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Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Spaces: 1.1 The Abstract Hilbert Space

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Chapter 1

Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert

1.1 The Abstract Hilbert Space
The essential results in quantum mechanics are given through purely algebraic relations.
Speci c results can be derived, e.g., for vectors 2 `2 and matrices being linear maps;
however, those results are essentially independent of the speci c representation of the
operators. For the speci c results only algebraic relations between operators and abstract
properties of the Hilbert space enter. This point of view allows to consider problems in full
generality and then consider a speci c representation of the basis vectors of the Hilbert
space and the operators (e.g., matrices, di erential operators).
I. The abstract Hilbert space `2 is given by a set of elements H = (j i; j 'i; j i;   ),
for which addition and multiplication with complex numbers is de ned

j i+ j 'i = j + 'i 2 H


aj i =ja i 2H


h' j i 2 C :


together with a scalar product

With respect to (1.1) and (1.2), H is a linear vector space, i.e.,

j i+ j 'i = j 'i+ j i

(j i+ j 'i)+ j xi = j i + (j 'i+ j xi)

j i+ j 0i = j i
j i+ j ? i = 0

The last two relations state the existence of a 0-vector and the existence of a negative
vector with respect to j i.
1j i = j i
a(b j i) = (ab) j i
(a + b) j i = a j i + b j i
a(j i+ j 'i) = a j i + a j 'i
II. With respect to the scalar product, H is a unitary vector space
h j i0
h j i=0 )j i=0

h' j i = h j 'i
h' j a i = ah' j i
h' j 1 + 2 i = h' j 1 i + h' j 2i
Because of (1.6) a Norm can be de ned

k k= h j i ;



where the speci c characteristics of the norm depend on the vector space.
One has

j h' j i j  k ' k k k
k'+ k  k'k + k k



ha' j i = ah' j i :


Further postulates are:

III. H is complete.
IV. H is separable.
A Hilbertspace being separable means that there exists a set of vectors dense in H and
countable. Let fj 1 i;    ; j k i   g be a sequence of vectors in H. If we take out every
vector j k i from this sequence, which can be represented as linear combination of the
previous vector j 1i;    j k?1i, then we obtain a set of linear independent vectors
fj '1 i;    j 'ni   g in which the original sequence is contained. The set of fj 'nig is via
construction dense in H. One can assume that fj 'nig is a set of orthogonal vectors (if
not, use e.g., Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization).

h'm j 'ni = mn :


If fj 'nig is dense in H, we can expand every arbitrary vector according to this basis

j i=
and thus

h'm j i =




j 'n i a n

h'm j 'ni an =



mn an = am


from which follow that each vector can be represented as

j i=



j 'nih'n j i :


The relation (1.15) is only valid if fj 'nig is a complete set, and we have the completeness

k k =



j h'n j i j2 :

Writing the completeness relation as

h j i=h j1j i =
allows to represent




h j 'nih'n j i

j 'nih'n j ;




which is called the spectral representation of the 1-operator. The representation of the
scalar product

hx j i =


hx j 'nih'n j i


through the components h'n j i and h'n j xi of the vectors j i and j xi with respect to
the orthonormal system fj 'nig obtained in (1.19) through "insertion" of the 1-operator
as given in (1.18). The chosen Bra-(h' j) and Ket-(j 'i) notation allows the representation
of vectors in orthonormal basis systems in a very economical way.

1.2 Linear Operators in H

A relation

A j i =j A i =j 0 i


A(a j i + b j 'i) = aA j i + bA j i :


is called linear operator in H if

In general A does not have to be de ned on all vectors 2 H. In the following we will
assume that DA (the range of A) is dense in H.

1.2.1 Adjoint operator A :


h' j A j i = hAy' j i


Ay, in general di erent from A, is called the to A adjoint operator if (1.22) is ful lled. If
DA is dense in H; Ay is uniquely de ned.

1.2.2 Hermitian operators


h' j A j i = hA' j i


then A is called hermitian.

