Report To Congressional Requesters: United States Government Accountability Office
Report To Congressional Requesters: United States Government Accountability Office
Report To Congressional Requesters: United States Government Accountability Office
December 2012
Status 40 Years after
Establishment, and
Future Considerations
December 2012
Incorporated under Alaska state law, regional Alaska Native corporations share
fundamental characteristics, although they have chosen a variety of governance
practices. Like other Alaska corporations, the regional corporations are subject to
the states corporate laws (with limited exceptions) and are run by an elected
board of directors. Nevertheless, each regional corporation has chosen its own
organization and governance approach in terms of board operations, executive
and board compensation, board elections, and shareholder involvement.
The Corporations Have Adopted a Variety of Governance
The Corporations Are Subject to Some Federal and State Financial
Reporting Requirements and Limited State Oversight
The Corporations Provide Diverse Monetary and Nonmonetary
Benefits to Their Shareholders and Other Alaska Natives
Questions to Consider for the Future
Agency and Third-Party Comments and Our Evaluation
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Table 1: Characteristics of the Regional Alaska Native
Corporations When Established in the 1970s
Table 2: Size and Scope of the 12 Regional Alaska Native
Corporations in Alaska
Table 3: Regional Alaska Native Corporation Shareholder
Demographics as Reported by the Corporations
Table 4: Characteristics of the Boards of Directors, Regional
Alaska Native Corporations
Table 5: Election Information for the Regional Alaska Native
Corporations, 2001-2011
Table 6: Financial and Dividend Information as Reported by the
Regional Alaska Native Corporations, 2010
Page i
Figure 1: The Twelve Geographic Regions for the Regional Alaska
Native Corporations in Alaska
Figure 2: Examples of Benefits Supported by the Regional Alaska
Native Corporations
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Page ii
Pub. L. No. 92-203, 85 Stat. 688 (1971), codified as amended at 43 U.S.C. 16011629h. By settling aboriginal land claims in Alaska, the Settlement Act permitted the
development of the vast energy potential of the state to aid in meeting the energy
shortage the United States faced in the 1970s.
Under the Settlement Act, over 200 village, urban, or group Alaska Native corporations
were also formed to participate in the settlement. This report discusses only the regional
Page 1
among other aims. 3 Toward these ends, the Settlement Act, as originally
enacted, entitled certain Alaska Natives to be shareholders in the
corporations and prohibited sales of the corporations stock for 20 years.
Subsequent amendments, however, have authorized issuance of stock to
other Alaska Natives and their descendants, extended the prohibition on
the sale of stock, and generally exempted the corporations from
regulation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Under the Settlement Act and state law, the corporations are required to
provide certain information to shareholders, such as annual reports
including the corporations audited financial statements. The Settlement
Act, as amended, also authorizes but does not require corporations to
provide benefits to their shareholders and other Alaska Natives to
promote their health, education, or welfare.
To inform your understanding of the financial information being reported
by the regional Alaska Native corporations and how these corporations
are addressing the needs of Alaska Natives, you asked us to describe
various corporate practices. This report examines (1) governance
practices of the regional Alaska Native corporations, (2) requirements for
and oversight of the corporations financial reporting practices,
(3) benefits provided by the corporations to their shareholders and other
Alaska Natives, and (4) questions to consider for the future. 4
To conduct this work, we reviewed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement
Act, as amended; the Alaska Corporations Code; and other federal and
state laws and regulations relevant to corporate governance and financial
reporting by regional Alaska Native corporations. We examined the
corporations annual shareholder reports from 2010 and proxy materials
from 2011(the most recent years for which consistent information was
available across the corporations). We also asked SEC staff to provide
observations on the corporations 2010 annual shareholder reports. In this
report, we define an SEC registrant as a corporation subject to the
registration and reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934. We reviewed documentation provided by the regional corporations
43 U.S.C. 1601(b).
We were also asked to determine shareholders level of satisfaction with the regional
corporations. To answer this question, we proposed surveying regional corporations
shareholders on their perspectives of the regional corporations. We were unable to
conduct a systematic and independent survey of shareholders, however, because the
regional corporations declined to provide us with their shareholder lists.
Page 2
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act required the Secretary of the
Interior to divide Alaska into 12 geographic regions, with each region, as
far as practicable, composed of Alaska Natives having a common
heritage and sharing common interests (see fig. 1). 5 The Secretary of the
Interior was also required to enroll into a region every Alaska Native alive
when the Settlement Act was enacted on December 18, 1971, generally
according to residence. As defined by the Settlement Act, an Alaska
Native is a person with 25 percent or more of Alaska Indian, Eskimo, or
Aleut blood or combination thereof (called a blood quantum requirement).
Each region in the 1970s established a regional corporation as directed
by the Settlement Act, and the Alaska Natives enrolled into the region
Page 3
became its shareholders. Certain Alaska Native villages were also eligible
to form village corporations under state law. In addition, Alaska Natives
who were not residing in Alaska could elect to enroll in a 13th region.
Such a corporation, referred to as the 13th Regional Corporation, was
established by a vote of nonresidents, and only those nonresident Alaska
Natives who voted for the 13th Regional Corporations formation were
enrolled in that region and became its shareholders (nonresidents who
did not vote for it were enrolled in another region and became
shareholders of that regional corporation). 6 Enrolled Alaska Natives
received no more than 100 shares of their regional corporations stock
and, if they were enrolled in a village, no more than 100 shares of their
village corporations stock. Under the original Settlement Act, shares
could be inherited upon a shareholders death, but inherited shares
entitled the new shareholder to vote only if the shareholder was an Alaska
Native with a blood quantum of 25 percent or more. 7
Initially, the Department of the Interior determined that a majority of all eligible
nonresidents had not elected to form a 13th regional corporation, but a federal court found
that basic fairness and equity compelled the creation of the 13th Regional Corporation
because Interiors handling of the election was marked by bureaucratic inconsistency
and lassitude. Alaska Native Association of Oregon v. Morton, 417 F.Supp. 459, 464-71
(D. D.C.1974).
If a shareholder dies without a will or heirs, the shares revert back to the corporation.
Additionally, the 1988 amendments to the Settlement Act permitted shareholders to
transfer their shares to Alaska Natives or their descendants during the shareholders
lifetime by giving the shares as a gift to specified family members. Under the 1988
amendments, shares have voting rights if they are inherited, transferred, or gifted to an
Alaska Native or descendant of an Alaska Native.
Page 4
Figure 1: The Twelve Geographic Regions for the Regional Alaska Native Corporations in Alaska
In addition to extinguishing all aboriginal claims of the Alaska Native people, including
any aboriginal hunting and fishing rights, the Settlement Act revoked all existing Indian
reservations or reserves in Alaska except one, the Annette Island Reserve of the
Metlakatla Indian community.
