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G uID:

D. 6 V

1. The internal resistance of a 20,000

ohm/volt voltmeter set on its 5 V range
A. 20,000
B. 100,000 *
C. 200,000
D. 1,000,000

6. Three 10 k resistors are connected

in series. A 20 k resistor is connected
in parallel across one of the 10 k
resistors. The voltage source is 24 V.
The total current in the circuit is
A. 900 A
B. 9 mA
C. 90 mA*
D. 800 A

R = 20,000 ohm/volt (5V)

R = 100,000
2. Two 1.2 k resistors are in series and
this series combination is in parallel with
a 3.3 k resistor. The total resistance is
A. 138
B. 1,389 *
C. 5,700
D. 880
2 series = 1.2k X 2 = 2.4k
2.4k Parallel with 3.3k :
(2.4k X 3.3k )/(2.4k + 3.3k )
3. The output of a certain voltage divider
is 12 V with no load. When a load is
connected, the output voltage
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains the same*
D. becomes zero
4. A certain voltage divider consists of
two 12 k resistors in series. Which of
the following load resistors will have the
most effect on the output voltage?
A. 1 M
B. 24 k
C. 18 k
D. 12 k
5. A voltage divider consists of two 68 k
resistors and a 24 V source. The
unknown output voltage is
A. 12 V
B. 24 V
C. 0 V

i. 10k parallel with 20 k =
(10k x 20k )/ (10k+20k) = 6666.667
ii. 6666.667 series with 20k =
iii. I = V/R = 24/26,666.667 is
approximately equal to 90mA.
7. A certain voltage divider consists of
three 1 k resistors in series. Which of
the following load resistors will have the
least effect on the output voltage?
A. 1 M
B. 100 k
C. 1 k
D. 330
8. The parallel combination of a 470
resistor and a 1.5 k resistor is in series
with the parallel combination of five 1 k
resistors. The source voltage is 50 V.
The percentage of the load current
through any single 1 k resistor is
A. 25%
B. 20%
C. 100%
D. 50%
9. A certain Wheatstone bridge has the
following resistor values: R1 = 10 k,
R2 = 720 , and R4 = 2.4 k. The
unknown resistance is
A. 24
B. 2.4
C. 300
D. 3,000

10. On which of the following voltage

range settings will a voltmeter present
the minimum load on a circuit?
A. 1 V
B. 50 V
C. 500 V
D. 1,000 V
11. The internal resistance of a 30,000
ohm/volt voltmeter set on its 50 V range
A. 15,000
B. 150,000
C. 1,500,000 *
D. 15,000,000
R = 30,000 ohm/volt (50V)
R = 1,500,000
12. The parallel combination of a 6.8 k
resistor and a 10 k resistor is in series
with the parallel combination of a 2.2 k
resistor and a 1 k resistor. A 100 V
source is connected across the circuit.
The resistor(s) with the greatest voltage
drop is (are)
A. 6.8 k
B. 2.2 k
C. 6.8 k and 10 k
D. 2.2 k and 1 k
Explanation :
- Parallel of ( (6.8k & 10k ) +
Parallel pf ( 2.2k and 1k ) = 4735.119

- To compute for current : V/R =

100/4735.119 = 0.02 A
13. When a load resistance is removed
from the output of a voltage divider
circuit, the current drawn from the
A. decreases
B. increases
C. remains the same
D. is cut off

14. A certain circuit is composed of two

parallel resistors. The total resistance is
1,403 . One of the resistors is 2 k.
The other resistor value is
A. 1,403
B. 4.7 k
C. 2 k
D. 3,403
15. The parallel combination of a 470
resistor and a 680 resistor is in series
with the parallel combination of four 2 k
resistors. The total resistance is
A. 1,650
B. 1,078
C. 77.8
D. 778
16. A 12 k resistor, a 15 k resistor,
and a 22 k resistor are in series with
two 10 kresistors that are in parallel. The
source voltage is 75 V. Current through
the 15 kresistor is approximately
A. 14 mA
B. 1.4 mA
C. 5 mA
D. 50 mA
17. A 6 V battery output is divided down
to obtain two output voltages. Three 2.2
k resistors are used to provide the two
taps. The two output voltages are
A. 2 V, 4 V
B. 2 V, 2 V
C. 2 V, 6 V
D. 4 V, 6 V
18. Two 3.3 k resistors are in series
and this series combination is in parallel
with a 4.7 k resistor. The voltage
across one of the 3.3 k resistors is 12
V. The voltage across the 4.7 k
resistor is
A. 24 V
B. 12 V
C. 0 V
D. 6 V
19. A balanced Wheatstone bridge
consists of an RV of 3,500 , an R2 of

200 , and an R3 of 680 . The value

of RUNK is
A. 680
B. 1,029
C. 200
D. 880
20. In a certain five-step R/2R ladder
network, the smallest resistor value is 1
k . The largest value is
A. indeterminable
B. 2 k
C. 10 k
D. 20 k

25. If the rms voltage drop across a 15 k

resistor is 16 V, the peak current
through the resistor is
A. 15 mA
B. 1.5 mA
C. 10 mA
D. 1 mA
26. A pulse waveform has a high time of
8 ms and a pulse width of 32 ms. The
duty cycle is
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 1%
D. 100%

21. A voltage divider consists of two 100

k resistors and a 12 V source. What will
the output voltage be if a load resistor of
1 M is connected to the output?
A. 0.57 V
B. 6 V
C. 12 V
D. 5.7 V

27. A sinusoidal current has an rms

value of 14 mA. The peak-to-peak value
A. 45.12 mA
B. 16 mA
C. 39.6 mA
D. 22.6 mA

22. A 10 resistor, a 90 mH coil, and a

0.015 F capacitor are in series across
an ac source. The impedance
magnitude at 1,200 Hz below fr is
A. 1,616
B. 161
C. 3,387
D. 1,771

28. A 33 half-watt resistor and a 330

half-watt resistor are connected
across a 12 V source. Which one(s) will
A. 33
B. 330
C. both resistors
D. neither resistor

23. A 6.8 k resistor, a 7 mH coil, and

a 0.02 F capacitor are in parallel
across a 17 kHz ac source. The coil's
internal resistance, RW, is 30 . The
equivalent parallel resistance, Rp(eq), is
A. 1,878
B. 18,780
C. 18,750
D. 626

29. A 6 V battery is connected to a 300

load. Under these conditions, it is
rated at 40 Ah. How long can it supply
current to the load?
A. 1 h
B. 200 h
C. 2,000 h
D. 10 h

24. In a series RLC circuit that is

operating above the resonant frequency,
the current
A. lags the applied voltage
B. leads the applied voltage
C. is in phase with the applied voltage
D. is zero

30. The parallel combination of a 470

resistor and a 1.2 k resistor is in
series with the parallel combination of
three 3 k resistors. A 200 V source is
connected across the circuit. The
resistor with the most current has a
value of
A. 470 or 1.2 k
B. 3 k

C. 470
D. 1.2 k

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