Comparing (1.22) and (1.23) shows that for a hermitian operator A there exists always
an adjoint operator with

Ay = A


at least on the range DA of A. It could be that Ay de ned via (1.22) exists on a larger
range DA  DA. If this is not the case, i.e., DA = DA , then A is called self-adjoint. It
should be mentioned that a hermitian operator only has a complete set of eigenvectors if
it is self-adjoint. Since eigenvectors (or eigenfunctions) characterize quantum mechanical
systems, the requirement that operators are self-adjoint (not only hermitian), if they are
supported to characterize physical observables, is quite relevant.

For a self-adjoint operator we obviously have

(Ay)y = A :


Properties of Hermitian Operators: The expectation value of an observable A in the

state j i (with k k= 1) is given by

hAi = h h j Aj j i i = h j A j i :


In order for (1.26) to be real, one has to require A to be hermitian:

h j A j i = hA j i = h j A i
from which follows that for hermitian operator A the quantity h j A j i is real.

A j ai = a j ai


then j a i is called eigenvector to A with eigenvalue a. The eigenvalues of hermitian

operators are real.
Eigenvectors j a i; j
orthogonal, i.e.,


of hermitian operators A to di erent eigenvalues a =

6 a0 are

h a j ai = 0

for a0 6= a.


Proof: From
A j ai = a j ai


h a j A j a i = ah a j a i




hA a j a i = a0h a j a i = ah a j a i


and thus

j ai = 0 :
Since according to the assumption a0 6= a, i.e., (a0 ? a) 6= 0, follows that h a j a i = 0.
(a0 ? a)h

1.2.3 Isometric and unitary operators

Self-adjoint operators have a special role in quantum mechanics, since they are related to
physical observables. For many theoretical considerations one needs in addition so-called
isometric operators, which are de ned as

' j
i = h' j i :


h' j
j i = h' j i = h' j 1 j i ;


= 1 :


Because of
they obviously ful ll
In nite dimensional vector spaces, the relation (1.35) would imply

y = 1. However,
for in nite dimensional vector spaces this is in general not the case. If an operator U
ful lls

U yU = UU y = 1


it is called unitary. Another de nition for an operator to be unitary can be written as

U y = U ?1 :


1.3 Matrix Representation of Linear Operators

If one has

A j i = j 0i


uses the representation of the 1-operator (1.18) and multiplies from the left with h'm j,
one obtains


h'm j A j 'nih'n j i = h'm j 0i :


Here h'n j i are the Fourier components of the expansion (1.15) of j i with respect to
a complete orthonormal system fj 'nig. If one de nes

h'm j A j 'ni = Amn

then (1.39) can be written as


Amnan = a0m


which is the form of a linear map represented by matrices. Introducing a basis in the
abstract Hilbertspace assigns each vector a column vector of Fourier coecients:

0 h' j i 1 0 a 1
C BB a12 CC
1 j i C
j i ?! BB@ .. CCA  BB@ ... CCA
h'n j i


and an operator corresponds to the matrix representation of a linear map

A ?! [h'm j A j 'ni] = [Amn] :


Here all rules derived from linear algebra can be applied.

1.4 "A"-Representation
The eigenvectors j 'ni of a self-adjoint operator A

A j ' n i = a n j 'n i


for distinct eigenvalues an do in general not form a complete orthonormal system. If they
do form a complete orthonormal system fj n ig, then one can use those vectors as basis
vectors for representing other operators.
In this particular case one can assign to an arbitrary map

B j i = j B i = j 0i


the representation


h'm j B j 'nih'n j i = h'm j B i = h'm j 0i :


It is called "A"-Representation. Speci cally, the operator A is diagonal in this representation:

Amn = h'm j A j 'ni = mn an :

This means: A linear operator is diagonal in its own representation. If one uses the
eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian H , then this representation is called H - or energy representation.