Page 5
In addition to regional and village corporations, the act allowed groups not qualifying to
establish an Alaska Native village corporation to establish Alaska Native group
corporations and Alaska Natives living in Sitka, Kenai, Juneau, and Kodiak to establish
urban corporations. Both group and urban corporations were eligible to receive title to
surface land.
The 7(i) distribution was the subject of much litigation in the 1970s and is now governed
by the Section 7(i) Settlement Agreement finalized in 1982 (and subsequently amended).
Under this settlement agreement, the regional corporations share 70 percent of all net
revenues received from timber and subsurface resources conveyed to them under the act.
43 U.S.C. 1606(j). Specifically, the amount distributed as dividends to shareholders
who are not village residents bears the same ratio to the amount distributed among the
village corporations that the number of shares of stock registered on the books of the
regional corporations in the names of nonresidents of villages bears to the number of
shares of stock registered in the names of village residents. 43 U.S.C. 1606(m).
Page 6
Total cash
(thousands of dollars)
Ahtna, Incorporated
Calista Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Number of
Number of village
Koniag, Incorporated
Sealaska Corporation
Approximate totals include both surface and subsurface estates; surface amounts are generally
owned by the village corporations within the region. Total acres do not include 4 million acres that
villages elected to take title to as revoked reserves under section 19 of the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act. Until late 1973, village corporations could elect to acquire title to the surface and
subsurface estates in certain reserves established before the Settlement Act, reserves the Settlement
Act revoked. Village corporations that elected to take title to revoked reserves were not eligible for
any distributions from the regional corporation, and their shareholders were not eligible to become
regional corporation shareholders. Seven village corporations elected to take title to five former
reserves: Elim (Elim Native Corporation), Klukwan (Klukwan Corporation), St. Lawrence (Gambell
Native Corporation and the Savoonga Native Corporation), Tetlin (Tetlin Native Corporation), and
Venetie (Neetsai Corporation and the Venetie Indian Corporation). The Klukwan Corporation,
however, later chose to receive benefits from the settlement rather than taking title to the former
reserve, and under section 16(d) of the Settlement Act, as amended, the Klukwan Corporation
received settlement land after conveying title to its former reserve lands to the Chilkat Indian Village
tribal government.
Figures represent the number of shareholders determined to be eligible after reopening eligibility as
of December 31, 1982; the numbers do not include 1,522 eligible shareholders who were enrolled in
village corporations that elected to take title to the revoked reserves.
Page 7
These numbers do not include the seven village corporations that elected to take title to the revoked
reserves, and they represent the number of village corporations before any village corporation
consolidations or mergers with their regional corporation. For example, 10 of the 11 village
corporations in the NANA region merged with NANA Regional Corporation.
The 1980 amendments to the Settlement Act authorized seven additional village corporations in the
Koniag region with modified settlement entitlements. Pub. L. No. 96-487, 1427(e) (1980).
There were a total of 220 eligible village corporations under the Settlement Actthe 206 included in
the table, plus the 7 that elected revoked reserves, plus the 7 additional Koniag village corporations.
Although the Settlement Acts basic structure has not changed in the last
40 years, the act has been amended several times. Some of the
amendments pertain to the expansion of eligible shareholders, extended
restrictions on the sales of stock, exemptions from federal securities laws,
and participation in the Small Business Administrations 8(a) program, as
The 1988 amendment also authorized shareholders to vote on amending the articles of
incorporation to authorize the issuance of additional shares to Alaska Native shareholders
who are 65 years old or older. In addition, the amendment authorized shareholders to vote
to amend the articles of incorporation to authorize the issuance of other classes and
series of stock to permit the corporation to raise equity capital by selling stock in traditional
capital markets.
Page 8
the date when stock could be sold under the original actmany
Alaska Native shareholders would not have acquired sufficient
experience dealing with corporate activities to sell their stock on the
open market without risking the loss of continued Alaska Native
corporate ownership. 14 The amendment allows the shareholders to
vote to amend the articles of incorporation to lift restrictions on stock
Federal securities laws. In 1976, the act was amended to exempt the
corporations from certain federal securities laws during the 20-year
prohibition on the sale or disposition of stock. Specifically, the
amendment exempted the corporations from the Investment Company
Act of 1940, 15 the Securities Act of 1933, 16 and the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. 17 Because of this exemption, the corporations
are also not subject to any amendments to these laws, including
amendments in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act 18 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. 19 These laws,
and their implementing regulations, require certain corporations to
register with and report periodically to the SEC, which regulates the
securities industry. In 1988, when the act was amended to extend the
prohibition on stock sales, the act was also amended to extend the
exemption from securities law until after the corporation offers shares
of its stock to the public, shareholders vote to allow stock sales, or the
corporation registers with the SEC.
Pub. L. No. 111-203 (2010). The purpose of the act is to promote the financial stability of
the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system,
among other aims.
Pub. L. No. 107-204 (2002). The act is intended to protect investors by improving the
accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made under securities laws, among other
Page 9
Regional Corporation
43 U.S.C. 1626(e).
GAO, Contract Management: Increased Use of Alaska Native Corporations Special 8(a)
Provisions Calls for Tailored Oversight, GAO-06-399 (Washington, D.C.: Apr. 27, 2006),
and GAO, Federal Contracting: Monitoring and Oversight of Tribal 8(a) Firms Need
Attention, GAO-12-84 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 31, 2012). Special advantages include the
ability to receive sole-source 8(a) contracts for any amount, whereas sole-source awards
to other 8(a) firms must generally fall under certain competitive dollar thresholds ($6.5
million for manufacturing or $4 million for all other acquisitions). Section 811 of the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010enacted in October 2009
mandated changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulation to require a written justification
of sole-source 8(a) awards over $20 million. An interim rule amending the Federal
Acquisition Regulation to implement section 811 was issued on March 16, 2011, and
finalized on April 18, 2012. Previously, no justification was required for sole-source 8(a)
awards of any amount.
Page 10
The term recognize means the federal government acknowledges that a particular
Native American group is a tribe by conferring specific legal status on that group,
establishing a government-to-government relationship between the United States and the
tribe, imposing on the government a fiduciary trust relationship to the tribe and its
members, and imposing specific obligations on the federal government to provide benefits
and services to the tribe and its members. See H.R. Rep. No. 103-781 at 2-3 (1994).
Corporations also have bylawswhich contain the details of the corporations internal
governance arrangementsbut bylaws are not filed with the state.
Page 11
the state to oversee such actions of any corporations directors, and the
act did not establish any oversight mechanism for the regional
Under state corporate law, a corporations board of directorswho are
fiduciaries of the corporation and owe it the duties of good faith, care, and
loyaltymanages the corporation and makes business decisions. The
board hires and monitors corporate officers, such as president and
secretary. In contrast to the board of directors role, shareholders have
limited power to participate in management and control of a corporation.
