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Electrical Circuits Ii Direction: Read Each Item Carefully and Chose The BEST Answer From The Given Choices. Write Your

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Direction: Read each item carefully and chose the BEST answer from the given choices. Write your
answer on the Answer Sheet provided.

1. A capacitor is charge with 0.23 watt-second of energy at a voltage of 48 volts. What is its
a. 179.87 µF b. 240.11 µF c. 199.65 µF d. 219.65 µF
2. A 20 µF capacitor is charged by a 12V battery. What is the stored energy in the capacitor?
a. 1.07 x 10 -3 J b. 2.88 x 10 -2 J c. 2.88 x 10 -3 J d. 1.44 x 10 -3 J
3. The result of capacitance C 1 = 6 microfarads and C2 connected in series is 3 microfarad, Capacitor
C2 in microfarads is?
a. -3 b. 4 c. 8 d. 6
4. Three capacitors of 20, 10 and 15 µF respectively are connected in series across a 100 V ac supply.
Find the voltage across the 10 µF capacitor.
a. 54.52 V b. 46.15 V c. 38.25 V d. 42.38 V
5. A 6 H coil whose resistance is 12 ohms is connected in series with a 24 ohms resistor and to a
144 battery and a switch. The switch is closed at time = 0. Determine the energy stored in the
a. 50 J b. 48 J c. 52 J d. 46 J
6. A 240 V, 25 Hz sinusoidal generator is connected to a 20 ohms resistor. Determine the
instantaneous current when elapsed time is 0.01 second.
a. 15.43 A b. 16.30 A c. 16.97 A d. 12.00 A
7. Two Generators A and B delivers 100 and 150 A, respectively to a load. If these currents are out
of phase by 30 electrical degrees, determine the total current drawn by the load.
a. 201.5 A b. 250.5 A c. 215.4 A d. 241.8 A
8. Three loads A, B, and C are connected in parallel and take currents that are respectively 12, 10
and 15 A respectively. Assuming Ia has an 0 electrical degrees. Ib leads Ia by 30° and Ic lags
behind Ia by 65°, calculate the total (resultant) current.
a. 28.33 A b. 30.21 A c. 26.46 A d. 32.10 A
9. An industrial coil has a resistance of 32 ohms and a reactance of 24 ohms and its rated 440 volts
at 60 Hz. The factory will connect the coil to 440 volts at 50 Hz supply. Solve for the value of
series resistor needed to avoid over current condition.
a. 2.07 Ω b. 2.64 Ω c. 2.44 Ω d. 2.25 Ω
10. Across a 230 V, 60 Hz power supply is a 15 ohm resistor. What is the equation of the resulting
a. 21.68 sin377t A b. 26.55 sin377t A c. 15.33 sin377t A d. 28.16 sin 377t A
11. Two coils each with 20 ohms resistance and 0.16 Henry inductance are connected in series.
What is the equivalent impedance?
a. 20 + j102.2 ohms b. 20 + j95.32 ohms c. 40 + j120.63 ohms d. 40 + j25.32 ohms
12. If emf in a circuit is given by e = 100 sin 628t, the maximum value of voltage and frequency is
a. 100 V, 50 Hz b. 100 V, 100 Hz c. 50√ 2 V, 50 Hz d. 50√ 2 V, 100 Hz
13. What is the complex expression for a given alternating current, i = 250 sin (wt – 25⁰)?
a. 227 + j106 b. 160 – j75 c. 227 – j106 d. 160 + j75
14. An alternating current varying sinusoidally with frequency of 50 Hz has an RMS value of 20 A. At
what time measured from the positive maximum value will the instantaneous current be
14.14 A?
a. 1/600 sec b. 1/200 sec c. 1/300 sec d. 1/400 sec
15. Find the reading of an AC voltmeter connected across the series source of 100 sin(wt – π/2) and
100 sin wt.
a. 100 b. 130.65 c. 170.71 d. 184.78
16. An impedance draws a current i = 10 cos(wt – 30) A from a v = 220 sin wt V. What is the power?
a. 550 W b. 1100 W c. 190.5 W d. 1320 W