1.5 Quantum Mechanics in Abstract Hilbert Spaces

Physical observables are assigned to self-adjoint operators, i.e., one has for position x and
momentum p

p(t) ?! P (t)
x(t) ?! X (t)


which obey the commutation relation

[P; X ] = hi 1 :
All observables depending on p and x correspond to self-adjoint operators

A = A(P; X ) ;
e.g., the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator is given as
H = 2Pm + m2 !2X 2 :


A quantum mechanical state is characterized by a Hilbert space vector j i. The expectation values of operators in such a state are given as (provided k k= 1)

hAi = h j A j i :


The time dependence of an operator A is given through the Hamiltonian H (p; x) via
A_ = hi [H; A] :

1.6 Root-Mean-Square Deviation

The mean value (expectation value) of an observable in a given state j i is de ned as

hAi = h j A j i


(with k k= 1). The root-mean square deviation from this expectation value is given by
the mean value (A ? h j A j i2), i.e., through the non-negative expression
(A)2 = h j (A ? h j A j i)2 j i  0 :


Its square root (A) is called root-mean-square deviation or standard deviation. From
(1.55) follows
(A)2 = h j A2 j i ? 2h j Ah j A j i j i + h j A j i2


(A)2 = h j A2 j i ? h j A j i2 :


and thus
With this de nition, one proves an essential theorem in quantum mechanics

The root-mean-square deviation of an observable A in the state j i is exactly

zero if j i is eigenvector of A. The expectation value in this state corresponds
to the eigenvalue.
Let j a i be eigenvector, i.e.,

A j ai = a j ai ;


h a j A j ai = a ;



and thus with (1.58):

(A)2 a = h a j (A ? a)2 j a i = 0 :


Proof of inverse direction: If the root-mean-square deviation of A is zero for a state j i,

0 = (A)2 = h j (A ? h j A j i)2 j i
= h(A ? h j A j i) j (A ? h j A j i) i
= k (A ? h j A j i) k2
and thus
(A ? h j A j i) j i = 0 :
This means that j i is eigenvector of A with eigenvalue h j A j i, i.e., to the mean
value of A in the state j i.
If one prepares an ensemble of states experimentally in such a way that the expectation
value of a state is given with zero deviation (i.e., sharp), which means that this ensemble
has the same value an , then the ensemble is characterized by the eigenvector j ni via
A j n i = an j ni.

Bound States: In quantum mechanics bound states have discrete values. If we de ne

bound state j n i via

(H ) n = 0 ;
then, according to the above theorem, one has
H j n i = En j n i ;
i.e., bound states are obtained by solving the eigenvalue equation for the Hamiltonian H .

1.7 Uncertainty Principle

Let A and B be hermitian operators. With Schwartz' inequality follows
j h j (A ? A)(B ? B ) j i j = j h(A ? A) j (B ? B ) i
 k (A ? A) k k (B ? B ) k
= A B


Here A  h j A j i. The left-hand side of (1.65) can be estimated from below via
j Imh j (A ? A)(B ? B ) j ij  j h j (A ? A)(B ? B ) j i j :
One also has

j (A ? A)(B ? B ) j i j
= 1 j h j (A ? A)(B ? B ) j i ? h(A ? A)(B ? B ) j i j
j h j (A ? A)(B ? B ) ? (B ? B )(A ? A) j i j
= 21 j h j AB ? BA j i j

j Im h


From (1.65), (1.66) and (1.67) follows that

1 j h j [A; B ] j i j  (A) (B ) :
Thus, if A and B do not commute, the uncertainty relation gives an estimate for the
root-mean-square deviation of A and B . This is only true if j i is not an eigenstate of
A or B . If j i would be an eigenstate of either operator, then both sides of (1.68) would
vanish, and the equation would be meaningless.
Because of (1.49) one has for X and P operators
h = 1 h j h 1 j i j = 1 j h j [P; X ] j i j
 (P ) (X ) ;


i.e, independent of the product of the deviations is limited from below as

h  (P ) (X ) :
An immediate consequence of this relation is that neither X nor P vanish. Thus,
according to the theorem, no eigenvectors exist for either P nor X .

