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This article is about heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; HVAC may also stand for high-voltage alternating current.
Climate control redirects here. For eorts to reduce
changes to Earths climate, see Climate change mitigation.
HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning; also

dustrial and oce buildings such as skyscrapers, onboard

vessels, and in marine environments such as aquariums,
where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated
with respect to temperature and humidity, using fresh air
from outdoors.
Ventilating or ventilation (the V in HVAC) is the process of exchanging or replacing air in any space to provide high indoor air quality which involves temperature
control, oxygen replenishment, and removal of moisture,
odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, and carbon
dioxide. Ventilation removes unpleasant smells and excessive moisture, introduces outside air, keeps interior
building air circulating, and prevents stagnation of the interior air.
Ventilation includes both the exchange of air to the outside as well as circulation of air within the building. It is
one of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating a building may be divided into mechanical/forced and
natural types.[2]

Rooftop HVAC unit with view of fresh air intake vent.

1 Overview
The three central functions of heating, ventilation,
and air-conditioning are interrelated, especially with
the need to provide thermal comfort and acceptable
indoor air quality within reasonable installation, operation, and maintenance costs. HVAC systems can provide
ventilation, reduce air inltration, and maintain pressure
relationships between spaces. The means of air delivery
and removal from spaces is known as room air distribution.[3]
Ventilation duct with outlet vent. These are installed throughout
a building to move air in or out of a room.

1.1 Individual systems

heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)[1] is the technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort.
Its goal is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable
indoor air quality. HVAC system design is a subdiscipline of mechanical engineering, based on the principles
of thermodynamics, uid mechanics, and heat transfer.
Refrigeration is sometimes added to the elds abbreviation as HVAC&R or HVACR, or ventilating is dropped as
in HACR (such as the designation of HACR-rated circuit

In modern buildings the design, installation, and control

systems of these functions are integrated into one or
more HVAC systems. For very small buildings, contractors normally estimate the capacity, engineer, and select HVAC systems and equipment. For larger buildings, building service designers, mechanical engineers,
or building services engineers analyze, design, and specify the HVAC systems. Specialty mechanical contractors
then fabricate and commission the systems. Building permits and code-compliance inspections of the installations
HVAC is important in the design of medium to large in- are normally required for all sizes of building.



District networks

3.1 Generation

Although HVAC is executed in individual buildings or

other enclosed spaces (like NORADs underground headquarters), the equipment involved is in some cases an extension of a larger district heating (DH) or district cooling (DC) network, or a combined DHC network. In such
cases, the operating and maintenance aspects are simplied and metering becomes necessary to bill for the energy that is consumed, and in some cases energy that is
returned to the larger system. For example, at a given
time one building may be utilizing chilled water for air
conditioning and the warm water it returns may be used
in another building for heating, or for the overall heatingportion of the DHC network (likely with energy added to
boost the temperature).[4][5][6]
Basing HVAC on a larger network helps to provide an
economy of scale that is often not possible for individual
buildings, for utilizing renewable energy sources such as
solar heat,[7][8][9] winters cold,[10] the cooling potential in
some places of lakes or seawater for free cooling, and the
enabling function of seasonal thermal energy storage.