Shareholders do not make business decisions for the corporation, but
they are responsible for electing the directors who do. Except for the
initial board, directors are elected by shareholders at an annual meeting.
The elections are usually conducted by an independent third party, such
as an accounting firm. In order for a shareholder election (or other action)
to be valid, a certain number of sharesspecified in state law or the
articles of incorporation and known as a quorummust be voted in
person or by proxy at the meeting. Voting by proxy means that a
shareholder who cannot attend the annual meeting in person directs
someone elsea proxy holderto vote his or her shares. Shareholders
and the corporation can solicit shareholders to serve as their proxy
holders in what is known as a proxy solicitation. Proxy solicitations from a
corporation generally consist of an annual report to shareholders, a proxy
statement containing information on nominees for the board, and a proxy
form, among other things. In addition, shareholders must vote to approve
any amendments to the articles of incorporation and certain other actions
proposed by the board. Shareholders can also make recommendations to
the board on various matters by presenting and voting on resolutions at
annual meetings.
Page 12
Net income
Ahtna, Incorporated
Debbie Cutler, 2011 Top 49ers: Superheroes of Success, Alaska Business Monthly,
October 2011.
The regional corporations reported that collectively they are also involved as partial
owners of, or in joint ventures or partnerships with, approximately 150 subsidiaries.
Page 13
Dollars in thousands
Gross revenue
Net income
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Incorporated
Sealaska Corporation
Calista Corporation
Source: GAO analysis of information from the regional Alaska Native corporations.
Note: Gross revenue and net income amounts are as reported by the regional corporations for the
2010 reporting period.
Listed are the major business operations of the regional corporations as provided to us by the
corporations in October 2012; the corporations may also undertake many other business activities not
listed here.
Page 14
The last annual meeting held to elect board directors was in 2006; as of
October 2012, advocates for the 13th Regional Corporation are working
without compensation to explore options for bringing the corporation back
into solvency. (We discuss this issue more fully in the last section of our
Over time, the number and demographics of the regional corporations
shareholders have changed. For example, shareholders initially
numbered around 79,000 and now exceed 111,000. In addition, in over
half the regions, 25 percent or more of the shareholders now reside
outside Alaska (see table 3), but throughout the regions, many
shareholders reside in one of over 200 isolated villages in the state, often
located near the sea or rivers. Most villages are accessible only by small
planes, boats, or snow machines; 82 percent of the rural communities in
Alaska have no road system. Costs are high in the villages, particularly
for food, gas, and heating sources. Residents get much of their food from
a subsistence lifestylehunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for
foodwhich remains a vital part of Alaska Native culture. Often, basic
infrastructure such as housing and water are far below the standards of
urban Alaska. For instance, some rural Alaskan homes lack running water
and flush toilets and instead use washaterias that provide laundry,
shower, and toilet facilities for a fee. In addition, employment
opportunities are scarce, and gaining access to health care and
educational opportunities is often challenging.
Page 15
Table 3: Regional Alaska Native Corporation Shareholder Demographics as Reported by the Corporations
Number of
Number of
residing in Alaska
Number of
residing outside
Percentage of
residing outside
Ahtna, Incorporated
Koniag, Incorporated
NANA Regional Corporation
Sealaska Corporation
Note: These data represent the regional corporations shareholder numbers as reported by the
regional corporations as of dates occurring from December 2011 to October 2012.
Current shareholder numbers for the 13th Regional Corporation were not available. According to one
of the corporations shareholders, a former director, as of 2008, a total of 5,371 shareholders
remained in the 13th Regional Corporation, of whom 695 resided in Alaska and 4,676 outside Alaska.
The Corporations
Have Adopted
a Variety of
Governance Practices
Regional corporations are subject to Alaska corporate law with the exception of certain
provisions relating to capitalization, issuance of shares, and other topics identified in
Alaska Stat. 10.06.960.
Page 16
Board Composition
and Operation
Under the Settlement Act, all regional corporation board directors must be
shareholders of their corporations and over the age of 18, but otherwise
the corporations have taken various approaches in composing and
operating their boards. For instance, board sizes range from 9 to 23
directors, and the corporations have established differing restrictions
relating to the directors employment with the corporation or their
subsidiary companies. A few corporations specify that directors may not
be employed by the corporation or any of its subsidiaries, while others
specify that directors may not be employed by the corporation but may be
employed by certain subsidiary companies. In contrast, several
corporations do not restrict director employment with the corporation, but
one restricts certain director involvement with entities that may compete
with the corporation, and yet another requires that the position of
corporate president be filled by a director. For those corporations that do
not restrict director employment, we found several instances where board
directors were also employed by the corporation or its subsidiaries.
We also found that the age, sex, professional business experience, and
board tenure of the corporations boards varied. 30 Very few directors were
younger than 40, although directors ages ranged from 29 to 82 years.
Males made up a majority of all directors, but some boards were more
evenly divided by gender than others (see table 4). The professional
business experiences listed by the directors represented diverse fields
and professions, including commercial fishermen, construction operators,
medical doctors, school teachers and university professors, and business
managers and executives. Similarly, a directors tenure on a board
ranged considerably across and within the corporations, from less than
1 year to 39 years.
State regulation requires regional corporations to include certain information for board
candidates and current board directors in their board proxy solicitations for director
elections, such as name, age, and address; all positions and offices presently held with
the corporation; and business experience during the past 5 years, including principal
employment or occupation and employer. 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.345(b)(1)(A), (B),
(F). In some of the proxy solicitations we reviewed, some of this information may not have
been fully reported, in which case we referred the issue to the state.
Page 17
Number of
Less than
10 years
From 10 to
20 years
More than
20 years
Ahtna, Incorporated
The Aleut Corporation
Calista Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Incorporated
NANA Regional Corporation
Sealaska Corporation
Note: The information on board directors reported here is based on the directors in place with each
corporation before its annual shareholder meeting held in calendar year 2011.
At the time NANA held its 2011 annual shareholder meeting, there was one vacancy on the board
because one director had passed away; the data presented in this row apply to the 22 directors then
Page 18
State regulation requires regional corporations board proxy solicitations to list any board
committees that perform audit, nominating, and compensation functions; briefly describe
the functions actually performed; and indicate the membership of each committee and
number of meetings held during the last fiscal year. 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.345(b)(7).
Specifically, state regulations for Alaska Native corporations board proxy solicitations
for director elections require the disclosure of any family relationship between (1) board
nominees for director or incumbent directors and (2) any director, nominee, or executive
officer of the corporation and its subsidiaries. 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.345(b)(1)(E).
