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VHDL (Very High Speed IC Hardware

Description language.)
VHDL stands for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Hardware Description
The other widely used hardware description language is Verilog. A third HDL language
is ABEL (Advanced Boolean Equation Language) which was specifically designed for
Programmable Logic Devices (PLD).
The highest level of abstraction is the behavioral level that describes a system in
terms of what it does (or how it behaves) rather than in terms of its components and
interconnection between them. A behavioral description specifies the relationship
between the input and output signals
The behavioral level can be further divided into two kinds of styles: Data flow and

The structural level, on the other hand, describes a system as a collection of gates and
components that are interconnected to perform a desired function. A structural
description could be compared to a schematic of interconnected logic gates. It is a
representation that is usually closer to the physical realization of a system

Basic Structure of a VHDL file

One can consider the entity declaration as the interface to the outside world that defines
the input and output signals

Entity Declaration
The entity declaration defines the NAME of the entity and lists the input and output
ports. The general form is as follows,
entity NAME_OF_ENTITY is [ generic generic_declarations);]

generic : generic declarations are optional and determine the local constants used for
timing and sizing (e.g. bus widths) the entity. A generic can have a default value. The
syntax for a generic follows,
generic (
constant_name: type [:=value] ;

Architecture body
The architecture body specifies how the circuit operates and how it is implemented. As
discussed earlier, an entity or circuit can be specified in a variety of ways, such as
behavioral, structural (interconnected components), or a combination of the above.
The architecture body looks as follows,
architecture architecture_name of NAME_OF_ENTITY is
-- Declarations
-- components declarations
-- signal declarations
-- constant declarations
-- function declarations
-- procedure declarations
-- type declarations
-- Statements
end architecture_name;

The main body of the architecture starts with the keyword begin
The statements after the begin keyword gives the instantiations of the components and
describes how these are interconnected. A component instantiation statement creates a
new level of hierarchy. Each line starts with an instance name (e.g. U0) followed by a
colon and a component name and the keyword port map. This keyword defines how
the components are connected.
To express a number in a base different from the base 10, one uses the following
convention: base#number#. A few examples follow.
Base 2: 2#10010# (representing the decimal number 18)
To make the readability of large numbers easier, one can insert underscores in the
numbers as long as the underscore is not used at the beginning or the end.

Data Objects: Signals, Variables and Constants

A constant can have a single value of a given type and cannot be changed during the
simulation. A constant is declared as follows,
constant list_of_name_of_constant: type [ := initial value] ;

where the initial value is optional. Constants can be declared at the start of an
architecture and can then be used anywhere within the architecture. Constants declared
within a process can only be used inside that specific process.

RISE_FALL_TME: time := 2 ns;

A variable assignment statement. The variable is updated without any delay as soon as
the statement is executed. Variables must be declared inside a process. The variable
declaration is as follows A variable can have a single value, as with a constant, but a
variable can be updated using:
variable list_of_variable_names: type [ := initial value] ;

A few examples follow:


CNTR_BIT: bit :=0;

VAR1: boolean :=FALSE;
SUM: integer range 0 to 256 :=16;
STS_BIT: bit_vector (7 downto 0);

The variable SUM, in the example above, is an integer that has a range from 0 to 256
with initial value of 16 at the start of the simulation. The fourth example defines a bit
vector or 8 elements: STS_BIT(7), STS_BIT(6), STS_BIT(0).
Variable_name := expression;

Signals are declared with the following statement:

signal list_of_signal_names: type [ := initial value] ;

signal SUM, CARRY: std_logic;
signal CLOCK: bit;
signal TRIGGER: integer :=0;
signal DATA_BUS: bit_vector (0 to 7);
signal VALUE: integer range 0 to 100;

Signals are updated when their signal assignment statement is executed, after a certain
delay, as illustrated below,
SUM <= (A xor B) after 2 ns;

It is important to understand the difference between variables and signals, particularly

how it relates to when their value changes. A variable changes instantaneously when the
variable assignment is executed. On the other hand, a signal changes a delay after the
assignment expression is evaluated. If no delay is specified, the signal will change after a

delay delay. This has important consequences for the updated values of variables and

Data types.
Enumerated Types
An enumerated type consists of lists of character literals or identifiers. The enumerated
type can be very handy when writing models at an abstract level. The syntax for an
enumerated type is,
type type_name is (identifier list or character literal);