See also: Air conditioning History

HVAC is based on inventions and discoveries made by
Nikolay Lvov, Michael Faraday, Willis Carrier, Reuben
Trane, James Joule, William Rankine, Sadi Carnot, and
many others.[11]
The invention of the components of HVAC systems
went hand-in-hand with the industrial revolution, and new
methods of modernization, higher eciency, and system
control are constantly being introduced by companies and Central heating unit
inventors worldwide.
Heaters exist for various types of fuel, including solid fuels, liquids, and gases. Another type of heat source is
electricity, typically heating ribbons made of high resis3 Heating
tance wire (see Nichrome). This principle is also used for
baseboard heaters and portable heaters. Electrical heaters
are often used as backup or supplemental heat for heat
Main article: Central heating
Heaters redirects here. For the community in the pump systems.
United States, see Heaters, West Virginia.
The heat pump gained popularity in the 1950s in the US
Heater redirects here. For other uses, see Heater and Japan.[12] Heat pumps can extract heat from various
sources, such as environmental air, exhaust air from a
building, or from the ground. Initially, heat pump HVAC
Heaters are appliances whose purpose is to generate heat systems were used in moderate climates, but with im(i.e. warmth) for the building. This can be done via provements in low temperature operation and reduced
central heating. Such a system contains a boiler, furnace, loads due to more ecient homes, they are increasing in
or heat pump to heat water, steam, or air in a central lo- popularity in cooler climates.
cation such as a furnace room in a home, or a mechanical
room in a large building. The heat can be transferred by
convection, conduction, or radiation.



Water / steam

In the case of heated water or steam, piping is used to

transport the heat to the rooms. Most modern hot water boiler heating systems have a circulator, which is a
pump, to move hot water through the distribution system
(as opposed to older gravity-fed systems). The heat can
be transferred to the surrounding air using radiators, hot
water coils (hydro-air), or other heat exchangers. The radiators may be mounted on walls or installed within the
oor to give oor heat.

4 Ventilation
Main article: Ventilation (architecture)

Ventilation is the process of changing or replacing air in

any space to control temperature or remove any combination of moisture, odors, smoke, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, or carbon dioxide, and to replenish oxygen. Ventilation includes both the exchange of air with the outside
as well as circulation of air within the building. It is one
of the most important factors for maintaining acceptable
The use of water as the heat transfer medium is known indoor air quality in buildings. Methods for ventilating a
as hydronics. The heated water can also supply an aux- building may be divided into mechanical/forced and natiliary heat exchanger to supply hot water for bathing and ural types.[15]

4.1 Mechanical or forced ventilation



Warm air systems distribute heated air through duct work

systems of supply and return air through metal or berglass ducts. Many systems use the same ducts to distribute air cooled by an evaporator coil for air conditioning. The air supply is typically ltered through air cleaners to remove dust and pollen particles.



The use of furnaces, space heaters, and boilers as means

of indoor heating may result in incomplete combustion
and the emission of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides,
formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, and other
combustion byproducts. Incomplete combustion occurs
when there is insucient oxygen; the inputs are fuels containing various contaminants and the outputs are harmful
byproducts, most dangerously carbon monoxide which is
a tasteless and odorless gas with serious adverse health

HVAC ventilation exhaust for a 12-story building

Mechanical or forced ventilation is provided by an

air handler and used to control indoor air quality. Excess humidity, odors, and contaminants can often be controlled via dilution or replacement with outside air. However, in humid climates much energy is required to remove excess moisture from ventilation air.

Kitchens and bathrooms typically have mechanical exhausts to control odors and sometimes humidity. Factors
in the design of such systems include the ow rate (which
is a function of the fan speed and exhaust vent size) and
Without proper ventilation, carbon monoxide can be noise level. Direct drive fans are available for many aplethal at concentrations of 1000 ppm (0.1%). However, plications, and can reduce maintenance needs.
at several hundred ppm, carbon monoxide exposure in- Ceiling fans and table/oor fans circulate air within a
duces headaches, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Car- room for the purpose of reducing the perceived temperabon monoxide binds with hemoglobin in the blood, form- ture by increasing evaporation of perspiration on the skin
ing carboxyhemoglobin, reducing the bloods ability to of the occupants. Because hot air rises, ceiling fans may
transport oxygen. The primary health concerns associ- be used to keep a room warmer in the winter by circulatated with carbon monoxide exposure are its cardiovascu- ing the warm stratied air from the ceiling to the oor.
lar and neurobehavioral eects. Carbon monoxide can
cause atherosclerosis (the hardening of arteries) and can
also trigger heart attacks. Neurologically, carbon monox- 4.2 Natural ventilation
ide exposure reduces hand to eye coordination, vigilance,
and continuous performance. It can also aect time Natural ventilation is the ventilation of a building with
outside air without using fans or other mechanical sysdiscrimination.[14]


cold, inuenza and meningitis. Opening doors, windows, and using ceiling fans are all ways to maximize
natural ventilation and reduce the risk of airborne contagion. Natural ventilation requires little maintenance and
is inexpensive.[18]