Remark: It is possible to introduce eigenvectors to P and X ; however, those are not

normalizeable. This means they are not vectors in a Hilbertspace.


Chapter 2
Symmetries I
2.1 Constants of Motion
According to (1.53) the time dependence of an operator A is given through the Hamiltonian H (P; X ) via
A_ = @A
= i [H; A]
@t h
The observable A is called constant of motion of the system, if
(i) A is compatible with H, i.e.

[H; A] = 0


@A = 0


Condition (ii) states that A does not have any explicit time dependence. (More on time
dependence later.)
In general, symmetries or invariance properties lead to conservation laws. There are two
distinct kinds of symmetries:
discrete symmetries and continuous symmetries.
Let an in nitesimal unitary transformation depend on a real parameter " and vary
only slightly from unity
U^"(G^ ) = 1 + i"G;

where G^ is called the generator of the in nitesimal transformation.

U^" is unitary only if " is real and G^ Hermitian
U^"U^"y = (1 + i"G^ )(1 ? i"G^ )y
= 1 + i"(G^ G^ y) + O("2)
= 1
only if

G^ = G^ y:


Apply on state vector

U^"j i = (1 + i"G^ )j i = j i + i"G^ )j i = j i + j i
Transformation of the operator A:
A0 = U^"AU^"y = (1 + i"(G^ )A((1 + i"(G^ )y
^ A]
' A + i"[G;
^ A] = 0.
Then A0 = A only if [G;



Finite unitary transformations can be built from in nitesimal transformations by

successive application

G^ ) = lim (1 + i G^ )N = ei G^ :
U^ (G^ ) = Nlim
N !1


The operator U^ is unitary if is real and G^ Hermitian. Then

 i G^ y ?i G^  i G^ ?1
= e


For the transformation of an operator A one obtains

^ A] + (i ) [G;
^ [G;
^ A]] +   
ei G^ Ae?i G^ = A + i [G;
= A

^ A] = 0.
only if [G;
Consider the following examples:

1. Time Translation



G^  h1 H
" = t
^Ut = 1 + i tH


and apply this to a state

1 + h tH j (t)i = j (t)i ? t @t@ j (t)i  j (t ? t)i;
where the explicit form of the Schrodinger equation, H j (t)i = ih @t@ j (t)i was used. Thus
one has

^Ut j (t)i = 1 + i tH j (t)i = j (t ? t)i;
where H is the generator of time translations.

2. Space Translation
Consider for simpli cation one-dimensional space translations in x-direction. Then
G^  h1 P^x
U^" = 1 + hi "P^x
Application on a state vector yields
1 + h "P^x j (x)i = j (x)i + hi "P^xj (x)i
@ j (x)i
= j (x)i + " @x
 j (x + "i;
where the coordinate space representation P^x = ?ih @x@ was used. For the operator X one
 i   i 
1 ^
X = U"(Px)X U" (Px) = 1 + h "P^x X 1 ? h "P^x
 X + hi "[P^x; X ]
= X + ":

For nite translations one has

U^a(P) (r) = e hi ap (r) = (r + a);


where exp ( hi a  p) is the generator of nite translations.

In general, symmetries and conservation laws are closely related. Consider the unitary
transformation exp(i G^ ). Then the Hamiltonian transforms as
^ [G;
^ H ]] +   
^ H ] + (i ) [G;
H 0 = ei G^ He?i G^ = H + i [G;


^ H ] = 0 follows H 0 = H . We have shown before, that if [G;

^ H ] = 0, then G^
Only if [G;

does not explicity depend on the time, i.e. G^ is a constant of motion. That is
d G^ = 1 [[G;
^ H ] + @ G^ = 0:


2.2 Inversion
The rst example of a discrete symmetry is inversion.

De nition: Inversion is de ned as transformation

~x ! ~x0 = ?~x;


which means for Cartesian coordinates

(x; y; z) ! (x0 ; y0; z0 ) = (?x; ?y; ?z)


