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Final T Zed

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Green Apartment

. 4. Case Study


. 4.1 T-ZED HOMES Location -- white field ,Bangalore Site area - 5 acres
. After completion of all interior activities, the project has done proper building flush out in line
.. The Revenue savings of approx. 1500 tones of Carbon emissions.
.. Tzed consumes only 60 per cent of energy demand of a 100 houses anywhere else. Residents pay
30 % less on power and 20 % less on monthly maintenance.
2. Energy efficient ventilation and air conditioning
30% of water drawn from local water supply
39.94% of site area.
5.1BCILT-ZED homes
87% of regularly occupied spaces have necessary daylight .good air flow
87% of regularly occupied spaces have necessary daylight. Good airflow circulation is made by
providing exhausting systems in bathrooms ans! kitchen.
95 homes built on the principles of sustainable resources.


95% of the waste water generated at site is reused.

A centralized air conditioning (AC) system with better performing chillers has been installed along
with a thermal storage tank. Fun coil units (FCUs),which are
A project developed by BCIL as a residential project consisting of e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y sustainable
and aesthetic homes for 95
a. The primary coil is connected with the smal1 cooling tower units installed on each block
About 82% of the total material cost of the building was manufactured and extracted regionally
thereby reducing the pollution due to transportation 30% of the .. wood based materials by cost
used in the project were FSC certified products.
Advanced l i g h t i n g t e c h n o l o g y
Aesthetically designed
Air conditioner (AC) that BCIL designs and manufactures is having two cooling coils.
Amenities at BCIL t Zed:
Ammonia is used as a refrigerant in the chiller, which is CFC and HCFC free.
Architects - space matrix
Area (various ) - 232 - 279 q.mts
Area of independent homes - 310 sq.mts
Area or a garden space keeping the connectivity and curiosity
autonomy in Water and Energy related issues and processes for Solid Waste and Wastewater
Available stones are used in place of vitrified tiles for flooring.
Basement lighting
BASEMENT LIGHTING : The central passage cutting through the apartment complex is designed to
lay half-level below the ground level. The pocket enables to bring enough sunlight to the basement,
which is used as parking slots, and also to secure the privacy of residents from outside the campus.
BCIL Tzed Homes was the first project under multi dwelling category to bag the IGBC
Being the rectangular elongated site it is, sufficient care has been taken in not just the
placement of the clusters but also
Built up area 490,000 Sq. ft (11.2 acres)
Car parking S p a c e s for the v i s i t o r s w i t h e l e c t r i c charging facilities.
Circulation is made by providing exhausting s ys t e m s in bathroom and kitchen.
Club House
cluster read differently at every place - either an activity
commitment to quality housing and strong sustainable communities as one of the reasons behind
the T-ZED homes project. It serves as a model for energy conscious development in urban
Completed September 2009
Compressed coir door panels for the door shutters, while bamboo composites
connected with the central AC plant, have been installed in all the bedrooms.
Consumption of the building.
Different bins have been put to segregate the toxic, recyclables and organic-waste at source.
Different floor plans. Each cluster has a north and south block divided by the central spine and
are connected by the wooden bridges
Duration of construction - 2004 -2007
Efficient water management techniques for rain water harvesting, grey water treatment for
landscaping and flushing.
efficient lighting fixtures ,and installation of CFL lamps in all the lighting fixtures in villas and
Energizing the Building
Enhanced air ventilations using inverter air conditioners.
Enhanced air ventilations using inverter air conditioners
environment for its residents .
Every aspect of T Zed has been designed to conserve natural resources and to have minimal
impact on the environment. In these homes, built-in, customized environment-friendly, zero
electricity refrigerators, fully controlled air conditioning based 100 % on fresh air inputs, and
built-in energy efficient lights are among the features that help to bring down energy
consumption in the home while ensuring comfort levels and commanding a higher market value.
Every resident gains Rs. 12,000/- on an annual basis, thanks to carbon credit savings in T-Zed.
exactly what BCIL has achieved through T-ZED homes. BCIL has stated its long-term