5 Air conditioning
Main article: Air conditioning
An air conditioning system, or a standalone air conditioner, provides cooling and humidity control for all
or part of a building. Air conditioned buildings often
have sealed windows, because open windows would work
against the system intended to maintain constant indoor
air conditions. Outside, fresh air is generally drawn into
Ventilation on the downdraught system, by impulsion, or the
the system by a vent into the indoor heat exchanger sec'plenum' principle, applied to schoolrooms (1899)
tion, creating positive air pressure. The percentage of return air made up of fresh air can usually be manipulated
tems. It can be via operable windows, louvers, or trickle by adjusting the opening of this vent. Typical fresh air
vents when spaces are small and the architecture permits. intake is about 10%.
In more complex schemes, warm air is allowed to rise and Air conditioning and refrigeration are provided through
ow out high building openings to the outside (stack ef- the removal of heat. Heat can be removed through
fect), causing cool outside air to be drawn into low build- radiation, convection, or conduction. Refrigeration coning openings. Natural ventilation schemes can use very duction media such as water, air, ice, and chemicals are
little energy, but care must be taken to ensure comfort. referred to as refrigerants. A refrigerant is employed eiIn warm or humid climates, maintaining thermal comfort ther in a heat pump system in which a compressor is used
solely via natural ventilation may not be possible. Air to drive thermodynamic refrigeration cycle, or in a free
conditioning systems are used, either as backups or sup- cooling system which uses pumps to circulate a cool replements. Air-side economizers also use outside air to frigerant (typically water or a glycol mix).
condition spaces, but do so using fans, ducts, dampers,
and control systems to introduce and distribute cool outdoor air when appropriate.
5.1 Refrigeration cycle
An important component of natural ventilation is air
Main article: Refrigeration cycle
change rate or air changes per hour: the hourly rate of
The refrigeration cycle uses four essential elements to
ventilation divided by the volume of the space. For example, six air changes per hour means an amount of new air,
equal to the volume of the space, is added every ten minutes. For human comfort, a minimum of four air changes
per hour is typical, though warehouses might have only
two. Too high of an air change rate may be uncomfortable, akin to a wind tunnel which have thousands of
changes per hour. The highest air change rates are for
crowded spaces, bars, night clubs, commercial kitchens
at around 30 to 50 air changes per hour.[16]
Room pressure can be either positive or negative with
respect to outside the room. Positive pressure occurs
when there is more air being supplied than exhausted, A simple stylized diagram of the refrigeration cycle: 1)
and is common to reduce the inltration of outside condensing coil, 2) expansion valve, 3) evaporator coil, 4)

Airborne diseases

Natural ventilation is a key factor in reducing the spread

of airborne illnesses such as tuberculosis, the common

The system refrigerant starts its cycle in a gaseous

state. The compressor pumps the refrigerant gas
up to a high pressure and temperature.


