Resistor Between Pins
Resistor Between Pins
Resistor Between Pins
Once you've got the radio out, I think the RD3 is actually easier to fool than the previous radios.
According to a mate of mine, you basically need to short pin 15 (CD changer ground) and 16 (CD
changer supply) with a 60 ohm resistor to enable to the CD changer input. Then you can
supposedly just connect up your input. Left signal to pin 19, right signal to pin 20 and ground to
pin 18. I make no guarantees for this method, it's all second/third hand information. If it works,
you'll obviously have a basic aux input, no iPod control or anything.
If you're not very handy with electronics, I think the adapter you want for your radio is called
"VPGX010". It should be plug-and-play once you get the radio out