Here are some examples,

type my_3values is (0, 1, Z);
type PC_OPER is (load, store, add, sub, div, mult, shiftl, shiftr);
type hex_digit is (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F);
type state_type is (S0, S1, S2, S3);
Examples of objects that use the above types:
signal SIG1: my_3values;
variable ALU_OP: pc_oper;
variable first_digit: hex_digit :=0;
signal STATE: state_type :=S2;
If one does not initialize the signal, the default initialization is the leftmost element of the
Enumerated types have to be defined in the architecture body or inside a package as
shown in the section above
Sometimes it is more convenient not to specify the dimension of the array when the array
type is declared. This is called an unconstrained array type. The syntax for the array
declaration is,
type array_name is array (type range <>) of element_type;
Some examples are
type MATRIX is array (integer range <>) of integer;
type VECTOR_INT is array (natural range <>) of integer;
type VECTOR2 is array (natural range <>, natural range <>) of std_logic;
The range is now specified when one declares the array object,
variable MATRIX8: MATRIX (2 downto -8) := (3, 5, 1, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, 20, 18);
variable ARRAY3x2: VECTOR2 (1 to 4, 1 to 3)) := ((1,0), (0,-), (1, Z));

VHDL supports different classes of operators that operate on signals, variables and
constants. The different classes of operators are summarized below.
1. Logical operators
2. Relational operators
3. Shift operators
4.Addition operators
5. Unary operators
6. Multiplying op.
7. Miscellaneous op.









The order of precedence is the highest for the operators of class 7, followed by class 6
with the lowest precedence for class 1. Unless parentheses are used, the operators with
the highest precedence are applied first. Operators of the same class have the same
precedence and are applied from left to right in an expression.
Shift operators
These operators perform a bit-wise shift or rotate operation on a one-dimensional
array of elements of the type bit (or std_logic) or Boolean.
Operator Description

Operand Type

Result Type


Shift left logical (fill right

vacated bits with the 0)

Same as left type


Shift right logical (fill left

vacated bits with 0)
Shift left arithmetic (fill right
vacated bits with rightmost bit)
Shift right arithmetic (fill left
vacated bits with leftmost bit)
Rotate left (circular)
Rotate right (circular)

Left: Any one-dimensional

array type with elements of
type bit or Boolean; Right:
same as above
same as above

Same as left type

same as above

Same as left type

same as above
same as above

Same as left type

Same as left type


side of the operator. As an example,

variable NUM1
NUM1 srl 2;

:bit_vector := 10010110;

will result in the number 00100101.

Same as left type

Multiplying operators
The multiplying operators are used to perform mathematical functions on numeric types (integer
or floating point).



Left Operand

Right Operand Result Type


Any integer or
Same type
Same type
floating point
Any physical
Integer or real
Same as left
Any integer or
Any physical
Same as right
real type
Any integer or
Any integer or
Same type
floating point
floating point
Any physical
Any integer or
Same as left
real t ype
Any physical
Same type
Any integer type
Same type
Any integer type
Same type
The multiplication operator is also defined when one of the operands is a physical type and the
other an integer or real type.
The remainder (rem) and modulus (mod) are defined as follows:
A rem B = A (A/B)*B
A mod B = A B * N

(in which A/B in an integer)

(in which N is an integer)

The result of the rem operator has the sign of its first operand while the result of the mod
operators has the sign of the second operand.
Some examples of these operators are given below.
11 rem 4
results in 3
(-11) rem 4
results in -3
9 mod 4
results in 1
7 mod (-4)
results in 1 (7 4*2 = -1).

Miscellaneous operators
These are the absolute value and exponentation operators that can be applied to numeric
types. The logical negation (not) results in the inverse polarity but the same type.





Absolute value
Logical negation

Left Operand
Right Operand
Integer type
Integer type
Floating point
Integer type
Any numeric type
Any bit or Boolean type

Result Type
Same as left
Same as left
Same type
Same type

8. Behavioral Modeling: Sequential Statements

As discussed earlier, VHDL provides means to represent digital circuits at different levels
of representation of abstraction, such as the behavioral and structural modeling. In this
section we will discuss different constructs for describing the behavior of components
and circuits in terms of sequential statements. The basis for sequential modeling is the
process construct. As you will see, the process construct allows us to model complex
digital systems, in particular sequential circuits.
a. Process
A process statement is the main construct in behavioral modeling that allows you to use
sequential statements to describe the behavior of a system over time. The syntax for a
process statement is
[process_label:] process [ (sensitivity_list) ] [is]
[ process_declarations]
list of sequential statements such as:
signal assignments
variable assignments
case statement
exit statement
if statement
loop statement
next statement
null statement
procedure call
wait statement
end process [process_label];
A process is declared within an architecture and is a concurrent statement. However, the
statements inside a process are executed sequentially. Like other concurrent statements, a
process reads and writes signals and values of the interface (input and output) ports to
communicate with the rest of the architecture
The sensitivity list is a set of signals to which the process is sensitive. Any change in the
value of the signals in the sensitivity list will cause immediate execution of the process. If
the sensitivity list is not specified, one has to include a wait statement to make sure that
the process will halt. Notice that one cannot include both a sensitivity list and a wait
statement. Variables and constants that are used inside a process have to be defined in the
process_declarations part before the keyword begin. The keyword begin signals the start
of the computational part of the process. The statements are sequentially executed,
similarly as a conventional software program. It should be noted that variable
assignments inside a process are executed immediately and denoted by the := operator.
This is in contrast to signal assignments denoted by <= and which changes occur after a
delay. As a result, changes made to variables will be available immediately to all
subsequent statements within the same process. For an example that illustrates the
difference between signal and variable assignments see the section on Data Types
(difference between signals and variables).