In addition, the regulations require a brief description of financial transactions by the
corporation with any entity since the beginning of the last fiscal year and any presently
proposed transactions if (1) the transactions in the aggregate exceed $20,000 and (2) the
nominee, director, executive officer, or a family member is employed by, is an officer or
director of, or owns an interest in the entity. 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.345(b)(1)(H),
Page 19
although the regulation does not prescribe the specific format to be used
or require information to be included about the methods used to
determine compensation. 34 We heard concerns from several
shareholders that clear information about executive or director
compensation was lacking. 35 Our review showed that the regional
corporations proxy statements provide varying levels of detail on
compensation amounts and methods used to determine compensation.
For the regional corporations 2010 reporting period, all the corporations
reported in their proxy statements the total remuneration paid or accrued
to their five most highly compensated officers or directors for services to
the corporation and any subsidiaries, as required by state regulation. 36
The top reported compensation amount for any one officer or director
ranged from $137,578 to $2,514,961. For seven of the corporations,
corporate officers were generally the five most highly compensated
individuals, while at the other five, officers of subsidiaries were commonly
the five most highly compensated. Some corporations provided annual
salary, bonus, or pension amounts, whereas others reported a total
without specifying what made up the total or what amounts were
distributed versus accrued during the time period.
Similarly, state regulation requires the corporations to report the total
remuneration paid to or accrued by all their officers and directors as a
group, as well as the number of persons in the group; the regulation does
not, however, specify whether this group is to include officers and
directors of any of the corporations subsidiaries. 37 For the corporations
2010 reporting period, total reported compensation ranged from
The state regulation defines executive officer as the president, secretary, treasurer, a
vice president in charge of a principal business function, such as sales, administration, or
finance, or any other person who performs similar policymaking functions for the
corporation. 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.365(6).
Throughout this report we cite shareholder views that we obtained through four primary
means: (1) our site visits to communities and villages in Alaska, (2) phone interviews we
held with shareholders who contacted us or whom we contacted on the basis of referrals,
(3) a feedback e-mail mailbox we set up, and (4) social media websites and other news
sources. Because we were unable to conduct a systematic and independent survey of
shareholders, we were limited to using these views, which are anecdotal and not
generalizable to all shareholders.
Page 20
$1.4 million for 14 officers and directors to $19 million for 115 officers and
directors. Five corporations indicated that corporate and subsidiary
officers and directors were included in their totals; two indicated they
included corporate officers and directors only; and for the five others, it
was not clear whether the totals included officers and directors of
In addition, for their boards of directors, the regional corporations reported
in their annual proxy statements general information on the fees directors
were paid for their service on the board and the types of expenses for
which they could be reimbursed. The way compensation was reported
varied by corporation; the regulations do not specify a format for
reporting. Three corporations provided the total amount they paid to each
director for the reporting period (amounts reported ranged from less than
$17,000 to more than $49,000). Five reported monthly or annual salaries
for the directors, along with a description of other expenses for which
directors could be reimbursed, such as travel and technology expenses.
At these five corporations, salaries reported ranged from $1,500 per
month to $48,000 per year. The other four corporations reported director
compensation per day or per half day for attending board meetings
(sometimes in addition to a monthly or annual fee), along with a
description of expenses for which they could be reimbursed. These
corporations did not report the total number of days the directors spent in
meetings, however, making it difficult to estimate total compensation for
the directors. Further, several corporations reported that directors serving
as board chair, as chair of board committees, or on subsidiary board
committees received additional compensation in varying amounts,
depending on the corporation.
Although not required to by state regulation, several regional corporations
provide additional information in their proxy statements about their
executive pay practices. In the wake of public concern, executive
compensation at private and publicly traded companies has received
considerable scrutiny in recent years, and we heard similar concerns from
several regional corporation shareholders, particularly about the
transparency of compensation amounts or methods for determining such
Page 21
Board Elections
For each of the regional corporations, board directors terms are 3 years
and staggered, so that generally one-third of the director positions are up
for election every year. Five corporations also require representation on
their boards from specific geographic areas within the region
(see table 5). For example, one corporation requires that at least one
director come from each of the regions villages, whereas another
established units corresponding to certain villages or communities and
In their annual proxy statements and other reports, SEC registrants must provide a
comprehensive discussion and analysis of executive compensation policies, including
(1) the specific items of corporate performance taken into account in setting compensation
policies and making compensation decisions and (2) how specific elements of
compensation are structured and implemented to reflect the companys performance and
the executives individual performance. In addition, under the Dodd-Frank Act, SEC
registrants generally must conduct a shareholder advisory vote to approve executive
compensation at least once every 3 years. This requirement does not apply to the regional
corporations. According to one corporation, advisory resolutions regarding executive
compensation are put forth by shareholders at most of the corporations annual meetings.
Page 22
specified a minimum number of directors who must come from each unit.
In addition, the corporations have varied in how they evaluate and
recommend candidates and conduct their elections. For instance, about
half the corporations boards have nominating committees to assess
potential candidates and develop or recommend to the board a slate of
nominees. These corporations often pay campaign expenses for their
board slate, but most of them also provide information in their proxy
statements on other candidates, known as independent candidates, and
include the independents names on their proxy at no cost to the
candidates. Independent candidates may also run for election using their
own proxy solicitations. Successful independent candidates may or may
not be reimbursed by the corporation for their campaign expenses,
depending on the corporation.
In contrast to those corporations with a board slate, five corporations
boards do not develop a board slate but, rather, generally include in their
proxy statements all interested and qualifying candidates, as long as the
candidates submit certain required information, such as biographical and
conflict-of-interest information and, in the case of one corporation, petition
signatures by at least 10 voting shareholders other than the candidate.
These corporations pay for the proxy solicitations, but similar to those
corporations with board slates, candidates may or may not be reimbursed
by the corporation for other campaign expenses. A few shareholders we
heard from said it is expensive to run for a board position. For example,
they said, sending campaign information through the mail to all
shareholders could cost thousands of dollars, given the shareholders
dispersed and often remote locations. We heard from a few shareholders
that the corporations will share only mailing addresses and campaigning
via e-mail or other electronic means may therefore not be an option for
Page 23
Ahtna, Incorporated
The Aleut Corporation
Number of
2001 directors
serving in 2011
Calista Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Incorporated
Sealaska Corporation
Through its 2005 election, the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation identified board-endorsed
In August 2010, Doyon, Limiteds board voted to cease developing a board slate, starting with its
2011 elections.
Alaska corporate law requires a corporation to make its record of shareholders and
books and records of account reasonably available for inspection and copying by a
shareholder of the corporation, upon a written demand stating with reasonable particularity
the purpose of the inspection. In 2011, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that this statute
provides shareholders with a right only to inspect and copy and not a right to have books,
records, or documents delivered electronically, by mail, or otherwise. The court also ruled
that this statute does not require corporations to keep phone and e-mail addresses in its
shareholder records, so the law does not require corporations to permit shareholder
inspection of them. Henrichs v. Chugach Alaska Corp., 260 P.3d 1036, 1041-42 (Alaska
2011). A state trial court also ruled in 2011 that on the basis of the statutes language,
case law, and statutory history, a regional corporation was not obligated to divulge
information on individual executive compensation in response to a shareholder request.