The geometrical interpretation is that inversion turns right-handed coordinate systems

into left-handed ones and vice versa.
Studying the symmetry properties of a system under inversion means considering the
behavior of the Hamiltonian under the transformation
~ P~ 2) ! H (?X~ 0; P~ 2)  H 0(X~ 0; P~ 2):
H (X;
Consider the kinetic energy operator

P2 ,


which is given as

P 2 = ? h 2 r2 = ? h ( @ 2 + @ 2 + @ 2 ):
2m @x2 @y2 @z2
Obviously, the kinetic energy operator is invariant if (x; y; z) ! (?x; ?y; ?z). If one
writes the Hamiltonian as
~ P~ 2) = P + V (X~ )
H (X;

one only needs to consider the transformation properties of V (X~ ). Any central potential
V (X~ )  V (jjX~ jj) is invariant under inversion. A potential of the form

V (X~ )  V1(j~x + ~aj) + V2(j~x ? ~aj);


where ~a is an arbitrary vector is invariant under inversion provided V1 = V2. If H is

invariant under inversion, i.e.
~ P~ 2) = H (?X;
~ P~ 2);
H (X;
how do wave functions h~xji  (~x) behave?
De ne an operator (parity operator) P such that

P(~x) = 0(~x) = (?~x):

Applying ~x ! ?~x0 gives

(~x) = (~x0) = 0(~x0 ):

Combining (2.28) and (2.29) gives
(~x) = 0(~x0 ) = P(~x0) = P(?~x) = P 2(~x):


Since (2.30) holds for any ji, the operator P has to ful ll

P 2 = 1:


Let  be the eigenvalue of the operator P , then P 2 must have the eigenvalue 2 = 1.

P(~x) = (~x)
P(~x) = (?~x);
from which follows

(?~x) = (~x);
i.e. parity eigenstates with eigenvalue +1 (?1) are even (odd) functions of ~x.
>From P 2 = 1 follows

P ?1 = P
The speci c choice of (~x)  H (~x) (~x) gives
P(~x) = PH (~x; ::) (~x) = H (?~x; ::) (?~x)
= PH (~x; ::)P ?1P (~x) = PH (~x; ::)P ?1 (?~x):




Since (~x) is arbitrary, one has the operator equation

PH (~x; ::)P ?1 = H (?~x; ::);


which leads to

[P; H (~x; ::)] = 0

if H (~x; ::) is invariant under inversion.
Thus, if the Hamiltonian is invariant under inversion, it commutes with the parity operator, and parity is a constant of motion.
Consider bound states with discrete eigenvalues as given in (1.64): If H is invariant under
inversion one obtains from H (~x; ::) n(~x) = En n(~x) when applying P

H (~x; ::) n(?~x) = En n (?~x):


Two di erent cases arise:

(a) The eigenvalue En is non-degenerate.
Then (~x) and (?~x) are essentially the same function, and can di er at most by a
constant factor ~:
(?~x) = ~ (~x):
Applying ~x ! ?~x gives
(~x) = ~ (?~x) = ~ 2 (~x):
Thus, ~ 2 = 1 and ~  1, which shows that ~ is the previously introduced eigenvalue of
the parity operator P , and thus
(?~x) =  (~x):


This means that the eigenfunctions to a non-degenerate eigenvalue E are either even or
odd functions of ~x, having either even ( = +1) or odd ( = ?1) parity.

(b) The eigenvalue En is degenerate.