: Multiple LEDs of 1 watt each, giving an output of i I 0 lumens I watt,
have been put on the lighting fixtures and can be operated separately as per the requirements.
Power to the outdoor
Exterior lighting
Families. It is an integrated approach with several innovative systems to minimize Environmental
impact. A benchmark in SBE development in India. TZED (ZED stands for Zero Energy
Development) i s located at airport Whitefield Road, Bangalore. This five-acre site comprises of
Flooring of rubber wood, different types of stones
following six main areas - design, building material, water, waste, quality of air and energy
management through innovative interventions.
For a self-reliant community, with
Frameless door and shutters made of rubber wood
Garden t
Good architectural design which ensures abundance of natural light;
Granite dust from the local quames is used in place of river sand, and locally
Green consultant En3 Sustainability Solutions
Grey water is disinfected at the centralized treatment system and used for landscape and recharging
the shallow aquifers.
harvested from the annual rainfall is calculated and gives the feeding capacity of the land which is
divided by the annual average consumption of a modem family, giving at last the maximum figures
for settlement.
High-energy life style of the inhabitants. TZED is thus the first residential project in India to have
sought Carbon credits or Certified Emission Reduction (CERs) under the Clean Development
Mechanism initiatives.
In the winter season, for instance, when outside temperature is 21 degree Celsius,
inside is kept 23.5 degree Celsius. Individual gardens, namely butterfly gardens, are designed
to give a feeling of connection to the community space outside.
in the manner each one functions. The spaces between each l' stirring.
Indoor Environmental Qualit
INTERIOR LIGHTING :Main reasons for the reduction of consumption are
Interior lighting
Lighting is supplied through the batteries by the two 0.5 kW windmills and solar photovoltaic
installed on the roof top. Renewable energy is specifically used for exterior lighting.
Location: Bangalore
Low emitting adhesives, paints and carpets have been used to enhance the indoor
Low emitting adhesives, paints and carpets have been used lo enhance the indoor environment for
its residents. Adhesives.
Low flow dual flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures have been selected to
reduce water consumption by over 20%.
Low flow dual-flush toilets, sensor based urinals and other low flow fixtures have been selected to
install at site to reduce water consumption by over 20%.
Maintenance Staff
Manure is applied for landscaping in the campus after treatment, and methane, the by-product
of manure management, is used as fuel for cooking in the community kitchen.
materials collected in the campus is not enough for compost; therefore, an attempt is being made
to collect more organic
No .of independent homes - 15 no's
No. of apartments - 76 no's
No. of blocks - 5 no's
Occupancy Type Residential Apartments
Organic substances are diverted with the bio-digester equipped in the community kitchen.
However, the amount of organic
Pedestrian and disabled friendly with drop kerbs and speed restrictors
Platinum rating.
Play Area
pool water using ozone.
provide roofing for part of the club and the interior wood work in places.
Provision of more than 30% breathing
Provision of h i g h solar reflectance & thermal remittance products and vegetation on roof for
77% of roof area.
Provision of energy meters for continuous energy monitoring.
Provision of more than 30% breathing z o n e outdoor ventilation rate to all occupied spaces.
provision of natural cross ventilation in all the spaces,

Provision of water meters for continuous monitoring of water usage in the homes.
Provision of water meters for continuous monitoring o f water usage in the homes.
Rain Water Harvesting
Rain water is a primary source of ~hole supply while 52 recharge wells (6.1 m depth) are
placed its back up, collected water is purified with a three tier treatment system
Rating achieved - PLATINUM (IGBC rating)
Rating System GREEN HOMES Rating Achieved PLATINUM
Residents pay 30 % less on power and 20 % less on monthly maintenance.
Resource Management
secondary cooling coil is connected to the chiller.
Sewage from kitchen, toilet recycled on campus
Site Sustainability Features
Sky gardens
Soft roads
Solar water heater that fulfills 100% hot water requirement of the building.
Some achievements
street and homes
Substances from neighboring communities.
Swimming Pool
The apartments in the development are clustered into five types with sixteen
The project retains natural topography up to
The south facing buildings are segmented into block in order to provide maximum natural light
to the
The linear site necessitated the main road running along the center of the site
connecting and networking the community activities like a central spine.
The master plan consists in two parallel four-floor buildings containing a street for pedestrian
and vehicles movements along it. The south-facing buildings a r e segmented i n t o blocks in
order to provide maximum natural light to the street and homes located in the second row of
buildings. These cavities called "e-zone are treated as garden for recreation.
The master plan consists in two parallel four-floor buildings containing a street for pedestrian
and vehicles movements along it. The south-facing buildings a r e segmented into blocks in
order to provide maximum natural light to the street and homes located in the second row of
buildings. These cavities called "e-zone" are treated as garden for recreation.
The project has achieved a combined recyclable content value of 17% of total material by
cost thereby reducing virgin material exploitation
The project has been worked out towards achieving this collective goal, by addressing the
following six main areas - design, building material, water, waste, quality of air and energy
management through innovative interventions.
The project has been worked out towards achieving this collective goal, by addressing the
The advantage lies in incorporating many technologies together in a single project, which is
The building has been provided w i t h double glazed glass and wall assembly using rat trap bond
The Capital savings of approx 20,000 tonnes of Carbon emissions.
The great value of this experience lies in the demonstration, that modem comfort standards can
still be met while associating with the principles of sustainable built environment, under the
purview of the challenges posed by real estate market mechanisms and cost constraints.
The noise level aused by the utilities is in an acceptable range of 40 - 45 decibel.
The project achieved 18% usage of turf for landscape and drought tolerance of 87%.
The project b a g g e d . An exemplary p e r f o r m a n c e i n water usage efficiency for chemical free
treatment qf swimming
The project has ensured up to 75.2% of total construction waste of debris has been
or reused
thereby diverting
The project has installed renewable energy systems for 4.65% of the annual
The rain water available after filling the storage facility is used to recharge the 52 shallow aquifers
distributed all over the site.
The Revenue savings of approx. 1500 tones of Carbon emissions.
The site is elongated along the east - west direction. the structures are distributed on both sides of
the spinal road which runs all along the stretch of the site. The exposure to the structure is more on
the north and south direction helps in reducing the excessive solar heat gain.
The total number of homes is based on the carrying capacity of the land, to ensure the
autonomy in water the amount of water
The total number of homes is based on the carrying capacity of the land: to ensure the autonomy
in water the amount of water harvested from the annual rainfall is calculated and gives the
feeding capacity of the land which is divided by the annual average consumption of a modern
family, giving at last the maximum figures for settlement.