Pederson v. Arctic Slope Regional Corp., No. 3AN-09-10971 CI (Alaska Superior Ct. Feb.
4, 2011) (order on reconsideration of motions for summary judgment).
Page 24
According to the bylaws of the 13th Regional Corporation, its quorum is one-third of
voting shares.
Page 25
candidates but that board director positions have also changed hands
numerous times. Some shareholders we spoke with said that their
corporations use of a board slate and discretionary voting has made it
difficult to elect independent candidates. We found that for the
corporations with board slates, elections were won mostly by board slate
nominees. We also found, however, that at least one independent
candidate was elected during the 10-year period at all but one of these
corporations; one corporation elected no independent candidates.
Similarly, for the corporations without board slates, we found that
incumbent directors who ran for reelection largely won, but it was not
uncommon for at least one incumbent candidate to be unseated across
these corporations during any one election cycle. In addition, in most
elections across the 10-year period, candidates outnumbered the
available seats on the board of directors, although we found that for the
corporations with village-specific or other geographical restrictions on
certain board seats, a specific seat went uncontested in several elections.
Across the 12 corporations, director positions have turned over several
times during the last 10-year period. Roughly half or fewer of the directors
who were serving in 2001 were still serving in 2011 (see table 5).
Turnover has occurred for a variety of reasons, including resignations,
deaths, nominating committees not selecting incumbent board directors
for reelection, and incumbents losing board elections.
Shareholder Involvement
Page 26
annual meeting via webcast for the first time, and approximately
400 shareholders participated.
Three corporations have established shareholder advisory committees
comprising volunteer shareholdersrepresenting shareholders living both
within and outside of Alaskato learn about what matters to
shareholders, hear how the corporations can improve communications
and interactions with shareholders, and educate shareholders about
corporate policies and procedures, among other things. For example, one
corporation has established three shareholder committees to represent
shareholders living (1) in Anchorage, (2) in Alaska but outside Anchorage,
and (3) in the lower 48 states. Each committee consists of nine members
who are chosen by a random drawing from the names of those who
indicated interest in serving on the committee; chosen members serve
3-year terms. Two current directors from this corporation previously
served on the shareholder advisory committee, one of whom told us that
it was a great opportunity to learn more about the corporation and
become interested in serving on the board.
Further, six of the corporations open at least a portion of their regular
board meetings to shareholders. In a few instances, a request to attend
must be made in advance; in others, any interested shareholders may
attend. A few other corporations said they offered limited instances when
shareholders are invited to attend specific board meetings, such as when
the board may be meeting with visiting dignitaries or discussing a cultural
artifact. Additionally, many corporate officials we spoke with said they
have an open door policy, whereby shareholders can call or come to
their corporate offices to directly express concerns or obtain information.
Corporate officials also noted that many of the directors live in villages in
their region, and they receive feedback on corporate matters from
shareholders on a daily basis because their families, neighbors, and
coworkers are also shareholders.
We found that most regional corporations have surveyed their
shareholders for feedback over the past several years, although obtaining
a high survey response rate has been a challenge. All but two
corporations reported to us that they have surveyed their shareholders; a
few reported that they survey their shareholders on a regular basis, such
as every other year. Regional corporations have surveyed their
shareholders to gauge their general satisfaction with the corporation or to
obtain their views on specific topics, such as opening enrollment to
Alaska Natives or descendants born after the law was enacted in
December 1971, training or employment preferences, or special
Page 27
The corporations boards of directors may also include in the proxy board-sponsored
resolutions for a shareholder vote. We found that from 2001 through 2011, 21 boardsponsored resolutions were put forward across eight corporations.
Page 28
Under federal law and state securities laws and regulations, the regional
corporations are subject to some financial reporting requirements. At the
federal level, the Settlement Act generally exempts the corporations from
complying with federal securities laws. As explained in a House
committee report accompanying an amendment to the Settlement Act,
Heinrichs v. Chugach Alaska Corp. 260 P.3d 1036 (Alaska 2011); Pederson v. Arctic
Slope Regional Corp., 3AN-09-10971 (Alaska Superior Ct.). (In a trial held in September
2012, a shareholder challenged the corporations denial of access to corporate documents
concerning a business transaction and executive compensation.)
Notti v. Cook Inlet Region, Inc., Nos. 01-35521, 01-35569. (9th Cir. 2002); Bodkin v.
Cook Inlet Region, Inc., 182 P.3d 1072 (Alaska 2008); Broad v. Sealaska Corp., 85 F.3d
433 (9th Cir. 1996).
43 U.S.C. 1625(c)(1).
Page 29
43 U.S.C. 1606(o).
Page 30
Alaska Stat. 45.55.139. This provision applies only to Alaska Native corporations.
Although other corporations incorporated in Alaska are not required to file their proxy
solicitations with the state, state regulations govern their issuance of securities.
On September 27, 2012, the state proposed changes to the proxy solicitation
regulations to allow for electronic filing of annual reports and proxy solicitation documents
relating to certain Alaska Native corporations, among other things.
Page 31
Alaska Native corporations that meet the threshold requirement for filing
proxy solicitation materials are also subject to specific state regulations
governing the content of and process for proxy solicitation. 54 State
documentation describes these regulations as intended to protect both
the corporations and shareholders from unscrupulous individuals, by
promoting transparency in the solicitation process and the fairness of
elections. The regulations prohibit proxy solicitations from containing
material misrepresentationsgenerally defined as a statement that is
false or misleading with respect to a material fact or that omits a material
fact necessary to make a statement not false or misleadingand also
provide guidance and examples of what might constitute false or
misleading statements. In addition, the regulations require proxy
solicitations to be preceded or accompanied by a written proxy statement
including certain information. What information is required depends on
whether the solicitation comes from the boards of the regional
corporations or someone else, such as an independent candidate running
for a seat on the board, although the requirements overlap considerably.
For example, both types of proxy solicitations must be preceded or
accompanied by background information on board of director nominees,
such as involvement in any adverse legal proceedings with the
corporation, along with certain financial transactions between the
corporation and any entity in which the nominee, a board director, or a
member of the nominees or directors family is employed or has an
ownership interest. Proxy solicitations from a regional corporations board
of directors must also contain detailed information about the corporations
current directors and committees, among other information.