Central vs. split system

From there it enters a heat exchanger (sometimes 5.3 Central vs. split system
called a condensing coil or condenser) where it
loses energy (heat) to the outside, cools, and con- Central, 'all-air' air conditioning systems (or package
systems) with a combined outdoor condenser/evaporator
denses into its liquid phase.
unit are often installed in modern residences, oces, and
An expansion valve (also called metering device)
public buildings, but are dicult to retrot (install in a
regulates the refrigerant liquid to ow at the proper
building that was not designed to receive it) because of
the bulky air ducts required. (Mini-Split ductless systems
The liquid refrigerant is returned to another heat ex- are used in these situations.)
changer where it is allowed to evaporate, hence the An alternative to central systems is the use of separate
heat exchanger is often called an evaporating coil indoor and outdoor coils in split systems. These systems,
or evaporator. As the liquid refrigerant evaporates although most often seen in residential applications, are
it absorbs energy (heat) from the inside air, returns gaining popularity in small commercial buildings. The
to the compressor, and repeats the cycle. In the pro- evaporator coil is connected to a remote condenser unit
cess, heat is absorbed from indoors and transferred using refrigerant piping between an indoor and outdoor
outdoors, resulting in cooling of the building.
unit instead of ducting air directly from the outdoor unit.
In variable climates, the system may include a reversing
valve that switches from heating in winter to cooling in
summer. By reversing the ow of refrigerant, the heat
pump refrigeration cycle is changed from cooling to heating or vice versa. This allows a facility to be heated and
cooled by a single piece of equipment by the same means,
and with the same hardware.

Indoor units with directional vents mount onto walls, suspended from ceilings, or t into the ceiling. Other indoor
units mount inside the ceiling cavity, so that short lengths
of duct handle air from the indoor unit to vents or diffusers around the rooms.

5.4 Dehumidication

Dehumidication (air drying) in an air conditioning system is provided by the evaporator. Since the evaporator
operates at a temperature below the dew point, moisture
Main article: Free cooling
in the air condenses on the evaporator coil tubes. This
moisture is collected at the bottom of the evaporator in a
Free cooling systems can have very high eciencies, and pan and removed by piping to a central drain or onto the
are sometimes combined with seasonal thermal energy ground outside.
storage so the cold of winter can be used for summer
A dehumidier is an air-conditioner-like device that conair conditioning. Common storage mediums are deep
trols the humidity of a room or building. It is often emaquifers or a natural underground rock mass accessed
ployed in basements which have a higher relative humidvia a cluster of small-diameter, heat exchanger equipped
ity because of their lower temperature (and propensity for
boreholes. Some systems with small storages are hybrids,
damp oors and walls). In food retailing establishments,
using free cooling early in the cooling season, and later
large open chiller cabinets are highly eective at dehuemploying a heat pump to chill the circulation coming
midifying the internal air. Conversely, a humidier infrom the storage. The heat pump is added-in because the
creases the humidity of a building.
storage acts as a heat sink when the system is in cooling
(as opposed to charging) mode, causing the temperature
to gradually increase during the cooling season.


Free cooling

5.5 Maintenance

Some systems include an economizer mode, which is

sometimes called a free cooling mode. When economizing, the control system will open (fully or partially)
the outside air damper and close (fully or partially) the
return air damper. This will cause fresh, outside air to
be supplied to the system. When the outside air is cooler
than the demanded cool air, this will allow the demand
to be met without using the mechanical supply of cooling (typically chilled water or a direct expansion DX
unit), thus saving energy. The control system can compare the temperature of the outside air vs. return air, or
it can compare the enthalpy of the air, as is frequently
done in climates where humidity is more of an issue. In
both cases, the outside air must be less energetic than the
return air for the system to enter the economizer mode.

All modern air conditioning systems, even small window package units, are equipped with internal air lters.
These are generally of a lightweight gauzy material, and
must be replaced or washed as conditions warrant. For
example, a building in a high dust environment, or a home
with furry pets, will need to have the lters changed more
often than buildings without these dirt loads. Failure to
replace these lters as needed will contribute to a lower
heat exchange rate, resulting in wasted energy, shortened
equipment life, and higher energy bills; low air ow can
result in iced-up or iced-over evaporator coils, which
can completely stop air ow. Additionally, very dirty or
plugged lters can cause overheating during a heating cycle, and can result in damage to the system or even re.


