciation
Developing nations have more issues with first three rasas (indulgence), other countries the last
3 rasas

Shula Pain Vata Vikara

Tikta Bitter
Dhatu Kshaya/Wasting of any dhatu muscles etc.

Daurbalya debility/weakness

Kashaya Astringent

Stroto Rodha obstruction of channels

Vata Roga

Malavshstambha constipation

Importance of Rasa:
Aagama (Classics) The classic scriptures have used Rasa as one categorizational process of herbs.
Groups of Herbs classified by the predominance of their Rasas not the only categories, but a main
one. Can also categorize by dosha.

eg: Madhurskanda a category of herbs of madhura rasa A Group Category

o Important because we treat with the introduction of different Rasa so for convenience
we look at these categories and make recommendations for treatment.

Anumana Inference Important to know the concept of rasas so that you can infer the effect on the
1. E.g: does rasa affect dosha makeup? Yes, we determined this due to mahabhuta
fundamental makeup of both rasa and dosha.So when shown in relation to the dosha we
can affect an out of balance dosha by treating with mahabhuta (element) via rasa (taste)
VIPAKA Post-digestive Rasa

Definition: Parinam Lakshano Vipaka: The end result of digestion of dravya/substance getting
into the body is Vipaka The end result (parinam) effect (lakshano) is digestion of the dravya
o Final transformative state

Gut is the main eliminating canal

o part 1 Gastrum/Amashaya: stomach
o part 2 duodenum/Grahani
o part 3 Small intestine/laghuantra
o part 4 Colon/pakvashaya

Gross/Macro Digestive States/Jathar Agni (residing in the Pachaka Pitta) :

Madhura Avastha Paka Whatever food is digested must undergo madhura avasta paka/sweet state
(avasta) of digestion (paka). Chewed and swallowed. Dravya has its own guna, rasa, virya, karma,
prabha. Saliva is not acidic, its water mostly which is madhura. Hence this state of digestion is
madhura avastha paka
Amla Avastha Paka stomach digestion state/ stomach acids chemical reactions happening in
stomach and small intestines
Katu Avastha Paka pungent digestive state large intestine. Still digesting even here.
Ahara Rasa is whats left
Micro/Dhatu Digestive States Dhatu Agni (7 dhatus + 5 Pancha Mahabhuta Agni, 13 agni) the
result of the 3 avastha pakas goes into dhatu agni and then the 5 Pancha Mahabhuta Agni). The effects
of the dravya show up here: the whole qualities of the dravya is revealed here guna, rasa, karma,
virya, prabha. We cant taste this at the vipak level but we can infer the effect of the dravya based on
what it does to your body: how does it affect dosha, dhatu and mala.

One way of viewing digestion is that it goes in order by dhatus

Rasa-> Rakta-> Mamsa-> Meda-> Asthi-> Majja-> Shukra ->
Another way of viewing is that like seeds spread for birds who peck a piece here and there, the dhatus
pull what they need only
Kshira Dadhinaya: A third view is like yogurt you act upon it with curd and the whole gets
converted into yogurt SO ahara rasa is acted by rasa dhatu and it all turns into rasa then acted upon by
rakta and all turns into rakta, then mamsa etc.
When gets into the dhatu whichever one it is that action on the dhatu, dosha and mala is inferred as
Vipaka. At the onset of microcirculation once dhatu agni acts on it, the post digestive effect on the
body (dosha, dhatu, mala) is going to be inferred as the Vipaka of this dravya. After colon at dhatu
agni level tissue. When nutrients are passing into cellular structure. This determines the Vipaka of
the dravya. The final action/end product of metabolite is Vipaka.
Vipaka 3 stages Effects/Actions on body happens in building, maintenance, or destroying.
Madhura Vipaka Building the body
Amla Vipaka Maintaining the body (Hrdaya cardiac muscles have affinity to amla for
maintenance. Pregnant woman has two hearts beating in body, has a definite affinity to sour things.
We can infer that sourness is important to blood, cardiac maintenance)
Katu Vipaka Destroying the body
Vipaka depends on your mindfulness try not to talk during mealtimes. Simple things matter a lot in
the outcome of your life.
Avastha Paka


Initial transformative phase

Final transformative state

Can be assessed

Must be inferred by the action on body

Classification of Vipaka:
Charaka says

Madhur Vipaka


Amla Vipaka


Katu Vipaka

Debate Sushruta has dravya classified on basis of panchamahabhut

Parthi Dravya

Guru Vipaka

Aapya Dravya

Guru Vipaka

Tejas Dravya

Laghu Vipaka

Vayavya Dravya

Laghu Vipaka

Aakashiya Dravya

Laghu Vipaka

Importance of Vipaka:
Responsible for all the actions/effect of dravya on body. The responsible factor for action on the
dosha/dhatu/mala (body) level.
Definition: Most powerful/potent element of the dravya is virya. The potent element is known as
potency is equal to virya. Viryam tu kriyate yen(a) ya kriya. The factor to which kriya/action is
brought about is virya. Any dravya that gets into the body beyond vipaka effects on body, everything
boils down to 2 final effects: heating or cooling of the body. Like the sun or the moon. Post-vipaka,
whatever effect the dravya shows on the body can be categorized in these two ways: either heats up
the body or cools down the body. Ushna or Shita Heating or Cooling. (note Shighra is fast NOT
Classification of Virya:


Madhura Vipaka

Shitha Virya

Amla Vipaka

Ushna Virya

Katu Vipaka

Ushna Virya

Importance of Virya:
1. Karma Karana action effect: does it build up/Shitatwa or break down/Ushnatwa?
2. Pradhanikatva determines potency of dravya level of activity determined by the virya of a
particular dravya: importance/pradhani factor/katva. How much will a substance affect you in
what way.
Definition: Vishishta Karmanam chaiv(a) Prabhavastasy(a) S(a) Smrut(a) the peculiar or special
action of Dravya is Prabhava. meaning it cannot be logically explained
You cannot correlate the action of this dravya with its constitutents rasa, guna, virya, vipaka yet it
has a specific action. This action is Prabhava.
e.g. pearl worn on the pinkie finger is cooling but seafood is heating. The prabhava of the pearl is
to cool. Not a logical explanation but exists regardless. The wearing of stones and colors and music
therapy and is prabhava. Cant logically explain it, but it is the fact that certain colors are cooling and
heating or activating or soothing that is prabhava.