The total number of homes is based on the carrying capacity of the land: to ensure the autonomy
in water the amount of water harvested from the annual rainfall is calculated and gives the
feeding capacity of the land which is divided by the annual average consumption of a modem
family, giving at last the maximum figures for settlement.
the waste generated during construction in form of debris was crushed and reused under the paving
and as filler below the flooring.
There is no sewerage connection for this campus. All wastewater is treated and reused for
gardens in a way that such water eventually percolates into the open wells and so completes the
loop of use and generation.
This e x p e r i e n c e has given rise to many difficulties -successfully worked out. But despite
difficulties faced, one has to appreciate the risks taken by this organization for having addressed
sustainable issues at a larger scale while confining themselves within the frame of the market
This experience has given rise to many difficulties -successfully worked out. But despite difficulties
faced, one has to appreciate the risks taken by this organization for having addressed sustainable
issues at a larger scale while confining themselves within the :frame of the market rules.
This is Indias first centrally air-conditioned ( with no CFC and HCFC) residential campus.
This is Indias first centrally air-conditioned (with no CFC and HCFC) residential
Through the project, BCIL has made an effort to provide modem comfortable housing and at the
same time, minimize the environmental impact. The various technologies and design techniques
used in the construction are all well- known and have been successfully implemented in the past.
Through the project, BCIL has made an effort to provide modem comfortable housing and at the
same time, minimize the environmental impact. The various technologies and design techniques used
in the construction are all well-known and have been successfully implemented in the past. The
advantage lies in incorporating many technologies together in a single project, which is exactly what
BCIL has achieved through T-ZED homes. BCIL has stated its long-term commitment to
quality housing and strong sustainable communities as one of the reasons behind the T-ZED
homes project. It serves as a model for energy conscious development in urban locations.
Tzed consumes only 60 per cent of energy demand of a 100 houses anywhere else.
TZed is a campus that has no water supply connection from the outside. There is no sewerage
connection for this campus. All wastewater is treated and reused for gardens in a way that such
water eventually percolates into the open wells and so completes the loop of use and
TZed is a campus that has no water supply connection from the outside.
TZED is so called because it aims at drastically reducing the carbon emissions in the whole life
cycle of the building (construction, actual life and destruction) without compromising on the
high-energy life style of the inhabitants. TZED is thus the first residential project in India to have
sought Carbon credits or Certified Emission Reduction (CERs) under the Clean Development
Mechanism initiatives.
TZED is so called because it aims at drastically reducing the carbon emissions in the whole life
cycle of the building (construction, actual life and destruction) without compromising on the
Usage of BEE 5 st ar rated air conditioners and LED lighting fixtures for external and internal
lighting are installed
Using of fly ash blocks, to save the amount of steel and cement used.
Vegetation based landscaping
Wardrobes of rice husk or bamboo boards
Waste from landfills.
Water Efficiency
Water is iltered b. Ozonized smosis filter before it is supplied to the homes.
Water stored in an underground tank
Well connected w i t h public f a c i l i t i e s i n terms of transportation
Windows and doors are well placed. Cross ventilation in most of the spaces give
residents a feeling of openness and fresh air.
with LEED requirement.
zone outdoor ventilation rate to all occupied spaces.


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