Because an air conditioner moves heat between the indoor coil and the outdoor coil, both must be kept clean.
This means that, in addition to replacing the air lter at
the evaporator coil, it is also necessary to regularly clean
the condenser coil. Failure to keep the condenser clean
will eventually result in harm to the compressor, because
the condenser coil is responsible for discharging both the
indoor heat (as picked up by the evaporator) and the heat
generated by the electric motor driving the compressor.

Energy eciency

Since the 1980s, manufacturers of HVAC equipment

have been making an eort to make the systems they
manufacture more ecient. This was originally driven by
rising energy costs, and has more recently been driven by
increased awareness of environmental issues. Additionally, improvements to the HVAC system eciency can
also help increase occupant health and productivity.[19]
In the US, the EPA has imposed tighter restrictions over
the years. There are several methods for making HVAC
systems more ecient.


Heating energy

In the past, water heating was more ecient for heating

buildings and was the standard in the United States. Today, forced air systems can double for air conditioning
and are more popular.

6.2 Geothermal heat pump

Main article: Geothermal heat pump
Geothermal heat pumps are similar to ordinary heat
pumps, but instead of transferring heat to or from outside
air, they rely on the stable, even temperature of the earth
to provide heating and air conditioning. Many parts of
the country experience seasonal temperature extremes,
which would require large-capacity heating and cooling
equipment to heat or cool buildings. For example, a conventional heat pump system used to heat a building in
Montanas 70 F (57 C) low temperature or cool a
building in the highest temperature ever recorded in the
US134 F (57 C) in Death Valley, California, in 1913
would require a large amount of energy due to the extreme dierence between inside and outside air temperatures. A few feet below the earths surface, however, the
ground remains at a relatively constant temperature. Utilizing this large source of relatively moderate temperature
earth, a heating or cooling systems capacity can often
be signicantly reduced. Although ground temperatures
vary according to latitude, at 6 feet (1.8 m) underground,
temperatures generally only range from 45 to 75 F (7 to
24 C).
An example of a geothermal heat pump that uses a body
of water as the heat sink, is the system used by the Trump
International Hotel and Tower in Chicago, Illinois. This
building is situated on the Chicago River, and uses cold
river water by pumping it into a recirculating cooling system, where heat exchangers transfer heat from the building into the water, and then the now-warmed water is
pumped back into the Chicago River.[20]

Some benets of forced air systems, which are now

widely used in churches, schools and high-end residences,
While they may be more costly to install than regular heat
pumps, geothermal heat pumps can produce markedly
lower energy bills 30 to 40 percent lower, according to
Better air conditioning eects
estimates from the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Energy savings of up to 15-20%
Even conditioning

6.3 Ventilation energy recovery

Energy recovery systems sometimes utilize heat recovA drawback is the installation cost, which can be slightly ery ventilation or energy recovery ventilation systems that
employ heat exchangers or enthalpy wheels to recover
higher than traditional HVAC systems.
sensible or latent heat from exhausted air. This is done
Energy eciency can be improved even more in central by transfer of energy to the incoming outside fresh air.
heating systems by introducing zoned heating. This allows a more granular application of heat, similar to noncentral heating systems. Zones are controlled by multi- 6.4 Air conditioning energy
ple thermostats. In water heating systems the thermostats
control zone valves, and in forced air systems they control The performance of vapor compression refrigeration cyzone dampers inside the vents which selectively block the cles is limited by thermodynamics. These air conditionow of air. In this case, the control system is very critical ing and heat pump devices move heat rather than conto maintaining a proper temperature.
vert it from one form to another, so thermal eciencies
Forecasting is another method of controlling building do not appropriately describe the performance of these
heating by calculating demand for heating energy that devices. The Coecient-of-Performance (COP) meashould be supplied to the building in each time unit.
sures performance, but this dimensionless measure has

not been adopted. Instead, the Energy Eciency Ratio
(EER) has traditionally been used to characterize the performance of many HVAC systems. EER is the Energy
Eciency Ratio based on a 35 C (95 F) outdoor temperature. To more accurately describe the performance
of air conditioning equipment over a typical cooling season a modied version of the EER, the Seasonal Energy
Eciency Ratio (SEER), or in Europe the ESEER, is
used. SEER ratings are based on seasonal temperature
averages instead of a constant 35 C (95 F) outdoor temperature. The current industry minimum SEER rating is
14 SEER.[21]

