How Many Seeds in An Apple?: Objectives
How Many Seeds in An Apple?: Objectives
How Many Seeds in An Apple?: Objectives
an Apple?
Students will follow the scientific method to estimate the number of seeds in an apple.
Essential Questions:
What is the importance of the stages in the life cycle of an edible plant?
Does every apple have the same number of seeds?
One 45-minute class period
Materials (Per Group):
four types of apples, sliced and placed in cups labeled Apple #1, #2, #3, #4
plastic knife or metal spoon
paper plates
How Many Seeds in an Apple (worksheet)?
Apple Parts worksheet
Anticipatory Set:
Dissect an apple and discuss its parts.
Distribute Apple Parts worksheet. The students will fill in the worksheet. Note: This chart
may be used on a SMART Board as a drag and drop activity.
Check BrainPOP for a video.
1. Divide the class into groups.
2. Distribute the worksheet.
3. The students will develop hypotheses that predict if every apple has the same number of
seeds. They will write their hypotheses on the worksheet.
4. Distribute the cups of sliced apples to each group.
5. The students will use plastic knives to remove seeds.
6. The students will count and record the number of seeds in each apple.
7. The students will write a conclusion on the worksheet that answers if every apple has the
same number of seeds.
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1. Review the scientific method.
2. Remind the students that they will make predictions, or hypotheses, and then gather data to
determine if their hypotheses are correct.
Review the parts of an apple.
Display and discuss the types of Pennsylvania apples.
Ask the students, Do you think that all types of apples have the same number of seeds?
Guided Practice:
Demonstrate how to remove the seeds from an apple using a plastic knife or metal spoon.
Independent Practice:
The students will write their own hypotheses.
The students will work as a group to complete the experiment.
The students will remove the seeds from the four apples and record the results.
The students will write their own conclusions.
Compare the class data orally or using a line plot.
Formative: Teacher will observe and note if the students are able to formulate hypotheses and
follow the scientific method in conducting this experiment.
Summative: Students should be able to draw conclusions from their experimental data and
complete How Many Seeds in an Apple (worksheet)?
Related Materials and Resources:
Pennsylvania Apples Variety Chart and website:
Accommodations and Adaptations:
Teacher may provide a sentence frame for formulating a hypothesis, i.e. If ________, then
Grades K-2
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