If (2.38) together with (1.64) holds, then any linear combination

a (~x) + b (?~x)


is also eigenfunction of H (~x; ::) to the same eigenvalue En. One can use this freedom to
choose linear combinations which are even or odd parity states, i.e.
(~x)  (?~x)



2.3 Ladder-Operators and the U(1) Symmetry

The Hamiltonian of the classical harmonic oscillator is a quadratic function of position
and momenta. In the simplest case (provides m = ! 1), it reads
Hclass = 12 (p2 + x2 ) ;
which can be decomposed as
Hclass = 12 (x ? ip)(X + ip) = a a ;
a := p1 (x + ip) :
In the quantum mechanics one de nes a corresponding operator A
A := p1 (X + iP ) :


Due to the operator character of A, the factorization of the Hamiltonian is slightly more
complicated, and one obtains an additive term 12 ;

H = 21 (P 2 + Q2) = Ay A + 12 1 :


The same factorization can be applied to the di erential equation for the harmonic oscillator
d2 x(t) + !2 x(t) = 0 ;
where the di erential operator can be decomposed as

d2 + !2 = d ? i!

d + i! :


Thus one obtains solutions to (2.49) if one solves one of the following rst-order di erential
d ? i! x(t) = 0 or
d + i! x(t) = 0 :

The solutions of those are

x(t) = x0 ei!t


x(t) = x0 e?i!t :


Finally, there is a speci c symmetry property in (2.44) if one considers that in the (x; p)
phase space Hclass describes the "length" of a vector in that space. Thus, Hclass does not
change if one carries out a rotation in the phase space given by
x0 = x cos + p sin
p0 = ?x sin + p cos :
This rotation leaves Hclass invariant, i.e., Hclass(x0 ; p0) = Hclass (x; p). For the quantities
a from (2.45), the corresponding symmetry transformation is given by
a 0 = ei a and a 0 = e?i a :
The analogous symmetry carries over into quantum mechanics, since N = AyA is invariant
A0 = ei A and Ay = e?i Ay :
According to the general symmetry principle in quantum mechanics, this symmetry operation must be generated by a unitary operator. Thus, a unitary operator U ( ) must
exist, which carried A into A0,
A0 = U ( )y A U ( ) :

U ( ) can be expressed as exponential of a Hamiltonian operator

U ( ) = eiX ( )
and one has trivially for = 0
U (0) = 1 and X (0) = 0 :


Important is that the transformation introduced in (2.56) forms a group, i.e., carrying
out transformations of this kind gives another one of the same kind,
U ( ) U ( ) = U ( + ) :
Especially, the inverse element exists:
U (? ) = U ?1 ( ) :

The geometric interpretation of this group is obvious if one considers the (x; p) form of the
transformation in phase space. The operator U ( ) describes a rotation in the (x; p) plane
and the group is called O(2)  orthogonal group in two dimensions. If one considers
the complex form of (2.55), the underlying group is the unitary group with dimension
d = 1; U (1).
One obtains important insight into the quantum theory if one explicitly constructs the
operator U ( ). This procedure follows the general rule that one considers rst small
values of the parameter , i.e., so-called in nitesimal transformations.
Because of (2.58), one can expand

X ( ) = Y +   


( ) = 1 + i Y +   


Applying these to (2.56) gives

A0 = (1 ? i Y ) A(1 + i Y )  A + i (AY ? Y A) :



A0 = A + i [A; Y ] + : : :
This means that the in nitesimal transformation is determined by the commutator [A; Y ].
Thus, Y is called the in nitesimal generator of the group (here U (1)). Up to now we
have not used any speci c properties of the group U (1). This comes into play when we
expand (2.55) in powers of
A0 = ei A  A + i A + : : :


Comparing (2.64) with (2.63) leads to

[A; Y ] = A


which is an equation for Y , which can be solved by using

[N; A] = ?A :


The solution is (up to an additive c-number)

Y = N:
Thus, the number operator N is the in nitesimal generator of the group U (1).


Thus, one has a linear approximation X ( )  N . Because of (2.59) X ( ) depends

linearly on , so that X ( ) = ? N is exact. Therefore,

U ( ) = e?i N


is an exact representation.
The results derived for the harmonic oscillator have numerous applications in modern
physics, since transformations of the form (2.56) and operators with the properties of
N appear in many areas of theoretical physics. Examples are particle number, electric
charge, baryon number, strangeness, etc. In all cases, the quantities are "quantized,"
i.e., have discrete values, which are, in general, integers. Thus, we have a paradigm for
understanding quantum numbers.


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