The Settlement Act does not provide a federal role in ensuring that the
regional corporations comply with the acts reporting requirements; there
is limited oversight of the regional corporations financial reporting carried
out at the state level. Although the Settlement Act requires the regional
corporations to annually provide their shareholders with a report that
contains substantially all the information required to be included in an
SEC registrants annual report to shareholders, the act does not define
what substantially all means. In addition, the act does not authorize any
federal entity to monitor whether corporations are complying with this
Page 32
SEC staff did not evaluate the merits of any of the regional
corporations investments or determine whether an investment was
appropriate for any investor, consistent with the scope of its disclosure
review program of publicly reporting companies.
SEC staff did not interpret the Settlement Acts requirement that
regional corporations annual shareholder reports contain
substantially all the information found in an SEC registrants annual
report. Instead, in providing its observations, SEC staff assumed that
the regional corporations were required to include all of the
information required to be provided in an SEC registrants annual
report to shareholders.
SEC staff did not consider any information outside of what was
contained in the annual reports or engage in a dialogue with corporate
officials about any of their observations, as they normally would in
their regular disclosure review program. According to SEC staff, this
The Settlement Act originally required the corporations audited financial statements, or
a fair and reasonably detailed summary, to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Interior
and to the Committees on Interior and Insular Affairs of the Senate and the House of
Representatives. This requirement, however, did not authorize the Department of the
Interior to take any action with respect to the financial statements and was repealed in
1988. See Pub. L. No. 100-241, 12(a) (1988).
Page 33
Page 34
The state has the authority to review all proxy solicitations but largely
reviews only those solicitations for which a corporation or a corporations
shareholder has filed a complaint (i.e., a written request for the state to
investigate). Specifically, the state does not investigate to determine
whether all Alaska Native corporations meeting the threshold
requirements for filing proxy solicitations with the state actually do so, but,
rather, the state relies on self-reporting by the corporations. In addition,
state officials we spoke with said they do not automatically review the
proxy materials submitted by the regional corporations or their
shareholders because they do not have the resources to routinely review
proxy filings to assess compliance with the requirements. 57 Instead, the
state mostly relies on the corporations or their shareholders to monitor
filed proxy materials and to submit complaints if concerns of violations
surface, such as proxy materials containing materially false and
misleading statements.
According to information provided by state officials, from January 2010
through June 2012, the state received nine complaints involving four
regional corporations. Of these, one was filed against a shareholder of a
regional corporation by a corporate officer, seven were complaints filed
against a regional corporation by a shareholder, and the other was an
investigation initiated by the state into a regional corporations use of
social media. The state determined that four complaints involved matters
outside the states jurisdiction, and the state declined to open an
investigation into two others because the complaints included allegations
that were part of ongoing litigation between the parties; state officials told
us that to the extent that litigation may occur over an issue for which they
have also received a complaint, the state generally does not pursue its
own investigation but instead defers to the courts. The state opened an
investigation for the three other complaints but closed them without taking
further action.
For investigations where the state determines that a violation has
occurred, it has the authority to issue an administrative order to parties
The proxy solicitation regulations expressly state that the filing of proxy materials does
not constitute a finding by the state that the filings are accurate, complete, or not false or
misleading or that the state has passed upon the merits of or approved any statement in
the solicitation; see 3 Alaska Admin. Code 08.315(b).
Page 35
Failure to file with the state proxy material that meets the
requirements for filing.
In almost all orders, the state ordered the violator to cease the violation;
in many instances, the state ordered that any future proxy solicitations,
either indefinitely or for a specified time period, be filed with the state
before distribution to shareholders, and in some instances, the state
imposed a fine on the violator, with most fines set at $500.
The state notifies in writing the person who filed the initial complaint, the alleged violator,
and the corporation at issue of its decision whether to issue an order or take no action.
Before issuing any final orders, the state must provide reasonable notice of and
opportunity for a hearing.
Five of the investigations were resolved through consent agreements whereby the
alleged violator agreed to the sanctions.
One investigation involved a village corporations failure to comply with state proxy
solicitation requirements when it placed ads in a local newspaper requesting that
shareholders vote for two candidates seeking election to a regional corporations board of
Page 36
See Henrichs v. Chugach Alaska Corp., 260 P.3d 1036 (Alaska 2011) (Appeal of 3AN05-11014Cl), and Rude v. Cook Inlet Region, Inc., 3AN-10-09493CI (2012).
Page 37
The Corporations
Provide Diverse
Monetary and
Benefits to Their
Shareholders and
Other Alaska Natives
Monetary Benefits
On February 11, 2011, SBA issued a final rule making changes to the regulations
governing the 8(a) program, including a new requirement for Alaska Native corporations
with subsidiaries participating in the program to annually submit information demonstrating
how their participation has benefited Alaska Natives, the Native community, or both
(76 Fed. Reg. 8222 (Feb. 11, 2011)). While the final rule took effect on March 14, 2011,
SBA delayed implementation of the benefits reporting requirement until September 9,
2011. However, as of this report, SBA had not yet finalized its method for collecting the
benefits information. SBA reported that in the absence of a finalized format, subsidiaries
have submitted the information using their own formats.
Page 38
defray living expenses, such as high heating costs during the winter.
The total dividends per share paid by each of the 12 regional
corporations during the 2010 reporting period varied considerably,
ranging from $2.35 per share at one corporation to $64.26 at another
(see table 6). The regional corporations boards annually determine
and approve dividend amounts on the basis of factors including the
corporations financial performance, and some have established
formulas, such as a targeted percentage of net income, or a
permanent fund out of which dividends are to be paid.
Table 6: Financial and Dividend Information as Reported by the Regional Alaska Native Corporations, 2010
Ahtna, Incorporated
The Aleut Corporation
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
Bering Straits Native Corporation
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
Gross revenue
of dollars)
Net income
of dollars)
Actual dividends
and distributions
paid in total
of dollars)
Actual dividends
and distributions
as a percentage of
net income
per share
Calista Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Incorporated
Sealaska Corporation
Source: GAO analysis of data from the regional Alaska Native corporations.
Note: The regional corporations financial information presented in this table reflects a single-year
snapshot and may not be representative of past or future financial performance or dividends and
distributions paid to shareholders. Unless otherwise noted, the numbers in this table represent
amounts reported by the corporations in their audited consolidated financial statements and
accompanying notes, both of which were contained within the corporations annual reports to
shareholders for the 2010 reporting period.
Amounts in this column represent the corporations declared dividends per share during the 2010
reporting period, which are amounts authorized by the board of directors to be paid to shareholders.
For corporations that issue more than one class of shares, these declared dividend amounts may or
may not correspond to declared dividends for each class of shares.
Amounts in this column represent the total dividends paid by the corporations during the 2010
reporting period, including, for some corporations, distributions to elder shareholders.
Declared dividend amounts for this corporation were contained in the corporations annual report to
shareholders but outside of its audited consolidated financial statements.
Page 39
These amounts were declared in the 2010 reporting period but were paid the following year.