b. If Statements
The if statement executes a sequence of statements whose sequence depends on one or
more conditions. The syntax is as follows:
if condition then
sequential statements
[elsif condition then
sequential statements ]
sequential statements ]
end if;

Each condition is a Boolean expression. The if statement is performed by checking each

condition in the order they are presented until a true is found. Nesting of if statements
is allowed.

Case statements
The case statement executes one of several sequences of statements, based on the value
of a single expression. The syntax is as follows,
case expression is
when choices =>
sequential statements
when choices =>
sequential statements
-- branches are allowed
[ when others => sequential statements ]
end case;

1- no two choices can overlap (i.e. each choice can be covered only once)
2- if the when others choice is not present, all possible values of the expression
must be covered by the set of choices.
process (VALUE)
A <= 0;
B <= 0;
C <= 0;
D <= 0;
F <= 0;
case VALUE is
when 51 to 60 =>
D <= 1;
when 61 to 70 | 71 to 75 =>
C <= 1;
when 76 to 85 =>
B <= 1;
when 86 to 100 =>
A <= 1;
when others =>
F <= 1;
end case;

We used the vertical bar ( | ) which is equivalent to the or operator, to illustrate how to
express a range of values. This is a useful operator to indicate ranges that are not adjacent
(e.g. 0 to 4 | 6 to 10).

d. Loop statements
A loop statement is used to repeatedly execute a sequence of sequential statements. The
syntax for a loop is as follows:
[ loop_label :]iteration_scheme loop
sequential statements
[next [label] [when condition];
[exit [label] [when condition];
end loop [loop_label];

Labels are optional but are useful when writing nested loops. The next and exit statement
are sequential statements that can only be used inside a loop.
The next statement terminates the rest of the current loop iteration and execution
will proceed to the next loop iteration.
The exit statement skips the rest of the statements, terminating the loop entirely,
and continues with the next statement after the exited loop.
There are three types of iteration schemes:

basic loop
while loop
for loop

Example of a basic loop to implement a counter that counts from 0 to 31

entity COUNT31 is
port ( CLK: in std_logic;
COUNT: out integer);
end COUNT31;
architecture behav_COUNT of COUNT31 is
P_COUNT: process
variable intern_value: integer :=0;
COUNT <= intern_value;
wait until CLK=1;
intern_value:=(intern_value + 1) mod 32;
COUNT <= intern_value;
end loop;
end process P_COUNT;
end behav_COUNT;

Notice that this construct is simpler than the If-then-else construct using the process
statement or the case statement. An alternative way to define the multiplexer is the case
construct inside a process statement, as discussed earlier

Selected Signal assignments

The selected signal assignment is similar to the conditional one described above. The
syntax is as follows,
with choice_expression select
target_name <= expression when choices,
target_name <= expression when choices,

target_name <= expression when choices;

The target is a signal that will receive the value of an expression whose choice includes
the value of the choice_expression. The expression selected is the first with a matching
choice. The choice can be a static expression (e.g. 5) or a range expression (e.g. 4 to 9).
The following rules must be followed for the choices:
No two choices can overlap
All possible values of choice_expression must be covered by the set of choices,
unless an others choice is present.
An example of a 4-to-1 multiplexer is given below.
entity MUX_4_1_Conc2 is
port (A, B, C, D: in std_logic;
SEL: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
Z: out std_logic);
end MUX_4_1_Conc2;
architecture concurr_MUX41b of MUX_4_1_Conc2 is
with SEL select
Z <= A when 00,
B when 01,
C when 10,
D when 11;
end concurr_MUX41b;

Notice that the Xilinx Foundation Express does not allow a vector as
choice_expression such as std_logic_vector(A,B,C).
As an example, lets consider a full adder with inputs A, B and C and outputs sum
and cout,
entity FullAdd_Conc is
port (A, B, C: in std_logic;
sum, cout: out std_logic);
end FullAdd_Conc;
architecture FullAdd_Conc of FullAdd_Conc is
--define internal signal: vector INS of the input signals
signal INS: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
--define the components of vector INS of the input signals
INS(2) <= A;
INS(1) <= B;
INS(0) <= C;

with INS select

(sum, cout) <=

std_logic_vector(00) when 000,

std_logic_vector(10) when 001,
std_logic_vector(10) when 010,
std_logic_vector(01) when 011,
std_logic_vector(10) when 100,
std_logic_vector(01) when 101,
std_logic_vector(01) when 110,
std_logic_vector(11) when 111,
std_logic_vector(11) when others;

end FullAdd_Conc; ]