8 HVAC industry and standards

Engineers have pointed out some areas where eciency

of the existing hardware could be improved. For example, the fan blades used to move the air are usually
stamped from sheet metal, an economical method of
manufacture, but as a result they are not aerodynamically
ecient. A well-designed blade could reduce electrical
power required to move the air by a third.[22]

The starting point in carrying out an estimate both for

cooling and heating depends on the exterior climate and
interior specied conditions. However, before taking up
the heat load calculation, it is necessary to nd fresh air
requirements for each area in detail, as pressurization is
an important consideration.

Air ltration and cleaning

The HVAC industry is a worldwide enterprise, with roles

including operation and maintenance, system design and
construction, equipment manufacturing and sales, and
in education and research. The HVAC industry was
historically regulated by the manufacturers of HVAC
equipment, but regulating and standards organizations
such as HARDI, ASHRAE, SMACNA, ACCA, Uniform
Mechanical Code, International Mechanical Code, and
AMCA have been established to support the industry and
encourage high standards and achievement.

8.1 International
ISO 16813:2006 is one of the ISO building environment standards.[24] It establishes the general principles of
building environment design. It takes into account the
need to provide a healthy indoor environment for the occupants as well as the need to protect the environment for
future generations and promote collaboration among the
various parties involved in building environmental design
for sustainability. ISO16813 is applicable to new construction and the retrot of existing buildings.[25]
The building environmental design standard aims to:[25]

Air handling unit, used for heating, cooling, and ltering the air

Air cleaning and ltration removes particles, contaminants, vapors and gases from the air. The ltered and
cleaned air then is used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Air cleaning and ltration should be taken in
account when protecting our building environments.[23]


Clean air delivery rate and lter performance

Clean air delivery rate is the amount of clean air an air

cleaner provides to a room or space. When determining
CADR, the amount of airow in a space is taken into account. For example, an air cleaner with a ow rate of 100
cfm (cubic feet per minute) and an eciency of 50% has
a CADR of 50 cfm. Along with CADR, ltration performance is very important when it comes to the air in our
indoor environment. Filter performance depends on the
size of the particle or ber, the lter packing density and
depth and also the air ow rate.[23]

provide the constraints concerning sustainability issues from the initial stage of the design process, with
building and plant life cycle to be considered together with owning and operating costs from the beginning of the design process;
assess the proposed design with rational criteria for
indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acoustical comfort, visual comfort, energy eciency and HVAC
system controls at every stage of the design process;
iterate decisions and evaluations of the design
throughout the design process.

8.2 North America

8.2.1 United States
Main article: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
In the United States, HVAC engineers generally are
members of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), EPA