Cook Inlet Region, Inc., does not base its dividend payments on its net income but, rather, pays a
dividend equal to 3.5 percent of shareholders equity, that is, the monetary value of the corporations
assets minus its liabilities.
Regarding the 13th Regional Corporation, one shareholder we spoke with, who actively
tracked and maintained documentation on the corporations activities, said that since the
corporation was established, it twice provided dividends to its shareholders: once in 1989
at 11 cents per share and another in 2000 at 50 cents per share.
At least two corporations have established settlement trusts to provide cash distributions
to elder shareholders. In 1988, the Settlement Act was amended to authorize Alaska
Native corporations to establish a settlement trust under Alaska state law if shareholders
approved a resolution to convey corporate assets, except subsurface estates, to the trust.
The 1988 amendment also authorized shareholders to vote to issue additional shares to
Alaska Natives who were 65 years old or older. Shareholders who voted to do so have
voted to establish a separate class of shares known as elder shares.
Page 40
Table 7: Scholarship Information as Reported by the Regional Alaska Native Corporations, 2010
Scholarship provider
Ahtna Heritage
The Aleut
Aleut Foundation
Scholarship support
Students may receive $2,000 each per semester for full-time study, $1,000
each per semester for part-time study
Arctic Slope
Arctic Education
Bering Straits
Native Corporation
Page 41
Scholarship provider
Scholarship support
Chugach Alaska
Chugach Heritage
CIRI Foundation
Doyon, Limited
Doyon Foundation
Koniag Education
NANA Regional
Aqqaluk Trust
Sealaska Heritage
Source: GAO analysis of information from the regional Alaska Native corporations.
Memorial benefits may be provided directly from the regional corporations or through
corporation-affiliated nonprofit organizations.
Page 42
Department of the Interior, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA): ANCSA 1985
Study (Washington, D.C.: 1985).
Page 43
Nonmonetary Benefits
Page 44
Page 45
Table 8: Employment of Alaska Natives by the Regional Corporations and Their Subsidiaries, as Reported by the
Number of employees
Ahtna, Incorporated
11 (38%)
68 (4%)
9 (64)
33 (6)
22 (35)
46 (4)
22 (65)
88 (3)
Koniag, Incorporated
NANA Regional Corporation
Sealaska Corporation
30 (57)
52 (4)
51 (17)
56 (1)
40 (51)
51 (4)
51 (69)
438 (16)
23 (40)
12 (2)
97 (95)
1,147 (11)
56 (79)
67 (5)
Source: GAO analysis of data from the regional Alaska Native corporations.
Note: These data represent the regional corporations employment numbers as reported by the
corporations as of dates occurring from March to October 2012.
Unless otherwise noted, numbers of employees in this column include the regional corporations own
shareholders plus descendants of those shareholders; in some cases, these numbers may also
include shareholders or descendants of shareholders of other regional corporations. Numbers in
parentheses represent employees who are shareholders or descendants of shareholders as a
percentage of all employees of the corporation or of its subsidiaries.
This corporation does not track the number of employees who are descendants of shareholders.
Page 46
Page 47
Questions to Consider
for the Future
Over the last 40 years, the regional corporations have evolved along with
the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, which has been amended
several times. Given the evolution and growth of the regional
corporations, we identified three questions that may warrant consideration
and discussion by the federal government, the state, the regional
corporations, shareholders, or a combination of these entities, as the
corporations move into the future. We identified questions regarding the
ambiguity of existing federal financial reporting requirements for the
corporations, the role of the federal government in maintaining the
corporations solvency, and the implications of defining who is eligible to
Under Pub. L. No. 108-199 (2004), as amended, the Director of the Office of
Management and Budget and all federal agencies are required to consult with Alaska
Native corporations on the same basis as Indian tribes under Executive Order 13175. This
order directs the heads of federal agencies, other than independent regulatory agencies,
to consult with Indian tribes on policies that have tribal implications, such as regulations or
rulemakings that may directly affect tribal treaty rights, lands, or governments.
Page 48
Page 49
In 1984, an amendment to the tax code prohibited corporations, except for Alaska
Native corporations, from selling net operating losses, a tax-sheltering device whereby a
profitable company buys the losses of an unprofitable company and sets off those losses
against its own taxable income. For example, an Alaska Native corporation could sell for
$10 timber valued for tax purposes at $110. The Alaska Native corporation could then sell
the $100 loss to a profitable corporation, which could in turn apply the $100 loss against
its taxable income and thus lower its own tax burden. According to the legislative history of
the 1984 amendment, sales of net operating losses could bring an infusion of capital to
help many Alaska Native corporations that were in poor financial shape and had large net
operating losses. By some accounts, 11 regional corporations sold around $1.5 billion in
net operating losses for $425 million in revenue before the exception authorizing Alaska
Native corporations to do so was repealed in 1988.
Page 50
and that it does not have the authority to assist the 13th Regional
Corporation (or any other Alaska Native corporation) in any
reorganization efforts.
In addition, advocates for the 13th Regional Corporation have also sought
assistance through Congress. Specifically, legislation was proposed in
2006 and 2008 that would have authorized the conveyance of over
1 million acres of land in Alaska to the 13th Regional Corporation for it to
manage and required that it share a portion of natural resource revenue
derived from the land with the other regional corporations. 73 More
recently, representatives from the 13th Regional Corporation have
promoted an alternative proposal they would like to see as a bill
introduced in Congress. Under this proposal, the 13th Regional
Corporation would receive over 1 million acres of land, which the other
regional corporations would manage and share a larger portion of that
lands associated natural resource revenue. As of this report, however,
this proposal had not been acted upon.
Also, several shareholders we spoke with suggested that the 13th
Regional Corporations shareholders be allowed to become shareholders
of one of the other 12 regional corporations. Amendments to the
Settlement Act, however, would be necessary to authorize such an
action. The debate about the future of the 13th Regional Corporation
raises the question as to what role, if any, the federal government is to
play in addressing solvency issues for Alaska Native corporations.
Who Should Be a
H.R. 5617, 109th Cong. (2006), and H.R. 5403, 110th Cong. (2008).
Page 51
Critics of the stock-transfer restriction have suggested that the restriction prohibits
shareholders from selling their shares in instances where they may not be satisfied with
the corporation and that corporate management therefore has more leeway to pursue
objectives that might not be in the best interest of the shareholders. See, e.g., Stephen
Colt, Alaska Natives and the New Harpoon: Economic Performance of the ANCSA
Regional Corporations, 25 J. of Land, Resources, and Envtl Law 155 (2005).