17. A series circuit has an applied voltage of V = 220 sin(wt + 30) and draws a current I = 10 sin(wt –
30). What is the average power and the power factor of the circuit?
a. 1905 W, 86.6 Lag’g c. 1905 W, 86.6 Lag’g
b. 2200 W, 100 % d. 1100 W, 50 % Lag’g
18. The capacitive reactance Xc of a circuit varies inversely as the capacitance C of the circuit. If the
capacitance of a certain circuit is decreased by 25%, by what percentage will Xc change?
2 1
a. 25% increase b. 20% increase c. 66 % increase d. 33 % increase
3 3
19. The current in a series circuit R = 10 ohms and L = 60 mH lags the applied voltage by 80⁰. What is
the impedance in ohms?
b. 10+ j0.5671 b. 10 + j56.71 c. 10 + j5.671 d. 10 + j567.1
20. What are the two element in a series circuit connection having a current and voltage of
i = 13.42 sin(500t – 53.1) and v = 150 sin(500t + 10)?
a. R = 8.8 Ω and L = 35 mH c. R = 6.3 Ω and L = 25 mH
b. R = 7.5 Ω and L = 30 mH d. R = 5 Ω and L = 20 mH
21. A two element series circuit has V = 240 + j0 volts and current 51.96 – j30 A. What is the current
in amperes which results when the resistance is reduced 50% of its former value?
a. 68.57 –j59.39 b. 68.57 + 59.39 c. 59.39 – j68.39 d. 59.39 + j68.39
22. In laboratory experiment, the impedance of a coil was obtained at 60 Hz and 30 Hz. These are
75.48 ohms and 57.44 ohms, respectively. What is the inductance of the coil?
a. 150 mH b. 182.5 mH c. 42.5 mH d. 2.1 mH
23. A 10 ohm inductive resistor is connected in series with an unknown capacitance. At 60 Hz the
impedance of the circuit is 10 + j11.72. At 30 Hz the impedance of the circuit is 10 – j5. What is
the value of L in milihenrys?
a. 50 b. 500 c. 100 d. 250
24. A coil of inductance 0.1 H and resistance of 4 ohms is connected in series with a condenser of
70.4 microfarad capacitance across a 60 Hz, 240 V line. How much current will flow on the
a. 55 A b. 60 A c. 57.5 A d. 52.5 A
25. A capacitor in series with a 200 ohm resistor draw a current of 0.3 A from 120 V, 60 Hz source.
What is the value of capacitor in microFarad?
a. 8.7 b. 9.7 c. 6.7 d. 7.7
26. A 10 ohm resistor is connected in parallel to an impedance Z = 3 + j4 ohms. Find the circuit
power factor.
a. 0.60 lead’g b. 0.809 lead’g c. 0.60 lag’g d. 0.809 lag’g
27. Two impedances ZA = 4 + j6 Ω and Z B = 6 + j12 Ω are connected in parallel. The apparent power
for the impedance B is 1490 VA. Determine the total apparent power.
a. 4250 VA b. 3290 VA c. 2652 VA d. 8031 VA
28. A series RLC circuit consists of 20 ohms resistance, 0.2 H inductance and an unknown
capacitance. What is the value of the capacitance if the circuit has a leading angle 45⁰ at 60 Hz?
a. 35.18 µF b. 47.9 µF c. 27.8 µF d. 30.7 µF
29. An 8 ohm resistor is connected in series with an inductive coil and the combination is connected
across a 120 V, 60 Hz supply. A voltmeter connected across the resistor reads 32 V and 104 V
when connected across the coil. Determine the resistance of the coil.
a. 8 Ω b. 9 Ω c. 12 Ω d. 10 Ω
30. An alternating current is given by i = 10sin314t. What is the time to generate two cycles of
a. 0.02 second b. 0.04 second c. 0.01 second d. 0.015 second
31. The instantaneous voltage is given as 100Sin314t volts. What is the average value?
a. 70.7 V b. 63.7 V c. 100 V d. 111 V
32. The angle between voltage and current is 0 degrees as in purely resistive load, what term is used
to describe such condition?
a. Out of phase b. Single phase c. In Phase d. Phase sequence