Universal CFC certied, or locally engineer certied such

as a Special to Chief Boilers License issued by the state
or, in some jurisdictions, the city. ASHRAE is an international technical society for all individuals and organizations interested in HVAC. The Society, organized into regions, chapters, and student branches, allows exchange of
HVAC knowledge and experiences for the benet of the
elds practitioners and the public. ASHRAE provides
many opportunities to participate in the development of
new knowledge via, for example, research and its many
technical committees. These committees typically meet
twice per year at the ASHRAE Annual and Winter Meetings. A popular product show, the AHR Expo, is held in
conjunction with each winter meeting. The Society has
approximately 50,000 members and has headquarters in
Atlanta, Georgia.
The most recognized standards for HVAC design are
based on ASHRAE data. The most general of four volumes of the ASHRAE Handbook is Fundamentals; it includes heating and cooling calculations. Each volume
of the ASHRAE Handbook is updated every four years.
The design professional must consult ASHRAE data for
the standards of design and care as the typical building
codes provide little to no information on HVAC design
practices; codes such as the UMC and IMC do include
much detail on installation requirements, however. Other
useful reference materials include items from SMACNA,
ACGIH, and technical trade journals.
American design standards are legislated in the Uniform
Mechanical Code or International Mechanical Code. In
certain states, counties, or cities, either of these codes
may be adopted and amended via various legislative processes. These codes are updated and published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Ofcials (IAPMO) or the International Code Council (ICC)
respectively, on a 3-year code development cycle. Typically, local building permit departments are charged with
enforcement of these standards on private and certain
public properties.
HVAC professionals in the US can receive training
through formal training institutions, where most earn
associate degrees. Training for HVAC technicians includes classroom lectures and hands-on tasks, and can be
followed by an apprenticeship wherein the recent graduate works alongside a professional HVAC technician for a
temporary period.[26] HVAC techs who have been trained
can also be certied in areas such as air conditioning, heat
pumps, gas heating, and commercial refrigeration.[27]


the electrotechnical, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration and plumbing industries. To train as
a building services engineer, the academic requirements
are GCSEs (A-C) / Standard Grades (1-3) in Maths and
Science, which are important in measurements, planning and theory. Employers will often want a degree in
a branch of engineering, such as building environment
engineering, electrical engineering or mechanical engineering. To become a full member of CIBSE, and so
also to be registered by the Engineering Council UK as
a chartered engineer, engineers must also attain an Honours Degree and a masters degree in a relevant engineering subject.
CIBSE publishes several guides to HVAC design relevant to the UK market, and also the Republic of Ireland,
Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. These guides
include various recommended design criteria and standards, some of which are cited within the UK building
regulations, and therefore form a legislative requirement
for major building services works. The main guides are:
Guide A: Environmental Design
Guide B: Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and
Guide C: Reference Data
Guide D: Transportation systems in Buildings
Guide E: Fire Safety Engineering
Guide F: Energy Eciency in Buildings
Guide G: Public Health Engineering
Guide H: Building Control Systems
Guide J: Weather, Solar and Illuminance Data
Guide K: Electricity in Buildings
Guide L: Sustainability
Guide M: Maintenance Engineering and Management
Within the construction sector, it is the job of the building services engineer to design and oversee the installation and maintenance of the essential services such as gas,
electricity, water, heating and lighting, as well as many
others. These all help to make buildings comfortable and
healthy places to live and work in. Building Services is
part of a sector that has over 51,000 businesses and employs represents 2%3% of the GDP.

8.4 Australia


United Kingdom

The Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors AsThe Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers sociation of Australia (AMCA), Australian Institute of
is a body that covers the essential Service (systems ar- Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH),
chitecture) that allow buildings to operate. It includes and CIBSE are responsible.



Asian architectural temperature-control have dierent

priorities than European methods. For example, Asian
heating traditionally focuses on maintaining temperatures
of objects such as the oor or furnishings such as Kotatsu
tables and directly warming people, as opposed to the
Western focus, in modern periods, on designing air systems.


[6] Dalin P., Rubenhag A. (2006). ECOHEATCOOL (WP5)

Possibilities with more district cooling in Europe, nal report from the project. Final Rep. Brussels: Euroheat &
[7] Holm L. (2012). Long Term Experiences with Solar District Heating in Denmark. European Sustainable Energy
Week, Brussels. 18 - 22 June 2012.
[8] Wong B., Thornton J. (2013). Integrating Solar & Heat
Pumps. Renewable Heat Workshop.
[9] Pauschinger T. (2012). Solar District Heating with Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage in Germany. European
Sustainable Energy Week, Brussels. 1822 June 2012.