Page 52
Table 9: New Classes of Shares Authorized by the Regional Alaska Native Corporations
Natives who
Native shareholders
Natives born after
Dec. 18, 1971, or missed the original who have attained
the age of 65
Ahtna, Incorporated
Doyon, Limited
Koniag, Incorporated
Sealaska Corporation
Number of
in 1982
Number of
in 2011-2012
43 U.S.C. 1606(g)(1)(B)(i)(I). The eligibility requirements for these shares vary among the
corporations. For example, most of the corporations have blood quantum requirements for these new
shares, while one does not. In addition, all of the corporations issued these as life estate shares. The
holders of life estate shares would receive the benefit of those shares during their lifetime, but the
shares would revert back to the corporation upon their death because life estate shares cannot be
passed to heirs through inheritance.
43 U.S.C. 1606(g)(1)(B)(i)(II). Only one regional corporation (Sealaska) has issued these shares
as life estate shares.
Athna, Incorporated, has issued a class of shares to descendants of Natives who were original Ahtna
shareholders and are one-fourth degree or more Alaska Native and born after December 18, 1971.
The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation issued Class C shares to Natives who (1) were born after
December 18, 1971, to a parent who has been enrolled pursuant to the Settlement Act to the
corporation or a parent who has received Class E shares from the corporation and (2) are, at the time
of issuance, a resident of the United States. The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation has also issued
Class D shares to descendants of an Arctic Slope Native (defined as someone who is not a Native
but meets other qualifications) who (1) were born to or adopted by a parent who has been enrolled to
the corporation pursuant to the Settlement Act and (2) are, at the time of issuance, citizens of the
United States.
Doyon, Limited, has issued a class of shares to any Native or descendant of Native who is one-fourth
degree or more blood quantum; who was born after December 18, 1971; who is the child of an
original Class A, B, C, or D shareholder; and was neither issued nor holds stock in another regional
corporation unless that stock was acquired through inheritance, inter vivos gift, or purchase.
Koniag, Incorporated, shareholders recently voted to amend the articles of incorporation to allow any
Native who is not enrolled under the Settlement Act but who was eligible on December 18, 1971, for
enrollment to the Koniag region; who is a citizen of the United States; and who submits or, if
deceased, on whose behalf an application is submitted to the corporation prior to December 31,
2013, to receive shares.
NANA Regional Corporation issued a class of shares to any Native, as defined in the Settlement Act,
who is a citizen of the United States; who was born after December 18, 1971; and is a child of a
parent who was enrolled pursuant to the Settlement Act to the Northwest Alaska region, or which
parent, if not originally enrolled under the Settlement Act, was issued Class C Settlement Common
Stock, or is the child of a parent who was issued Class D Settlement Common Stock.
Page 53
NANA Regional Corporation has issued a class of shares to any Native, as defined in the Settlement
Act, who is not enrolled under the Settlement Act; who was eligible on December 18, 1971, for
enrollment to the northwest region; who is a citizen of the United States; and who submits or, if
deceased, on whose behalf an application to receive shares was submitted to the corporation prior to
December 31, 1995.
The Sealaska Corporation issued a class of shares to Natives who were born after December 18,
1971; are 18 or older beginning June 23, 2007; are lineal descendants of an original shareholder
(meaning a direct descendant such as a child or grandchild); are one-fourth degree or more Alaska
Indian (including Tsimshian Indians not enrolled in the Metlakatla Indian Community), Eskimo, or
Aleut blood or combination thereof; are U.S. citizens; and are not shareholders of another regional
Alaska Native corporation (except by gifting or inheritance).
Page 54
The association wrote that the draft report makes the important point that, pursuant to
43 USC 1606(o), the accounts of the Corporations shall be audited annually in
accordance with GAAP [generally accepted accounting principles]. Our report correctly
notes that 43 U.S.C. 1606(o) requires the regional corporations accounts to be audited
annually in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Page 55
Page 56
If you or your staff members have any questions about this report, please
contact me at (202) 512-3841 or Contact points for
our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may be found
on the last page of this report. Key contributors to this report are listed in
appendix IV.
Anne-Marie Fennell
Director, Natural Resources and Environment
Page 57
We were also asked to determine shareholders level of satisfaction with the regional
corporations. To answer this question, we proposed surveying regional corporations
shareholders on their perspectives of the regional corporations. We were unable to
conduct a systematic and independent survey of shareholders, however, because the
regional corporations declined to provide us with their shareholder lists.
Page 58
Ahtna, Incorporated
Calista Corporation
Doyon, Limited
Sealaska Corporation
Source: GAO.
Page 59
Table 11: Regional Alaska Native Corporations Fiscal Years Corresponding to the
2010 Reporting Period
Beginning date
End date
Ahtna, Incorporated
Jan. 1, 2010
Apr. 1, 2010
Jan. 1, 2010
Apr. 1, 2010
Apr. 1, 2010
Calista Corporation
Jan. 1, 2010
Jan. 1, 2010
Jan. 1, 2010
Doyon, Limited
Oct. 1, 2009
Koniag, Incorporated
Apr. 1, 2010
Oct. 1, 2009
Sealaska Corporation
Jan. 1, 2010
Page 60
SEC staff about their work and analyzed the written observations they
provided for each corporation, as well as a summary of recurring themes.
We also interviewed officials from the Division of Banking and Securities
within Alaskas Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic
Development to determine any actions they take to monitor and enforce
state financial reporting requirements. We obtained from the state of
Alaska summary information on inquiries and complaints relating to proxy
materials received by the state from the regional corporations from July
2011 through June 2012 and January 2010 through June 2012,
respectively. In addition, the state provided administrative orders issued
by the state from 1978 through 2011. We assessed the reliability of the
inquiry, complaint, and administrative order information by interviewing
state officials about their record-tracking system and determined that this
information was sufficiently reliable for the purposes of our report.
To determine the benefits provided by the regional corporations to their
shareholders and other Alaska Natives, we reviewed the corporations
articles of incorporation, mission statements, annual shareholder reports
for the 2010 reporting period, and newsletters and other documentation
from the corporations describing monetary and nonmonetary benefits.
Specifically, to obtain financial informationincluding the corporations
gross revenues, net income, and dividendswe reviewed the regional
corporations audited financial statements from their annual reports for
2001 through the 2010 reporting period. In addition, we analyzed
documentation from the corporations on other benefits, including benefits
provided through trusts or permanent funds, and we identified other
benefits through our interviews and site visits with the regional
corporations, shareholders, tribal officials, and representatives from
nongovernmental organizations.
Finally, on the basis of our analysis of federal and state laws and
regulations; interviews with federal and state officials, regional corporation
officials, and shareholders; and past congressional actions and bills
addressing Alaska Native corporation issues, we developed questions
that may warrant consideration and discussion by the federal
government, the state, the regional corporations, shareholders, or a
combination of these entities.
We conducted this performance audit from October 2011 to December
2012 in accordance with generally accepted government auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain sufficient, appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for
Page 61
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Page 63
Page 64
Page 65
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GAO Contact
Page 71
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