Mercury enhances the actions of other dravya but that is not prabhava.
Danti Katu Rasa Katu Vipaka Ushna Virya : Virechak/purgative-laxative
Chitraka Katu Katu Ushna : Sangrahi/solidifies the consistency of stools firms the stool,
improves it (this is unconventional to what Katu-Katu-Ushna would normally be (normally virechaka
action) SO Sangrahi quality is the Prabhava.
Although the makeup is the same, because of the Prabhava, action is different.
Cannot be limited/kept open because it is so vast. Scriptures keep it open in case someone comes up
with a way to logic it out. Explanations are welcome, if they can better the field of understanding, but
the classics leave it without classification.
1. Achintya Unpredictable. Prabhava is unpredictable and that is why its important.
2. Daiva Pratighata Divine Intervention. Beyond the capacity of our logical reasoning so lined
up with spiritual reasoning. That is why it is important.
3. Adbhuta Karma Being unpredictable, it is better to think of it as divine intervention and
therefore it is thought of as being magical in its effect. Adbhuta/magical + Karma/effect.
Divine encompasses the magical, but magical isnt always divine.
Definition: Yat kurvanti tat karma The factor (residing in the dravya) which literally acts (on the
dosha/dhatu/mala), that is karma. That which performs is karma.
Kriya = in process/doing Karma = done
All dravya contains guna, rasa, virya, vipaka, prabhav and karma (quality, taste, potency, postdigestive effect, special quality and action)
Effects of Karma on the basis of Dosha:

Prakopaka/vitiator virulent buildup/aggravation excessive buildup over balance point

(prakopa is the karma)
Shamaka mitigated or lowering/pacifier of the already aggravated dosha

Effects of Karma on the basis of Dhatu:

Vrudhikara building up/nourishing therapeutically only to the optimum of the dhatu. Ie

anemia need to build up rasa dhatu to normal level of iron/hemoglobin
Kshayakara depleting therapeutically only to the normal levels of dhatu Ie neem/curry
leaves deplete shukra dhatu

Effects of Karma on the basis of Mala:

Vrudhikara Purish Vrudhikara (stool buildup), Mutra Vrudhikara (urine buildup), Sweda
Vrudhikara (sweat buildup)
Kshayakara Purish Kshayakara (stool depletion), Mutra Kshayaka (urine depletion), Sweda
Kshayakara (sweat depletion)

Effects of Karma on the basis of Agni

Agni Deepana Karma: Appetizing effect/flaring up of agni

Agni Pachana Karma: Digestive effect helps to optimize to optimum digestive level

Herbs are highly concentrated and comprehensive in their effect on the body because they are
aushadhi dravya.
Ashto Aahar Vidhi Visheshaytane 8 step protocol to understand diatetics/regarding wholesome
consumption of food.
Chikitsa/treatment is not the first approach lifestyle is the first approach. When you are not
digesting, STOP eating or eat very lightly. Unless you have changed your lifestyle and aahara dont
move on to chikitsa
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. Until you reach this awareness, focus on making the value of
sorrow less in your life by increasing your life (be the ocean not the glass)
Effects of Karma on the basis of Therapeutics

Sanshodhana curative expel the excess/vitiated doshas from the body panchakarma
nasya, purgative, emesis, basti
Sanshamana palliative subside the aggravated doshas not to purge or emesis but to settle
it down.

Other types/Different terms related to Karma

Anulomana bringing a vector down (either dosha/mala) to effect the downward effect on
Vata Dosha or mala
Bhedana breaking up or fragmenting striking a stone: fecal matter, kidney stone
Chedana separating as in one thing from another sticky fecal matter from wall/lumen
Straunsana mild laxative effect, best defined by raisins not truly laxative, but mildly
Grahi equal to sangrahi brings about formation of fecal matter.
Stambhana to prevent expulsion to halt, withholding. therapeutically with severe diarrhea
need to prevent fluid loss (nutmeg, pomegranate, alum) or excessive blood loss. Motility of the
colon is so hyperactive that the presence of fluid will aggravate it so treat not with more
fluid, but with an herb that doesnt aggravate the colon. Kshaya rasa or Sheeta guna are what
you need to process these herbs.
Vyavayi produces effect in an extremely quick way fair amounts of self generated alcohol
If you find a patient with a sincere motive to change, work with them. If they arent willing to
change their actions, they are well left. No point in treating ignorant addiction if they can
understand the effort it will take to HEAL them then you should work with them. But the
patient has to be preferably wealthy enough (to purchase medicine they need) and completely
obeying the physician. Once you come to know the physician understands you, you recognize
that the doctor is going to put their heart and soul into healing you. Therefore to be a good

patient, you must have the motivation to change. One step for the patient and then the
physician can take a thousand steps with you.
Vikashi quick spreading but lowers down/harming oja alcohol/narcotics not a therapeutic
but a karma of some dravya.
Abhishyandi that which liquefies and then clogs yogurt
Yogavahi that which assists and enhances the properties of another dravya. honey, ghee
Vidahi that which imparts a burning sensation
Rasayana tonic for whole of the body dhatu/mind etc. chawanprash

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