33. What is the impedance in rectangular form for 3 ohms resistor and a 3 ohms capacitive
a. 3 – j3 Ω b. 3 + j3 Ω c. 3 + j6 Ω d. 6 – j3 Ω
34. A series circuit with 2 amperes flow through a 20 ohm resistor, 50 ohm inductive reactance and
60 ohm capacitive reactance. What is the supply voltage?
a. 46.9 volts b. 40.5 volts c. 50.5 volts d. 44.7 volts
35. A load draws current from a voltage source. The equation of the voltage and current are
I = 10sin(wt + 30) and V = 220cos(wt – 60). What is the power?
a. 0 watt b. 1100 watt c. √ 3(1000) watt d. 2200 watt
36. The average value of the instantaneous current is 100 A, What is its rms value?
a. 63.7 A b. 141.4 A c. 70.7 A d. 111 A
37. The length of time between a point in one cycle to the same point of the next cycle of an AC
wave is the _________
a. Frequency b. Period c. Magnitude d. Polarity
38. In an experiment, a sinusoidal wave form is observed to complete 8 cycles in 25 msec.
Determine the frequency of the wave form.
a. 320 Hz b. 40 Hz c. 200 Hz d. 64 Hz
39. An electric device operates at 120 V and 60 Hz, taking 5 A at a power factor of 90% lagging.
What is the inductance of the device?
a. 0.0278 H b. 0.0346 H c. 0.0522 H d. 0.0265 H
40. In a series RC circuit, the voltage across the capacitor and the resistor are 60 and 80 volts
respectively, the total voltage is ________?
a. 70 V b. 140 V c. 100 V d. 52.9 V
41. What capacitance must be placed in series with an inductance of 0.05 H so that at 100 Hz, the
impedance becomes equal to the resistance?
a. 50 µF b. 70.7 µF c. 35.5 µF d. 87 µF
42. An impedance has a lagging power factor and takes 350 W when connected across 100 V, 60 Hz
source. What power will it absorb when connected across 100 V, 50 Hz source?
a. 325 W b. 352 w c. 322 w d. 235 W
43. When a 240 V, 50 Hz supply is applied to a parallel combination of 15 Ω resistor and an inductor,
the total current is 22.1 Amperes. What must be the value of the frequency for a total current of
34 amperes?
a. 25 Hz b. 60 Hz c. 75 Hz d. 100 Hz
44. Determine the power factor angle ѳ in the series circuit which consist of R = 25 Ω, L = 0.2 H,
across a power supply of 200 V, 30 Hz.
a. 36.4 b. 46.4 c. 52.4 d. 56.4
45. A capacitor of 80 micro-farad is connected in parallel with 20 ohm resistor. What power is
drawn when source voltage is V = 220 sin wt volts?
a. 1825 watts b. 1210 watts c. 1010 watts d. 2420 watts
46. A 50 micro-farad is connected in series with a coil having 50 ohm resistance and 150 mH
inductance. The source voltage is 100 sin(wt – 30) V. What is the power?
a. 198 watts b. 147 watts c. 212 watts d. 165 watts
47. What is the reactance of a 60 cycle a-c circuit containing an inductance of 1.5 H in series with a
capacitance of 40 micro-farad?
a. 499 ohms, inductive c. 565 ohms, inductive
b. 499 ohms, capacitive d. 66.3 ohms, capacitive
48. A 2 Henry inductor has 120 turns. How many turns must be added to raise the inductance to 3
a. 147 turns b. 27 turns c. 180 turns d. 60 turns
49. Two coils connected in parallel across a 100 V supply mains, take 10 A from the line. The power
dissipated in one coil is 600 w. What is the resistance of the other coil?
a. 24 Ω b. 26 Ω c. 25 Ω d. 27 Ω
50. An alternating current is given by i = 10sin314t. What is the time to generate two cycles of
a. 0.02 second b. 0.04 second c. 0.01 second d. 0.015 second

--------=======NOTHING FOLLOWS======---------

Prepared by:
Engr. Jaime T. Hiquiana Jr., REE, MSME

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