The Philippine Society of Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers (PSVARE) along with
Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) [10] Paksoy H., Snijders A., Stiles L. (2009). Aquifer Thermal
Energy Cold Storage System at Richard Stockton College.
govern on the codes and standards for HVAC / MVAC
Estock Conference -- Thermal Energy Storage for Ein the Philippines.
ciency and Sustainability (11th International.



[11] Swenson, S. Don (1995). HVAC: heating, ventilating, and

air conditioning. Homewood, Illinois: American Technical Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8269-0675-5.

The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air

Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) was established to [12] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Iain_Staffell/
promote the HVAC industry in India. ISHRAE is an
associate of ASHRAE. ISHRAE was started at Delhi in
pumps/links/0c96052a39c98d9227000000.pdf 9291
1981 and a chapter was started in Bangalore in 1989. Between 1989 & 1993, ISHRAE chapters were formed in [13] Bearg, David W. (1993). Indoor Air Quality and HVAC
Systems. New York: Lewis Publishers. pp. 107112.
all major cities in India and also in the Middle East.

See also
ASHRAE Handbook
Fan coil unit
Glossary of HVAC terms
Sick building syndrome



[1] HVAC. MerriamWebster Dictionary. Retrieved 201501-12.

[2] Ventilation and Inltration chapter, Fundamentals volume
of the ASHRAE Handbook, ASHRAE, Inc., Atlanta, GA,
[3] Designers Guide to Ceiling-Based Air Diusion, Rock and
Zhu, ASHRAE, Inc., New York, 2002
[4] Rezaie B., Rosen M.A. (2012). District heating and cooling: Review of technology and potential enhancements.
Applied Energy (1) Green Energy; (2)Special Section
from papers presented at the 2nd International Enery 2030
Conf. 93:0:pp.2-10.
[5] Werner S. (2006). ECOHEATCOOL (WP4) Possibilities
with more district heating in Europe. Euroheat & Power,

[14] Dianat, Nazari, I,I. Characteristic of unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning in Northwest Iran- Tabriz. International Journal of Injury Control and Promotion. Retrieved 2011-11-15.
[15] Ventilation and Inltration chapter, Fundamentals volume of the ASHRAE Handbook, ASHRAE, Inc., Atlanta,
Georgia, 2005
[16] Air Change Rates for typical Rooms and Buildings. The
Engineering ToolBox. Retrieved 2012-12-12.
[17] Bell, Georey. Room Air Change Rate. A Design
Guide for Energy-Ecient Research Laboratories. Retrieved 2011-11-15.
[18] Escombe, A. R.; Oeser, C. C.; Gilman, R. H.;
et al.
Natural ventilation for the prevention of airborne contagion. PLoS Med 4 (68).
[19] Sustainable Facilities Tool: HVAC System Overview.
sftool.gov. Retrieved 2 July 2014.
[20] Al-Kodmany, Kheir (2013). The Future of the City: Tall
Buildings and Urban Design. WIT Press. p. 242. ISBN
[21] What Does SEER Stand For?". allclimate.net. Retrieved
[22] Keeping cool and green, The Economist 17 July 2010, p.



[23] Howard, J (2003), Guidance for Filtration and AirCleaning Systems to Protect Building Environments from
Airborne Chemical, Biological, or Radiological Attacks,
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
[24] ISO. Building environment standards. www.iso.org.
Retrieved 2011-05-14.
[25] ISO.
environmentGeneral principles.
May 2011.

Retrieved 14

[26] HVAC Training. HVACTraining.net. Retrieved 201307-10.

[27] Certication basics/101. NATE. Archived from the
original on 2011-10-06. Retrieved 2013-07-10.


Further reading

Mechanical system (building

Encyclopdia Britannica



International Mechanical Code (2012 (Second Printing)) by the International Code Council, Thomson
Delmar Learning;
Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (August 2003) by Althouse, Turnquist, and Bracciano,
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher; 18th edition
The Cost of Cool



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