10. Structural Modeling

Structural modeling was described briefly in the section Structural Modeling in Basic
Structure of a VHDL file. A structural way of modeling describes a circuit in terms of
components and its interconnection. Each component is supposed to be defined earlier
(e.g. in package) and can be described as structural, a behavioral or dataflow model. At
the lowest hierarchy each component is described as a behavioral model, using the basic
logic operators defined in VHDL. In general structural modeling is very good to describe
complex digital systems, though a set of components in a hierarchical fashion.
A structural description can best be compared to a schematic block diagram that can be
described by the components and the interconnections. VHDL provides a formal way to
do this by

Declare a list of components being used

Declare signals which define the nets that interconnect components
Label multiple instances of the same component so that each instance is
uniquely defined.

The components and signals are declared within the architecture body,
architecture architecture_name of NAME_OF_ENTITY is
-- Declarations
component declarations
signal declarations
-- Statements
component instantiation and connections

end architecture_name;

a. Component declaration
Before components can be instantiated they need to be declared in the architecture
declaration section or in the package declaration. The component declaration consists of
the component name and the interface (ports). The syntax is as follows:
component component_name [is]
[port (port_signal_names: mode type;
port_signal_names: mode type;
port_signal_names: mode type);]
end component [component_name];

The component name refers to either the name of an entity defined in a library or an
entity explicitly defined in the VHDL file (see example of the four bit adder).
The list of interface ports gives the name, mode and type of each port, similarly as is
done in the entity declaration.
A few examples of component declaration follow:
component OR2
port (in1, in2: in std_logic;
out1: out std_logic);
end component;
component PROC
port (CLK, RST, RW, STP: in std_logic;
ADDRBUS: out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
DATA: inout integer range 0 to 1024);
component FULLADDER
port(a, b, c: in std_logic;
sum, carry: out std_logic);
end component;

1. As mentioned earlier, the component declaration has to be done either in the

architecture body or in the package declaration. If the component is declared in a
package, one does not have to declare it again in the architecture body as long as
one uses the library and use clause.

Component Instantiation and interconnections

The component instantiation statement references a component that can be

Previously defined at the current level of the hierarchy or

Defined in a technology library (vendors library).

The syntax for the components instantiation is as follows,

instance_name : component name
port map (port1=>signal1, port2=> signal2, port3=>signaln);
The instance name or label can be any legal identifier and is the name of this particular
instance. The component name is the name of the component declared earlier using the
component declaration statement. The port name is the name of the port and signal is the
name of the signal to which the specific port is connected. The above port map associates
the ports to the signals through named association. An alternative method is the positional
association shown below,

port map (signal1, signal2,signaln);

in which the first port in the component declaration corresponds to the first signal, the
second port to the second signal, etc. The signal position must be in the same order as the
declared components ports. One can mix named and positional associations as long as
one puts all positional associations before the named ones. The following examples
illustrates this,
component NAND2
port (in1, in2: in std_logic;
out1: out std_logic);
end component;

signal int1, int2, int3: std_logic;

architecture struct of EXAMPLE is
U1: NAND2 port map (A,B,int1);
U2: NAND2 port map (in2=>C, in2=>D, out1=>int2);
U3: NAND3 port map (in1=>int1, int2, Z);
Another example is the Buzzer circuit of Figure 2.

11. References
1. D. Gajski and R. Khun, Introduction: New VLSI Tools, IEEE Computer, Vol.
16, No. 12, pp. 11-14, Dec. 1983.
2. M. Mano and C. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2001.
3. S. Yalamanchili, VHDL Starters Guide, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,
4. J. Bhasker, VHDL Primer, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 1998.
5. P. J. Ashenden, The Students Guide to VHDL, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Inc, San Francisco, 1998.
6. A. Dewey, Analysis and Design of Digital Systems, PWS Publishing Company,
New York, 1997.
7. C. H. Roth, Digital System Design using VHDL, PWS Publishing Company,
New York, 1998.
8. D. Pellerin and D. Taylor, VHDL Made Easy!, , Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, 1997.
9. VHDL Reference Guide, Xilinx, Inc., 1999 (available on line:
or, http://toolbox.xilinx.com/docsan/ (select Foundation Series)
Copyright 2001; Created by Jan Van der Spiegel, Sept. 28, 2001; Updated November
18, 2001
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